Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 461

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Chapter 461

The devil is a product of Western hell.
These beings, like those monsters in the nine hell of the East, have terrible shape and power. Only the real high-level demons can fully possess the appearance of human beings.
Liu Ziqiang opened the door of hell, and at the same time released the souls of these hell demons.
With the gradual increase of the number of demon spirits absorbed, Liu Ziqiang's reddish red skin seemed to be burning up, and suddenly the color went dark again.
Soon, his skin became white and smooth, more delicate than the woman's.
At the same time, under his feet, a black flame rose, which was the flame possessed by high-level demons, the flame of darkness.
The energy of this fire of darkness is more than ten million times stronger than the Hellfire emitted by the devil No.2.
In the blink of an eye, the black smoke originally filled with the laboratory was absorbed into the body by Liu Ziqiang. He has the constitution of devouring the soul. These demonic spirits that ordinary people fear to death are just like great tonic to him.
Soon, in addition to the big devil tearing the door of hell, the rest of the devil's soul was swallowed up by him.
"This feeling, very good..." Liu Ziqiang suddenly opened his eyes, put down his open arms, and then looked at his white hands.
He suddenly turned his back and put it away, facing the devil who was tearing up the wormhole behind him. He pinched it.
"Bang!" The big devil's truck sized head suddenly exploded, splashing blood and brains everywhere.
"Very good power, very good..." Liu Ziqiang laughs, when he is looking at the Qin Dynasty, his eyes have a trace of disdain.
"Now, I am a God."
"If it is not enough to strengthen the power of the mind, I dare to call myself a God?" "You are also too disdainful
"No, no, no, you're wrong. It's not an idea, it's power." Liu Ziqiang smiles and suddenly hits a ring finger.
"Poof!" That crooked in the Qin Dynasty side of a demon, the body suddenly fried into pieces of meat, blood Yang a ground.
"See, I want you to die, it's just a matter of breathing."
Liu Ziqiang's smile is full of pride.
Qin Dynasty looked at the beach of blood under his feet and guessed in his heart.
This kind of ability has the meaning of careless thinking.
However, it is impossible for a small devil to master the essence of mindfulness.
"Qin Dynasty, I really appreciate you." Liu Ziqiang looked at the Qin Dynasty with his hands and said, "you like blood and violence as well. I can even smell the desire to kill in your soul. As long as you join me and become my staff, you can release your desire - hope, and you can get everything you want. "
"I'm sorry, you don't help me with this kind of seduction." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've seen a lot of people who are worse than you (such as old rod). I'm not really interested in killing people. I'm only interested in beautiful women. Besides, everyone has his dark side in his heart, but there is also his good side. Although I'm not a good man, I think I'm quite sunny. Liu Ziqiang, you have been completely eroded by darkness. "
Qin Dynasty said, sighed, shook his head, "you even your daughter, Liu Ying can use so, I really can't see you still have a bit of humanity."
"I am God. God doesn't need human nature." Liu Ziqiang still carried his hands and said faintly, "the reason why human beings are human beings is that they have seven passions and six desires, which hinder their progress. And angel is not my daughter. My little Ying, and my wife, died in my hands a few years ago because of my violent walk
Liu Ziqiang said, the muscles on his face seemed to twitch for a while, but soon they came back to nature.
"It's all due to the organization's so-called flawless plan that failed. And those who insisted on carrying out the plan at the beginning are still living in a smart way and enjoying their power. And the only one who can feel the pain of failure is me and my family. "
It's no wonder that this is the reason of the original thing!
Qin Dynasty was shocked.
Unexpectedly, in Liu Ziqiang's body, there is such a story.
Moreover, he learned some dark stories about the organization. Unexpectedly, in order to develop powerful gene fighters, the organization is so cold-blooded and merciless!
It seems that there is no absolutely clean place in this world!
"Even so, you shouldn't be so ruthless." The Qin Dynasty said, "don't you forget that you still have a daughter?"
At that moment, Liu Ziqiang's indifferent look seemed to touch.
"You mean Xiaochang... "
"Yes, it's Liu Chang!" The Qin Dynasty nodded and said, "she was still worried about you, the undisguised father, before I carried out the task. She told me that if I met you one day, I would spare your life. ""Ha ha, Xiao Chang is a good daughter." Liu Ziqiang suddenly laughed, "so, I will personally give her the blood of God, let her become my same existence, and enjoy the fun of ruling the world with me."
