Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 568

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Chapter 568

"Don't worry, boss su."
Qin Dynasty comforted his future sister-in-law, "after all, he is still your father, I will not take him how."
"Qin, Qin Dynasty!"
Su Xianqin was a little annoyed. He didn't expect that his strength in the foundation period would be controlled by a woman who didn't show the mountain and water leakage. "What do you want to do?"
"What do I want to do?" The Qin Dynasty's eyes were sharp, "Su Xianqin, don't pretend to be confused with me! All I want is Suu Kyi! My Suu Kyi
"You dream, I won't let my daughter marry you!"
The Qin Dynasty almost had the impulse to run away, but he pressed down because he didn't want to do things that would make Su's sisters regret.
"Well, tell me why you don't want your daughter to marry me."
"Because you don't deserve to be the son-in-law of our Su family!"
Su Xianqin said absolutely No.
Qin Dynasty laughed, "when you say this, did not consider? My power of Qin Dynasty can destroy you ten thousand times. "
"Personal force?"
Su Xianqin laughed, "boy, this power is nothing. I know a lot about it. It can destroy your powerful existence 10000 times! My su family is famous. I earned it by myself in those years! Su Xianqin chooses a son-in-law. Naturally, I have to find a similar one to be worthy of my daughter. "
"Hum." The Qin Dynasty sneered, "what I said is not to destroy you by force, but to destroy the whole Su family."
Hearing this, even Su Fei was shocked.
"You dare to do something to my daughter!" Su Xianqin also roared.
"In your head, is there only killing?"
Qin Dynasty is helpless, "I said is, destroy the foundation of your Su family!"
"Well, young man." Su Xianqin said scornfully, "I admit that you have surpassed me in force, but you are dreaming of destroying the foundation of my su family."
"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, Xiaobai!"
Qin Dynasty gave Xiaobai a look.
"Yes, Mr. Qin."
Xiaobai nods, as the imperial housekeeper and assistant of the Qin Dynasty, her identity is also extraordinary.
She took out a cell phone and dialed a few calls casually.
Soon, Su Xianqin put aside the mobile phone, on the buzzing up.
Before Su Xianqin reacts, the phone has appeared in Xiaobai's hand and is put in Su Xianqin's ear.
"There's a call for you, Mr. Su."
Su Xianqin didn't know what he was playing with. He suddenly had the right to act on one arm and immediately answered the call.
"Zhang Dong, how can you remember to call me Ah, what? The plan is going to stop? You're not doing it? Why? Hey, don't hang up, hello? "
"Mr. Li, aren't you in Hong Kong? How Ah? We jointly develop the real estate, you do not want to continue? That's to pay for the penalty! what? Are you willing to compensate? You... "
"Secretary General Liu, aren't you on a business trip? What, is the government going to take back the lot that we bid for? That's why I invested a lot of money there! The government can't say what it says Hello, Secretary General Liu? Hello
After several phone calls, Su Xianqin's face became more and more pale.
Several cooperative companies said that Dafa group put pressure on them, so they decided to give up the cooperation with Sujia.
At the end of the day, even the government came forward and said that it would stop supporting the Su family and even cancel some preferential policies.
These news let Su Xianqin be struck by lightning.
It's OK to lose those cooperation plans. It's a big deal to start all over again.
But if even the government gave up, the Su family would be ruined.
Especially for the plan of a business center under development in Sunan City, as long as you do it well, the company's assets will be doubled several times, and it is expected to be listed in the United States next year.
But just now, Secretary General Liu made a direct phone call to tell the plan was suspended and the cooperative company would bid again.
Su Xianqin asked the reason, people are just a light sentence, you offend the wrong people, hang up the phone.
Offend the wrong people Who, Qin Dynasty?
Even if he is the chairman of Dafa group, how can he speak up to the government!
"You won..."
For a moment, Su Xianqin seemed to be ten years old, and his hand holding the telephone dropped down.
He had to admit that the Qin Dynasty was really powerful.
Because the Su family now has two industries, real estate and school are managed by Su Fei, and the rest belongs to Su Xianqin himself.
Su Fei's industries were nothing, but he was responsible for them and began to collapse.
This time, he is really going bankrupt.In the commercial center plan alone, he managed to borrow a lot of money from the bank. Now the plan is suspended and the bank's preferential policy is cancelled. He is waiting to sell his house and lose money.
I have been working hard for many years, but I didn't expect that a few phone calls would turn into a bubble.
"Dad, what's the matter with you..."
Su Fei was startled. She ran to her father's arm and asked.
"Princess su..." Su Xianqin was rather old-fashioned and said to his daughter, "Su family It's all over. Sell your school and your real estate tomorrow We are going to pay off the huge debts of the bank
"How, how..."
Su Fei also seemed to have met the thunderbolt from the blue. She was silly, "how, how could it be in a moment..."
"Su Xianqin."
