Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1009

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Chapter 1009

Although Qinghong Wuji Gang is also a bright eye, but in the end it ended up with a fiasco.
But that nine death pill, but let all Xiuzhen sects again surprised.
Although it has been heard that Qinghong has such a terrible pill, but this is the first time to see.
Then look at the second elder martial brother who was sent to the stage. At this time, the bloody man is dying, and the whole person is also in an old state.
This is a sign of the collapse of Yuanying, the loss of vital energy and the beginning of meritorious service.
Nine death elixir, this power is really a bit extraordinary
let people's power burst out nine times in an instant!
After the effect is also very terrible, Qin Dynasty in the side of the dark emotion.
Fortunately, his Kowloon ring did not have such side effects, otherwise every time he broke out, he would not have to cry to death.
No matter how hard Qinghong's people are to their own hands, the game or luochamen won.
Qinghong Wuji Gang finally stopped in the top eight.
However, they are still much luckier than Kunlun.
Poor Kunlun, not even the top eight.
The monks of song mountain began to beg Buddha one after another. Don't let the sect compete with Luocha sect in the top four.
The black horse of luoshamen is too dark.
The teams selected for the top four are also reserved, namely luochamen, Shushan, Songshan and Wudang.
All other sects have fallen.
"In any case, we should keep luochamen out of the top eight!"
The elder of Shushan frowned and said, "don't let the villain get into the final, or we will be ridiculed in the future."
"This time, it seems that you have the strongest lineup in Shushan"
taixuzi of Wudang touched his seven star sword and couldn't help feeling.
On the other side of Shushan mountain, the three representatives are Shen Qing, Mo Tianya and Haotian.
These three people can be said to be the three heroes of Shushan.
Just don't talk about others, just say that Mo Tianya, oneself already had the terrible cultivation of seven times of golden body, can be called the first person in the young generation.
Of course, if there is no Qin Dynasty, he is really worthy of the first.
The rest of Shen Qing is a rare and talented woman.
Haotian is also a young man in Shushan. Although he is not as good as Shen Qing and Mo Tianya, he is also famous in the Xiuzhen world.
Now he's in a one shot fight with Romen.
It seems that Shushan and luochamen will become enemies. In the struggle for hegemony among the top four, the two sects did not crash, but met each other with another opponent.
Luochamen met Wudang, Shushan met Songshan.
The battle on the other side of the Shushan mountain is not to talk about, or only to see the luochamen.
"Are you still alone?"
Wudang's three male Taoist priests with white and black Taoist robes, looking at Zhao Jingjing opposite, couldn't help asking.
"Well, one person is enough."
Zhao Jingjing nodded.
"Sister, we are very strong!"
Chu Feng, a little Taoist priest, was also among them. "Especially my two martial uncles, Tiandao and Tianyan, are great masters of the golden body
"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. It's just a triple body."
Zhao Jingjing waved her hand.
"You look down on our elder martial brother, AI"
as soon as the heavenly way slapped his sword on his waist, "we are different from the opponents you met before, so you'd better be careful."
"If anything, I wouldn't have come up alone."
Zhao Jingjing shrugged his shoulders, "I hit you three alone, enough."
"If you don't listen to me, don't blame the three of us for being rude."
Tianyan felt that it was hard to be looked down upon. He held out his finger and began to pinch the Dharma.
"Gui Jin Yang, Liu Tu Zhang, Xing RI Ma, Zhang Yuelu, Yi Huo she, Shi Shui vermin, Jing Mu Lu! Rosefinch
However, Tianyan didn't underestimate the enemy, so he cast a large-scale magic.
In the southern sky, a layer of red fire cloud suddenly floated.
A kind of bird's song came through the South sky.
Soon, a big red bird appeared in the South sky.
The bird's body is very large, wings spread, is more than ten meters long, almost to cover the sky.
All the practitioners present were amazed and admired.
Wudang's Taoism is really wonderful. It can summon such a holy beast.
Although it is only a separate body of the holy beast, it is much more genuine than the so-called mountain guarding holy beast on the green clothes.
In the twinkling of an eye, the rosefinch flew out of the fire cloud and circled on the challenge arena.
There are constantly flaming feathers, falling down a little bit, landing on the left and right of the challenge arena, burning the ground black."It's a pretty bird."
Looking at the sky, Liu Ying couldn't help saying, "sister AI, I'd better catch it and keep it as a pet."
"No way."
AI Xiaoxue shook her head and told Liu Ying, "it's just the separation of the rosefinch. Even if you catch it, it's useless. If it disappears, it will never be found again. When you have time and opportunity, you'd better catch the real body of the rosefinch to raise it. "
"Good, good!"
Liu Ying is very happy.
Next to the practitioners one by one to listen to the gaping.
You want to catch the real rosefinch?
Oh, my God, these two women are not crazy!
"Sister, I won't be polite! Heaven and earth have no limit, heaven and earth borrow the law
The little Taoist Chu Feng held a peach wood sword in his hand and threw a charm in his hand, murmured to Zhao Jingjing.
The charm immediately flew out and pasted it on Zhao Jingjing's body.
