Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1161

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Chapter 1161

Looking at the military driver who has been sitting in the car and driving for them, Cheng Ying's eyes are dripping blood.
By this time, she had almost known the identity of the visitor.
Only they have the ability to challenge a platoon's military power alone!
As Zheng Siqi said, their bodies are made of steel, so they are not afraid of bullets.
"Get out of the car."
Abandoned all the special police soldiers, the second cold muzzle, aimed at Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi.
Cheng Ying's hand has been holding the mobile phone, she quietly dial out a number.
"I feel like a crow's mouth..."
Looking at the muzzle of the gun, Zheng Siqi had no choice but to get out of the car.
"And another woman, how to deal with it."
Ask number two.
"If you have nothing to do with the task, just deal with it."
No. 3 replied.
"I see."
No. 2 nods and pulls the trigger to Zheng Siqi.
"Don't shoot!"
Cheng Ying looked at the muzzle of the gun and began to despair. Zheng Siqi suddenly called out, "she is my friend. You are not allowed to hurt her! If she dies, I will die here. "
Zheng Siqi's hand, holding her laser pen, pointed to his own sun meridian.
No. 2's eyes fell on Zheng Siqi.
Then she started scanning the ballpoint pen in her hand.
"Component analysis Laser pen, power, 300p, lethal. "
"Don't shoot. Hold that woman first."
"If she presses the switch, the laser will directly burn through her brain. At that time, our mission will fail. "
"I see."
Number three nodded and slowly lowered his pistol.
Zheng Siqi was relieved to see No. 2 put down her arm.
At the moment when she relaxed, a bullet suddenly flew out of the darkness beside her and directly hit Zheng Siqi's laser pen.
Zheng Siqi has not yet shaken his mind. He feels that the laser pen in his hand has been hit by a strong force without a trace.
There's a destroyer around here!
She subconsciously remembered that she had a scalpel in her pocket.
It's OK to threaten with that!
In short, to save Cheng Ying!
"You'd better not act rashly."
At this time, a voice of despair, from a distance rang.
"If you try to threaten us again, I'll shoot you first and leave your brain behind. Considering the task, it seems that this will save more trouble. "
Zheng Siqi knows that the United States has this technology, which can extract useful information from the brain, and even control the brain, install it in the body of people to continue to serve them
This kind of technology, being called God's forbidden zone, is very terrible.
The feeling of being alive is more painful than dying.
Therefore, Zheng Siqi began to fear from the soul.
I can't save Cheng Ying
Seeing Zheng Siqi's expression began to stagnate, No. 2 continued to aim at Cheng Ying.
Cheng Ying sighed.
It seems that this is her destination.
But just then, a voice came out of the air.
"Bold and barbarian, didn't you learn enough from last time? How dare you go to our place to make trouble again! Look for death
Then, a figure, with a bang, landed on the roof.
No. 2 was surprised, looked up and saw the man standing on the roof of the car.
"Qin Dynasty!"
The electronic eye immediately identified the man.
Qin Dynasty hands a white sword, directly stabbed out, pierced the throat of that two.
Number two stepped back and fell to the ground.
"How could it be!"
No. 3 looked silly on the side, and No. 2, who couldn't do anything with armor piercing bullets, was pierced by a seemingly insignificant sword?
It's just it is beyond logic and above reason!
Totally against the common sense of science!
Is there any special ingredient in the material of that sword?
"Cheng Ying, are you ok?"
Qin Dynasty jumped out of the car, saw Cheng Ying in the car and asked.
"Nothing You came It's just in time... "
"When I heard the phone call, I kept coming."
Qin Dynasty is flying over, he has not been to this place, can not move directly.
Damn, they killed so many soldiers!
"Damn it, all of you!"The eyes of Qin Dynasty were a little red.
This is in China, these destroyers dare to do such things!
It seems that the United States is crazy about this weapon!
In that case, you are welcome.
See who's more crazy!
Qin looked at No. 2 who fell on the ground and said, "it's not worth dying..."
"Do you think this will kill me?"
Unexpectedly, No. 2's body actually slowly stood up, eyes flashing red light, "I'm different from zero one, I'm the strongest all fighter. Meet me, it will be your death. "
With that, he stretched out his hand and pulled out the white lotus from his neck.
