Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1047

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Chapter 1047

"Master release is the elder of Songshan. I will arrange it with you."
Suu Kyi quickly followed.
She followed Liao Shasha and her release to the door and asked her to turn back.
"In the Qin Dynasty, Dafa group is unstable at present. One of you is the director of Dafa group and the other is the president. Let's discuss how to deal with it. Just call me when you're done
With that, she closed the door gently and went out.
At the moment of closing the door, Suu Kyi felt a little uncomfortable and hurt.
But she knew that this woman suffered so much because of the Qin Dynasty.
As a palace, she should not eat these flying vinegar.
So when she turned around, she put a smile on her face and said, "let's go."
Liao Shasha never knew that Yu Lu had an affair with the Qin Dynasty. In order to prove that she was capable, she devoted herself to arranging accommodation for the release master.
And the release master naturally can see that he didn't say anything, just put his hands together and sang a Buddhist name.
Peach blossom robbery, this is the robbery of benefactor Qin.
Watching Suji close the door and go out, the heart of the Qin Dynasty is also very complicated.
"I'm in trouble with Miss Su. Otherwise, you'd better stay with Miss Su. I'm fine. "
Yu Lu is very sensible. She spits with red lips and murmurs.
"Now you are the patient, you are the oldest."
Qin Dynasty sits on the sickbed, holds Yu Lu gently in the bosom, said.
"But Miss Su, she..."
"It doesn't matter. She'll understand."
The Qin Dynasty touched Yu Lu that wave like hair, said.
Yu Lu's hair is still fragrant, very soft, floating into the nose of the Qin Dynasty.
Any man, in such a fragrance, is easy to get drunk.
"I'm in trouble with her..."
Yu Lu white Qin Dynasty one eye, "are you this Playboy ghost, everywhere flirts. When I had Miss Su, I would like to provoke me... "
"Haha, that's not because you are charming..."
The Qin Dynasty laughed and said, "besides, who asked you to send me coffee?"
"I, I was polite..."
"Yes, I'll return the gift, too."
"I hate not to talk to you!"
"If you don't talk to me, can you sing?"
"I'm a patient and I want to sing to you? Is it a bit human "
" well, then stop singing. See how nice I am to you. What I say is what I say
In the Qin Dynasty, there was no shame.
Yu Lu rolled her eyes again, then sighed and leaned in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.
"You don't have to be nice to me. Just give more of what you do to me I can see that she miss you very much, and It's lonely. "
"Women of Qin Dynasty have always been treated equally."
Qin Dynasty hugged Yu Lu and said, "don't say anything more or less stupid. You are not a silly girl. You are the president of Dafa group. How many subordinates are watching you. "
"I'm a silly girl when I face you."
Yu Lu said quietly, "I'm only a silly girl for you."
Qin Dynasty some moved, tightly hugged Yu Lu's delicate body.
This Yu Lu is a patient's clothing, which is empty, even underwear.
The fullness of her body pressed on the body of the Qin Dynasty, especially when she was sitting. The neckline of the patient's suit was not buttoned well, and a pair of crisp breasts were almost all in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty.
Originally today, he was provoked by Suu Kyi.
Now being stimulated by Yu Lu, the little Qin Dynasty suddenly looked up.
Yu Lu was held in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, feeling very real, and immediately couldn't help but pat the Qin Dynasty.
"If you hate it, you know how to think about color."
"Well, Yu Lu, we haven't had coffee for a long time..."
"It's no problem here It's a ward... "
"Can't we drink coffee in the ward?"
Qin Dynasty's hand, has been deep into the patient's clothing, holding Yu Lu's fullness.
In that one small protuberance gently plucked, Yu Lu's body suddenly softened down, completely paralyzed in the Qin Dynasty's arms.
Her eyes are full of water.
"I, I'm still sick..."
"Mm-hmm, I know, I'll cure you"
"you, how do you cure foil..."
"In depth research, treatment of internal medicine foil..."
"Well Hate There's no disease there, HMM
Yu Lu's voice became a delicate breath.
Two people haven't seen for a long time. As soon as they meet, they begin to drink coffee in the ward.Yu Lu is always so gentle, even if the ups and downs are so intense, she is also biting her lips tightly to prevent her voice from being heard by the bodyguards outside.
It would be too embarrassing to be heard.
After myself, how can I show the dignity of the president.
"Sister Yu Lu, I've come to see you!"
Just then, outside the ward, a familiar voice came.
Wu Xin was wearing a lovely white T-shirt and a floral skirt. It's huge and full, which makes the T-shirt big. The bodyguard nearby looked at a few eyes, then quickly restrained himself and took back his eyes.
Who doesn't know on the road that this is also the woman of Lord Qin. But Miss Wu Xin is also true. It's not wrong for a woman to have a big chest, but it's not right for her to wear such a tight chest and run around.
In fact, this can not blame Wu Xin, although she is not small chest, but only 1.6 meters tall. The same size of clothes to her, there is no can not be propped up.
Hearing that Yu Lu's sister was ill this time, she rushed over from violet and wanted to visit Yu Lu.
At this time, she carried a beautiful fruit basket, gently opened the door of the ward.