"Crazy, you're crazy." Qin Chao sighed, "also, you are not a God, you are just a senior devil."
"Nonsense, stupid human being, it seems that you are going to betray God!" Liu Ziqiang's eyes flashed, "good, then you have only one end, that is death!"
Said, Liu Ziqiang to the Qin Dynasty, hit a ring finger.
"Pa!" The ring finger is very loud, but the Qin Dynasty is standing there safe and sound, smoking cigarettes quietly.
Liu Ziqiang frowned, and he snapped his fingers again.
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring.
"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"
Ring finger sound constantly, Qin Dynasty put down smoke, said.
"It's a good rhythm. Do you want me to dance with you?"
"How could that happen! Why does the power fail! "
Liu Ziqiang just indifferent face, finally had a trace of shock.
"As I have said, you are not a God, but a high-level devil." Qin Chao shook his head and said, "the ignorant devil, any mind skill, has no effect on me."
"No way!" Liu Ziqiang roared and his calmness disappeared. He has become a God, and there are people who are not under his control. This feeling makes him a little afraid!
A brush, Liu Ziqiang's figure suddenly across a shadow, and then instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, his white palm was clasped on the forehead of Qin Dynasty.
The black light from the dark is burning.
But the Qin Dynasty is still just a faint smile.
This kind of fire that can burn the soul has no effect on him.
If it was not for the strong rejection of the light flame in the nine hell fire, he might have absorbed the dark flame.
"Too weak. Is that what you call the power of God?" Qin Dynasty laughed, he suddenly flew a fist, hit Liu Ziqiang's chest.
Jiuyou giant elephant power! launch!
"Boom Liu Ziqiang, who possessed the body of the devil, was still rushed out by the huge divine power although his body was not broken, and then ran into the wall behind him.
"Creak!" That thick metal wall, was immediately installed out of a huge cavity. The cave is more than three meters deep, and Liu Ziqiang's body is trapped in it.
"Poof!" Liu Ziqiang's mouth, spit out a mouth of black blood. He opened his eyes in horror and crawled out of the twisted metal wall.
"Impossible I am a God, how can God be hurt... "
"Are you still dreaming your ignorant dream of becoming a God?" Qin Dynasty slowly walked to Liu Ziqiang's body, looked down at this half kneeling man, smoked a cigarette, said slowly. "I admit, your story is tragic, you want revenge, it's nothing wrong. However, you should not involve so many innocent people, and you should not cooperate with the island countries and become a traitor. A guy like you who can sacrifice countless people for your own self-interest is impossible to become a god
Qin Dynasty said, suddenly fly up a foot, severely kick in Liu Ziqiang's body.
"Bang!" Liu Ziqiang's body turned into a shell again, hitting the metal wall, twisting the wall again.
This time, Liu Ziqiang's body was stuck inside, staring at the Qin Dynasty in front of him.
"I once promised Liu Chang that if I saw her father, he would die."
The Qin Dynasty also looked at the man stuck in the wall and said, "but what I see today is not Liu Ziqiang, but X. The president of the Black Dragon Society, the mastermind behind the creation of God! This man, even if he died a thousand times and ten thousand times, would not be worthy of death! "
With that, the Qin Dynasty suddenly walked to the wall, clenched his fist and hit Liu Ziqiang's head heavily.
"This is for Yu Lu!"
"Bang!" Liu Ziqiang's head fell into the twisted metal wall.
But the Qin Dynasty did not stop, his other hand, also clenched his fist, pounded up heavily.
"This is for Li Xue!"
"Boom Black blood flew out and splashed on the white boxing sets of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty raised the left fist and swung it with the hook.
"This is for Liu Ying
"Come on It seems to be the sound of broken bones.
With his right hand raised high, the Qin Dynasty hit him with a fist.
"This is for Liu Chang!"
"Puff A ferocious eyeball flew out.
Qin Dynasty hands clenched fist, raised to the top of the head, and then heavy Bang down.
"It's a bloody blow for me! Go to hell"Boom The hard metal wall, suddenly layer by layer broke, accompanied by a beaten bloody figure, fell into the back of the corridor.
"Bang!" Liu Ziqiang's body hit heavily on the ground, directly installed a pit. Several metal soldiers who stayed nearby were smashed into parts on the ground.
The Qin Dynasty also along that burst open the hole, with irresistible momentum, step by step out.
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