Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 786

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Chapter 786

"Master, the guy called again!"
Early in the morning, the mobile phone of Qin Dynasty began to ring.
This guy, who was tossed about yesterday, picked up the phone in a daze and picked it up without even looking at who was calling.
"Hello, who..."
"Who are you! Don't get up quickly, we have a lot of things to do today! "
On the phone, came a girl's roar.
Qin Dynasty originally sleepy, this, immediately spirit.
Damn it. It's Suzy!
Qin Dynasty took a look at the wall clock, it was already more than 9 o'clock in the morning. "I'll get up, I'll get up!"
"Hum, you can get to the Central Mall on dongzhilu in half an hour. If you can't make it, hem I'm going to start dating at 9:30 anyway, whether you're here or not. "
Qin Dynasty heard this, sleepless, immediately sat up from the bed, "I am sure to arrive on time, on time!"
He said that he was punctual and worried that he had never been to the Central Mall on dongzhilu. It was obvious that it would not work.
No matter, the Yin God will travel.
The Qin Dynasty hung up Suji's phone, and began to dress in a hurry, while dialing a number.
"Hello, xiaochuanzi? What happened to what I asked you yesterday? Cheng, the location is dongzhilu, Central Mall! My life-long happiness depends on you
Finish saying, hang up the phone, begin to wash face and brush teeth.
At the same time, in the Central Mall on dongzhilu.
Su Ji, dressed in a red windbreaker, was standing at the gate of the Central Mall.
Passers-by, everyone, will give this beautiful girl line to pay attention.
is as like as two peas. She is a woman who looks almost the same. However, the woman was wearing a black uniform with small glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her breath was slightly cold.
The two sisters stand together and become a beautiful scenery line on dongzhilu, attracting people to and from, and watching one after another.
Su Fei immediately sent a man who came up to chat up, and then said.
"SUJ, if I remember correctly, your love anniversary should be yesterday Why, today? "
"Hee hee, what does that matter?"
Suu Kyi and her sister held hands, and with a playful tilt of the head, said, "as long as this day can be happy, I will be satisfied. You know, Qin Dynasty was too busy. If it had been yesterday, we would not have been able to make it. Why don't I change it and put it today, just be happy! "
"You let him go too far." Su Fei pushed her glasses and shook her head.
"Hum, sister, you are wrong! Who let him
Suu Kyi curled her lips and said, "I'm just trying to make myself happy. It's nothing to do with that guy! Hum
"You can be tough."
Su Fei shook her head, "but you just give him such a short time, I don't know if he can come."
"I'll punish him if I can't make it!"
SUJ said, and looked around. "If he doesn't show up, I'll find a handsome guy and go on a date with him!"
"You can do it."
Su Fei doesn't know her sister yet. She is a typical hard spoken and soft hearted girl.
"But what are you doing with me
"Sister, do you stay in the office every day
Suu Kyi said, "take this opportunity to go shopping with me! I don't want to go shopping with this elm pimple of Qin Dynasty. I must be suffocating! He can't look at clothes and give me advice
"I'm clearly a light bulb..."
Su Fei is a little helpless.
"What light bulb, you are my sister!"
Suu Kyi shook her sister's hand and said with a smile, "hee hee, sister, have you forgotten what we said when we were children?"
"What words?"
Su Fei couldn't remember what her sister was going to say.
"We agreed. If they marry, they will marry a man later. In this way, we don't have to separate our sisters from each other "
" go, fuck you! What are you talking about? "
Do not know why, Su Fei's face, immediately red.
"You dead girl, you're kidding
Su Fei pretended to be angry, but she was very flustered in her heart.
She felt a little guilty.
Because, in my heart, once secretly had such an idea.
Let the Qin Dynasty marry her sister, and then secretly become the lover of Qin Dynasty
Su Fei knew that she was selfish and wrong.
But so many years, also a boy in Qin Dynasty, broke into his heart.Other boys, she is even look at the eye, are not willing to take a look.
"Elder sister, don't be angry. Will people just play a joke on you..."
Suji saw that her sister didn't speak. She thought she was angry, so she quickly coaxed the way.
Where does she know that her sister is thinking about her boyfriend.
"Hum, you girl, I'd better go back!"
Su Fei suddenly felt that she could not be involved in her sister's dating with Qin Dynasty.
Otherwise, it would be easy for her to show off at that moment.
"No, sister..."
