Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 701

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Chapter 701

"Luochamen is located in a hidden mountain range in Sichuan Province. There are 16 disciples in the gate, including me. There are five volumes of Jiuyou's summoning technique. The school fund is 5820 yuan only
Qin Dynasty listen to is straight frown, "how can be so miserable."
"I don't know."
Mo Ling sighed and said, "since the death of Lord Luo, the sect has actually disintegrated. At that time, the glory of the first door of the devil's road is no longer there. All of us think that luochamen is a two faced, three faced, dirty sect. Finally one day, misty peak united with many sects. If they wanted to recruit us, they washed our luochamen with blood. We sought help from the evil alliance, but we were also rejected. There is no way, luochamen can only flee to the mountains in confusion. "
"Is it the misty peak again..."
Qin Dynasty clenched his fist, and now he and this sect, have a deep hatred.
Mo Ling nodded, "this school, it seems that the sea contains hundreds of rivers, but in fact it is extremely domineering. Among them, many small sects are threatened by force and forced to accept. If you don't agree, you will be killed. Since then, luochamen has been underestimated. For so many years, we have been hiding in the mountains, without yuan Lingjing, it is difficult to cultivate. "
"Why not develop it?"
"Money, development needs a lot of money!"
Mo Ling directly said, "every school, such as Shushan and misty peak, is supported by large companies and groups in reality. The daily living expenses of the people of the sect, as well as the consumption of yuan Lingjing, have to rely on funds to support themselves. Practitioners don't go into business. They have to practice wholeheartedly. As for our luochamen, our reputation has fallen, and no one is willing to support us. So, it's what it looks like now. "
"There's no need to worry about money."
Qin Dynasty ha ha smile, stretch out a hand, hit a ring finger.
"Xiaobai, it's your turn."
The air fluctuated, and a woman in a black suit came out of the void and looked at the hotel curiously.
"Mr. Qin, are you making a scene again?"
"Well, there was a misunderstanding."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said awkwardly. He pointed to Mo Ling and told Xiao Bai, "these people will be our own people. They are the disciples of luochamen, that is, my disciples. "
Xiaobai is outspoken and looks at the disciples.
Anyway, with the book of life and death.
Qin Dynasty just wanted to introduce Xiao Bai to Mo Ling, and Mo Ling had already knelt down with a group of disciples.
"Disciple Mo Ling, have seen the venerable!"
"I've seen you!"
Xiaobai is not surprised by this worship. She waved her hand casually and said, "get up, all of you. It's a family. You don't have to be so polite in the future."
Different from the Qin Dynasty, Xiaobai made up for the knowledge of Xiuzhen world after entering it. In particular, she has collected a lot of information about luochamen.
Therefore, for some of the rules, she is more clear than the Qin Dynasty.
"I am the poisonous spider demon puppet of the sect leader, that is, the poisonous spider venerable. Besides me, there are five Oh, no, it's the six venerable ones. You'll see it later. "
The disciples nodded respectfully.
Xiaobai winked at Qin Dynasty, "we have another sister, don't we?"
When Shen Qing became a demon puppet, other demons felt it.
"There are seven venerable men Mo Ling couldn't help feeling, "the master is really extraordinary!"
The embarrassment of the Qin Dynasty, I don't know whether it is boasting or damaging itself.
"There will be eighth and ninth in the future. I wonder if sister moling has this interest?"
Xiaobai even joked.
"Mo Ling is willing to do so!"
Mo Ling was excited and became a magic puppet. What a great honor! This is the same birthday as the master of the gate! Moreover, you can also master the powerful magic puppet power!
Qin Dynasty dry cough two, told Mo Ling, "don't listen to Xiaobai nonsense, to become a magic puppet, it needs conditions."
"Mo Ling believes in himself, even under the most difficult conditions, I can do it!"
Mo Ling is full of confidence.
"No, no I'll talk about it later. "
When the Qin Dynasty waved his hand and became a demon puppet, he had to like himself. But I'll talk about it later It's also a way
"You are my part-time housekeeper. As for the problem of funds, you can work with her later. We, however, are not inferior to those famous and honest people. Since I am the master of luochamen, I will let luochamen become the first sect! What is the misty peak? I will destroy it sooner or later! ""I will follow the sect leader to death!"
Mo Ling is excited with that what like.
"Well, from today on, I will promote Mo Ling as the master of transmission of meritorious service."
When Qin became the head of the sect, he naturally had to do something. "From now on, every disciple of the sect can learn new skills from Mo Ling. It's the same with the Jiuyou Dharma. There are nine levels in total. If you don't learn one layer, you can get a new level of mind Dharma. "
People worship Qin Dynasty again.
