Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 463

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Chapter 463

"Hoo Hoo..." Just when the Qin Dynasty just left, the doctor Watanabe, who had been fainting on the ground, suddenly got up with blood all over his body.
He looked around at a mess of laboratories, looking at those fallen in the nutrient solution of the devil, suddenly understand that x seems to have lost.
"God project The project of becoming a God will never fail like this... "
Watanabe's look was a little crazy. With blood on his face, he suddenly laughed strangely, "Jie Jie, Jie Jie I'm not going to let this great experiment just fail I also have the devil's wing, the new devil's wing... "
Said, Watanabe slowly climbed to the front of a metal cabinet, and then opened the password lock, from which took out a needle tube containing red liquid.
The red liquid, as if with a kind of attractive heartstrings of power, people can not help but absorb it.
"The new devil's wing..." Dr Watanabe suddenly lifted up his sleeve and thrust the needle into his skin.
The blue veins burst up immediately, as if in the blood, with inexplicable force.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Soon, one injection is completely clean. Dr. Watanabe lost his empty needle and laughed wildly at the ceiling. "I, I will replace Lord X and become a terrible God! Ha ha ha Well... "
With a strange cry, countless blue veins appeared on Dr. Watanabe's face.
He's got two eyeballs coming out. With a painful face, his clothes were instantly torn.
Soon, a huge red skin monster, a little bit out of the pit of the core laboratory, and then toward the side of the devil.
He stretched out his thick arm and grabbed the devil's body. He opened his mouth and began to swallow it
"Creak, creak..." In this underground laboratory, there is only a strange swallowing sound
"Shen, Mr. Shen." In a villa on the outskirts of Tokyo, a middle-aged man with a somewhat fat figure is holding a metal suitcase tightly in his arms. At the same time, one hand is holding a mobile phone and calling a man.
Shen Dong seems to be calling him.
But he addressed Mr. Shen, not his military adviser.
He was very nervous about the suitcase in his arms because it was full of thick dollars.
His own bank account, for no reason, was frozen. It's because of the organization. Besides, he hasn't had time to open an account with a Swiss bank and deposit all his money in it.
After that, he can get it all in Canada. A better future life is waiting for me.
Although he betrayed his country, Xie Qiang did not regret it. Because in China, they always use inexplicable reasons to deduct research funds, and the treatment given to these researchers is not very good.
Especially when we go out for meetings, the leaders who don't understand P like to teach this lesson. Some of their own project plans, want to ask the leadership to approve the funds down, the leadership has been slow to sign.
Later, a colleague who had worked for many years told himself that if he did not give the leader some benefits, he would not get a signature at all.
Until one day, Mr. Shen, who claimed to be the black dragon club, found himself. He said he was very interested in a research he had participated in, so he was willing to pay a high price for the information of the project.
It has to be said that the number Mr. Shen said really made him excited.
With this money, he went abroad and thought about what kind of life was bad and why he suffered from the idle spirit every day.
Therefore, Xie Qiang a ruthless, steal the research materials, went to the Black Dragon Society in the island.
"Ship, what time will the boat get in the way..."
"Ha ha, Mr. Xie seems to be very anxious." Shen Dong's voice came out, "don't worry, we'll pick you up when the time comes. Now all you have to do is stay in the villa and look after the money in your box. "
"I will, I will." Xie Qiang carefully, and urged two words, this just hung up the phone.
With a cold sweat on his forehead, he glanced at the watch on his wrist.
It's 8:15, 15 minutes before Mr. Shen comes to pick him up.
Don't know why, he always felt a little flustered. Even in the hall on the first floor of the villa, there are two powerful bodyguards hired at high prices.
But this sense of panic still lingers. As if, tonight, something not so good will happen.
The moon outside the window, as if covered with a layer of dazzling blood red.
He held the metal box full of dollars tightly and looked around with a pair of small eyes. He always felt that the robber would suddenly break in to steal money from the window.
"Oh, thank you, don't worry." A tall man sitting on the sofa, wearing a black suit, touched the pistol in his arms and said to Xie Qiang with a smile.
"Yes, both of us are super soldiers trained by the black dragon club. With the two of us here, no one can hurt Xie Jun"That's right." The first bodyguard, with a Cuban cigar in his mouth, reached out and patted Xie Qiang on the shoulder. Then he grinned with yellow teeth and said, "Xie Jun is very good. He is a friend of our big island country! Great kindness
"Yes Another bodyguard nodded and said with a smile, "Xie Jun is a friend of Dahe nationality! We will certainly protect you. "
"Ha ha, thank you, thank you..." This Xie Qiang listens, also do not know should be happy or should cry. Anyway, he is also a traitor
These compliments sound more ironic.
