Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 550

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Chapter 550

"I, I..."
Han Xiaofan was Qin Dynasty two words, asked to say nothing.
"Comrade Han Xiaofan, I think you are still a good comrade who can be cultivated and shaped." "I don't know the reputation of hanhaochuan. What is a street mouse? Everyone shouts and beats? Do you know how many people hate and fear young master Han of your family? "
Qin said, picking up a new glass of wine from the tray of the waiter next to him, and then said, "so I'm very sad, I'm very sad. Because I was helping Han haoxuan's underworld forces. He has done so many bad things. I didn't want his life. It's because you are a good elder sister. But if you don't take care of your brother, I can't guarantee that the next time I see him, he will still be alive
"You are very vicious Han Xiaofan's long blue hair is hanging on her cheek. She stares at Qin Dynasty with gnashing teeth, "you run me with this word. My brother is in a terrible state. What do you want to do with him? "
"Excuse me." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "I have always followed the saying that cutting grass does not remove roots, and spring wind blows again. So if I choose, I will not hesitate to nip all dangers in the bud. "
"If you dare to touch my brother, I will not let you go!"
There was a flash of light in Han Xiaofan's eyes.
"Do you think you are my opponent?" Qin Dynasty hey ran a smile, "with what to defeat me? Your karate? "
"Qin Dynasty, the world, there are many fields you don't know." Han Xiaofan looked motionless and said, "I have a friend abroad. He is the son of a big family. His family, a little mysterious. If I ask him to help, you will die miserably. "
Qin Dynasty can not help but pick eyebrows, "you say so, I pour is very welcome."
At this time, Han Xiaofan's body is stiff.
Because on her neck, a cold black Taidao suddenly appeared.
A beautiful woman with enchanting figure appeared behind her, close to her waist.
The woman had a Taidao in one hand, which was clamped around her neck. The other hand, on her shoulder.
"Master, do you want to kill her?"
The woman, exhaling like blue, sounds low in Han Xiaofan's ear.
Han Xiaofan heart suddenly a tight, this woman is exactly when to appear. It was as if in an instant, it was behind her.
Moreover, this set of movements is very quick and pure. If she wants to, she can even cut her neck directly.
"Thousand generations, step down."
Since the destruction of Tang Ao's plan, the thousand generations have returned to the Qin Dynasty from Yu Lu. After all, people were needed in the Qin Dynasty.
"Yes, master."
The order of the Qin Dynasty is the imperial edict for thousands of dynasties. She immediately took back her knife, turned into black smoke and disappeared into the air.
"Here, what is this?"
Han Xiaofan was a little surprised and couldn't close his mouth.
The Qin Dynasty did not directly return to her, but looked at the air and said a word.
"Qiandai, this time you are responsible for protecting Liao Shasha. Change Xiaobai back and follow me."
"Why, master?"
The figure of the thousand generations came out of the void again, looking very puzzled.
"Is it that chidai did not do a good job?"
"No, you did well." Qin Dynasty shakes his head, and then goes forward and grabs the cool little hand of Qiandai.
His body suddenly trembled.
Although she was a slave of the Qin Dynasty, she had been his woman. However, this kind of small action between lovers has never been done.
By the Qin Dynasty a hand, a thousand generations on some blush heartbeat.
"But I need Xiaobai's ability. Her instant movement can help me a lot. For example, when I need your help, she can appear directly by your side and take you from here to me. "
"All right, master."
Chidai is satisfied with this explanation. She can only nod her head, and then turn into black smoke and disappear.
Han Xiaofan looked at a Leng a Leng, she finally understood that the Qin Dynasty is not an ordinary person.
"Qin, Qin Dynasty, who are you..."
"Me?" Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "in fact, I am a small security guard."
"A fool will believe..."
Han Xiaofan knew that he could not extract any favorable information from Qin Dynasty, so he simply stopped asking. But she weighed it a little, if her friend started, she could have fought Qin Dynasty.
After weighing it for a long time, I finally feel that I can't distinguish them.
The last time in Xiaoxuan birthday party, Qin Dynasty also only a small hand. That is also later, listen to the people under the people mentioned, they did not see with their own eyes.She saw the strength of her friend with her own eyes.
Should I take revenge for Xiaoxuan? Or to say, according to the Qin Dynasty, this is also to save Xiaoxuan. At least, he won't do evil again.
Han Xiaofan here tangled headache, and the Qin Dynasty continued to wander in the crowd.
"Qin Dynasty, this way!"
He is shaking happy, a familiar voice suddenly called out.
Qin Dynasty looks back, it is Wu Xin that small cow.
Today, Wu Xin is no longer wearing ordinary student clothes. This time, she was also dressed up. A black evening dress, gorgeous as a noble girl. Her beautiful face darkened the lights of the whole hall.
Of course, her most striking feature is the charm of low cut clothes.
The greatness of a pair of e cups is completely embellished by the low chest outfit.
