Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1072

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Chapter 1072

"That's good. I thought the Lord Qin would dislike me if he knew about me."
In front of the Qin Dynasty, oriental cherry unexpectedly did not use this seat to address themselves.
It seems that she wants to be close to the Qin Dynasty.
However, the Qin Dynasty was not very cold to this woman who depended on meat.
"No, no, it's all driven by life, I understand."
If you don't catch a cold, you can't catch a cold, but there is a habit in the Qin Dynasty, that is, you don't have to smile.
When someone comes to talk to you in the middle of the night, he will not take the initiative to challenge others.
After all, it's a girl.
"Although the Lord of Qin said so, I know that he must have looked down on me in his heart."
Oriental cherry wryly smile, "I am not wrong."
"I don't know anything. Don't think about it."
The Qin Dynasty waved its hands.
"Ha ha, Lord Qin, don't hide it. I understand it. At the beginning, the Lord of Qin must have seen something on the misty peak. I said, how could the dragon guarding the gate of the East Palace have an accident for no reason. At that time, on the misty peak, there was no other person who could have such strength except the Lord of Qin. "
"It may be that the world is so big that talented people emerge one after another."
The Qin Dynasty hit a ha ha, "I saw a beggar two days ago. His legs were broken. He crawled on the ground and asked for money. As a result, I was just about to give it. The Chengguan came. This guy jumped up from the ground and ran faster than Liu Xiang! "
Although I don't know who Liu Xiang is and which mountain cultivator, Dongfang Ying still smiles bitterly, "the Lord of Qin is here to satirize me."
"No, no, I may be a bit awkward, but I definitely don't mean to satirize the Oriental leader!"
In the Qin Dynasty, there was another way.
"Lord Qin, let's not talk in secret."
Oriental cherry put up a wry smile, "I hope that the Lord of Qin will not say what he saw that day."
"It's a lot of heart. No, I said it. I didn't see anything."
"I hope so, too, but many things are not what I want."
Oriental cherry said quietly.
How much she hoped to have a prince charming on the misty peak and take her away. Unfortunately, these are all dreams.
And the person who realized this dream is a little snake demon flower lady.
It's just a little monster!
Even if she was a fairy in her last life, she would be a monster in this life!
How can a monster be so lucky to be with a hero.
But she has to serve a bad old man every day, and she is also a monster!
Not fair, very unfair!
She oriental cherry, was born in the Oriental family since childhood, is a real aristocrat!
He has a prominent identity, talent, can not compare to a monster!
So, she hates it!
Hate candlelong, hate Huaniang, more hate this Qin Dynasty!
Hate in the heart, smile on the face.
Oriental cherry gently touched the corner of her clothes, "and, I come late at night, but also hope that the Lord Qin can give me a chance, we can let go of the past, how about shaking hands?"
Qin Dynasty blinked, did not expect oriental cherry can say this.
This girl, and herself, should be irreconcilable, right.
He swept the misty peak, almost destroyed the mountain top, and abducted their leader.
They also took away the key to the fabulous treasure house together.
Which sect can't bear such a big hatred!
This oriental cherry, as the acting leader, can even talk to himself with a smile?
As the saying goes, abnormal is a demon!
Among them, there must be queer
"leader of the Orient, you all said that we Ming people don't talk in secret. How can you do this with me. If you have anything to say, just make it clear. "
"I hope the Lord Qin can return the two treasures of our misty peak. If the Lord of Qin wants to, we can't thank you enough for flying up and down the mountain! "
Oriental cherry said.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Qin Dynasty suddenly patted his thigh and said, "ouch, my Oriental leader, you are playing with me in the middle of the night! I thought you came here to beg for peace and sacrifice, but I didn't expect to ask for something
"Are you laughing at me?"
The smile on oriental cherry's face disappears.
"Oh, how dare I laugh at the eastern leader?"
The smile on Qin Dynasty's face also gradually faded, "however, just now a beautiful woman told me that she was the body of a remnant willow. I don't think so. But now, the real body of the remnant willow is coming. "
"Qin Dynasty, do you want to provoke me?""I don't have the leisure. I don't sleep in the middle of the night, which irritates you to play and annoy you to take off a piece of clothes"
the Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette and said casually.
"Do you really want to fight against our whole misty peak?"
"my Eastern lady, can I change my lines and change the awesome ones?"
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring, "always said that the lines a hundred years ago, there is no deterrent, how meaningless. I really don't understand. Is it possible that there is no one in the misty peak, and he pushed you out to be the leader."
"Qin Dynasty! I warn you
Oriental cherry angry, "misty print and light soul lamp is our misty peak things, I will take back anyway! Even if you take it and open the misty treasure house, the immortals of our sect will be the first to know! At that time, you will have to bear the siege of a few immortals. I'm afraid you can't bear it
"Sorry, I did."
The Qin Dynasty laughed, "don't look down on me. I'm the leader of the sect. I'm much better than your leader."
"Yes! Then compare it
The Qin Dynasty said without any care.
"You want to die!"
