Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 946

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Chapter 946

In the graveyard, suddenly the wind blows.
Those ghosts who were chatting before, all panicked and fled back to their coffins.
At this point, the coffin is the safest place.
Qin Dynasty side of the little girl also left, back to their own coffin inside, before leaving also asked the Qin Dynasty, whether to come in to hide.
The Qin Dynasty naturally refused the little girl's good intentions. He jumped up and squatted on the little girl's tombstone, and then entered the invisible state, and the whole person disappeared in the night.
The ability of plundering a female ghost at that time can still be used.
In this cemetery, originally the Yin Qi was very heavy, but now it is more intense.
After a while, a light white fog was all around, which was the manifestation of Yin Qi beginning to materialize.
"It's hard to do that It seems that this Zhen's daughter is really unusual. I guess she'll be dead for a long time... "
"It is impossible for female ghosts less than 1000 years old to materialize Yin Qi."
Rod told the Qin Dynasty, "this female ghost has been designated for thousands of years."
"Millennium? Could this small village exist a thousand years ago? "
"Even if the village is not here, maybe she has been buried for a long time. In the deepest part of this place, maybe. "
Rod analyzed it.
"Look, she's out."
In the eyes of the demons of the Qin Dynasty, a white woman rose slowly from the ground.
This woman looks like a normal ghost, but she has a pair of blood red eyes.
This is the characteristic of fierce ghost.
Besides, she is a very vicious female ghost.
After she came out, she walked around the cemetery quietly for a few times. After finding that she couldn't get out, she found a tombstone and sat down, sobbing.
This cry, in the dark, very harsh and infiltration.
"Wuwuwu Wuwu... "
"Malgobi, it's frightening to death for ordinary people."
The heart of the Qin Dynasty also pounded twice. Fortunately, he was a mendicant, and he was also a person who had broken through the hell of the netherworld. This is absolutely more exciting than any horror film.
Zhen's daughter was sitting there, crying all the time, her body twitching.
The cry soon spread throughout the village, and the villagers' fear spread everywhere.
"Get ready for her."
The Qin Dynasty took a deep breath and jumped nimbly on the tombstone to approach the Zhen's daughter.
He jumps back and forth like a cat, quietly.
Every time I jump gently and fall on a tombstone in front of me, there is no movement.
Qin Chaosheng was afraid to disturb the ghost and let her run away.
Quietly, he quickly came to Zhen's daughter's back, and then jumped down from a tombstone, secretly approached Zhen's daughter.
His hands, showing the black chain.
When the chain appeared, there was a slight crash.
Suddenly, the Zhen's daughter turned her head in an instant. On her pale face, her blood red eyes fiercely fixed her eyes on the Qin Dynasty.
Zhen's daughter flies over and grabs the figure of Qin Dynasty with one claw.
The Qin Dynasty didn't expect to see through his invisibility.
Decisiveness is a fierce ghost. Her claw is full of Yin. If she is caught on a person, she must be vicious and die miserably.
But the Yang Qi in Qin Dynasty was very strong, because he practiced the Vajra Sutra.
Zhen's daughter this claw, decisively by the golden light to open, she screamed repeatedly.
"It's just a little Millennium girl. I'll take care of you today!"
The body of the Qin Dynasty flew upside down and stepped on the tombstone. At the same time, the prison soul lock in his hand was thrown out, like a swimming snake, and flexibly wound around Zhen's daughter.
Although he has magic power for thousands of years, he has no intelligence quotient at all. He doesn't know how to dodge. He is entangled by the prison soul of Qin Dynasty.
All of a sudden, along the hair of Zhen Ma, she became very long.
This hair growth speed is extremely fast, Qin Dynasty is unprepared, immediately by this hair tightly strangled neck.
"I'll go..."
After the hair entangled the neck of Qin Dynasty, it spread to his mouth. It is estimated that they want to go deep into the internal organs of the Qin Dynasty and take out all the internal organs.
Even if the hair can not hurt the Qin Dynasty, but swallow the hair thing, or too disgusting.
"Well, it seems that there is no peaceful solution."
Before the hair spread to his mouth, the Qin Dynasty burned a white flame.
The nine hell fire soon burned to Zhen's daughter's hair.
The flame burns not the hair, but the soul!Zhen's daughter suddenly howled bitterly, which made everyone in the village tremble.
Zhen's daughter's hair is constantly burning down, and the white flame is like a maggot with bones, spreading back to Zhen's daughter.
"Help Young master, help me... "
At this time, Qin Dynasty ears, as if sounded a woman's voice for help.
The ear of Qin Dynasty moved twice, he quickly put away his own nine you Yin fire.
At the same time, holding the chain in his hand, he shook heavily.
Zhen's daughter's body was thrown up in an instant and then fell to the ground.
The Qin Dynasty once again shook the chain, which twisted several times around Zhen's daughter.
"White lotus chop!"
Qin Dynasty one hand, throw out six white gold lotus chop, respectively stab into Zhen's daughter around, showing hexagonal division.
He swung the chain around every sword.
"Six character Daming mantra!"
He then hit the six swords in turn! Well! How about it! Boom! Mi! Hum
Each sword has a different color of light.
