Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 685

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Chapter 685

"What, what..."
Roxie glared at the beautiful big blue eyes, without blinking, staring at the Qin Dynasty, "you, are you crazy! I'm used to being in a prison deep in hell! It's worthless of you to waste such a wish for me
"Who said that."
Now I'm very happy to see you. It's just a wish. Anyway, I'll make it. "
"You, you idiot, you idiot!"
Roxie's eyes are moist. She clenched her fist and hit Qin Dynasty twice, but it didn't hurt at all. "Next time, don't do such an idiot again! Otherwise, I will never see you. "
"Then I can only make one more wish."
"No wish!"
Roxie glared at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, stop it." The Qin Dynasty patted the female devil's upturned part and said, "I am so eager to see you, but also to ask you to help."
"Well, I knew that if you miss someone else, it's not good."
Rosie rolled a beautiful white eye.
"Tell me what to do with someone else."
"I want Renyuan Jindan, can you get it for me directly?"
"This It seems impossible. "
Roxie shook her head, "that man's gold elixir, only Kunlun Mountain has one. If I remember correctly, it should be sealed in a strong protective array. With my strength, I can't get in. "
"Can you find Kunlun mountain?"
"No, it's a holy mountain. We demons, we can't get any closer. "
"In this case Then help me find Kunlun disciples. I'll let them take me in. " The Qin Dynasty had to retreat and seek the second.
"That's OK." Rosie nodded. "I'll help you once for free, for the sake of saving people with your kindness The Kunlun disciple is just... "
Roxie had just said a word, her body suddenly trembled, and then there were black lights coming out of her body.
She pushed the Qin Dynasty aside, murmured in pain, knelt on the ground, constantly twitching.
"Rosie, what's the matter with you?"
The Qin Dynasty was so surprised that she went to take Roxie.
But a black light came out, and the arm of Qin Dynasty was thrown away, so that he could not get close to it.
"This is What is this? "
The Qin Dynasty was a little panicked, and the swords of the great Yin and Yang evil king were all lit up. They were ready to cut the boundary that seemed to be twining around Roxie.
But at this moment, the black photoelectric entangled in Rosie suddenly disappeared.
She took two breaths, wiped the sweat off her head, and rose slowly.
"How are you, Rosie?"
At this time, the Qin Dynasty came forward, took her hand, and found that the strength before was gone.
"I, I'm fine..."
Roxie's blue eyes, looking at the Qin Dynasty, suddenly burst into a bitter smile, "it seems that we can only exchange wishes..."
"It was The punishment of the Lord of hell? "
The Qin Dynasty also understood.
It seems that Roxie has helped herself many times by the Lord of hell.
No wonder, she will be forced back, and locked in the abyss of hell.
"Well, let's make a contract." Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, hugged Rosie and said, "I want to know the position of Kunlun disciples."
Roxie looked at the Qin Dynasty two eyes, that Mou son a burst of deep, do not know what is thinking. It was a long time before she gave the Qin Dynasty a response. She put her hands around the neck of the Qin Dynasty and brought up her red lips.
This is a very familiar kiss
Qin Dynasty in that moment, unexpectedly some infatuation.
He felt that at this moment, the female devil in his arms was so real.
"Agreement reached..."
Roxie left the kiss of the Qin Dynasty. She raised her head and said in a soft voice, "only one of the Kunlun disciples is outside the Kunlun mountain. Her name is Ximen Yuqing Now, Sichuan, Shushan... "
On the mountain of Shu --
"ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to come here today to witness an event."
In the main hall of Shushan, an old man in a black and blue arrow sleeve robe sat at the head of the hall and said to some people of other sects below.
"For the first time in three thousand years since the founding of Shushan, such a traitor has come out! This is the shame of Shushan! Today, I'm going to prove to all our allies that we are determined to kill demons and demons in Shushan! "
"The dragon grows old!"
Before he finished speaking, a disciple of Kunlun Mountain, Ximen rain, stood up, arched his hands and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you. As far as I know, the leader of Shushan should be leader tan. Why, it's Dragon elder who is sitting in the leader's position today"You don't know something about this Kunlun disciple."
Haotian took a step forward. One of his sleeves was empty. If you don't reach the golden age, this arm can't be repaired.
"As early as a few days ago, headmaster Tan of Shushan had abdicated and gave up the leader to my master. Now, my master is the leader of Shushan generation. "
"It turns out that Shushan has changed its leader..."
The Buddhist master of Baotai temple in Songshan, with his two disciples, sat near the top of the temple and read the name of Buddha, "Amitabha Why did I wait for such a great event to know now? "
"It's a small matter within our sect. It's a small change."
