Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1063

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Chapter 1063

"I see."
Qin Dynasty's face, at that moment, some dignified.
"Boss Su, I don't know. I should have caused you so much trouble."
He said, suddenly took out a dagger from his arms and patted it on the table of Princess su.
The dagger was the 65 type paratrooper knife he had exploited from the younger brother of Daqin gang. When it came out, she was shocked.
"You, what are you doing?"
"Boss Su, I don't know how to resolve the hatred in your heart. However, I have one of the greatest advantages, let me want to knock myself a little bit, that is to say do it
The Qin Dynasty said, and then picked up the dagger, facing his chest, "I have lived in Qin Dynasty for more than 20 years. It's worth my life to know Su Dong, a beautiful woman like you! Su Dong, I hope that my death can help you to resolve the depression in your heart I, I went
Said, Qin Dynasty holds that dagger, a stab into his chest.
"Qin Dynasty!"
Su Fei was startled. She quickly took Qin Dynasty's arm and her tears fell down. "You, what are you doing? I'm not really angry with you! You can't do something. You have something. What can I do... "
Su Fei's heart was so painful that she couldn't stop her tears.
"Hey, so I'm so important to you?"
Who knows, Qin Dynasty suddenly laughed, very proud of the appearance.
"You, you son of a bitch, you lied to me
Su Fei immediately became angry and pushed the Qin Dynasty away. She wanted to kick him out of the solar system.
At the same time, she is also very strange, just now clearly saw the Qin Dynasty stabbed down, how nothing happened.
"Hey, hey, hey..."
The Qin Dynasty took a look at the 65 style paratrooper knife that had been bent out of his hand. Unexpectedly, the hero who had participated in the Vietnam War retired on his own.
"Otherwise, how can I know how important I am."
"Hum, you are my senior security guard. If you are not here, what will happen to the blue shield company and the security of the school! I will not be willing to let you die until you have exhausted your available value
Su Fei's face was feverish. She wiped her tears to cover her shame and said in a cold voice.
"I see..."
Qin Dynasty is very depressed, "I thought I was really charming."
"You have a p charm, only the blind will like you..."
As soon as Su Feifei finished, she regretted it. She scolded her sister
Well, I scolded myself.
"It's wrong to say that. No matter how bad I am in the Qin Dynasty, I won't marry a blind man!"
Qin Dynasty is still smiling, Su Fei turned her head, simply no longer pay attention to this shameless guy.
"Boss Su, don't be angry. Tell me what's going on
"See for yourself."
Su Fei picked up some torn newspapers from the garbage can and threw them to the Qin Dynasty.
When the Qin Dynasty took over the newspaper, I had to play with the puzzle.
Fortunately, Su Fei didn't tear it into pieces. He quickly put it together and saw the headline on it.
"Who is responsible for the safety of students when there are abnormal universities?"
Under the title is a picture of Princess su.
"Tut Tut, boss Su, don't tell me. You really look like me. Oh, look at your nose, take a picture! This is on the front page, directly increasing newspaper sales! "
"Don't talk about the useless, and then look down!"
After the flattery of Qin Dynasty, Su Fei's voice was cold, but her face was much better.
This guy, he knows that there is nothing to make him happy.
"Don't worry, don't worry. I'll watch and watch."
Looking down, the Qin Dynasty did not expect that it was the report of the recent metamorphosis of Guangyuan University.
What's more, the reporter didn't know how to investigate. He even dug out the story that he had beaten Fang Hua before.
He also wrote about a student who was castrated in school and was the hand of a security guard.
The school is abnormal again, but the security guard has not been able to do anything.
The reporter suspected that it was probably the security guards who had committed such a scum.
And the reporter pointed out that there must be connivance from the school directors. As a director of the school, Su Fei can not escape the responsibility of shielding. What's more, it is also recorded that the violent security guard named Qin Dynasty was the boyfriend of Su Ji, Su Xianqin's second daughter, which further confirmed the crime of shielding.
"Damn it, this reporter scribbled something."
The Qin Dynasty was also angry and tore up the newspaper, which was more thorough than that of the imperial concubine su! I'm so gentle and gentle, it's just like pulling his mother's eggs! "
Su Fei thought, you are not so gentle"Don't worry, Su Dong. I'll give it to my family. I have to kill this pervert!"
The Qin Dynasty clenched his teeth, "for the sake of the honor of my family, I also want to find out the abnormal! Isn't he in love with Lu? I pulled him out and dropped him on the flagpole. I'll let him have a good exposure! "
"Well, this is immoral..."
Suu Kyi said quickly.
"He doesn't want face, I'll make him totally shameless!"
Qin Chao was angry and said, "Su Dong, you wait for my good news."
With that, he went out of the door of the office.
"How can this guy be bigger than me?"
Sufei shook her head and sat down.
Looking at the pile of things on the table at the door, Su Fei couldn't help being distracted.
I really put Qin Dynasty in my heart.
Only he can resolve his own knot.
