Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 825

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Chapter 825

The body of the demon guard explodes, and the thick black smoke instantly fills the whole sky, as black as clouds.
Qin Dynasty one move to get rid of the devil guard, let all see the devil, are stunned.
"Ah, the power of angels!"
"Have birdmen come to our hell?"
The demons looked at the Qin Dynasty standing in the air and talked about it.
Only Rosie's head is still hanging down, her hair is like a black waterfall, which is very beautiful and sad.
"Rosie, I'm here to save you."
Qin Dynasty murmured to herself, ready to go to rescue Rosie.
At this moment, in the sky, I suddenly remembered the voice of the demon guard before.
The voice was very deep, very broad, much thicker than before.
"Stupid man, do you think the great demon guard will die like this?"
In the sky, those black smoke rushed towards the ground, and soon all disappeared into the earth.
Soon, in the ground covered with skeletons, a stout arm broke open the sea of skeletons and held it high in the air.
The arm, which is five meters long, is amazing.
The body of Qin Dynasty flickered for a moment, appeared on the other side, stepped on the top of a cross, and avoided a huge claw.
The palm didn't catch the Qin Dynasty, so it clapped on the ground with a big splash of skeletons.
At the same time, a huge body, with a huge red blade, crawled out of the earth.
This big guy, almost 10 meters high, a pair of horns like two towers, even the sky can pierce the same.
His big lamp like eyes, turning around, finally fell on the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"Give your soul, foolish man."
He said, holding up the huge red double-edged sword nearly 10 meters long, tearing the air, with a sharp cry, chopped down toward the Qin Dynasty.
The huge double-edged sword, which seemed invincible and could even cut the earth in half, was driven up by him with a white sword in front of the Qin Dynasty.
A huge air wave, along the collision of two disproportionate swords, quickly spread out.
The cross at the foot of the Qin Dynasty disappeared into the land.
And that terrible sword, too, was blocked.
Especially on the body of the sword, there is a gap.
"How, how could..."
The huge demon guard's eyes almost glared out, only to think that everything was so incredible.
"Go and die again."
With a wave of the sword of the Qin Dynasty, he directly cut off the huge sword, which was nearly 10 meters long and 2 meters wide, with his three feet divine front in his hand.
At the same time, the Qin Dynasty leaped forward and appeared above the demon guard's head.
The demon guard immediately stretched out his arms, ready to crush the little fly in his hand.
"Three thousand luochagui!"
Qin Fang's body, however, was locked in the black chain of his host, but the black body of Qin Dynasty was locked in all directions.
The huge demon guard immediately roared with rage, and the stench filled the space.
The Qin Dynasty gently fell on his head. His left hand was as white as jade. The nine you devil's palm was launched, and one hand was blasted on the top of the demon guard's head.
The nine hell fire instantly eroded into the demon guard's body and began to run happily along his body.
The demon guard wailed, and the former prestige was no longer.
His eyes and mouth, immediately spurted out a white flame, burning.
After a while, this huge guy was all burned to fly ash.
With the light and holy flame of the nine hell fire, to the devil, also has very terrible harm.
"King of hell, help me The king of hell... "
He gave two shrill wails, and at last his soul burned.
"Have a good meal, my pets!"
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, those Luocha ghosts who had become chains turned into black skeletons and scrambled to entangle the souls of the demon guards and devour these huge energies.
Let those skeletons fight for food, but the Qin Dynasty itself suddenly appeared in front of naloxi.
This female devil who always likes to seduce herself in weekdays, but she is silent now. She has no breath of the past.
Qin Dynasty gently called two, but the other side did not say a word, as if dead in general, dead."Rosie?"
Qin Dynasty can feel the throbbing of Roxie's soul. The female devil is not dead. She must have been tortured so much that she lost her consciousness.
"Break it for me!"
The Qin Dynasty simply waved a white gold lotus and cut off the cross.
The great cross was broken at the waist and bombarded the ground.
Roxie's body was gently caught by the Qin Dynasty and held in her arms.
The female devil's soul is very weak, like a wisp of flickering flame.
The Qin Dynasty sent his own dark flame into the female devil's body.
The flame of darkness, which has a very destructive flame, now seems to have become the nourishment of the female devil, supplementing her strength.