Suu Kyi took her sister's hand and said pitifully, "do you have the heart to leave my sister here alone..."
"Isn't there Qin Dynasty with you?"
Sufei gave Suji a white look.
"No, how can he be a man?" Su Ji refused to do anything, holding her sister's hand, but she did not let go. "My sister is with me The three of us play together Shopping together, eating together Well, let me see, what are you going to do after dinner... "
"Well How can I be a sister like you
Su Fei was very helpless.
"Hee hee, there's no way. It's destiny."
Suu Kyi laughed heartlessly.
"Well, well, I'll be with you..."
Su Fei also recognized it. It would be nice to pay more attention to it. Well, that's it. If you don't give Qin Chao a good look today, nothing will happen.
Two people waited for a while, this time, unconsciously, went to the position of 9:30.
"Boy, how dare you be late."
Suu Kyi gnashed her teeth and said, "when he comes, I will strangle him!"
"Maybe something's been delayed on the way."
Su Fei said, "today is the weekend. Maybe there is a traffic jam on the road."
"He's riding a bicycle. What kind of car is it! Sister, how can you speak for him? You have to help me
"Cough, I'm starting from the reality, speaking according to the facts..."
Su Fei wiped the cold sweat on her head.
"No matter, when he comes, he will feel better."
Su Ji said that, in the crowd of people, suddenly ran to a beautiful little Zhengtai, holding a rose in her hand, stood in front of Suji and Sufei, with her head tilted, and looked at the sisters' flowers lovingly.
"What's the matter with you, little brother?"
Suu Kyi squatted down and touched little Zhengtai's head.
"You, who is sister Suu Kyi?"
Little Zhengtai said with a soft voice.
"I am." Su Ji said with a smile, "why, what's the matter with my younger brother?"
Little Zhengtai handed Suji the flowers in her hand.
"Beautiful sister, this is a flower from a big brother."
Suu Kyi picked up her eyebrows and took the flower. She thought that this was the trick of the accordion.
"Goodbye, beautiful sister!"
The little Zhengtai gave the flowers to Suji and didn't give her a chance to ask questions and talk, so he turned and ran away.
"That's interesting."
Suu Kyi took the beautiful rose, stood up and said to her sister, "who will send it?"
"Better get rid of it."
Su Fei said, "in case a while let Qin Dynasty come, see, misunderstand is not good."
"Hum, just let him misunderstand!"
Suu Kyi said angrily, "who made him late?"
As she was talking, a girl came out of the crowd with a rose in her hand and asked.
"Who is Suu Kyi, please?"
Princess Su pointed to her sister.
"Hello, this is the rose that a boy asked me to give you."
The girl gives the rose to Suu Kyi's hand and turns away.
Suu Kyi watched the girl go away and said, "what's the game?"
just wondering, someone came up again. He saw Suu Kyi with two flowers. Without saying a word, he gave her the rose in her hand.
Then, one after another, people came out and each gave Suu Kyi a rose.
In the end, Suu Kyi couldn't take it.
And Su Fei on one side counted it for her. After a while, ninety-eight people gave her roses.
Until after the 98th rose, no one came back.
The pedestrian just looked at this beautiful girl with a lot of roses in her hand, and marveled at her beauty and her roses.
"Sister, why are so many people sending me flowers?"
Fortunately, Suu Kyi is a practitioner, otherwise, holding so many roses would be exhausted."There's one more to go, ninety-nine."
Su Fei said, "ninety nine, maybe someone wants to tell you."
As soon as she finished speaking, from the top of her head, she suddenly dropped a piece of rose petals, a special beauty.
Two people immediately looked up, in this Central Mall on the roof, there are several people, constantly sprinkle down with rose petals.
"How beautiful..."
Suu Kyi looked at the rose petal rain beside her and said, "but it's a waste..."
They were a little confused, but then, with a whistling sound, the original stream of people suddenly separated, as if separated tide, slipped to both sides.
And a burst of melodious music, in the door of the mall, ring up.
A man in a black windbreaker, with a rose in his mouth, came out of the separated crowd, following the music and dancing constantly.
This is a Spanish dance music, symbolizing men's crazy courtship to women.
Suji, is surprised to cover her mouth, eyes, slightly rolling crystal tears.
The boy danced to the music for a long time. At last, he flew up and knelt down in front of SUJ. He held the rose in his mouth and handed it to SUJ, who was standing on the steps opposite him.
"Honey, will you be my girlfriend?"
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