In the Qin Dynasty, it also saved energy. In the future, you only need to teach Mo Ling a person's mind method. To tell you the truth, Qin chaozi is lazy.
"Xiao Bai, Mo Ling, I still have something to do. The things in the door will be handed over to you first."
"Please rest assured. Mo Ling will do his best."
Mo Ling nodded repeatedly.
"Mr. Qin, just give it to me."
Xiaobai, of course, was a trustworthy person in the Qin Dynasty.
After explaining some things, the disciples of luochamen gradually disappeared.
Of course, before they left, they stripped Huang an and the bodyguards of their strength.
"No one can tell us what we see today."
Mo Ling fed some potions to the bodyguards, which could not only relieve the effect of the medicine, but also have other effects. "What I feed you is the unique poison of our sect. If you let me know which of you dares to declare this matter, the poisonous insects in your body will break out and your bodies will fester and die one by one! "
This threat, to ordinary people, is still very effective.
These bodyguards, in a hurry, vowed not to go out and say a word.
Mo Ling this just satisfied ground nods, took the door person to walk, with small white.
"Brother Huang, you're scared."
The Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and dissolved Huang'an's medicinal power with pure Buddhist power.
Huang'an, who had just recovered his strength, looked at the Qin Dynasty in fear and said with a trembling smile.
"Hehe, hehe Qin, the leader of the Qin clan laughed... "
Huang an now thought, fortunately, I just had a little thought about Yuanmeng What are you going to do? I don't have a place to bury myself!
Xiuzhen realm, these people are all the people in the legend of Xiuzhen world!
Although Huang'an has not really met him, he is one of the crown prince's party members as well as the fourth junior high school in Kyoto.
In this world, there are such a group of practitioners. They have great ability, even move mountains and fill the sea!
Today, he saw it!
These people really can't be provoked! If you flatter, you may not flatter.
Huang an is a smart man. He quickly worships the Qin Dynasty and says with great guilt, "Huang'an is sorry for the leader of the Qin clan. He even has a lust for his woman. Please punish the Lord of Qin, otherwise Huang'an will feel guilty and uneasy! "
Huang'an had never been in his heart. Now when he said this, Qin Dynasty was a little embarrassed, "don't say that. It's our dream that the younger martial sister is beautiful and charming. But don't be so unscrupulous after chasing girls. It's easy to be hated. "
"What the Lord of Qin taught me is that Huang an nodded again and again, and An'an was relieved. "I'm lucky to see the real face of the Lord of Qin's Lushan Mountain! In this way, I'll drink three cups in a row to show my admiration for the leader of the Qin clan! "
Then he picked up the wine and dried it for three times. His face was slightly ruddy and said, "Lord Qin, why don't you accept me as a disciple?"
Ordinary people want to be real!
Huang an was born in a red family all his life. He was a little prince when he was young.
Basically, there's nothing I haven't got in my life.
The only regret is that it's too short to live. Life is just a few decades, think about terrible ah!
"Be my disciple? This seems to be a little difficult "
the Qin Dynasty said to the truth," you are too old, and you have already missed the best age for practicing Buddhism. "
"Well, so..."
Huang an was disappointed.
"However, it's OK to practice some simple mental methods, enhance physical fitness and prolong life."
In the Qin Dynasty, Huang'an's heart was full of ups and downs.
"Well, the master of the gate agreed?"
"It's not difficult to accept you as an outsider."
The Qin Dynasty said, took out a business card and handed it to Huang an, "this is Xiaobai's telephone number just now. If you contact her and say I introduced it, she will understand. "
As Suji's boyfriend, the Qin Dynasty deeply knew that it was very important for a sect to have some powerful external disciples.
The whole Su family is the outer gate of Baotai temple in Songshan mountain!
This tight, is only one of the outer doors!
What Qin Dynasty owns now is Dafa group and three big families of island state. But he thought it was not enough. The more such things, the better! Just like playing Warcraft, the more resources you have, the more powerful your development will be!"The headmaster is up, please be worshipped by the disciples!"
Huang ante was clever. After taking the business card, he knelt down to the Qin Dynasty.
"Up, up, up!"
Qin Dynasty quickly help up, "in my here, can not so many rules."
The Qin Dynasty told him, "Xiaobai, they should not have gone far. You can go after them now. It's too late."
"Yes, yes, headmaster, I'm going to find the venerable!"
Huang an was so excited that he felt that the door of a new world was opened. He was happy, and paid homage to the Qin Dynasty. The bodyguards couldn't control it. He pedaled downstairs.
Those bodyguards chase out, has been silent fate dream, this just opened the mouth.
"Brother Qin Now, you are becoming more and more powerful... "
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