Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 830

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Chapter 830

Suu Kyi paid the money, holding the hammer and smiling at the boss.
The boss is also very happy, still said.
"This game is not easy. If you can't do it once, you can play it more times. You are a girl. If you play too much, I can give you a discount
"Thank you, but one is enough."
Suu Kyi holding the hammer, in the consternation of the boss, slowly walked to the edge of the pool.
Around the eyes like a small searchlight, hit Suu Kyi here. Beautiful women play such violent games, which is quite eye-catching
Qin Ying gives Su Ji a boost. The little red haired beauty turns her head and gives Qin Ying a winning gesture.
Then, she lifted the hammer with one hand and hit the pool casually.
This time, even the splash did not rise, because Suu Kyi had a strong control over the water and didn't want to splash it on her body.
And the bell shook violently, and then the pendulum struck, and there came a grand slam.
The shopkeeper sat down on the floor.
There were shouts of surprise from the people around.
This is a beautiful woman. A beautiful woman should have such great strength. She is obviously violent!
"It's over Today, I'm broke, I'm broke... "
The boss's lips trembled.
“OK!” Suu Ji doesn't care about these things. Besides, she only works with two dolls. The boss keeps a stall here all the year round and makes more than that.
"Estee, J, you come too!"
Suu Kyi said hello to her two loyal bodyguards.
It's easy for two seven virtue knights to play this game.
That boss heart says, this time won't Grand Slam again, unless this group of people are monsters.
But he thought too good, just as the so-called ideal is very plump, reality is very skinny. Only heard two bangs, two people in turn slam, the boss immediately tearful.
Four people, with four bear dolls, were about to leave when Princess Su spoke.
"You have a good time. I'll play too."
She wants her sister to play so well, so she should have no problem.
"No, no, I'm off duty. I'm closed today! Please, let me go. I'm a small business! "
The boss announced the closing directly, and he didn't dare to win back the capital any more.
What we met today is really a bunch of monsters.
"Hee hee, four dolls are enough for Xiaoying to play with."
The happiest is undoubtedly Qin Ying, her lovely, let her quickly become a favorite.
Qin Dynasty can see, whether Suji or Sufei, there is a trend around her.
However, in any case, the daughter's cleverness also helped father to quell an impending disaster. It's nice to have a good daughter.
"by the way, my dear daughter, how is your brother Qin Yi
Qin Dynasty will not forget, he has a son.
"Brother, Xiao Ying hates her brother most!"
Qin Ying pouted out her mouth. "My brother knows to bully Xiao Ying every day, and he likes to fight. His brothers and sisters, as well as uncles and aunts on the mountain of Shu, let him beat them all over. They all call their elder brother naughty, and they call Xiao Ying darling
"Sakura is the most popular one!"
Suji gave her bear to j for safekeeping, and she picked up Qin Ying herself. "Boys were naughty when they were little, so I still like girls."
"As if you were not naughty."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged her shoulders and attracted Suji's white eyes.
But the Qin Dynasty thought of something else.
Is it that his son Qin Yi has already beaten all over Shu mountain? True or false. It's so fierce at birth.
"Qin Yi, Qin Yi, where have you been again?"
On the mountain of Shu, Xu Renfeng, with a sword on his back, wandered over the mountain to look for Qin Yi.
"See you, elder martial brother Xu. What can I do for you?"
Unconsciously, he ran to the periphery of Shushan and saw a young disciple of the outer gate.
The disciple saluted Xu Renfeng and asked.
"Hello, younger martial brother."
Xu Renfeng looked around, and then asked, "have you ever seen a boy over one year old with a small sword in the middle of his eyebrow, who is particularly naughty and likes to yell at people?"
"Ah, I can't help my elder martial brother this time. There is no such boy here. Excuse me, elder martial brother, who is this boy who makes him so nervous? "
"He is the son of Uncle Shen and the treasure of all the mountains of Shu"
Xu Renfeng was tortured to death by this little devil. "If you can't find him, it will be terrible."
The younger martial brother exclaimed, "is there any danger in this generation of goblins?""I don't worry about that."
Xu Renfeng shook his head. "I'm just worried that other people are in danger."
"Hey, hey, how can you find me?"
At the foot of a mountain in Shushan, Qin Yi, a little more than a year old, hid behind a rock and looked around. He found no one to keep up with him and clapped his hands happily.
"Ha ha, I finally got rid of it. This time I must go down the mountain to play! Why can Sakura go down the mountain? I can't. I want me too
He took two steps down the hill.
At this time, a big tree in the sky nearby suddenly made a dull voice.