After a while, Rosie's eyelids gave a slight jump.
Then, a pair of dark eyes like the Pearl in the night lit up, which made Qin Dynasty very pitiful.
"I, am I dreaming?"
Roxie said, just a question.
"No, it's not a dream, it's true."
Qin Dynasty pinched the white tender face of Roxie, "look, does it hurt?"
"It hurts..."
Rosie's eyes had changed, and she became steamy.
"Qin Dynasty, you, you ran to hell?"
"Yes, if you don't come to me, I can only come to you."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Fool, get out of here!"
Rosie's face became more pale and almost bloodless. "Those demons are waiting for your soul to be too late. Are you even going to throw yourself into the net? Go back
"They can't catch me."
The Qin Dynasty patted his chest confidently, "and I don't have much time. Rosie, tell me, what kind of plan does hell have for me? "
"Seven kings!"
Roxie said quickly, "they are fighting for the first one after the other, trying to take your soul! Among them, Beelzebub and Astaroth are the most powerful. There are many big demons under besieb. They are all powerful. And Astaroth has been in hell for a long time, and no one knows where she went. The most powerful one under her is Mephisto, a legendary demon
"I've met him already."
The Qin Dynasty thought of the devil he had seen in the underground parking lot. He didn't know what to do. He was mysterious and regarded everything as a game.
What's more, he said that Roxie had some big secrets. What was it?
"Rosie, you tell me one thing."
Roxie blinked her eyes in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, "how, do you want to know the three circumference of others?"
"Don't make noise!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't laugh or cry. The thought of the female devil was extraordinary.
"well, you can ask. I'll tell you what you know. "
"Rosie, what is your identity in hell? Why, Mephisto told me, you have big, big secrets? "
Hearing this question from Qin Dynasty, Roxie was suddenly silent.
She looked at the Qin Dynasty, with words in her mouth, as if hesitating to tell him.
"Do you really want to know?"
Roxie's eyes kept turning, and finally fell on the face of the Qin Dynasty.
"Of course, I came here at the risk of my life just to know everything about you."
"Well, I can tell you."
Roxie decided to pay attention. She took a deep breath, staring at the Qin Dynasty, and slowly said, "in fact, I am..."
Just as Roxie's words were about to be uttered, the sky suddenly changed.
Originally red sky, instantly turned black.
"No! Qin Dynasty, run
"What's the matter?"
Qin Dynasty just finished asking, suddenly felt a throb of soul.
There is a strong force in this space.
This strength, is now own, can not resist!
"Qin Dynasty, run! Run
Rosie's face changed, and she was staring nervously into the air.
The Qin Dynasty also looked up at the sky.
I saw a huge figure with three black dragons flying towards here.
"Ha ha ha, Qin Dynasty, I didn't expect that you would take the initiative to deliver it to the door. It's good to give up your soul and become my key to leave here. "
With that, he held out his palm to the Qin Dynasty.
A huge force blocked the Qin Dynasty and made him unable to leave.
"Rosie, you did a good job this time, ha ha ha! Good, good! Qin Dynasty, be my foodSaid, a big black hand, suddenly fell from the sky, toward the God of Yang of the Qin Dynasty to grasp over.
Qin Dynasty face is very nervous, but the body is still, unable to move.
The soul, as if it were not its own, was out of control, waiting to fall into the other's hands.
Rosie cried out with tears in her eyes.
And in this moment, the body of Qin Dynasty, suddenly appeared layers of golden light.
It's time for the general idea.
The human soul cannot enter hell without dying.
The Qin Dynasty was a practitioner, and no exception.
His soul was immediately drawn by a force and disappeared in the hell.
In my ears, you can hear the roar of the king of hell.
And his soul has returned to the plane.
He opened his eyes and looked at everything in the cabin. He felt cold all over and his body was wet with cold sweat on his head.
The king of hell, this is the king of hell.
He is powerful, at least above the level of Feixian period.
It is estimated that it is much stronger than that day's Xiaoyao Shangxian.
A terrible opponent.
If it is not careless recitation, this time, I really die.
Next to Eliza, tilt her head, asked Qin Dynasty.
"Wake up A nightmare woke up... "
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