Haotian is deeply loved by his master, longziyu. Now, he has become the spokesman of longziyu. Standing there, the thirty-seven generation disciple of Shushan, is graceful and eloquent.
"But a traitor in Shushan is a big deal! This is not only the shame of Shushan, but also the shame of the whole Xiuzhen world! "
"Immortal Haotian."
She looked at her master, stood up, arched her hands and said, "since we came here, your sect has been talking about traitors. Who is the traitor, what is he doing, and where is he? "
"Be quiet, everyone."
Long Ziyu opened his mouth, "I'm calling you here today to witness the execution of this traitor. Ladies and gentlemen, please follow me and go to duanjianfeng! "
The Dragon feather stood up and walked out of the hall.
"I don't know what to sell the dragon."
The Taoist priest Qing of Emei stood up, and her proud disciple, with a sword in her arms, followed her.
Other sects, Huashan yujianfeng, Kunlun tianrenzong, Songshan Baotai temple, Qinghong Wuji gang and Wudang Yimei road have sent people here. Only the misty peak of Tianshan Mountain should be preparing for the Hongmeng Taoist Association at this time.
These people followed the disciples of Shushan mountain and went out of the hall to mount duanjianfeng.
On the cliff of duanjianfeng, a woman in white is hanging.
Next to her, a girl with a similar appearance was sobbing.
Next to the girl, there is a male disciple, pulling her.
"Younger martial sister, don't be sad." Xu Renfeng held Shen Yu in his arms and said in a soft voice, "your aunt and the people in the devil's way linger, and they are determined to protect his evil seed. This has already committed a heinous crime. No matter how sad you are, it will not help. "
"I, my aunt was just blinded by the magic law..."
Shen Yu cried very sad, "why, aunt, why don't you talk?"
She looked at the woman who was suspended and couldn't help asking.
Shen Qing raised her beautiful face and just looked at her niece.
She just smiles and doesn't talk.
"Shen Qing!"
"My God, it's an ice-white Narcissus!"
"How could this virtuous woman in heaven's way How did you become a traitor? "
Seeing Shen Qing, those famous and decent people were all surprised.
"Do you see that?"
Haotian said for his master, "this woman, who doesn't know the propriety, righteousness, and shame, has fallen in love with Qin Dynasty, the sect leader of luochamen! And have a son! Such a person, you say, should be killed or not! "
The sword in Yuan Meng's hand fell to the ground.
Miss Shen, Miss Shen, she
She and brother Qin
How could, how could it be
There was a burst of discussion among those famous and decent families.
No one would have thought that a woman like Shen Qing would have an affair with someone in the evil way like Qin Dynasty?
Shushan has always hated such behavior! They regard the people in the evil way as demons, and they are never soft hearted.
"Such a scandal should not have been known in the world. We Shushan, I'm sorry to let you know. "
Haotian arched his hand and said, "however, we are not afraid of the jokes of our classmates, in order to show our determination! We will not be soft hearted to kill demons and demons! Even if there is a traitor in our own door, we will destroy our relatives! Shen Qing is the best example! "
"Dragon master."
Jiang Yifan of Huashan is a famous playboy. He saw such a beautiful woman to be sentenced, naturally some can not bear, so went up to say.
"What evidence does your school have for saying that Miss Shen had an affair with the demon of the Qin Dynasty? I think Miss Shen is bent on killing demons and demons. I hope your sect will not hurt good people by mistake. "
Longziyu said coldly, "if you don't believe it, you can ask her!"
He swung his hand and pointed to Shen Qing, who was hanging.
"You can kill me..." Shen Qing raised his head and looked at many decent people in front of him. Although she knew she was going to be put to death, she had no fear on her face. She just said faintly, "but please, let go of my child.""Hum! You all see it
Long Ziyu was a little angry, sneered and said, "it's this shameless woman. If you don't kill her, you're going to discredit our cultivation world."
As if feeling the master's crisis, the frost water sword, buzzing dragon.
However, the sword was entangled with several chains at this time, and it was tied beside Shen Qing and could not move.
"Frost water, don't panic."
Shen Qing is actually comforting his sword. "Death is just a new beginning."
"Prepare to be punished, pull Shen Yu away!"
Longziyu ordered.
Xu Renfeng pulled away his sister, who was crying and shouting.
Several elders of Shushan came up and surrounded Shen Qing. They each control a sword, floating in the air, ready to take Shen Qing's life at any time.
"Shen Qing, can you realize it?"
Longziyu stood behind the elders and asked Shen Qing in a sharp voice.
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