Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 879

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Chapter 879

I don't know how long it took
Qin Dynasty in front of his eyes, as if there was a terrible mouth, toward him swallow bite.
He immediately sat up and was in a cold sweat.
As soon as he sat up, he felt something was wrong.
Here, it seems that it's not his warm little nest. There is no TV, no refrigerator, no sofa
Here, is a very simple small room.
He was lying on top of a wooden bed, which was very short, about 1.8 meters. For the height of more than two meters in the Qin Dynasty, the natural foot is stretched out to the outside of the bed.
There was nothing else in the room, except a wooden table, wooden chair, and a big wooden box that seemed to be a sorting box.
Here, where is this?
Qin Dynasty is a bit silly.
Myself, seemingly in the magma sea, was scattered by the huge monster.
Don't you have the smell of contract? How can you make the monster angry?
Qin Dynasty was very puzzled and frowned deeply.
Now the biggest problem is not why the monster can't get along with himself, but where he is now and what to do in the future?
Originally came to save Shi Xin, but now I lost myself.
Rosie, now, must be in a hurry.
His only useful information now is that before dispersing, Roxie had told him that Shi Xin was probably captured by besieu.
But, hell is so big, where is he going to look for Beelzebub?
The Qin Dynasty shook his head and planned to get out of the small bed.
"Ah! Wake up
Just at this moment, the female voice that has been appearing in her coma flies from the door behind her.
The Qin Dynasty was a little nervous.
Damn it, hell's women don't scare themselves to death!
It's ugly enough to look like a devil!
The woman I'll go
Qin Dynasty's mind, immediately outlined a two meter tall plagiarism figure.
He has a big arm and a round waist. He has two big breasts. His chest hair is protected. He has eight abdominal muscles. His body is covered with devil's hard shell.
I'll go It's killing me.
"You've been in a coma for more than a month, and you've finally woken up and worried me a lot."
The voice gradually approached, the Qin Dynasty felt that the hair on his body was going to stand up. Oh, by the way, the devil seems to have no hair.
The voice is quite good to hear, but that kind of voice and looks do not match people, Qin Dynasty is to see too much.
"I'm hungry. I've just picked some red flame fruits. Let's eat some to satisfy my hunger..."
The girl finally appeared in the sight of Qin Dynasty.
Suddenly, the Qin Dynasty was stunned.
I'll go!
I'll go!
I have a satanic God hero Sam!
It's not ugly. It's a beautiful woman!
No Demon Armor!
No horns!
No tail!
Not a mouthful of chest hair!
The Qin Dynasty did have some preconceptions.
The man in this hell is really ugly. But the woman, one by one is like the enchanting flower, the beauty lets the human be startled.
The girl in front of Qin Dynasty is.
Her figure is enchanting incomparably, the front is convex backward, very mark.
Long is the lotus, a pair of watery eyes, staring at the Qin Dynasty.
That attractive little red lips, like cherries, people can't help but taste.
Ah, ah, where is hell, this is heaven!
"Who are you..."
Although she was a beautiful woman, Qin Dynasty did not forget to be vigilant.
After all, he has seen the world's first beauty, the nine fairy princess, and has immunity to all kinds of beautiful women.
"My name is fado! It's the villagers of Aoxi village! "
The girl looked at the Qin Dynasty curiously, "master, where are you from? How can you lie in the blue lake?"
"What, nobleman?"
Qin Dynasty frowned, a little puzzled.
"Yes, nobleman"
faduo said, timidly reaching out his hand and gently touching the meat wings behind the Qin Dynasty.
Found that the Qin Dynasty is not angry, faduo this just at ease down, and touch two.
"In the city of demons, only the nobles have wings. We civilians don't have them. "
In Qin Dynasty's mind, immediately flashed the knowledge that Roxie left him.
The world in hell is divided into seven parts. Each piece is ruled by the seven demons. And the area where demons exist is called Devil city.Here, basically can be divided into two kinds of demons, one is the civilian devil, the other is the noble devil.
With constant cultivation of common demons, they can grow meat wings. In this way, he could be promoted to the nobility and become a kind of existence that could fight, be superior to civilians and possess slaves.
The demons in the seven fields often fight for territory.
The captured devil will become a slave.
"I was washed over from the magma sea."
Qin Dynasty's eyes turned and said, "faduo, do you know how to return to the magma sea?"
"Ah, fado doesn't know."
