Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 528

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Chapter 528

"Ha ha! What an idiot The senior salesman couldn't help laughing. "These two robots are made with the most advanced technology in the island. Unless you're really Superman, die! "
In laughter, the two robots, with wind under their feet, have appeared in front of Qin Dynasty in the sound of gear rotation.
At the same time, one of them grabbed an arm of the Qin Dynasty and pulled to both sides.
"See that?"
"It's one of our defense robots," said the umbrella salesman triumphantly. A robot, its power can reach a ton! Two robots pull you at the same time, even if you are made of iron, you will be torn off! "
"Yes, that's right." Liao Dongqiang also said with fear, "let you taste the pain of being pulled off your arm!"
Those two bodyguards are still lying on the ground with blood, which is a great visual stimulation to him.
"Vortex, vortex..." This is the sound of the motor telling the operation. The two defense robots, as if they had jammed, dragged the arm of the Qin Dynasty as if they were tearing an iron tower. They could not shake the Qin Dynasty for half a minute.
"Have a good time?" The Qin Dynasty stood there, letting two robots pull at him. A ton of power is not worth mentioning to him.
"How, how?" Found that the two robots can not pull the Qin Dynasty, the salesman is a bit silly.
They have done experiments, even an elephant, has been brutally torn by defense robots.
Is this man, he, his strength, more terrifying than an elephant?
How could it be! Anyway, he is a human being!
"Scrap iron is scrap iron. Go and stay in the dump." Qin Dynasty cold hum, suddenly a shake arm. Only hear the crisp crash sound, the two robot heads, by the hands of the Qin Dynasty, and then hit together.
An electric spark came out, and two defense robots fell to the ground. It was estimated that they were scrapped.
A million dollar robot!
Is that how it was abandoned?
The Qin Dynasty stood in front of Liao Shasha, blocking the daughter of the Liao family with her own body.
"Well, all the problems are solved. It's your turn."
"You, dare you kill me?" Liao Dongqiang finally knew that he was afraid. He was so scared that he couldn't help turning around and running away. However, he found that his legs were not very competitive. At this time, he was shaking so much that he couldn't even run half a step.
"You have offended my eldest lady, so no matter who you are, I will kill you." Qin Dynasty hands in the pocket, coldly looking at the two scum in front of.
"I, I'm Liao Shasha's uncle!" Liao Dongqiang was hysterical, "I am her guardian! I have the right to control my niece
"Thank you." The whole person suddenly appeared in front of Liao Dongqiang and said coldly, "now, I declare to deprive you of this right. Because the dead don't need any rights. "
With that, the Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand and grabbed Liao Dongqiang's neck. He lifted him up and lifted him into the air.
People were arrested and strangled. I don't know why. Qin Dynasty liked this way of killing people more and more.
As if before the death of the enemy, to see his struggling appearance, can satisfy a kind of abnormal feeling.
This is a sequela from the evil way.
At that time, when the Qin Dynasty was in the island of Tokyo, the evil power in the hesitant body broke out greatly, which made the mind unstable and was almost swallowed up by the heart demon.
This heart demon is very terrible. It is greedy, violent and bloodthirsty.
Had it not been for the cultivation of Vajra Sutra and broken heart sword array in the Qin Dynasty, he would have been a terrible murderer.
The last time magic Dan ran away, let him plant this kind of emotion.
In the face of friends, good, once let him see the enemy, he is really merciless.
"Let go, let go of me..." Liao Dongqiang kicks his legs blankly, but he finds that Qin Dynasty's hand is like a pair of iron tongs, tightly hooping his neck, making him a little bit breathless.
This man is really terrible.
He should not, should not covet the legacy of his dead brother, came here, and tried to harm his niece.
That's why I got into such a terrible guy!
"I, I know I'm wrong..." Liao Dongqiang's internal organs all jumped with him, "don't, don't kill me..."
"Now do you know you're wrong?" Qin Dynasty can't help but skim his lips, "but it's too late."
"Niece, niece, help me..." Liao Dongqiang knows that this man is cold-blooded. He immediately turns his eyes for help to Liao Shasha.
"Niece, my uncle knows he's wrong, and he doesn't dare to do it again. Don't kill me, we Liao family, but you and I are left in the way... "
"Shut up!" Qin Dynasty eyes a stare, the body's murderous gas whizzed out, let that Liao Dongqiang's body as acupuncture general, pain a convulsion, dare not speak."Damn it, why didn't you think about it when you hurt Liao Shasha! Now it's your turn to know that blood is thicker than water
"Forget it, Qin Dynasty..."
