Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 719

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Chapter 719

"What is your ability to bully us new comers by virtue of your large number of people and your old qualifications?"
Qin Dynasty stood there, with a very disdainful eyes, looking at the opposite Du Hao.
"You want to die!"
Du Hao's temper is also explosive, heard the Qin Dynasty said so, suddenly the iron claw stretched out, a buckle on the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty.
Others, all sneering.
Du Hao's eagle claw fist is also famous here.
The man was caught on his shoulder by his eagle claws. It is estimated that the shoulder bone will be pinched and broken.
But soon, they found that the face was not the boy of Liu Jiaquan, but Du Hao.
"You, you, you've trained in iron clothes?"
Du Hao felt that he was clearly pinched on an iron plate, and his fingers couldn't squeeze in at all. He couldn't help turning pale.
"I'm a reasonable man." The Qin Dynasty didn't answer him. Instead, he said in the tone of Hong Jiu, "I count three numbers. If you don't take it away, you can't hold your hand. 1 2... "
"Boy, you are too wild!"
Du Hao was obviously infuriated. His hand moved from the shoulder of the Qin Dynasty, but he grabbed at his eyes.
The movement of Qin Dynasty was faster, and he grabbed Du Hao's wrist.
Then, as soon as he exerted his hand, he heard a click, followed by Du Hao's scream.
"Ah, ah! My hand, my hand
As the Qin Dynasty loosened his hand, Du Hao immediately held his swollen wrist and collapsed in a chair.
"Curator Du!"
Several other martial arts masters were surprised and rushed to see it.
Lin Xinghai grabs Du Hao's wrist and takes a look. His pupil shrinks immediately.
"Broken! Are you practicing big handprints
"Sorry, I've only learned one kind of Kung Fu, which is liujiaquan."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders and said.
"Curator Zhao, you can figure it out!"
The corner of Hong Jiu's mouth began to twitch again, "I am a very reasonable person. Now, you are already challenging us!"
"Provocation, provocation."
Zhao Jingjing also wants to understand that if you want to open a martial arts school in another place, you can't stand this bird's spirit.
"Since you want to swallow us, let's follow the rules of the river and lake."
Hong Jiu's turbid eyes suddenly burst into splendor, "curator Zhao, don't blame me. Hong Jiu is not polite! Brothers, put incense hall
When he finished, the martial arts masters in this room started to move.
One by one, chairs and tables. Soon, the site on the second floor was cleared out of a large open space.
Around here, they are blocked by tables and chairs.
"Curator Zhao, please come to an end."
Hong Jiu refers to the enclosed space in the middle.
"Yes, please."
Zhao Jinggang is about to stand up again.
"Elder martial sister, you don't feel well today. Just give me these little fish and shrimps."
Zhao Jingjing shook her head and said, "younger martial brother, I know you are for my good. But I don't want to rely on you. Liu Jingjing's boxing should be carried forward for my family
The Qin Dynasty felt that Zhao Jingjing had the spirit of a master of martial arts at this moment.
"Well, I'll let you do it."
Qin Dynasty thought, anyway, with the power of the elder martial sister Jiuyou giant elephant, none of these people would be her opponent.
But with Zhao Jingjing entering the arena and taking a deep breath, the Qin Dynasty was surprised.
Because through the induction of magic puppet, he found that his elder martial sister actually suppressed the power of cultivation.
In other words, she has to rely on the strength of an ordinary martial arts master to take over the field.
"Although director Zhao is a woman, his spirit is commendable."
A martial arts teacher in his forties came in at this time.
"My name is Han Lei, a descendant of the eight pole sect. This set of boxing is very strong, so please be careful. "
Said, to Zhao Jingjing arch hand.
"I'm Zhao Jingjing, the descendant of liujiaquan. My boxing is also very strong. Please be careful. "
With that, he set the starting position of Liu's fist.
"Curator Zhao, watch the move
Han Lei is also the master of vigorous action.
He continued to step forward a few steps, a chop mountain palm, toward Zhao Jingjing's face to clap over.
"Ha With this one hand, the wind blows with a sound.
The way of eight pole gate is from the waist to the hand, and then cooperate with the two Qi of hem and ha. This palm can split the human skull directly.But Zhao Jingjing, a heavy body, left hand up. Very cleverly, from the side, a knock open Han Lei's a mountain splitting palm.
At the same time, the right palm splits up, the standard Dragon King Kaitian, goes straight to Han Lei's face.
Qin Dynasty is pushing chin, while Zhao Jingjing is the nose bone of leg.
This push, the other side's nasal bone will be broken, and even can directly stab into the brain, causing brain death.
That's why there has been a saying circulating.
Martial arts, only killing people, not performing.
Because of the Chinese martial arts, a move is a kill move.
That Han Lei is also quick-sighted, a record of iron plate bridge, hard lying on the ground, avoiding Zhao Jingjing this palm.
At the same time, out of a cold sweat.
As the saying goes, an expert knows if there is one.
He couldn't understand the martial arts of the Qin Dynasty.
But Zhao Jingjing's Kung Fu is not only seen by Han Lei, but also by all of us here.