There was no blood.
Number two's body no longer needs blood to function.
Even the heart has been replaced.
The only thing that proves that he is still human is that he has a human brain.
But even the brain is assisted by a chip.
All the other places are steel.
Even if the brain is damaged, the chip will replace the brain and continue to operate.
This is the horror of transforming the human machine.
In fact, they are no longer human beings.
"You are no longer human What's the point of living? "
Qin Chao shook his head.
He remembers a saying of the ancients that his body was made of skin and was given to his parents.
This man has nothing left from his parents. He is out of the human category.
"Let me get rid of you."
The Qin Dynasty said and walked toward the number two.
"No one can kill me, only I can kill others."
Said number two, sullenly, with a fierce light in his eyes.
Then, his body began to change, many guns extended out of his body and aimed at the Qin Dynasty.
"End it for me!"
No. 2 roared and the gun burst into flames.
Bullets, small shells, and a small missile, dense, toward the Qin Dynasty.
"Then I will destroy your dream of ending."
As soon as the Qin Dynasty reached out his hand, those bullets suddenly stopped in front of him, and then exploded one after another.
Two's chip was a little confused, and he calculated that all of these attacks failed.
How could this happen
How can such a dense attack, even an army, be blocked by him alone?
It seems that he's also proficient in the power of swat a?
In the light of the fire, the figure of Qin Dynasty suddenly came through, and then stretched out his arm, pinched up the neck of No. 2, and lifted up his body, which weighed 300 Jin.
"You, who are you..."
Unable to analyze the composition of the Qin Dynasty, the chip program of the No.2 is more and more disordered.
The suppressed fear factor in his brain came up, and he began to be afraid, really afraid.
"I said, I'm the one who came to pass on you..."
The Qin Dynasty said, the hands out of a white flame, directly burned the body of the two to ashes.
"It's a bit wasteful of you to kill him."
Cheng Ying said, "he also destroyed his body. This is a high-tech product that cost a lot of soldiers to get back"
"it doesn't matter, there is another one nearby."
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
With that, he stretched out his hand. From the darkness in the distance, a figure was suddenly caught up in the air, struggling constantly in the air.
Then, the man was pulled over and left under the Qin Dynasty.
"How did you do it?"
Number three stood up and asked in doubt.
"A dead man doesn't need to know so much."
Qin looked at him coldly, "you kill my soldiers, I destroy your base. Tell me, where are you destroyers' bases? I should pay a visit. "
"You'll never know."
No. 3 said coldly, "my chip has begun to self destruct, and my brain will soon die. You don't get any useful information from me. And in ten seconds, I'll blow myself up... "
With that, the sound of a machine had already sounded from his body, "ten, nine..."
"Hahaha, after my body explodes, I can destroy the whole area of ten miles. At that time, we can't get satellite weapons, and you China can't expect to get them! "
He laughs wildly, and Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi both change their faces.
Now it's too late to run
Despair, shrouded in the hearts of the two girls.
"You think so well."
Qin Dynasty was not afraid at all. He held out his hand and put it on the forehead of No. 3.Luochagui instantly took over the body of No. 3 and directly tampered with the self explosion program sent by his brain to the chip.
Then, rod replaced the Qin Dynasty, released the soul searching method, directly from each other's soul, search out everything.
Including the base of the destroyer program.
"Come on, I'll send you to the base ahead. Then, I'm going to do something. "
"You, what are you going to do..."
Cheng Ying is a little scared. Although it seems that everything is OK here, the Qin Dynasty seems to want to go to the United States to ask for trouble
Qin Dynasty hehe smile, "to but not to the indecent also, I China is a big country of etiquette, this etiquette, I still have Qin Dynasty."
With that, two Luocha ghosts were separated from his body, and their shadows stood behind Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi.
"With the two of them protecting you, you can go to the base in front of you. I'll take care of the rest. "
With that, the figure of Qin Dynasty disappeared directly in the night.
Cheng Ying and Zheng Siqi look at each other.
This man is quick to come and fast to go.
"He seems It's the trouble to find the U.S. destroyer base... "
Zheng Siqi nodded, "but that place has a strong military force I hope he's safe. "
"No one can hurt him!"
Cheng Ying looked at the two shadows, "I firmly believe that!"
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