Zhen's daughter wailed, and her eyes were filled with blood and tears.
But with the flow of blood and tears, her Yin Qi began to drain, and her eyes recovered a little bit.
With the Qin Dynasty a big drink, the chain suddenly Hula up, with Zhen's daughter up into the air.
Six white lotus flowers were chopped, and at the same time, the golden light flickered, which completely resolved the last resentment of Zhen's daughter.
The blood red in Zhen's daughter's eyes disappeared completely. Her face was tired and seemed to be tortured.
"Young master I'm all right now. Please accept the magic power... "
Zhen's daughter, who was in the air, let out a low, low voice.
"Take it."
Qin Dynasty received the prison soul lock and the white lotus chop, and Zhen's daughter fell to the ground lightly.
"More help. If it's not a childe, I'm afraid I'll become a fierce ghost. "
Zhen's daughter hurriedly walked to the Qin Dynasty and squatted down to pay a salute.
"That's very kind of you."
The Qin Dynasty quickly waved his hand, "it's a piece of work for me But how did you become a fierce ghost? I see your appearance, it seems that there is not so much resentment. Here is the five ghost cage array again. The Yin Qi has been sucked away by the locust tree, and there is no way to raise ghosts. "
" you don't know. "
Zhen's daughter said with a bitter smile, "my concubine was originally the wife of a crown prince in the Song Dynasty. Later, because of tuberculosis, she died early. It's true that I can't give up my husband, but I don't have such a big complaint. However, a few days ago, two strange men and women came here and occupied the tomb of my concubine, and trained my body into a fierce ghost. "
The Qin Dynasty frowned, "it seems that the people of yanluomen are making trouble."
"Yan Luomen It turns out that they still have such a name... "
Zhen's daughter's sad face said, "it's all because of these people that the village has been in turmoil for the past two days. If I commit such a big sin, I'm afraid that if I don't have the chance to enter the samsara, I may not be able to live beyond my life. "
" it's not your fault. "
Qin Dynasty comforts a way, "need not too much blame oneself."
"But after all, it was my concubine's fault..."
"Give you a chance to redeem yourself."
Qin said, "I don't know if you want to."
"It doesn't matter if you tell me the truth!"
"Take me to those two assholes."
The Qin Dynasty came to trouble Yan Luomen.
"It's not difficult."
Zhen said, "they are in the tomb of my concubine. But, young master, do you know how to use the method of earth hiding? "
This was a great challenge to the Qin Dynasty.
The five elements skill is the best of Kunlun disciples. How can he use this magic.
"My concubine's tomb is more than five Zhang deep underground. If you don't know how to escape, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to go down. "
"It doesn't matter. You can lead the way."
The Qin Dynasty said, into the state of nine you summoning.
Half a grimace mask, put it on his face, "I'll catch up with you."
"In that case, please follow me."
With that, Zhen's body slowly descended to the ground.
At this time, Qin Dynasty was also in spirit state. He turned into a black smoke and chased after Zhen's daughter.
When the two men were nearly 20 meters underground, a huge tomb appeared in the sight of the Qin Dynasty.
The tomb, like an ancient house, is divided into several areas.
There are living rooms, main rooms and wing rooms.The coffin of Zhen's daughter is placed in the main room, which is also the best position of Fengshui.
As soon as the Qin Dynasty entered the living room of the tomb, he saw several young people.
These young men, each chained to a post.
Under the pillars are skeletons, one by one, densely packed, very frightening.
On the skull, white smoke kept coming out, which was inhaled into the nostrils of several young people.
"Living people practice corpses!"
Rod saw this and exclaimed in the body of the Qin Dynasty.
"What living man practices corpses?"
The Qin Dynasty didn't understand this.
"This is a very evil magic
Rod gnashed his teeth and said, "it was created by yanluomen, which can turn living people into zombies and be controlled by them. Once upon a time, Yan Luomen did a very sensational thing. They use the scheme, framed a brow way of the leader, and then hard to train him into a living corpse, collect their control. This kind of magic that makes life worse than death is despised by everyone. "
"How could there be such an evil magic..."
The Qin Dynasty looked at these young disciples and couldn't help frowning, "are they still saved?"
"You still have Yang in your body. You should be able to save it."
Rod looked at it twice and said, "Yama gate is really hateful. How dare you deceive me! Qin Xiaozi, teach them a lesson this time! Let them know what kind of painful price they will pay if they offend me
"Don't worry. It's on me."
With a wave of the hand of the Qin Dynasty, a strong wind rose from the ground, and all the skeletons were swept away and fell around the tomb.
White smoke cut off, a few young people iron green face, began to recover a little bit of blood color.
"Who is it that comes and destroys the good things of yanluomen?"
At this time, a woman's voice came out of the room.
Qin Dynasty heart move, woman's voice. It seems that this is the so-called mu wanqiu.
Sure enough, after a while, a woman in a long black dress came into the hall. Her figure was enchanting and her eyebrows were very beautiful. She had a flute pinned on her waist and glared at the Qin Dynasty.
"I'd like to ask, little yanluomen. I'm tired of living. How dare you abduct my disciples of luochamen! What a bully
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