This palm is quite overbearing!
If he gets hit, Han Lei will not die. He must be a vegetable with brain death.
"What a bully's kung fu..."
Even Hong Jiu had to give a compliment.
And Zhao Jingjing's attack has always been like a storm. That Han Lei lies on the ground, Zhao Jingjing actually pursues, the foot directly toward Han Lei's crus to step.
Han Lei looked at the real, and hurriedly shrunk his legs, and at the same time a carp straightened up and jumped up from the ground.
"The tiger climbs the mountain hard!"
This guy, with a ferocious force, went directly to Zhao Jingjing.
Zhao Jingjing slaps Han Lei.
Han Lei's left hand, however, opened Zhao Jingjing's palm, while her right hand pressed her other wrist. Then her elbow leaned up and forced her to squeeze on Zhao Jingjing.
Han Lei is not trying to take advantage of this.
It's because the tiger climbs the mountain hard, and that's how it works.
The fierce tiger climbs the mountain hard, which is one of the eight unique skills of the bajimen. The trick is hard!
Han Lei learned Baji boxing from childhood. His arms are calm and powerful, as hard as iron. Moreover, from a young age, he began to assist with the practice of hanging palms, and put a tiger's hard climb into the mountains. It was really tough like a tiger.
As the saying goes, the eight poles are like splitting and hanging, and the gods and ghosts are afraid.
Zhao Jingjing sees the elbow of the other side squeeze up, immediately the neck is back, the body wants to avoid this blow.
But only to avoid this squeeze, and the other party's palm, has been buckled up, patted her nose.
Tiger hard climbing, the key is this last mountain climbing trick!
At this time, Zhao Jingjing's two hands were sealed by each other, unable to resist.
But at this time, a lightning action, subconsciously on the play.
One of her feet is behind her, the other is flying, her knees are raised high and against Han Lei's abdomen.
But with Zhao Jingjing's knee kicking up, Han Lei's palm takes back, and Zhao Jingjing's elbow bumps into her knee. At the same time, a cannon hit Zhao Jingjing's chin again.
It's really a killing move. It's not easy to crack!
But at this time, Zhao Jingjing's one hand, already got rid of Han Lei's oppression.
Her arm turns, a hammer, turns to Han Lei's sun meridian.
Han Lei's fist hit Zhao Jingjing's chin, and Zhao Jingjing's hammer also hit Han Lei's sun meridian slightly.
Zhao Jingjing's body turned a circle in the air, but her foot was stable and fell to the ground.
Although there is no use of vitality, but Zhao Jingjing's body is after all the body of cultivation. If this fist is hit on the chin of ordinary people, the jaw bone will be broken and concussion will occur. Heavy is directly bombed and killed.
But Zhao Jingjing just shook her head slightly, nothing happened.
It's not good for Zhao Jingjing to eat some hammers.
His eyes, slightly congested, are obviously some brain injuries.
"Curator Zhao is really good at boxing."
Han Lei shook his head and pressed down the dizziness in his mind.
"Curator Han is the better."
Zhao Jingjing said politely, "I'm just a little stronger in body resistance."
"No, curator Zhao, I'm willing to be defeated."
Han Lei waved his hand. "If it wasn't for the last moment, curator Zhao showed mercy and didn't hit my solar meridians, I would have been killed on the spot. I admire it. Curator Zhao won. "
Although Han Lei is a member of the martial arts association, he still has some backbone.
He arched his hands and left from the middle of the field. His disciples helped him to one side and sat down.
"Well, who's next?"
Zhao Jingjing shook her fist and asked.
"Then I'll do it."
Lin Xinghai took a look. Everyone seemed to be hesitant, so he took the initiative to take a step forward.These owners have good eyesight.
That Zhao Jingjing, the body anti attack is simply first-class. In particular, her palms are as powerful as thunder and as heavy as chop hanging, which is obviously not a weak hand.
Han Lei, among these people, is in the forefront.
He can't do it. He was almost killed. Other people dare to light up.
Among them, the only people better than him are Lin Xinghai and uncle Hong.
Hong Shushen, as the president, how can he play easily.
Therefore, Lin Xinghai became the second scene's person dizziness
"ha ha, I'm Lin Xinghai, the descendant of Bagua palm. I didn't expect that director Zhao was not only beautiful, but also so handsome. He was only applauded as zanai "
although Lin Xinghai was smiling, everyone who knew him knew him knew that this guy was a famous smiling tiger.
If anyone offends him, the end is not ordinary.
Lin Xinghai, the director of the eight trigrams, laughs at you in front of you and stabs you in the back.
"Don't say anything polite."
Zhao Jingjing began to take a breath
Lin Xinghai did not rush to attack, but stepped on the dragon eight trigrams step, walking beside Zhao Jingjing. His mouth, has been hanging if there is no smile. As if, is a hunter general, waiting for his prey to bite.
(whew, although this chapter talks about more than 3000 words, it was only after I checked the information for two hours and watched the video that I wrote it. Liu Jiaquan is OK to say, pure oneself make up at random. But this Baji boxing is well documented. I'm so tired...)
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