Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1239

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Chapter 1239

Director Wang and the dean who came in behind were also shocked.
They know about the old man's case.
Lung failure, basically not.
Depending on the maintenance of hormones and other nutritional drugs, you can save your life with one breath.
But now, how can the old man go down?
This Taijiquan is playing smoothly. Where does it look like a patient?
Or a dying patient?
"Girl, I'm a little hungry. Go and give me the whole food."
The old man is now in good health and his stomach is full of vitality.
"OK, OK, Dad, I'm going, I'm going!"
Middle aged women are not happy.
In the past, my father didn't even want to drink porridge. He didn't want to drop rice.
Now, I should take the initiative to eat. Great, wonderful
Director Wang and the Dean looked at each other and were surprised. They suddenly saw that there was a Qin Dynasty in the ward, and they immediately understood it.
"Oh, who should I be? It's the miracle doctor
The president ran to the front and shook hands with the Qin Dynasty again and again, "miracle doctor, why don't you say that when you come, I'll welcome you personally!"
"No way..."
Qin Chao looked at Xiao Nan and Yang Li's surprised appearance and waved his hand in a slightly embarrassed way, "I'm actually looking for Hu Ke, I'm looking for her to do something..."
"You're looking for doctor Hu. Where's Xiao Hu? Go and get her!"
"Dean, Dr. Hu is in the operating room now..."
A doctor hastily reminded.
"Ah, so You see... "
The president looked at the Qin Dynasty with some embarrassment.
"It's OK. I'll wait for her."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.
"That's too bad for the doctor!" The president repeatedly apologized.
The head nurse was there, looking like a fly.
She didn't expect that such a casual guy would cure the patient.
Moreover, even the president was respectful to him.
Is he really a miracle doctor?
I heard some doctors talk about it before. She didn't see it. She thought she was an old man with white hair.
I didn't expect to be so young!
"Doctor, would you like to wait in the lounge?"
Asked the Dean carefully.
"No, I'll just wait in Hooke's office."
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to make such a move. He looked for Hu Ke himself, which was for private affairs.
"Oh, so What? Don't let the miracle doctor wait alone. Xiao Nan, are you going to be ok? Just stay with me
Said the Dean, waving.
Qin Dynasty is beside me.
You can't wait alone
Find a little nurse, and two more to do, waiting to hinder
Even if you want to, it must be Yang Li. How can you call that Xiao Nan.
They didn't know each other.
"Ah, good..."
Xiao Nan nodded, and she could see that Yang Li's love was unusual.
Even the Dean should be respectful to him.
Generally speaking, the Dean doesn't even pay attention to it.
"And then. Yang Li, it's time to deal with your business. "
The Dean turned to Yang Li and said sternly, "this time, you have to take full responsibility! Dereliction of duty, we never need such a nurse! "
The head nurse looked at the Dean standing on his side and was proud again. I don't want to get rid of you today.
"Are you sure, sir?"
Yang Li had the support of the Qin Dynasty at this time. She was not afraid and said with a smile.
"Of course, I am the head of the hospital, and I am responsible for all the patients in the hospital! Your extremely irresponsible behavior must be punished! "
"Where am I not responsible?"
Yang Li immediately said, "I've already asked for leave for today's affairs."
She pulled Xiao Nan over, "I asked Xiao Nan to invite for me. I believe Xiao Nan won't pit me."
"Yes, I asked for her leave!"
Xiao Nan also saw that this uncle was not an ordinary person. He would definitely make decisions for Yang Li. Unless you are a fool, you must stand on Yang Li's side. You can't be wrong!
"You two don't have to cover up for each other." The head nurse yelled and said.
"Xiao Nan didn't come to me at all, and he didn't ask for leave. You two, covering up each other, should be dealt with seriously
"Yes? Are you sure? "
Yang Li looked at the head nurse and asked.
"Of course, I am the head nurse. I will not cover you up. I will be responsible for the hospital."
Continued the head nurse.
"Are you responsible for the hospital?"
At this time, the Qin Dynasty sneered.Hearing him speak, the head nurse was very nervous.
Is this man going to make a start for Yang Li?
Even if he does, what can he do. She insisted that Yang Li did not ask for leave. She must be punished.
The Qin Dynasty went on to say, "if you want to punish Yang Li, you can.". This is the infighting among colleagues, which has been the case in the workplace since ancient times. I will not say anything. However, you shouldn't trade Yang Li's punishment with the life of a patient! "
With that, Qin Dynasty clenched his fist.
"You, what are you talking about!"