The Qin Dynasty stood up, looked at the old man who was already a little old, and said, "it's not that I want to bully you on purpose. This step is all your own. As long as... "
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to bring down the Su family. After all, there were Sufei and Suji. No matter how bad the old man is, he can't watch the family of Su's sisters fall apart.
in doing so, he just wants to force Su Xianqin to know his own strength and not to stop him from associating with Suji.
But before he finished, a Buddhist name came from the direction of the stairs.
"Ah Mi Tuo Buddha... "
Then, an old monk dressed in a golden robe slowly stepped onto the platform and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"This little benefactor, by virtue of his cultivation at the end of his concentration, is it too much to bully people. If I read it correctly, it should be the devil's way. Don't deceive people too much. Otherwise, if you go to hell, you will suffer thousands of bitter fruits. "
"Master Shitian, master Shitian, help me..."
When Su Xianqin saw the old monk, he immediately felt as if he saw the Savior. "I, I'm really going to be forced to death..."
"Don't worry, Su Ju Shi."
The old monk said authoritatively, "this demon is the cultivation in the end of concentration. But the poor monk, is already the end of the supernatural powers, he is not the opponent of the poor monk at all. Today, I will ask for justice for you. "
Qin Dynasty can't help but be happy, lying trough, listening to the tone, how it seems that he is more powerful than me, so he can get justice back. Listen, it's a little bullying.
"This benefactor, please let go of Su Jushi."
With that, the old monk pinched a Zen seal and read aloud, "Oh!"
Six character Daming mantra.
A white Buddhist seal, toward the white on the past.
Su Fei was stunned when she was watching. She thought what this was.
"Little skills."
For such attacks, Xiaobai is really lazy to pay attention to.
With a wave of her hand and a bang, she flew the Buddhist seal and bounced it into the air.
The monk Shi Tianlao was startled. He used 70% of his strength. Why did the girl fly with one slap?
Then, after a careful exploration, it suddenly dawned on me.
Good a ya, this girl turned out to be a master in the middle of Yuanying!
"Benefactor, you can do it yourself. I think you are a woman and don't want to hurt you, but you should not go too far. Otherwise, once the poor monk does his best, the female benefactor will inevitably lose her life. "
after that, without waiting for Xiaobai to speak, she turns her head to the Qin Dynasty.
Or this guy is safe. At the end of the foundation construction, I'm sure I can handle it.
"This little benefactor, the Buddha said," the sea of suffering is boundless, and it is safe to look back. Don't go on your own way. Stop
"Hum!" Qin Dynasty disdains ground to curl one's lips, "I insist on one's own way? You'd better persuade you, Su Ju Shi! Suji and I are like each other. They are a model couple. They are separated by him
"Little benefactor, you look good." The master Shitian also advised, "it's just the order of parents and the words of matchmaker. Since Su Ju Shi doesn't want to marry his daughter to you, you should not insist on marriage that is not yours. Let go of the obsession, the benefactor can see the true great wisdom.
"I will go to his mother's great wisdom." The Qin Dynasty said angrily, "I haven't asked the master how you study Buddhism. If you don't eat fast and recite Buddhism, you run to take care of other people's housework! No wonder, as an interpreter, you are still in the magic period. It's too bad. It's a shame to Songshan. "
"Demon, speak out! It seems that you are stubborn. The poor monk has surpassed you today
The old monk said, holding two six character Daming mantras in his hand, and was about to fight against the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty is really helpless.
In the end, the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.
Among those who practice Buddhism, there are real masters like release, and others who have become dead brained.
"Master Shitian, you've got a good look. Why don't you just sit down and calm down?"Say, Qin Dynasty hit a ring finger.
The mind works.
For a small magical period, the mind can be 100% suppressed.
Therefore, the Buddhist monk Shi Tian only felt a strong force exerted on him. Then, he waved his hands and hung on his legs. At the same time, his body was stiff, he leaned back and found a chair to sit on.
"You, what kind of magic are you..."
The Buddhist monk Shitian, who just said he wanted to surpass the Qin Dynasty, is now a little afraid.
"Magic?" The Qin Dynasty couldn't help laughing, "ha ha, master Shitian, it seems that you have to learn more. Well, you should be quiet for a while and watch me and master Su handle the housework."
Say, Qin Dynasty pinched a finger.
Master Shitian can't even move his mouth.
Su Xianqin next to see the real, at this time he understood how terrible the power of the Qin Dynasty.
Even master Shitian of Shentong period is not his opponent. It seems that Qin Dynasty is not the end of concentration. It is possible that his strength has reached the terrible height of primipara.
My God, my daughter, how can I know such a terrible guy!
"Master Su, I still respect you because you are the father of Suji and Sufei."
The Qin Dynasty sat there, looked at Su Xianqin and said, "I'm here today not to bring down your Su family, but to fulfill our agreement. Su Fei, you were our witness at that time. I want to ask you to say a fair word
With that, Qin's eyes turned to Su Fei, who had already fainted.
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