Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 707

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Chapter 707

"Since your faction has confirmed that it is the seat you slandered, how can you compensate more than your faction?"
The Qin Dynasty asked.
"Ha ha, the Lord Qin's words are not kind."
The leader of Qingmei said with a faint smile, "master Qin, don't you have to go to a lotus of eight grades from Emei? This should be the best compensation we can give to the Lord of Qin. "
The Qin Dynasty couldn't speak for a long time, and finally reluctantly answered, "master Qingmei, this is a little far fetched. The eight lotus flowers are clearly coming to kill us. I've taken it down. It's my skill. How can it become a love affair of Emei? "
"The Lord of Qin thought that if it wasn't for the indulgence of this seat, it would be so easy for the eight lotus flowers to be accepted by you?"
The leader of Qingmei is not angry, but he laughs. The meaning of his words is natural and clear.
When Qin Dynasty heard the leader of Qingmei say so, it's hard to say anything else.
After all, I don't want to have any enmity with the burning devil valley of Emei Mountain.
What he wants to support now is the development of a sect. If he feuds everywhere, it will not be good for the development of luochamen. It is better to let Emei owe her a favor.
"In that case, the matter is clear, and I should leave."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to stay here any more. It was time for him to return to southern Jiangsu.
"Good, because the burning magic Valley is all women, and it is not convenient for the Lord of the Qin clan to be a guest here. I hope the Lord of Qin can forgive me for my poor hospitality today. "
The leader of Qingmei arched his hand to the Qin Dynasty.
"You are welcome, master Qingmei."
Qin Dynasty bid farewell to Emei Mountain, left the dreamland, but also did not care and fate dream, reluctant to bid farewell, embarked on his own journey again.
There are many things he has to do, such as setting up the luochamen.
After leaving Emei fantasy, Qin Dynasty moved directly with space and came to Xiaobai.
At this time, Xiaobai is sitting in an office building, sorting out a document.
"Mr. Qin."
When she saw the Qin Dynasty coming out, she said hello.
"Xiaobai, what's the matter with luochamen?"
Qin Dynasty's body, also with some of the flavor of dust.
"We've almost got the location. It's in our office building."
This made the Qin Dynasty a little surprised, "ordinary sects should not find a place with beautiful scenery and build a main hall. How are we in this office building? "
"Mr. Qin has no idea."
Xiaobai said with a smile, "I have looked up some relevant information. As early as after the battle between the right and the devil, the valleys of the evil sect had been smashed by the righteous way. Helpless, the devil in the final decision, hidden in the city. Therefore, they moved to the city and established their sectarian foothold in the company's situation. In this way, we can't go to the city and fight with them in a big way. And here, it's better to change places. "
"No, we don't
Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said, "it's not your style to hide your head and reveal your tail. Luochamen, it's enough. Now, it's time for this sect to show his style to the Xiuzhen world. "
"But Mr. Qin, I don't think the time has come yet."
However, Xiaobai said to the point,
"your idea is right, let luochamen reappear in front of the world. But you should also consider that we are in a very awkward position. In the evil way, although there are evil alliance as the alliance, the yama gate still covetous us. In the middle of the right path, the misty peak and the Shushan sect are our enemies. If we put ourselves in the light, we will undoubtedly become their targets. "
"You mean we're not strong enough, right?"
For his own Mr. Qin, Xiaobai said frankly, "Mr. Qin has not broken through the golden age. Mo Ling and their strength are even worse. If you don't practice well for a period of time, you are still a small school of the third class. Mr. Qin, not everyone's accomplishments are as fast as you are. They need time. "
"Well, in that case, put it off for the time being."
Qin Dynasty is also very helpless, Xiaobai said, are facts.
"Mr. Qin, the only strength you can rely on now is our seven magic puppets. But we, too, are only the strength of the mid-term. It's OK to deal with some first-class talents, but we can't deal with those abnormal experts with more than seven golden bodies or scattered immortals. Kill array, and synchronous spell. Mr. Qin doesn't want to use it yet. In this way, you can only snow for a while. "
"Well, well, it's up to you."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged its shoulders.
"Don't be discouraged, Mr. Qin." Xiaobai also gave a sweet jujube, "fortunately, our resources are absolutely sufficient. Money is the key to the development of other sects. Otherwise, the evil alliance will not be employed everywhere, doing this and that. We have Dafa group at the top, three families in the island country in the middle, and Huang'an's influence below. Even the seventh branch also has your power. As long as we have enough time, we will develop rapidly and surpass other evil sects. Of course, it's not as good as those eight sects. ""I know that they have been developing for thousands of years and their strength is deeply rooted."