"Little friend, please wait."
Xiao qinyi turns around and looks at the towering tree. How tall is he? Compared with that big tree, he is just a little bit small.
On the bark of the big tree, a few textures slowly formed, like eyes and mouth. Its branches and leaves kept swinging and said, "little friend, are you coming up from Shushan?"
"Yes, what can I do for you?"
The spirit of Shu mountain is very heavy. There are often some birds, animals, fish and insects that become essence. So Qin Yi didn't pay attention to it.
"Little friend, guess how old I am?"
"Your age has something to do with me."
Qin Yi's temper is quite fierce. He inherited all the faults of the Qin Dynasty. "Dead goblin, get out of my way!"
Don't worry, little friend
The ancient tree spirit said again, "if you guess right, I will give you a baby."
"Oh? Baby? "
Qin Yi is interested in this, looking at the ancient tree spirit, "what baby, say to listen."
"My dear, it's extraordinary."
that ancient tree essence is like a peddler, introduces his commodity, "old man's treasure, is after one thousand years absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and in the old man's body training for one thousand years to form the earth organ. I named it Baicaoling. As long as you shake it, you can control a hundred miles of vegetation and listen to your orders
"Ha, there's such a funny baby. Well, I guess I guess
Qin Yi was happy and clapped his hands.
"Wait a minute. This bet is for both sides. You can't take advantage of the old man. If you guess it, you will get it. But if you guess wrong, ha ha... "
"Guess wrong, what if you guess wrong?"
Qin Yi asked, holding his little arm.
"If you guess wrong, you will go to my stomach and be my nourishment
The ancient tree shows its ferocity.
"Well, as long as you have the ability, let's guess."
Qin Yi rubbed his hands, but he didn't look scared at all.
"You are a little friendly and courageous. I only give you three chances. Guess!"
The ancient tree spirit laughs strangely and seems to feel that victory is in hand.
"You are so strong, can you have a thousand years?"
Qin Yi said the first answer.
The old tree spirit shook his head.
Qin Yi shook his finger, "is it longer, five thousand years?"
"Ha ha ha, no, no, you still have one chance left!"
The ancient tree spirit laughed.
"Well It's hard to guess. "
Qin Yi holds his chin in his arms and looks like he is thinking.
"That's all. I don't want to guess myself!"
He put his hands together, then he pinched a seal and read to the ancient tree spirit.
"Everything in heaven and earth takes me as the order! Read the general idea and show the shape quickly! I want to know the age of the ancient tree spirit, pardon
There is a golden light on Qin Yi's body. Then, the golden light came out and fell on the ancient tree spirit. The ancient tree spirit had a kind of unreal feeling in a moment, as if all his own was known by the little boy.
"Ha ha ha, I see!"
Qin Yi suddenly clapped his hand. "It turns out that you are 999 years old and 99 days old, and you still need one year to pass the thousand!"
"Damn it, you guessed it!"
The ancient tree spirit seemed to be angry, "yes, I'm going to be over a thousand years old. But my thousand years old is a disaster. If I don't have a pure Yang Qi to protect my body, I will be killed by thunder! Boy, you happen to be a pure Yang body. Be my ration
As he said that, all the branches on the ancient tree spirit stretched out and wrapped around Qin Yi.
Qin Yi did not have the slightest fear, but laughed, "by you? I think you're just an elf. You're too lazy to do anything. I didn't expect you'd make me angry first! Good, I'll let you have a taste of it today
As Qin Yi speaks, his body has been wrapped by those branches.
"The ancient tree essence laughs," as expected is a love to boast the baby, now you still old not honest! ""Broken!"
And a black light suddenly exploded, the branches of the ancient tree essence were burned off, covered with a forest white flame.
"You don't have any power. You think I'm Hello Kitty!"
With that, Qin Yi's left shoulder popped out a black wing, and under the beat of that wing, he came to the ancient tree spirit in an instant.
Qin Yi's hands are as white as jade. He clapped, and the little hand was on the bark of the ancient tree spirit.
"This, what power is this!"
The ancient tree spirit uttered a scream of fear, "no, it can't be..."
Before he had finished his words, his huge body, in a white light, was torn apart.
Qin Yi takes back his little hand, and the black smoke on his body and the terrible black wings scatter together.
"Hum, fight with yourself."
Qin Yi stands there, and suddenly a dangling bell flies out of the body of the ancient tree spirit. There was a green light on the bell.
"Is this the hundred grass bell?"
Qin Yi is very happy and will put away the bell.
At this time, a white light suddenly appeared, took the bell in the past, and landed in a person's hand.
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