Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 711

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Chapter 711

Taurus John begged to Suu Kyi, "Your Majesty, now, only you can save yourself and our dark Holy See!"
"Well, well, I promise you."
Su Ji saw the man who saved her life and was chased away by the fat man. As soon as she felt soft, she agreed, "but it can only be temporary."
"Very well, thank you, your majesty."
Taurus was very happy. He took out a black cross from his arms and gave it to Suji. "Your Majesty, please give us the honor of seven virtues."
"Seven Seven virtues? "
Suu Kyi didn't quite understand.
"The seven sins of Catholicism are listed. We, the dark Holy See, have been studying the power of the seven virtues since we lost the Knights of the seven sins. Finally, Moses, the former referee, finally finished his research and sealed all his strength on the cross. Now, please give us this virtue, and we will be your most loyal warriors, your majesty. "
"All right."
At this time, Suu Kyi didn't have time to ask so clearly.
She knew she inherited the power of judge Moses, the queen of vampires. They think that the believers of the dark Holy See have been chasing after themselves.
She picked up the cross and found seven small marks on it.
When she put the cross on top of John the Taurus, one of the marks was shining.
Suu Kyi murmured, as if there was something in her heart.
She put the cross on top of the head of John Taurus and murmured, "my Lord, give you supreme power. Let your tolerance become the virtue that the world flaunts. "
With that, the mark of tolerance appeared on John's forehead.
He stood up from the ground, his original black armor constantly changed shape, and finally turned into a Silver Knight's armor, with a big knife behind him.
"Taotie knight, now, I judge you in the name of God!"
Said John Taurus, stepping on the ground, stepping into a deep hole, and rushing towards the fat man.
"Eat you!"
The fat man felt the strong wind behind him. He turned his head and saw the knight in silver armor.
He opened his mouth and spewed out a green liquid.
John was surprised. He turned his hand, took out a big shield from behind and blocked it in front of him.
The liquid fell on the shield and emitted green smoke.
But as he stopped the venom, John flew a knife and struck the fat man on the shoulder.
A stream of blood sprang up from the sky, and the fat man stepped back two steps, showing his teeth in pain.
While Taurus and the fat man were fighting each other, the two twelve stars came over and knelt half down in front of Suu Kyi.
"Sire, I am the Sagittarius star Estee."
"Your Majesty, I am j Scorpio."
"Please give us strength against the enemy
Suu Kyi looked at them, nodded, then picked up her cross and stuck it on their heads. The Church of Rome holds seven kinds of virtue, and the Church of Rome holds seven kinds of virtue.
"My Lord, give you the supreme strength, let your generosity become the virtue that the world flaunts."
"My Lord, give you the supreme strength, let your temperance become the virtue that the world flaunts."
The two knights of silver armor stood up one after another.
One of them carried a fine bow and arrow, and the other held a cross gun.
"Have you admitted your identity?"
At this time, from the magic array, another woman came out.
When Suu Kyi saw her, she was on the alert.
"Your Majesty, are you still hostile to me?"
Winnie, the Gemini, laughed, "I am also your fighter, and I am absolutely loyal to you. No matter what happened in the past, we are all on the same front now. Your majesty, although you have a knight of virtue, you should be more careful. Because the power of the seven virtues is not mature and cannot grow like the seven sins. As a saying goes, human virtues are limited, but human sins are endless. "
Vini, the Gemini, pointed to the three silver knights and the fat man besieged by them, and said, "these Knights of virtue, their peak strength, are only the mature level of seven sin knights. And seven sin knights, from the beginning of the juvenile, to the mature body, but also to the whole. I've heard that there are terrible ultimate bodies, but I haven't seen them yet
"Come here, I'll give you strength."
Su Jixin said, in any case, one or two have been given, which is not bad for this one.
"Thank you, your majesty."
Winnie is very happy, immediately came over, kneeling in front of Suu Kyi, a face of loyalty.Suu Kyi put the cross up and found that it was the power of chastity that twinkled.
Is this girl still a chaste woman?
"My Lord, give you the power to make your virginity a virtue the world boasts."
"Thank you, your majesty..."
Vinnie, in silver armor, with two long swords in his hand, rose slowly.
"Don't waste any more time. Get rid of that fat man."
Vini was like the head of several of them. At her command, several silver Knights immediately made the attack more sharp.
