Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 951

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Chapter 951

It was getting dark, and several people came along, and the snow fell more and more heavily.
All of us are practitioners. We can see at night. Even in such a snowy night, we can still keep on going.
Meiya, the youngest and the most advanced, suddenly pouted her lips and cried out.
"It's so windy and cold. Let's have a rest..."
"Younger martial sister, hold on a little longer."
Bai Ye took Meiya's arm. "Hold on for a while, and we'll get to the misty peak. Otherwise, if you are late, it will appear that we are impolite in jinxianmen. "
"Wu, Wu..."
Maiya's body trembled slightly in the snowy night.
"Younger martial sister, let me carry you."
Li Weilong looked at his younger martial sister, shivering with cold. He couldn't bear it. He said again.
Meiya's big black eyes turned around and secretly took a look at Qiu Fenglan, the Third Elder martial brother on the way. She wants to let the cool and powerful third elder martial brother carry her on her back. It's a pity that the Third Elder martial brother ignored himself.
It's too cold. It's too cold. For the sake of the future, it's better for you to come back cheap.
"Well, elder martial brother, it's hard for you to carry me..."
Maiya finally nodded.
Li Weilong was very happy. He ran forward and squatted on the ground.
Meiya gently jumped on his back and felt a warm feeling.
Li Weilong Si is not stingy with her own vigor, and constantly envelops the little younger martial sister's petite body.
It's very comfortable and warm. Maiya closed her eyes happily and got on the air-conditioned bus.
The Qin Dynasty looked back and couldn't help laughing.
What a lively group of people. They went to the misty peak just for congratulation.
And I can't be so free.
He couldn't help but think of what FA Xiang had said before he went up the mountain.
Misty peak has invited practitioners from all over the world. Even FA Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao, who have been hiding for a long time, have heard about it.
Bai Jiaojiao was in a great hurry at that time. She was about to go to the misty peak to save her elder martial sister with her sword.
FA Xiang had no choice but to subdue his wife first, and then rushed to find the Qin Dynasty.
As for what kind of cruel and inhuman punishment he will be subject to, it is not the matter that Qin Dynasty can manage.
"Qin Dynasty, I have known you for so long, and I know your temper."
FA Xiang said at that time, "you will definitely go to the misty peak to save Huaniang. I will not stop you. You are different from Jiaojiao. She has a bad temper and a poor strength. Even if you can't save Huaniang, self-protection is not a problem. "
"You came here to tell me that?"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help raising eyebrows.
"Of course not!"
FA Xiang's face was upright and said, "this time, if I don't help you, Jiaojiao will definitely blame me. But I can't show up, otherwise I will make the misty peak and the Baotai Temple form a feud. "
"How are you going to help me?"
"Use this."
Dharma Master held out his hand, and the golden flame was burning in his palm.
The flame is very solemn and sacred. When it burns up, it seems that there is a kind of Buddhist sutra chanting with a clear mind and a clear mind in the air.
"Bodhi fire!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help exclaiming.
"Yes, it is the highest flame of Buddhism, the flame of Bodhi."
Dharma Xiang nodded, "my younger martial sister, although she has good talent, has not cultivated this Bodhi flame, only ordinary Buddha fire. The Buddha fire is not very helpful to your nine hell fire. Now, I give you this Bodhi flame. I hope you can make good use of it. But don't kill too much... "
"Don't worry, I'm not a killer."
Qin Dynasty accepted this gift with a smile, "I just want to save people."
Dharma Xiang couldn't stop saying the name of Buddha, "I hope it's not your reason to kill people I hope I'm not aiding the tyranny. "
"Where! You are eager for justice and justice. It can be said that it is a matter of amendment. "
The Qin Dynasty was afraid that FA Xiang would repent, so he immediately swallowed up the Bodhi fire with Jiuyou Yin fire.
Suddenly, the internal flame, gathered eight kinds!
In this way, I have nothing to fear!
"Zhenzhen Qin, what are you thinking?"
He Zhenyu's words brought the Qin Dynasty back to the real world.
There was snow everywhere. Qin Dynasty stood in the snow, and several people from Jinxian gate were looking at him.
"Ah, nothing. I just saw that your brothers were deeply in love, and I couldn't help thinking of my master..."
Qin Dynasty's acting was excellent, and he stretched out his sleeve to wipe his eyes.
"Zhenren Qin, mourning."
Bai Zheng said, "the body of a man of practice is just a skin bag. What's more, the fruits of this life's practice will be rewarded with good fortune in the next life. "Thank you very much
Qin Dynasty pretended to be grateful.
"I'm flattered by immortal Qin, but we should not be too sad when we go to the misty peak this time."
Bai Zheng advised.
"That's what it looks like on a happy day."
Bai Ye couldn't help muttering.
"White leaf!"
Bai Zheng turned back and yelled, and white leaf turned his head.
"Immortal Qin, my sister-in-law has offended me. Please don't blame him."
"No, no, I'm not good."
The Qin Dynasty wiped his eyes and said, "it's really a day of great joy. It's a bit unlucky for me to shed tears. This time, I am also very sincere. I want to send a big gift to the master candle dragon. "
"Hehe, you will be very pleased to know. Zhenzhen Qin, let's go on our way. "
Bai Zheng asked.
"White master, please."