Where she went, where the man, can't help but stare big eyes.
For the sake of being handsome, the boys who didn't wear glasses pounded their chest and feet.
There are also women with partners to come, is being severely pinched waist, want to let them sober.
Wu Xin, the little cow, the mistress of Datura, is the real heroine today.
"What are you looking at? What's wrong with my clothes? "
Wu Xin saw the Qin Dynasty that some straight eyes, suddenly some unnatural, a look at their own dress.
No, No Qin Dynasty swallow a mouthful of saliva, see this little beauty, the mind can not help but come up with the day in the bathroom of the beautiful.
He secretly regretted that he had not pushed down the cow that day.
I'm so reserved.
As a good man in the new century, how can he feel!
Wu Xin doesn't know the messy thoughts of the Qin Dynasty. She is still wondering whether there is something wrong with her clothes today.
"Isn't it too much for me? This is what elder sister Zhang chose for me. I thought it was good and put it on. If you don't feel good, I'll replace it "
" don't! " Qin Dynasty stopped it quickly. Why did you change AI? Besides, if Wu Xin changed his clothes because of his own reasons, the men here would not have to kill themselves.
for the sake of life, Amen, he should continue to appreciate it.
"It's beautiful. Really, you make me feel that you are the goddess in my heart Oh, little cow, you are so beautiful
Say something to make girls happy, this Qin Dynasty is the best.
Sure enough, the little cow's face immediately blushed. Wu Xinai blushed, which the Qin Dynasty knew for a long time.
"Blind, what nonsense! What goddess Milk, cow's... "
Wu Xin hung his head, not very good to see the Qin Dynasty.
"I mean it!" The Qin Dynasty stepped forward and took Wu Xin's hand. "Today you can be a female No. 1. Show your charm. If you look at everyone present and who looks at your eyes, it is not full of envy, admiration and jealousy. "
"I, what do I have to be envied..." Wu Xin was puzzled.
"Because you are my woman..." The Qin Dynasty laughed.
"Yes, it is not!" Wu Xin was so excited by this sentence that her heart beat faster and her face turned red and she could scald eggs. She gave the Qin Dynasty a white eye, and then covered her own hot face, afraid to look at people.
"Xiaoxinxin, I'll tell you. In the future, never trust your uncles and aunts. And if they bully you again, I don't mind sending them to hell. "
"Don't do this, Qin Dynasty..."
Wu Xin couldn't help holding the arm of Qin Dynasty and sticking it to the great bank on her body.
Qin Dynasty immediately felt the whole body congested, because this part is simply too soft Among the women I know This e is the only one Even Xi can't compare with the little cow.
"After all, they are still my relatives and have a blood relationship with me. My father died early, and my uncle was my grandmother's only son. If my uncle is not here, grandma will be very sad
"You are so kind."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help pinching Wu Xin's nose.
However, who knows if Wu Feng will be bullied by his wife again and do something bad to the little cow?
However, he has ordered Murong Jiang to send people to watch the couple all day. If you dare to have any changes, take Zhou Shufen first!
Jack's leg was broken and thrown into the river, which was also a warning to the two men.
If you have a good life, well water does not offend the river, I Qin Dynasty in the face of Wu Xin and her grandmother, will not take you how.
But if you dare to have a bad idea of Wu Xin again, then don't blame me for being ruthless in the Qin Dynasty.
"Wu Xin, if you have something to do in the future, I will tell your uncle Murong that he will make decisions for you."
"Well, I see. But when I'm not happy, I want to hold you and cry for a while... "Wu Xin said, reaching for the waist of Qin Dynasty and sticking her head in his arms.
On the body of small cow, also is full of missing to oneself. But after all, I have a lot of other things to do.
First bring Suu Kyi back, and then spring festival. This Spring Festival, the Qin Dynasty had to go home anyway, because his mother had given him an ultimatum.
I answered a phone call yesterday. My mother of Qin Dynasty said so.
"You've been out in the wild for so long. You don't have your mother in your eyes, do you. I'll give you one last chance. If you don't take Yang Shanshan back to me for the Spring Festival this year, you won't go into the house in the future. "
Speaking of Yang Shanshan, when she was an ex girlfriend, she was able to please the mother of Qin Dynasty.
Because on the surface, Yang Shanshan is a pretty girl, very excellent.
This is what the mother of Qin Dynasty liked.
Therefore, after meeting once, she warned the Qin Dynasty. Treat Yang Shanshan well, and the Qin family will make her daughter-in-law.
It's a pity that this is his mother's burden of shaving her head. It's hot.
Finally, in order to make a living, Yang Shanshan abandoned her boyfriend, who had been in contact for more than three years, and should go to the arms of the big fat Ling Tian, the monitor of the class.
This matter, the Qin Dynasty will never forget. Therefore, he only said that he would take a daughter-in-law home to show his mother, but did not mention the name.
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