The Qin Dynasty said that he understood, "in this case, Xiaobai, you can start to do it. Oh, it's hard for you. If only I could net some great masters. "
"Stinky boy, why don't you try to catch the fierce beasts in the mountain sea tomb?"
Luo de in the body of the Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Fuck you, then I'm not going to die!"
The Qin Dynasty despised Tao.
"I can't say that"
but rod said with emotion, "maybe those fierce beasts have something to do with you. They don't, they always call you the immortal. If you go and have a try, maybe they will all become your subordinates
"Daydream, you don't want to learn?"
Qin Zhaoqi gnaws his teeth.
"But Mr. Qin, there's something to say."
Xiaobai looked at the Qin Dynasty for a long time and suddenly said.
"Just say what it is."
"Really, really?"
Xiaobai even hesitated, as if there was something difficult to say.
"You say, we have nothing to do with each other, what can't be said."
The Qin Dynasty took Xiaobai for a long time. For such a long time, Xiaobai has been doing his best to help himself, which makes him very moved. He has long regarded Xiaobai as a friend of life and death.
"Well, well, I'll tell you."
Xiaobai said, suddenly untied her black jacket, and then took off the inside of the small shirt.
Suddenly, the snow-white skin, as well as that black sexy corset, all showed in front of the Qin Dynasty.
Xiaobai's chest development is not bad, and this woman has a natural ability, is to change their appearance. That is to say, she can take whatever size she wants. Silicone, she doesn't need it at all.
Therefore, as long as Xiaobai is willing to surpass Wu Xin's dairy cow, it is easy.
Seeing Xiaobai take off his coat, Qin Dynasty was stunned.
"Mr. Qin, the magic puppet tattoo on my back often becomes very hot."
Little white face also some red, but she placated her mood, turned around, white back light to the Qin Dynasty, "you see, the tattoo, now red."
The Qin Dynasty recited a few Vajra sutras silently, which put their attention on Xiaobai's back.
That sexy spider tattoo, usually should not be seen, but now it is particularly clear. Each of the lines above is suffused with red light, flickering and flashing, which is very eye-catching.
"My magic puppet tattoo seems to be abnormal."
"How could this happen..."
Qin Dynasty some strange, can not help but put his hand on Xiaobai's back.
"In the way of..."
Xiaobai seems to think of something, the blush on his face is deeper. Her body trembled slightly, and she could not help but hold down the desk in front of her, feeling a little powerless.
Qin Dynasty also felt that Xiaobai's back was boiling hot.
"Qin, Mr. Qin You, don't touch I, I'll take care of it myself... "
Xiaobai only felt that the back of her neck was a burst of fire, and her face was ashamed to drip water.
"I'll take a look at it for you."
Qin Dynasty didn't think about anything else at this time. He was very serious. He wanted to have a good inspection for Xiaobai.
Unexpectedly, Xiaobai pushed away the Qin Dynasty, put his clothes on his body, and said, "Qin, Mr. Qin, I'll leave for a while, some things need to be dealt with."
Said, pretty face with shame, directly across the space, do not know where to run.
The Qin Dynasty has not been reflected for a long time.
"What's the matter, Xiaobai?"
Qin Dynasty did not catch up, since Xiaobai didn't want to let him know, it must be something on the girl's mind.
So he shrugged his shoulders and turned away from the office building.
He did not know, at this time, on the distant Mount Everest, Xiaobai stood here, gasping heavily.
On her body, the stab was in the heat. The snow all around turned into blood.
The extreme cold had no effect on her.
"I, I..."
Xiaobai's eyes suddenly blurred, then, as if some pain on his face, open his arms, chide.
At this time, a white spider silk flew out, first wrapped Xiaobai's body tightly, and then spread away, connecting to every corner around.
After a while, a huge cocoon like object appeared on the top of Mount Everest.
Inside, Xiaobai is completely trapped in the space of consciousness.
At this moment, including the Qin Dynasty, all the magic puppets were shocked.Because they found that they and the poisonous spider demon puppet Xiaobai, completely cut off the spiritual connection.
Qin Dynasty is surprised, a little chilly, to Xiaobai repeatedly call, but no one answers.
"Sister Xiaobai, what's wrong with her?"
Sitting in the classroom, Liu Ying suddenly raised her head and looked out of the window.
"What happened to her..."
Zhao Jingjing, who is decorating the martial arts school, can't help but look at the sky and don't know what happened.
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