Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 588

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Chapter 588

"Die! Heretics
The vampires, standing in the distance, each holding a black ball of light.
"Qin Dynasty, not good!"
Shana, with her cross spear in her hand, yelled, "there are too many dark creatures. We are in trouble!"
The vampires are ready to launch the dark magic, and the rest of the werewolf, and covetous.
"It doesn't matter. Leave it to me."
Qin Dynasty but faint smile smile, body a shock, gently fell behind Shana. "Dark magic, in my eyes, is not worth mentioning."
At the same time, more than 20 vampires throw out the black light ball in their hands.
This is the simplest dark magic, dark pain. When the light ball hits a person, the force of darkness will tear his muscles and nerves. The intense pain makes people unable to move.
Shana's face was a little pale when she saw so many black light balls colliding together.
"How can you not change archangel, take out your beautiful shield of light."
All this critical juncture, Qin Dynasty is still in Shana's ear whispered ridicule.
"You think I am a god!" Shana anxiously rolled her eyes. "Angel transformation can only be used once a day. Once again, I will go to see my lord directly!"
"I see." Qin Dynasty pulled Shana behind her, "since you are a waste now, I'll give you the fight."
With that, in Shana's wide eyes, Qin Dynasty stretched out her hand, like a car stop, and made a gesture of stopping.
That scene in St. Peter's Cathedral reappears.
As if the freeze frame lens was released, the black light balls all stopped and quietly suspended in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"This gift is too expensive for me to bear. I'd better give it back to you."
With that, the hand of Qin Dynasty pushed forward. The black balls of light, flying back at a faster speed than before, slammed into the vampires.
For a moment, the church screamed.
Most vampires, unable to stand the amazing pain, fell to the ground and kept rolling.
"Go on, tear him up!"
The vampire was abandoned, the rest of the wolf people, at this time told the moving, flying up, want to fight to kill the Qin Dynasty.
"Send you to your Lord for free."
The Qin Dynasty stood on the central platform, looked at the running werewolves below, and gently played a ring finger in the ear.
"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"
There was another series of noise, but this time it was a dull explosion.
Like a watermelon, those werewolf heads, one by one, burst open. There were no bodies under them.
"My God..." Shana made a cross on her body. "What power is this..."
"All right, the garbage is cleared."
The Qin Dynasty easily killed these werewolves who made Shana tricky, then turned around and asked, "where are we going next?"
"K, klin bell tower."
In Shana's mind, there seems to be a voice guiding her.
Go to klin bell tower There, there is what you want
Following the direction of the voice, Shana led the Qin Dynasty through the long corridor and came to the bottom of the klin bell tower.
The outer layer of the bell tower contains many highly polished stainless steel prisms. It looks like a crystal tower.
But both of them didn't want to see the scenery and plunged into the tower.
"Let's go down."
To the tower, Shana this time, take the initiative to hold the Qin Dynasty, said, "the top is light, the bottom is dark."
"But where to get down?" Qin looked at a long spiral staircase in front of him. "Inside, there is only one staircase leading to the top"
"look here."
Shana waved her hand and pointed to a crystal statue of an angel in front of her. She went over and touched the face of the statue.
All of a sudden, the image of the devil suddenly changed into a black one.
At this time, a wall in front of me suddenly broke apart.
In front of the two, is a dark underground staircase.
"You, how do you know that?"
The Qin Dynasty expressed great doubts.
"I don't know..." Shana's face was also a little panicked, and she shook her head again and again, "it feels like it's here, so I put my hand on it..."
"Things are getting weirder and weirder."
Qin Chao shook his head.
"Go down and have a look. It's all here anyway."
Shana also took a deep breath, stepped on the steps and went down.
Qin Dynasty frowned, suppressed the strange feeling in the heart, and followed up.Two people down the stairs, I don't know how many floors.
It's dark all around. It's fine in the Qin Dynasty. You can see at night.
But it seems, SANA doesn't have the ability. She had a cross lightsaber in her hand for lighting.
This staircase is very narrow, and it's a kind of revolving staircase.
Shana walked cautiously, one hand on the wall, for fear that she might slip down the stairs.
"I don't know who designed the stairs. I don't even have a handrail."
She looks down on the flat ground and looks down at her eyes.
"Look at your feet, don't fall down!"
Shana reminded, "even if you fall, I'm in front of you, but I don't want to be hit by you."
"Don't worry, even if I fall down, I will hold you tightly, and I won't let you get hurt."
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
Shana looked back at him and let Qin Dynasty touch his nose helplessly.
Well, this little girl can't stand the molestation.
two people were walking, and suddenly, from the bottom of the stairs, there was a sound of clicking.
"Do you hear anything?" Qin asked.