"I've been working hard these days." Even if he felt uncomfortable, Xie Qiang still had to smile and say, "when you are free to go to Canada, I'll do the East. I'll invite you to have a meal and take a sauna. It's a one-stop service."
"West!" With a cigar in his mouth, the bodyguard's eyes glowed with lustre, and he said with a smile, "it's said that European chicks are very bold and unrestrained, and their figure is also excellent! Good, thank you first
Xie Qiang's attitude made the two island bodyguards very satisfied. They talked to each other in island language and did not know what they were talking about. But Xie Qiang's Island Mandarin is not very good. Just now, the two bodyguards also spoke to him in half cooked Chinese.
At this time, even if two people discuss how to shoot him here for money, he has to laugh.
Of course, these two people, as the black dragon club's subordinates, can not do anything against the above order. But that doesn't mean they don't have any idea.
"Ben * * Jun, see no, that Chai pig's box is a delicious dollar!"
"Well, that's ten million dollars there! If I have the money, I can play all the women I like once
"Well, do you want to vote for him? Then we two brothers, take money, fly away
"Idiot, are you stupid! Black dragon will be easy to provoke, even if you ran to the ends of the earth, they will also find you! Do this job well, you can rest assured that we will cooperate with you very well, and we will try to blackmail this * * pig. I dare not tell him.
"West! Then please
Two people began to laugh again, and at this time, in the huge hall, a voice rang.
"Sorry to disturb your dreams."
Xie Qiang, who was already nervous, suddenly shivered and almost dropped the box in his hand.
The two bodyguards, however, immediately drew out the pistols in their arms, looking for the source of the sound.
Suddenly, a black figure fell from the sky, jumped directly from the platform on the second floor, and then fell between the two bodyguards.
Then he reached out and grabbed a bodyguard by the neck and pulled him to his body.
The bodyguard with his cigar in his mouth immediately fired at the shadow.
But his companion was used as a human shield by the man. Several rounds of bullets were fired directly into the companion's body, and several regiments of blood flowered out of him.
"Sea king!" The bodyguard with a cigar suddenly widened his eyes, and took advantage of his stupefied effort, the shadow pushed away the body in his hand.
The heavy body suddenly hit the bodyguard with his cigar in his mouth.
The cigar carrying bodyguard, who should be called the original man, suddenly fell back on the sofa and hit his gun to one side.
At the same time, the dark figure leaped forward to him and pulled a dagger from his trouser leg. Then, a blood light flew up, and the dagger in the dark shadow's hand stabbed steadily into the Mu Jun's throat.
"Cluck..." This eye gentleman throat spurt blood, he stretched out his hand to grasp twice on the neck, then the eyes a stagnation, straight collapsed on the sofa.
"You, who are you?" Xie Qiang, who was next to him, jumped directly from the sofa. With the flexibility he never had before, he turned to the back of the sofa and looked at the shadow in front of him with fear.
"Me?" The dark figure pulled out a box of Cuban cigars from his pocket, took out one, and lit it with his own lighter.
He took a deep breath, then puffed out the ring of smoke and gave Xie Qiang a smile.
"My name is Qin Dynasty. I'm the one who came to kill you."
"Kill, kill me?" Xie Qiang trembled with fright, and his little eyes turned wildly, "you, you are the person of the organization!"
"Well, I guess so." The Qin Dynasty played the ash and said, "I've got the information back, and the base has been destroyed. I've also killed X. Well, that's right. I'm afraid you won't be able to make it tonight. "
"How, how!" Xie Qiang shook his big head, and the fat on his face trembled, "no way, how can you kill X! I, I don't believe it
"Believe it or not." Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders indifferently, "I won't care so much with a dead man."
"I, I will not die!" Xie Qiang suddenly took out a small silver pistol from his arms. The muzzle of the gun pointed at the Qin Dynasty. The cowardice on his face disappeared in an instant, and turned into a very ferocious one, with bursts of sneers in his mouth."I didn't expect that I was armed with defensive weapons."
"Ha ha It doesn't matter. You still have time. I can play with you for a while
Qin said, pointing to the dial on Xie Qiang's wrist with his eyes, and said with a smile, "there are ten minutes left, right. Don't worry, you still have ten minutes to live Or shorter. "
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