After all, it's the power of the mature body. J swings a gun and throws the fat man high. It's his turn to fly in the air.
"The arrow of generosity!"
ESTEE pulled up his bow and arrow, and a silver shining arrow shot at the fat man in the air.
The gun of temperance
J opens his body in a bow. Then he throws his cross spear at the fat man in the air.
"Shield of tolerance!"
John the Taurus spins and throws the shield with the cross knife in his hand into the air.
"Sword of chastity!"
And Pooh, is a double sword sweep, flying a cross sword light, chasing the strength of several companions.
The strength of the four knights combined, even if it is diamond, will be blasted into scum.
But the fat man, however, laughed and opened his mouth.
"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"
Suu Kyi, as well as the Knights of virtue, felt that they were almost sucked into the air.
But their attack, but by that fat man all inhaled in the mouth, big mouth chews up.
A few Knights of virtue are a little silly.
Finally, I watched the fat man thump and swallow their attacks into his stomach.
"Virtue is delicious, too."
Said the fat man, winking at them.
Then, his body suddenly inflated, and a dark green worm broke out of his lower body, replaced his feet and landed on the ground with him.
A total of seven or eight huge worms, in front of each, there are also long ferocious big mouth.
A couple of girls, they're a little sick.
"Your Majesty, get out of here. We'll help you stop him!"
Seeing the fat man enter the mature body, Winnie knew it was a little tricky.
"This guy can eat anything. It's a little bit difficult!"
"I will fight with you."
Suji doesn't like to be a protected girl. She holds a big halberd in front of her. At the same time, the pool under the body, set off a huge wave.
"Hiss, it seems that the dark Pope is about to be killed!"
Tina, a nine headed snake, said with a strange smile to the Qin Dynasty, "do they think that with the development of seven virtue knights, they can fight against our seven sin knights? Ha ha ha, we can evolve infinitely! That gluttonous knight, can eat anything, I estimate, your little girl friend, will become his Chinese food! "
"Looking for death!"
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty were sharp. He held up his sword of the evil king of yin and Yang and drank coldly, "I have a divine sword. The sword is called the great Yin and Yang evil king! Great Yin and Yang evil king, Tibetan swordsmanship
Before the Qin Dynasty had finished his Tibetan swordsmanship, all the seven big mouths of the Hydra spurted blue mansions and swept him.
A large piece of crystal awn, condensed out, directly frozen the body of the Qin Dynasty into a small iceberg, erected on this pool.
"Ha ha ha, what a fool!"
Tina laughed, as if laughing at the stupidity of the Qin Dynasty.
At this time, the iceberg, suddenly out of a fierce black light. Then, the solid iceberg, there are all kinds of cracks, and then in Tina's panic burst open.
A man in a black robe appeared in front of him.
The Qin Dynasty drank a sound, and the lotus flower of white gold cut flying down and stabbed into the nine headed snake's body.
Tina wailed and twisted her body. She was about to escape into liquid. At this time, the Qin Dynasty waved her hand and launched the broken heart sword array.
A row of swords, nailed to Tina's left and right, surrounded her in a sword array. Suddenly, Tina's body turned into liquid, unable to escape from the sword array.
In the Qin Dynasty, there was another burst of drinking, and a fierce white light appeared in the sword array.
Tina screamed and was covered with blood. The water in the sword array was evaporated by the power of Qin Dynasty.
Without the protection of water, the nine headed snake fell to the ground, and the two transformed heads disappeared.
"The waning moon!"
In the sky, a black moon.
These moons, all over the world, hit Nadina.Unable to transform into form, they accepted these attacks.
"Ah, ah, ah!"
Tina screamed and yelled at the same time.
"Why, why are you so powerful Scofield, you lied to me, you lied to me! "
"Die! Full moon
Qin Dynasty's body suddenly fell down, a fist, bang on the top of Nadina's constantly shouting snake head.
The black light, along his fist, hit Tina's body.
And then, Tina's body began to collapse. The rest of the head, are broken into several sections. And with her death, the wall of ice around her began to melt.
But the water became Suu Kyi's strength.
Suu Kyi waved her halberd and mobilized all the waves to form a huge water dragon roll. She bombarded the fat man who was crawling with worms.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
The fat man laughed, and all the worms' mouths opened together.
The water tornado, impacting on him, was sucked into his mouth.
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