The Qin Dynasty thought that Bai Zheng was quite good, and Bai Ye was a little arrogant.
The snow mountain is very big, vast and white.
Qin Chaosi didn't feel cold at all. His body was full of energy, and he was slightly hot.
After swallowing the fire of Bodhi, the realm of Jinshen Yizhong began to loosen up and slowly moved towards the double body.
Sure enough, breaking through the shackles of the yuan infant period, the cultivation began a thousand li.
And what surprised the Qin Dynasty most was that his Vajra Sutra began to move towards the fourth level. Although we haven't really reached the fourth level yet, there is an ability that begins to emerge slowly.
"Master, there is some evil in the snow"
Li Weilong carried his younger martial sister on his back, but he did not forget to explore the situation around him. He stopped, looked around at the snow, and suddenly said.
"Oh? Is Wei long aware of it? "
Bai Zheng touched a few of his moustache, quite pleased, "yes, it's a little weird under the snow. I have already felt that there is a demon force in the snow. What do you think, Feng LAN? "
"Master, I have a good opinion."
Autumn wind haze light ground says.
Qin Dynasty didn't speak beside him. He felt it for a long time. There must be some big monster around here.
It's no wonder that the place where the sect was founded must be the land of fortune and treasure, with abundant aura.
It is inevitable that there are some goblins around.
"Be careful. Wei long, you should pay attention to protect the fifth
Bai Zheng waved his hand, and all of them pulled out their swords.
"Yes, master."
Li Weilong nodded, a face of perseverance.
"I can fight without the protection of my senior brother."
But Meiya jumped down from Li Weilong's back and pulled out her sword. There was a slight golden awn on the sword with a little light chanting.
"My younger martial sister is very brave. However, it's better to weigh your own strength first, and don't become a burden to everyone. "
he Zhenyu made a sarcastic remark.
"Fuck you, I can beat you even if I can't beat the monster!"
Meiya glared at her fourth elder martial brother.
"Don't make any noise. The monster is approaching..."
Bai Zheng ordered, "immortal Qin, you should also be careful."
"I'm too shallow to help."
Qin Dynasty said in the side, "hard many Taoist friends."
"Don't mention it. Let's get rid of him."
Li Weilong waved.
Bai Ye looks at Qin twelve's eyes, more contemptuous.
What he had on his waist was not a sword, but a firestick.
If it was elder martial brother Beitang, he would kill the monster himself!
At this time, the snow drifted more ferocious, a scream, sounded in the snow.
"It's coming. Be careful!"
Bai Zheng looked up and threw a golden sword into the sky.
The sword suddenly turned into a golden lion and rushed into the snow covered sky.
This lion, very huge, six meters long, majestic.
Snowflakes meet the Golden Lion and are vaporized.
A white figure appeared.
It seems that some fear of the lion, a head, in the snow flying to the other side.
"Wind haze, don't let it run away!"
Bai Zheng ordered.
When the autumn wind blows the sword, the sword Qi is vertical and horizontal.
A golden lion rushed out of the ground and stopped the monster's way.
The monster body shape a meal, instantly took a breath, the stomach bulged boss.
Then he opened his mouth and spat out a white crystal awn to the lion.Jingmang bumps into the lion's body and turns the sword like lion into an ice sculpture.
But at this time, the figure of white leaf appeared on the top of the monster.
As soon as she threw her sword, the golden lion's sword hit the monster's body, which immediately smashed the monster's body into the snow.
There was another dull sound, and snowflakes splashed everywhere.
The monster struggled on the ground for two times, and the people saw the shape of the monster.
This is a snow ape, more than a meter tall, snow-white hair, black face. The goods grinned and made faces at the crowd.
"Wow, what a lovely monkey!"
Maiya couldn't help but let out her eyes.
"Be careful!"
Bai Zheng frowned, and the snow ape suddenly jumped up and jumped toward Meiya like lightning.
"Little sister!"
Li Weilong has been guarding Meiya's side, he did not hesitate to stop in front of Meiya.
"Golden Lion sword spirit!"
He Zhenyu threw out a sword in time. A two meter long lion fell on the snow ape precisely.
Snow ape's body instantly turned into an ice sculpture, which was crushed by the golden lion's bite.
There was a long sigh of relief.
"Just say you will be a burden."
He Zhenyu put away his sword lazily.
Bai Zheng nodded in secret. Although the fourth elder was not long after his introduction, his talent was also rare. If you give him time, when he reaches his age, his cultivation will surpass his own.
"People, people don't know, it will be so vicious..."
Meiya, hiding behind the elder martial brother, trembled slightly.
Qin Dynasty is frowning beside, this snow ape's body, a little strange breath. As a monster, I would never attack human beings for no reason.
In particular, these are all practitioners. Are they crazy? They run out to find death.
"Lao Si, the cultivation has improved again."
Li Weilong couldn't help praising.
"Haha, it's all taught carefully by the master."
He Zhenyu had just started his career. He practiced elementary Kung Fu and was taught by Li Weilong instead of Shifu.
"It, is it dead..."
Maiya was still worried and couldn't help asking.
"No, it's just snow."
White leaf told the younger martial sister, "we have to be more careful, this little snow ape does not know what crazy, ran out to die."
A few people took a rest and were preparing to go on the road again when suddenly a group of people came from a place not far away.
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