Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 527

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Chapter 527

Dare you
It's the first time someone dares to say such a thing to her after all these years!
Only that time when he left his soul, a ghost named Dongfang Mo wanted to insult himself, and he was killed by the Qin Dynasty!
Well, if the Qin Dynasty were here, who would dare to talk to themselves like this?
but where did that guy of the Qin Dynasty go
"I dare not." Liao Dongqiang shrugged his shoulders, "anyway, in the United States, I am also a local ruffian. Originally, I had the hope to become a cultured tycoon. If you don't give me this chance, I can only show you rogue. My dear, little niece
"Liao Dongqiang! Dare you Liao Shasha began to fear in her heart, because she also knew that her uncle, when she was in the United States, was no different from a gangster. Therefore, when her father was alive, he didn't like to take care of the younger brother. He just provided him with the expenses of normal life, so as not to let him starve to death.
This guy, think his father is dead, no one can protect me, Liao Shasha?
"Liao Dongqiang, if you dare to do anything to me, you will die!" Liao Shasha said in a loud voice, "the Qin Dynasty will not let you go!"
"Ha ha ha ha, Qin Dynasty?" Liao Dongqiang looked up at the sky and laughed, "he is nothing! I will be the real chairman of Dafa group immediately. I can kill him in a thousand ways then! "
"Hum, you ignorant people will never understand how powerful the Qin Dynasty is!" Liao Shasha sneered, "he wants to kill you, just wave."
"That's all you can do, little girl." Liao Dongqiang did not agree, "do you think I am a three-year-old child, will you believe this kind of deception?"
He said, and then began to smile, "OK, don't talk to you any more. Just go and stay in the house for me. Anyway, I'm your uncle, so I'll give you two days to think about it. After two days, if you don't sign, don't blame me for turning a blind eye. "
As soon as he waved, the two bodyguards took Liao Shasha's arm and wanted to take her back to the room.
"Let go of me, let go of me!" Liao Shasha struggled desperately and suddenly bit her hand called a Biao.
The girl's little tiger teeth are still very sharp. When she takes a bite, she cries out.
"Ah! Damn it, this girl dares to bite me As soon as he let go, Liao Shasha's feet fell to the ground. And another bodyguard was there, dragging her to the house.
"Boss, let me and ah Hu do this girl now!" That Biao's eyes flashed evil light, said maliciously, "anyway, this girl is of no value now. After finishing her, our brother will press her hand on a fingerprint."
"Fingerprints are not safe. You'd better bear with it for the time being." Although Liao Dongqiang also hated his niece, he did have to bear it when he should.
"You bastards!" Liao Shasha's chest heaved, gnashing her teeth and staring at these people.
"Take your life." Liao Dongqiang said coldly, "no one will save you."
"Who said that!" With tears rolling in her eyes, Liao Shasha yelled, "Qin Dynasty! Qin Dynasty, come and save me
"Ha ha ha ha, you idiot!" Liao Dongqiang couldn't help laughing, "even if that boy is very powerful, he can't save you now! Do you really think of him as Superman? You can fly from the sky with a cry? "
As soon as his voice dropped, he heard a thunder like sound in the sky.
"Miss, who dares to move my family?"
The explosion of thunder made several people present pale.
Liao Dongqiang's neck rose and looked up. He was shocked.
In his eyes, it was panic, it was incredible.
At the same time, in Liao Shasha's eyes, it is another emotion.
Her pupils reflected a blue sky, in which a small black dot was slowly enlarging.
Soon, you can see that it was a man in a black suit.
With the figure of that man a little bit enlarged, Liao Shasha's eyes also began to ruddy.
"My God, who is that man? How can he fly?"
The senior salesman of the umbrella company had a big mouth in surprise and looked at his head in disbelief.
"Qin Dynasty..." Two lines of tears rolled down Liao Shasha's cheek. She had a very complicated feeling in her heart. As if, that through a thousand years of expectations, joy. At the same time, there is a kind of unspeakable sorrow. Is he willing to show up at last?
After all, this disappeared for a long time. It is impossible to say that Liao Shasha had no complaints about the Qin Dynasty.
And the Qin Dynasty did not know these things and did not think about them. Because, when he saw Liao Shasha was bullied by two bodyguards, his heart suddenly came to a fire.
How long have you been away? These bodyguards dare to be so presumptuous now and act against Liao Shasha!Anyway, Liao Shasha was also a woman of Qin Dynasty!
In addition to his own bullying, who dares to move her a hair!
"Die for me!"