In an instant, the basket fell to the ground.
In her beautiful big eyes, her majestic elder sister, who was lying on the edge of the hospital bed, flushed, was doing a pile driver movement by her elder brother of Qin Dynasty.
"Fight, excuse me!"
Wu Xin's small face turned red. As soon as she closed the ward door, she turned around and ran out.
The two bodyguards at the door are still strange. Miss Wu came all the way. How could she put down her fruit basket and leave?
It seems that Miss Wu's business in violets is too busy. Tut Tut, the strong women are all like this.
"you, you don't go after..."
Yu Lu looks back, a face of shame, rolling eyes at the Qin Dynasty.
Unexpectedly, Wu Xin ran into him again.
It was the same last time. In the kitchen, when two people were in high spirits, they were caught by Wu Xin.
This time
Oh, my God, I'm so ashamed. How can I see Wu Xinai in the future?
"it's OK. I'll deal with her later. Now I'm mainly serving you, my president."
The Qin Dynasty, with a smile, held out his hand and patted some part of Yu Lu's plump appearance.
Yu Lu, ashamed and pleased, buried her head in the glass of the hospital bed. She did not dare to look up again. In a twinkling of an eye, she fell into love again and forgot Wu Xin's affairs.
Yu Lu recovered from her serious illness. The Qin Dynasty did not dare to torment her for too long, and ended the battle in a hurry in an hour.
He is holding Yu Lu's ruddy body and sitting on the hospital bed. His fingers are still playing on Yu Lu's body dishonestly.
"No, no, no more..."
Yu Lu was also a little hot and dry, and beat off the salty pig's hand of Qin Dynasty.
"Can't you stop doing these things Let's get down to business... "
"Nonsense, this is the business!"
The Qin Dynasty looked upright and said, "you see, you usually sit in the office every day and seldom exercise. I don't think it's for your physical and mental interests to have a good exercise. "
"Fuck you! I have a fitness card. I often go to the gym. What's more, I'm still doing yoga recently. "
Yu Lujiao was angry.
Qin Dynasty's eyes brightened, "my president, why don't we play some difficult actions?"
"You, you die!"
Yu Lu was ashamed and pushed the Qin Dynasty. "Bad guy, you know what you think. You don't want to play with those!"
She said, with a straight face, "and Miss Su said before leaving that Dafa group is in crisis. What's going on?"
Speaking of work, fan, the president of this woman, is here again.
Even if she was held in the arms of Qin Dynasty, charming, but the eyes are so serious and focused.
"Well Si Jia... "
Qin Dynasty only to molestation time passed, he was honest, the Secretary of the malicious acquisition of Dafa group told Yu Lu.
"Damn it."
Yu Lu frowned, "Matthews, that bastard, should have done such a thing. Who dares to use him in the future
"Don't worry, I won't make him feel better."
"Well, I'm the one to blame. Now Dafa group is short of working capital, and it is really difficult to fill this huge hole again. "
Yu Lu shook her head, but she was still full of confidence," but it doesn't matter. I'll call the bank a few times, and it should be OK to raise a sum of money. "
"The bank must be unreliable."
The Qin Dynasty reminds Yu Lu, "since the Si family has done so, it must have bought the bank. At this time, it will be even more difficult for you to borrow some money. "
"Well, I'm afraid the capital chain will be broken."
Yu Lu began to think hard."Don't worry, with me, how can you break your capital chain?"
Qin Dynasty patted Yu Lu's warped part, "with your husband I'm here, you can rest assured to get it. Tomorrow, there will be a lot of money coming in. "
Yu Lu is happy, "that feeling is good. If the funds are enough, I will not only let Dafa group turn over, but also swallow up the company. Don't they want to play? Let's play big But how much money can you provide? "
Yu Lu blinked.
"As much as you want."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
I have three big families in the island country, and nothing else is more money.
"That would be the best! If you want to overthrow our Dafa group, I will make him pay the price But you gave me all these things. Aren't you afraid that I'll run away with your money? "
Yu Lu's eyes twinkled, looking at the Qin Dynasty and asking.
"Nonsense, you are my woman, and my money is your money. And I want to be a man
The Qin Dynasty also patted the warped part of Yu Lu.
Well, it seems to be addictive.
Yu Lu's face turned red, twisted a part, and then leaned against the ear of the Qin Dynasty and called softly.
"Husband It's very kind of you... "
"You, what's your name One more call... "
Qin Dynasty by this sound husband, call all over soft.
"Husband People are thirsty again. They want to drink coffee... "
Yu Lu Mei eyes such as silk, looking at the Qin Dynasty, at the same time water snake waist twist to and fro, plump parts let Qin Dynasty dry mouth.
"Aren't you sick, don't you..."
"I was full just now, but now I'm thirsty again Can't my husband do it? If not, forget it
"Nonsense!" How could Qin Dynasty admit defeat on this issue.
He immediately pulled Yu Lu and said, "let you know what a perpetual motion machine is."
"Wait, you lie down."
Yu Lu, however, pushed the Qin Dynasty to the hospital bed and said with shame.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm the president. You have to listen to me. Today, I'm going to be a knight. I want you to know that women are not vegetarians. They can hold up half the sky
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