The head nurse immediately some flustered, pointed to the Qin Dynasty and cried, "you don't want to be bloody!"
"I'm bloody?"
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, "Yang Li let Xiao Nan ask for leave, I am often, because she is to accompany me, just let Xiao Nan go to ask for leave."
"So it is!"
The Dean suddenly realized.
"No, no!"
The head nurse panicked, looked at Xiao Nan and immediately said, "Xiao Nan, that's you. Why don't you ask for leave from me! Xiao Nan, you say, did you do this to Yang Li? "
"I, I didn't..."
Xiao Nan's eyes immediately red, "I asked you for leave, head nurse..."
She didn't expect that the head nurse would set a fire on her.
"Come on, stop acting."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "I don't have any evidence for this, but I only hope you can understand that human life is only once. You have killed a person today, and your sin has also been committed. If you don't wake up in time, you won't get good results in the future. I happen to be here today. Next time, I don't know who will die because of you. "
"The miracle doctor is right."
The president nodded, "Bai Xin, go to the financial department to check your salary this month. You are fired from the hospital."
"Dean, you, you can't do this!"
The head nurse was frightened and begged.
"I, I'm right, they really didn't ask for leave!"
"I don't care if you're wrong."
The Dean replied with a firm determination, "as the saying goes, doctors are parents. Miracle doctor has superb medical skills, I also believe that he has the matching medical ethics! I believe his words. So, Bai Xin, this hospital can't accommodate you. "
With that, the Dean made a gesture of invitation.
Bai Xin was not reconciled.
This kind of big hospital, how many nurses work hard to come in.
Especially the position of head nurse.
Her Bai Xin is not without ability.
Now big hospitals are different from private hospitals.
There may be a lot of people who think that as long as it is a hospital, most of the nurses will be hidden rules.
It's just part of it.
The atmosphere in big hospitals has improved a lot, and more nurses have good and excellent professional skills and ethics.
In particular, the head nurse is more demanding.
In their city hospital, every morning in the morning meeting, they are in English to do the report.
Bai Xin has this level, otherwise, even if she had a few sleep with Director Wang, she would not have been helped to become a head nurse.
If she doesn't sleep with Director Wang, the one in this position is probably another nurse with similar ability but more affinity.
Since she became a head nurse, Bai Xin's heart began to activate.
Especially know Chen duo, the patient who once molested Yang Li.
He lived the life of a rich man.
She's a nurse, but she doesn't want to be a nurse all her life.
To put it bluntly, this is a job of serving people.
But now, when the Dean wanted to sweep her out of the house, she was afraid.
Now, you can't even serve people.
In particular, he was expelled, and his resume should be smeared with black ink.
At that time, it is impossible for large hospitals to employ themselves.
And small hospitals
I can't imagine.
I'm afraid I have to sleep with the director every day.
"Director Wang, please help me..."
She had no choice but to ask director Wang for help.
"Cough, what, I still have a patient. I have to go and have a look."
As soon as director Wang looked at the situation, he was in a hurry to leave.
"Wang Tiande, you have no conscience!"
A look at this man regardless of don't ask, Bai Xin immediately burst out a curse, "when you sleep old mother, how do you say! Now it's all changed! "
"Bai Xin, don't be insincere."
Director Wang immediately said, "I am a person with good medical ethics, and the miracle doctor is my example. I supported you as head nurse because I believe you have good professional quality. But now I find out that I was wrong. You are a shrew"You, you..."
Bai Xin now knows what it feels like to be wronged by someone pointing to his nose.
In the past 30 years, Feng Shui has changed in turn.
But she did not expect, unexpectedly so quickly, retribution fell back on her body.
"You can take care of it yourself. I'm busy with my work."
The Qin Dynasty raised his feet and left the ward.
"I'll be with him!"
Yang Li followed behind, Xiao Nan saw Yang Li go, did not go up to do light bulb.
"Uncle, if it wasn't for you today, I would be finished!"
She put her arm around Qin Dynasty and said with a smile.
Passers-by, see this scene, can not help but envy.
This is also a patient. She has such a beautiful little nurse and is so intimate.
It's unfair. I'm also a patient. How can I not get such a good treatment!
No, I have to complain!
Oneself also should enjoy such treatment!
Qin Dynasty did not know, he brought such trouble to the hospital. At this time, he is talking to Yang Li.
"Well, I'm in bad luck anyway. I'm in trouble everywhere. And you, when you work in the future, you should be more careful, and don't be trapped. "
"Oh, uncle, you are so wordy!"
Yang Li pursed her lips. "People don't know the head nurse. It's so bad..."
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