Qin Dynasty's body fell down, with the roaring wind, the moment fell in front of Liao Shasha..
His feet were on the ground, and a small pit was trodden directly under his feet. He reached out his hand and gently hooked Liao Shasha's beautiful face.
"Little girl, long time no see..." The Qin Dynasty said softly, "I'm a little taller But why didn't the chest develop? "
"You die! Asshole! Asshole! Asshole Liao Shasha's heart hidden for a long time of vulnerability, suddenly all burst out. She cried loudly, encircling the waist of the Qin Dynasty and pounding him on the shoulder.
"Monster! Run The two bodyguards didn't have time to watch people flirt. The Qin Dynasty came down from the sky and scared them to death. They didn't think about what they had done to Liao Shasha. They crawled away with their hands and feet.
"Want to go?"
Qin Dynasty eyes a Li, he index finger and middle finger holding two coins, a shake of the hand to throw out.
"Bang bang!" The dull sound of impact reminds me that the two bodyguards only felt a huge force behind them, whining with pain, and the whole body was hit by the force.
Two bodyguards fell down and ate shit, and their front teeth were knocked off.
Liao Dongqiang was terrified when he showed up.
From the beginning, he thought that Qin Dynasty was just a young bodyguard with a white face. At most, I can do some Kung Fu. I can compare and draw two times.
If that's the case, all the bodyguards of the umbrella company, who are veterans, can easily kill him.
But I didn't expect that this guy was really as strong as Liao Shasha said. He was incredibly powerful. Who is flying from the sky, is it really Superman?
What's more, two coins have turned over the bodyguards of the umbrella company?
This, say it, who believe it!
"Are you two women who dare to touch me in Qin Dynasty?" Qin Dynasty sneered and walked past, a foot just in that a Biao's back, eyes with a murderous spirit, "I left so long, it seems that you have forgotten the word Qin Ye."
"Spare me, spare me!" That a Biao and the arrogant appearance before are completely two concepts, crying and pleading.
"Spare me?" Qin Dynasty sneered, "I won't kill you, I'm afraid to dirty my hands."
In a word, the two bodyguards were relieved at the same time. But soon, a word from the Qin Dynasty made them nervous again.
"But if you mess with my woman, at least leave something."
With that, Qin Dynasty reached out and seized the left arm of a Biao. Then, he stepped on the puma and pulled his arm back.
A glare of blood flashed into the sky.
Liao Dongqiang was a fool, because the Qin Dynasty broke the left arm of a Biao directly and threw it aside at will.
The blood gushed out like a fountain and directly dyed half of the body red.
Ah Biao howled heartrendingly, covering his bare shoulder and Howling like a madman.
"My hand, my hand!"
"Help, help!" Another bodyguard is also stupid, hands and feet, like an ugly lizard, trying to escape.
The Qin Dynasty first used his feet to kick a Biao under his body and sealed that man's Qi and blood with vitality, so as not to lose too much blood and die.
Then, in a flash, he appeared at the side of another bodyguard, the same action, without suspense, and pulled off the guy's arm.
Two bodyguards were broken arms, such a bloody picture, let Liao Dongqiang and umbrella company sales staff are terrified.
He has been in the United States for so many years. He thinks he has seen a lot of violence and blood.
But this is the first time to see such pure violence! How terrible it is to tear off the other person's arm without blinking his eyes!
"Quick, quick start the defense robot!"
Liao Dongqiang is looking for the escape route in panic. Suddenly, he falls on two metal robots that he has made, and his eyes suddenly emit excited light.
Yeah, no matter how powerful that guy is, he's just a person!
I, I am the master of the island's powerful technology products, defense robot ah!
The salesman was also awakened, hurriedly pulled out a remote control and pressed the button on it.
"Kagaka, Kaka!"
With his fingers pressing, the two robots, which were originally like statues, immediately began to move.
The red mechanical eyes lit up, two metal machines with height of more than three meters, slowly moving their limbs.
"Qin Dynasty, be careful!"Liao Shasha knew the performance of the two robots, for fear that the Qin Dynasty would be in danger.
"Don't worry, will I be afraid of these two scrap iron?" The Qin Dynasty turned his head and gave the eldest lady of the Liao family a very comforting look.
Liao Shasha felt warm in her heart.
How long, did not see this kind of look.
I remember at that time, Qin Dynasty always used this kind of look at oneself, let her feel, so safe. It seems that even if the sky falls, the Qin Dynasty can resist it.
He is such a person who can create miracles and solve all difficulties!
"Well! I believe you
Liao Shasha nodded heavily.
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