This charm is pasted on Zhao Jingjing's body, and Zhao Jingjing's body becomes stagnant and unable to move.
"Good job, little brother!"
Seeing the effect of the mantra, Tianyan and Tiandao praise in unison.
This is the "Heavenly Master seal" of Wudang
The way of heaven first rushed to Zhao Jingjing's side and hit her with a golden charm.
Zhao Jingjing's body, instantly by that spell to fly.
And the rosefinch that has been circling in the sky at this time also launched an attack.
It opened its mouth, spit out a long flame, toward Zhao Jingjing's body shot past.
Zhao Jingjing's body was shot, and immediately burst into flames and fell on the challenge arena.
"Ah, sister Zhao!"
Liu Ying was startled.
"It's OK. Your sister Zhao was beaten up on purpose."
"Ha? Does sister Zhao have a tendency to be abused? "
Liu Ying blinked.
"Let your sister Zhao hear it, and you will be miserable."
AI Xiaoxue couldn't help laughing.
Liu Ying quickly covered her mouth.
"She just wants to test the attack level of her opponent. Take your time."
Just then, on the challenge arena in front of me, the flame was suddenly dispersed.
Zhao Jingjing, wrapped with vitality, stood up safe and sound.
Although she can't burn her vitality like eating the nine death pill, she can still do it to transport her vitality, wrap her body and reduce her injury.
This is the same as the hard Qigong in their martial arts.
Let the vitality spread all over the body, greatly enhance the resistance to attack.
"How can it be ok?"
Some people in Wudang also have big eyes and small eyes.
"That's the fire of the rosefinch."
"Compared with my younger brother's flame, it's not worth mentioning."
Zhao Jingjing shook her hand and said casually.
Although the fire of the rosefinch is also very strong, it can not be compared with the nine hell fire.
As early as in the Qin Dynasty and practice, Zhao Jingjing found out. As long as you wrap the whole body with vitality and isolate the flame, you can avoid being hurt by the flame.
"After all, it's just triple gold. It's too weak."
Some people in Wudang don't know what to say.
Especially Chu Feng, pouting his mouth, was very discouraged.
In the past years, at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting, there was a double triple gold body, which was a great master.
This year, luochamen is so abnormal. It's terrible to get so many masters with seven levels of gold body.
Well, it's too tricky.
"I don't believe I can't win you!"
Tianyan continued to explain the Dharma, "the Supreme Master, as urgent as a law! Go
He spilled a handful of soybeans.
The soybean fell to the ground, and immediately turned into a gold armour of generals, to Zhao Jingjing on the encirclement to go.
These golden armour generals, with long guns in their hands, each two meters tall, scrambled to go first.
"Bang bang!"
Zhao Jingjing swings a fist and throws out a foot, beating two golden armour generals into rags.
But these golden armored generals are not afraid of death. It can be said that they do not have the concept of fear of death at all. They continue to rush forward bravely one by one.
"I pester her, elder martial brother, you continue to attack!"
Tianyan said to his elder martial brother while controlling the golden armor general.
"I see! Look at me
The way of heaven immediately controlled the rosefinch to separate and launch a new attack.
The rosefinch parted and flapped its wings, and the flames on her body surged up.
Then, a huge Flamingo separated from its body and ran head-on down toward Zhao Jingjing.If the Flamingo blows down, it will be more powerful than the missile!
At this time, Zhao Jingjing's body was surrounded by several golden armor generals, and there was no place to hide.
"The Dragon King opens the sky!"
She may not be able to eat this fire.
But it was difficult for her. She slapped several golden generals in front of her.
Several gold armour generals were immediately hit to fly, and Zhao Jingjing with the help of this gap, jumped out.
The fire hit the ground, and all the golden armour generals were instantly ignited and turned into fly ash in the blink of an eye.
There is also a deep hole in the ground.
It was dark and the flames were surging.
Zhao Jingjing looked at the black pit behind her and couldn't help saying.
"It's dangerous. You three are quite interesting."
"Will you despise us?"
Heaven said, "let all of you come up."
"If we all come up, do you still have a chance?"
Zhao Jingjing also laughed, "and in this way, it's totally boring..."
As she said this, she suddenly ran and ran towards the three Taoists.
"Daoism is all long-range magic. Now fight close to see how you deal with it!"
She said, already to some unprepared in front of God.
Tianyan was startled and threw out a spell in a hurry and pasted it to Zhao Jingjing.
"Thunder curse!"
But Zhao Jingjing did not let him put the charm on his body, but more quickly stretched out his hand and grasped the charm in his hand.
The white light flashed and the spell was crushed into powder.
Zhao Jingjing's power is a little overbearing.
"Crush your spell and see what else you can do!"
After Zhao Jingjing finished, she stretched out her hand and clasped it on Tianyan's forehead.
"Go to hell!"
She said, a palm of the hand of heaven's body pressure on the ground.
There was a deep pit in the ground, and the poor Tianyan was knocked to death.
Not to the other party's head to detonation, is Zhao Jingjing's mercy.
"Younger martial brother!"
The way of heaven was so surprised that he immediately controlled the rosefinch and dived directly towards Zhao Jingjing.
The huge rosefinch, like a fighter, swooped down.
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