The figure of oriental cherry appeared in front of Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, with the electric light in her left hand, she cleaved to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty a flash, from the chair to leave, the body lightly floating on the roof.
The last chair left in the room was also shattered to pieces.
Oriental cherry raised her head and looked at the Qin Dynasty hanging overhead.
"Ah, you have broken my chair. If the people in Kunlun are stingy and blame me for compensation, I will ask you to pay for it."
Oriental cherry was the words of the Qin Dynasty gas jump feet, she just got up to give Qin Dynasty a slap, but the body of Qin Dynasty moved up, lightly fell on his wooden bed.
"A hundred years ago I met you."
The Qin Dynasty said sarcastically.
"I'll let you know, the magic power of the Oriental family!"
She said, suddenly appeared in her hand an electric light, like a long blue sword, instantly split down against the Qin Dynasty.
The body of Qin Dynasty suddenly flashed out of thin air and disappeared in an instant.
The electric sword, however, fell on the wooden bed in an instant.
This electric light continuously swam on the wooden bed, the Qin Dynasty flashed to one side, looked really, this wooden bed shook.
Oriental cherry also did not consider, why a small broken wooden bed can be so strong, eat their own sword can be intact.
She is now bent on the Qin Dynasty.
"Where to run!"
The girl turned back and swept her back. She was criticized by thunder sword.
In the Qin Dynasty, an iron plate bridge was bent over to avoid it.
The thunder sword cut out from him and cut a gap in the wall behind him.
This oriental cherry, holding a thunder sword, chased and fought with Qin Dynasty in this small room.
The Qin Dynasty was like playing hide and seek, dodging left and right, just to keep oriental cherry from touching him.
He's OK. This room is full of blood mold.
It's a nice little house. It's going to be honeycomb coal now.
"Oh, look, you are so violent."
While hiding the thunder sword, the Qin Dynasty said, "your elegant house has been destroyed by you! At that time, you should take full responsibility for the compensation! "
"You die for me first."
Oriental cherry sword, like a film of disease light, quickly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Forget it. I'll play with you little girl."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his right hand, a palm suddenly pressed down, bang, in the electric light of all directions, grabbed the rapier.
At the same time, his right palm continues to press down, toward oriental cherry body to shoot.
Oriental cherry figure quickly Dodge, several times from the Qin Dynasty in front of, jump to the wooden bed above, across this hut, angry looking at the Qin Dynasty.
"It's shameless. I have to choose where you can fight!"
Qin Dynasty put out the remaining cigarette butt, said.
"In a word, you are shameless!"
Oriental cherry said, offering his own nine turn Dongtian wheel, "let you know the powerful magic of our Oriental family, big thunder, powerful purple sky robbery!"
The nine turn Dongtian wheel is buzzing, spinning and going to fly to the sky.
"I'll clean it. You're going to poke a skylight into my house!"
Suddenly, a black arm flew out of the body of the Qin Dynasty. In an instant, it flew far away. Holding the spinning nine turn Dongtian wheel, the magic weapon was dragged down.
"I have to stay in this house for another night. How can you destroy it like this! Lotus cut white gold! Broken
As he said this, he grasped the nine turn Dongtian wheel with the arm of three thousand luochagui, and spit out a sword in his mouth.White electric light flashes.
The nine turn Dongtian wheel suddenly gave out a sad cry, and was immediately cut through by the platinum lotus flower.
A terrible hole appeared on the magic weapon.
The magic weapon.
The most direct reaction to the destruction of jiuzhuandongtian wheel is oriental cherry.
She spurted out a mouthful of red blood, the whole body for one of the soft, almost fell to the ground.
"You, how dare you destroy my magic weapon..."
"Come on, you are also called magic weapon?"
The Qin Dynasty threw the broken artifact on the ground like garbage, and said, "take it back and Practice for another 100 years. Just try your best to be right with me. Don't you want to die! It's my mercy that you can get out alive. "
After all, I have to meet all the major sects tomorrow, and the Qin Dynasty doesn't want to kill the oriental cherry today.
"You, you wait!"
Oriental cherry mouth with blood, endure the injury, carefully picked up their magic weapon, and then said, "I, I will kill you one day."
"If you have that skill."
The Qin Dynasty was not worried at all.
As for this girl, it's OK to sell her body. It's far from her real strength.
Even the whole misty peak, Qin Dynasty also did not pay attention to.
Oriental cherry gray to run out, blink of an eye disappeared in the middle of the night.
The Qin Dynasty looked at his dilapidated house and shook his head. He was about to tell shansao that he could recover. Suddenly, his face was moving again.
"I'll go. Isn't it a bit too busy tonight?"
He turned around and opened the door again. He saw a beautiful and graceful woman in ancient costume standing under the dim moonlight.
The woman was as weak as water in the moonlight and wanted to be held in her arms.
"Brother Qin..."
Her voice is also so soft, like the moonlight in the sky, quietly touching the heart of the Qin Dynasty, itching.
"You, you haven't slept yet..."
"Sister Yuanmeng, you didn't sleep so late."
The Qin Dynasty laughed and opened the door, "it's cold outside, go inside Come on... "
This can be called a house.
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