The girl shook her head. "Only the elders in the village can know about this kind of thing. Fado is just a little girl. She has never been out of the village. She knows too little. Master, you have been to the magma sea. You must have seen the creation beast
"Creation beast?"
Qin Chaoxin said that these demons have given the name to everyone.
That hateful guy, get yourself into this crappy place, right!
Next time you see it, you must beat it! Of course, if I had.
"Fado, will you take me to your elders?"
The Qin Dynasty wants to go back to the magma sea. Maybe, Roxie will wait for him there.
Even if he can't see Rosie, he can return to the world from the magma sea, and he can call on Rosie again from this world. In hell, the contractual communication between him and Rosie cannot be realized.
"Well, our elder will be very happy to see you awake."
Faduo was very happy. He took the Qin Dynasty's hand and said, "but, master, you are hungry. You'd better eat some red flame fruit first. I don't know if the master can get used to this kind of low-grade food. "
The little girl said, and handed the red fruit in the basket on the next table to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty took a look, the fruit and mango size, the whole body red, do not know what taste.
However, as the saying goes, if you don't eat, you may be suspected.
So he took his courage and took a bite.
This one bite, crisp raw, fresh meat juicy, let the Qin Dynasty stay.
I went, I thought it was terrible. I didn't expect to let the Qin Dynasty surprise again.
This is surprisingly delicious!
He immediately licked his lips and killed a red flame fruit in two or three bites.
"It's good. It's delicious..."
After eating, the stomach in a warm feeling.
"It's best if you like it."
Fado looked very happy.
Qin Dynasty didn't think of it. They all said that the devil was crafty. This faduo was a very simple and lovely girl.
"Don't call me master, call me Qin is ready. "
"Qin? Fado dare not... "
Fado shook his head. "We dare not call the name of the nobleman."
"It doesn't matter. I'll give you this right. Call me Qin later."
But the Qin Dynasty laughed.
Fado gave a cautious, soft voice.
The Qin Dynasty nodded, which let faduo breathe again.
"The Lord is a good man, different from the nobles whom fado knew."
"Is it?"
Fado nods.
Qin Chaoxin said, it seems that this kind of simplicity is only found in these ordinary demonic civilians.
Good demons, fight every day, fight again. Their character must be belligerent and cunning. Otherwise, they will die in battle, or be captured and become poor slaves.
"Qin, come with me."
Faduo skipping, led the Qin Dynasty to the door.
Out of this small house, Qin Dynasty saw the world under the devil city for the first time.
Outside, it's no different from a small European village.
Everywhere, there are bluestone buildings.
In the view of Qin Dynasty, a tall castle stands on the highest position.
"Whose castle is that?"
"That's the aristocracy of this generation, the mansion of Lord orsy Farran"
fado looked at the castle, and in his watery eyes, he felt a little more timid, "that's a very fierce noble master Because of his reason, the name of our village is called oxi village. "
"The nobles of demons Tut... "
Qin Chao shook his head.
And he found that after he left the house, there was a fear in the eyes of the demons around him. No one dared to come forward to talk to him and stood on one side in a timid manner.
Qin Dynasty found that these demons were not as ugly as he imagined.
In addition to the horns on the top of the head and the tail behind, the ordinary man is undoubtedly no more than two meters tall.Most of them are beautiful and charming.
It's no wonder that Roxie is so attractive and beautiful. It turns out that the family is just Miao Hong!
The Qin Dynasty also saw that these demonic civilians were a little afraid of the aristocrats. It seems that the noble's bad name is to go deep into the devil's heart Master, there is the elder's house. "
Outside, faduo did not dare to call Qin Dynasty's name directly. She pointed to one side of the only wooden house, said to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty has a look, that wooden house is still alive outside the pile of fire, emitting wisps of green smoke.
"Elder, the noble master is awake. Come out and have a look."
Nado hopped to the front of the house and knocked on the wooden door.
Soon, the door was opened, and out of it came a tall, thin male demon.
It is estimated that the devil is not young. His white beard is very long and falls to the ground.
His eyes, which seemed to have no brilliance, fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"See you, Lord!"
The elder immediately fell down to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Chaoxin said, do ordinary people have to salute when they see nobles?
"Get up."
The Qin Dynasty waved and said.
"Thank you, Lord devil!"
Then the old man stood up trembling, took a wooden crutch in his hand, and said, "Sir, you're OK, then I'll be relieved. Otherwise, if there is an aristocrat who has an accident with us, we will lose our heads. "
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