"Nonsense!" On Shana's forehead, it seems that there is a cold sweat, "such a loud voice, the deaf can hear it!"
"How can you see it, deaf man?"
"Damned heretics, do you have to argue with me?" Shana waved her cross lightsaber.
At this moment, in the stairs, a voice hovered.
"Two guests, welcome to hell."
Qin Dynasty was very familiar with the voice, and immediately looked around, looking for the direction of the voice, "Damn it, where are you hiding, you can roll out!"
"You'll see me when you get to the bottom of hell."
Moses laughed, his voice showed a strange, "enjoy it, a rare opportunity First of all, please accept my first gift, my legion of death. "
With that, his voice faded.
At this time, through the light of Shana's dark sword, two people saw that at the bottom of the stairs, dense skeleton soldiers came up step by step.
These skeleton soldiers are all white bones. They were dressed in the steel armor of ancient soldiers. With a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.
"Click! Click! Click
The sound is the sound of them stepping on the steps in their iron boots.
"Boy, it's all blocked up."
Qin Dynasty hey ran a smile.
"You, you can still laugh!"
There was a cold sweat on Shana's forehead. "This is the legendary legion of death!"
"Death corps, I haven't heard of it."
Shana was depressed about the cultural level of the Qin Dynasty.
"You really don't know anything about our world..." Shana rolled her eyes and held the light saber tightly in her hand. She said, "this is a powerful army that has participated in the cross crusade. After they set out, they were betrayed by the traitors. In the end, the whole army was buried alive. But legend has it that God raised the army and made them subordinates of death. Wherever they go, it will bring death. "
"Death's men?"
The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "that's right. I have a little personal grudge with that old guy. This time, I'll take his men for an operation."
"Don't blow it. You have a personal grudge against death! It's better to deal with the death army in front of you
"It's just a pile of dead bones." Qin Dynasty disdains ground to curl one's lips, "very easy can handle."
"It's not as easy as you think."
Shana said, a ball of white light condensed in her left hand.
"Bright shell!"
She threw the ball of light into the opposite group of skeletons.
"Bang!" The two skeletons were hit by the light ball and were blown into several pieces.
But soon, those dead bones, they were assembled again. Qin Dynasty just saw the skeleton, struggling to put his thighs, hand bones together again. Then, pick up your skull from the ground and stick it on your neck.
Then, the companion of the skeleton next to him handed him the sword and shield.
"Lying trough?" Qin Dynasty is surprised, "these skeletons, also with self reorganization."
"Or they're terrible, how can you say that?" Shana pulled the Qin Dynasty back step by step.
"I don't believe it."
The Qin Dynasty snapped its fingers.
The mind works.
All of a sudden, the skeletons in front of them were broken in groups.
Jingling, bones and armor fell to the floor.
But before the Qin Dynasty was satisfied, the bones began to put together again and turned back to the appearance of a skeleton soldier and appeared in front of him."It's more stubborn than cockroaches..."
I can't help feeling.
"It seems that we can't go down."
"Go ahead." The Qin Dynasty lost an idea.
"I'll take the road, you'll break it."
Qin Dynasty says, grab a group of forest white flame, hold in the hand. The flame beat a few times, turned into a black flame, and then fell to the ground.
"Come out, nine hell Devil Dog! These spareribs are given to you by Laozi
Summon of the nine hell starts!
A huge black dog with three heads, following a phalanx, appears in the underground staircase.
It's not even in front of the soldiers. The three skeletons are roaring.
"Here, what is this?"
Shana expressed her dismay at the sudden appearance of the black three headed dog.
"Just a little pet."
The Qin Dynasty patted one of the heads of that nine hell Devil Dog, "baby, look at you."
Inspired by the owner, the nine you devil dog is more Sahuan.
It's three heads open together, in the big mouth of the blood, spurting out a variety of attribute attacks.
Fire! Thunder and lightning! Frozen!
Three capabilities, staggered injection.
The skeleton army below will suffer.
Electricity into coke, burned to ashes, frozen into statues.
There are more pitiful, directly by the nine you devil dog's teeth and claws.
Just because there was no meat on these bones, the nine you devil dog only broke them and didn't swallow them into their stomachs.
Taking advantage of the nine you devil dog's help in front of the breakthrough, Qin Dynasty took Shana and followed behind.
Occasionally, there are several skeletons in the back, which are also blown up by Shana with bright shells.
With the vanguard army, the speed of this advance will be faster. The Qin Dynasty simply took Shana and rode on the body of Jiuyou Devil Dog. This nine hell Devil Dog is as big as a cow. There is no problem when two people ride on it.
Nine you devil dog did not know fatigue, three heads like three machine guns, constantly staggered fire. Add fangs and claws to clean up the front.
The long staircase, at last, reached the bottom.
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