Oh, my friend.
This night, it's been a long time.
Xu Xiaoman is a girl majoring in finance in her freshman year.
She herself is proud of it.
Today's girls, face is actually the capital. A woman who can use her own face is a real good woman.
This is what her sister, who is a secretary to the president of a large group, told her.
Although he is not as beautiful as his sister, but still more or less a bit of beauty embryo appearance.
In school, the pursuit of Xu Xiaoman is not a minority.
However, those students, Xu Xiaoman all look down upon.
What she wants to marry is a real rich and powerful young master who can make her soar.
For example, a while ago, she liked Sloan Kang of international trade class.
It's a pity that Na Si Long Kang went to pursue a female teacher in the school, which made her a little unable to accept.
I am young and beautiful, can't compare with a female teacher who is entering her thirties!
Later, I heard that the girl teacher's boyfriend, the head of the school security, severely taught his own young master, and even castrated him!
This moment makes Xu Xiaoman angry.
The man that oneself sees, how can let an idiotic security guard give to abandon!
That damned security guard, didn't kill his future Hongtu!
If he didn't teach the security guard a lesson, he really thought he was a bully of the school!
So, taking advantage of the recent abnormal events, Xu Xiaoman contacted a student who was pursuing himself.
The boy has some background. His father is a newspaper owner.
Through him, the Qin Dynasty this matter to poke out, the purpose is to stink the security guard, let the school to expel him!
The effect is very good, this matter has also attracted the attention of many journalists, at present in southern Jiangsu stir fry.
To this end, Xu Xiaoman also agreed to the invitation of the son of the newspaper tycoon and had a dinner with him.
Originally, the boy wanted to ask her to go to a high-class hotel to have a rest, but the smart Xu Xiaoman knew that his first time, he must leave it to the most important person. You can't give something so precious for the first time.
Therefore, she declined politely and returned to school in the dark.
"Xiaoman, I'll send you up."
Chen Jianbo is a little reluctant to let Xu Xiaoman go back. As a result, when he is about to arrive at the dormitory building, he suddenly makes a voice.
"No, my roommate won't agree."
Xu Xiaoman refused with a smile. Her pretty face made Chen Jianbo look straight in the night.
This woman, however, is somewhat enchanting.
Oneself, must pursue her to the hand!
"How can you know if you don't try."
Chen Jianbo took out the demeanor of a gentleman and said with a smile, "this road is too short, I haven't delivered enough."
Send your sister, but also send my mother to the West!
Xu Xiaoman scolded secretly in his heart, but he said with a smile, "hee hee, you underestimate our dorm aunt. She will beat you out with a broom. If I see you being beaten, I will be heartbroken
"Little man, you are so kind to me!"
Chen Jianbo was very moved. He grabbed Xu Xiaoman's hands and said affectionately, "but for you, whether it's mountains and rivers, I'm willing to make a breakthrough, not to mention just a small broom!"
Xu Xiaoman skillfully took back his hands, and then said with a smile, "this can't be done. My roommate will also record demerits for me Ah
Xu Xiaoman, who was originally speaking gracefully, suddenly widened his eyes in horror and pointed to Chen Jianbo and screamed behind him.
This scream, especially in the dark.
Chen Jianbo said it was swollen. He turned around and saw a student in school uniform grinning at them behind him.If they were ordinary students, they would not be so surprised.
The key is, this guy's lower body has nothing to wear, the full disclosure of the dew, not afraid of the night wind blowing into a crash!
"Grass Mud Horse, you dead pervert, I...."
Chen Jianbo stands in front of Xu Xiaoman, ready to show his heroic spirit.
And soon he stopped talking, almost biting his tongue.
Because the student's hand suddenly showed a watermelon knife, which made Chen Jianbo's legs tremble.
His brain, at that moment, thought a lot.
He is the son of the boss of the newspaper. He has a good future. There are many beautiful girls going to the gun and playing.
If you die like this, it's not worth it.
As the saying goes, the hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, and takes Thirty-six Strategies as the top!
Yes, that's it!
Chen Jianbo thought about this for a moment. He wiped oil under his feet and turned around to run.
"Chen Jianbo! You, you are still not a man
Xu Xiaoman was scared and pale.
The man who had just called for himself to go to the oil pot for himself turned around and ran away!
She also wanted to run, but wearing high-heeled shoes, she turned around, the heel was broken, instantly sprained her foot, and fell to the ground in pain.
The naked student came to her with a knife in one hand.
"Don't come here, don't come here!"
She sat on the ground, constantly retreating.
This Xu Xiaoman how also did not expect, in the legend abnormal male, unexpectedly will let her to meet!
It's not a dew bird. He seems to want to insult himself! The first time I was so important that I couldn't give Gao Fu Shuai, would I be taken away by this pervert?
Just as she began to despair, a voice with a banter sounded in the night wind.
"Man, you come out for a walk in the middle of the night, and you're not afraid of the wind flashing your head?"
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