At this time, Liao Shasha gently took the arm of Qin Dynasty and said to him.
"Let him go. He's right. After all, he's my uncle." Liao Shasha looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, this once savage young lady's eyes, are slowly sincere and begging.
"If I kill him, I will be just like him. He can be unkind to me, but I really can't be unkind to him. Liao family really left me and him two people, I killed him, dad will be angry
"Have you really decided?" Qin Dynasty bowed his head and asked the old lady.
As long as he slightly forced, can let that bully Liao Shasha man, completely disappear in this world. Not only his body, but also his soul can be wiped out by Qin Dynasty.
But he listened to Liao Shasha's advice. If Liao Shasha didn't like killing people, the Qin Dynasty didn't mind keeping a dog alive.
"Well." Liao Shasha nodded.
"Well, I'll listen to you, my eldest lady." Qin Dynasty laughed. He waved his hand, just like throwing rubbish, and threw Liao Dongqiang out.
Such a big man, like a broken sack, was thrown more than ten meters away, and then slammed on the ground, splashing a piece of dust.
And that salesman, already scared ran away, even orders and other things do not want.
Compared with money, life is more precious.
"Thank you..." Liao Shasha hugged Qin Dynasty, buried her head in his chest and rubbed it gently. "Do you know In the days when you left I'm really sad... "
"I'm sorry..." Qin Dynasty can only apologize, "after all, I have a lot of other things to do, can't stay with you."
"You're not here Sister Yu Lu is also busy with business every day. I am very lonely... "
Liao Shasha said, then gently pulled up the sleeve of Qin Dynasty's left hand.
Looking at Liao Shasha's some shining eyes, Qin Dynasty suddenly understood what the girl wanted to do.
So immediately, the Qin Dynasty scattered the protection of their own Vajra Sutra.
With vitality, he can control the changes in his body.
Sure enough, the girl was like a madman, biting the arm of Qin Dynasty fiercely.
Without the protection of Vajra Sutra, the Qin Dynasty suddenly felt a stabbing pain. He frowned slightly, but saw Liao Shasha's very aggrieved look, and immediately dispersed.
Compared with these grievances suffered by the little girl, what is his pain?
"Don't worry, I won't leave you casually in the future."
To the girl, can coax a coax first.
Although she knew that the Qin Dynasty was just a lie, Liao Shasha could not help but feel a little happy.
Her eyes, with a trace of hope, a trace of love.
"Well, really."
Qin Dynasty did not dare to say that he was a master of love field, but he still had some experience in coaxing little girls. What's more, it's impossible to deal with such arrogant little Lori as Liao Shasha without using some extraordinary means.
"Smelly guy, I'll just say nice things to make me happy." Liao Shasha suddenly jumped up and put her arms around the neck of the Qin Dynasty and hung her whole body on him.
Then, as if for comfort, her slender legs clamped the waist of the Qin Dynasty.
This gesture is the ambiguous gesture of the first intimate contact between two people.
But now because it's winter, Liao Shasha is wearing thick clothes, so she can't feel that kind of enchanting friction.
But these two people can't be influenced more and more. Liao Shasha's head leaned gently on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty and asked in a low voice.
"Qin Dynasty, you tell me, is it because of the little cow
"Eh?" Qin Dynasty blinked, "no, I just want to come back to see you."
"Hee hee, this is in the way..." The little girl began to laugh, and with one finger, she slowly hooked her chin in the Qin Dynasty, "well, I still wanted to tell you some clues. Since you don't come to me because of her, I won't talk about these other women. Bad guy, people are hungry. Let's go out and have a barbecue on the street! It's been a long time since we did it! "
"Well, this..." Qin Chao really wanted to slap his mouth, "you, you'd better tell me about Wu Xin's clues..."
"Hum!" Liao Shasha gave Qin Dynasty a white eye, "I know, you men do not have a good thing! If it wasn't for the cow, you wouldn't come to Dongchuan to look for me, a poor girl! 55555, I'm so sorry Dad, did you see it in the sky? Your baby daughter is so poor that no one cares about me. Please take me up. My daughter is willing to accompany you
"Blind, what are you talking about?"Qin Dynasty suddenly a cold sweat, can't help but pat this girl very warped round part.
Sure enough, so long did not see, the little girl developed.
However, the development of other places is good, how the chest still did not move?
"I can't talk nonsense!" Liao Shasha gritted her teeth and looked at the Qin Dynasty, "you come to me, but you think of another woman! Hum, if I don't drive you out of Liao's house, I will give you face! Qin Dynasty! I have sex
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