Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 712

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Chapter 712

Suu Ji didn't expect that the fat man could eat anything. With a quick wave of her halberd, she scattered her own waterspout.
"Tina, she's dead?"
At this time, the fat man looked downstairs.
Suddenly, I saw the body of Hydra lying downstairs.
"I was killed It's useless. " "Revenge me on you, Fatigal, for eating me today
"Don't hurt your majesty!"
Several seven virtue knights, with their weapons in front of Suu Kyi.
"Those in the way, die!"
The fat man said, a few worms in the mouth, suddenly spewed out a series of invisible gas waves.
The air waves struck several of the seven virtue knights and shook them back several steps.
But just when he wanted to launch the next attack, a black fist, stained with green blood, burst out of his chest.
"Full moon..."
"Bang bang bang!"
The fat man's body, constantly collapsing. He howled and fell from the top of the building.
"SUJ, are you ok?"
Qin Dynasty, wearing a black long robe with arrow sleeves, stood opposite and looked at the knights with silver armour. They were slightly hostile.
"It's OK."
Suji shook her head at Qin Dynasty.
"Mr. Qin, I don't know if we can get in touch with our misunderstanding?"
Vini looked at the Qin Dynasty and said cautiously, "now, your majesty has admitted her identity. We are all her soldiers. Don't be hostile to each other any more?"
"You almost killed me, don't you let me forget that?"
"If you can calm your anger, please kill me!"
Said Pooh, taking out her Longinus gun and laying it across her body.
"Please kill me with this gun and give it to your majesty. As long as you can calm down your anger and don't embarrass a few of my companions
The other several people, are a little impatient.
"Though I am your Majesty's soldier, I am also your friend!"
John took his big shield and looked at the Qin Dynasty covetously, "if he wants to kill you, kill me first!"
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help sneering, "you are united. But you still have Shana in you. I can't kill you. But if you're not good for Suu Kyi, even Shana, I'll be dead
In the Qin Dynasty, Weini was cold all over. She said quickly, "don't worry, your majesty is our life to guard! We, on no account, can do harm to your majesty
"Fight for your majesty!" exclaimed several seven virtue knights
"Qin Dynasty, you come quickly, let me see if you can become a knight of seven virtues!"
Su Ji waved to the Qin Dynasty, "it's good to have more strength."
"Ah? I don't want it. "
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "seven virtues knight, listen to strange!"
"Are you coming or not?"
Suu Kyi glared.
"Come on, come on..."
The Qin Dynasty had no choice but to walk past.
Su Ji pasted the cross on the top of the Qin Dynasty with satisfaction, but to her surprise, since none of the marks on it were bright.
On the contrary, the seven symbols of the seven sins on the back were all lit up.
"Lust, gluttony, greed, laziness, anger, jealousy, arrogance Oh, my God, you have all of them in Qin Dynasty
"Of course..."
The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "I am a demon cultivator. I will release my desire to hope the most. Abstinence will only limit my power
"It's a pity that I can't make seven sin knights, otherwise you must be the most terrible one..."
Said Suu Kyi, sticking out her tongue.
"Bang bang bang!"
At this time, the building below, suddenly lit up a green light.
Several people were startled and hurried to see it.
I saw that the fat man who should have collapsed was standing on the ground in safety, and constantly evolving.
"How could it be!"
Qin Dynasty frowned, "the full moon did not kill him?"
"He, he seems to have eaten the body of the jealous Knight..."
ESTEE felt sick and said, covering her chest.
Qin Dynasty, sure enough, there was only a pool of blood on the ground, but Tina's dilapidated body disappeared.
"Lying trough, so cruel!"
If it is not too disgusting, Qin Chao really wants to give this fat man a thumb.
"All of you will be my food!"That fat man's body, suddenly extremely inflated. In the blink of an eye, he became a huge monster more than ten meters high.
Under him, there were huge worms crawling in his body. The body became dark green. His abdomen is a particularly disgusting fly head.
On the body, there are many long and slender insects, constantly twisting the body.
"No, it's disgusting..."
At last, Eddie couldn't help it. He was lying on the top of the building and vomited.
Pooh's OK, but he's a little pale.
SUJ, just turn your head.
"This guy is so disgusting, I don't care, Qin Dynasty gave it to you!"
"All right, all right." Qin Dynasty nodded, "look, I'll take his fly head off!"
"Damn it, can you not be so disgusting?"
Suu Kyi is going to throw up, too.
"Hey, hey..."
Sometimes, some boys don't like to take off the wings. Think about it, it was cruel in the past.
in fact, the most terrifying animal is human beings themselves.
Compared with human beings, other creatures are weak in cruelty!
Speaking of gluttonous food, isn't this the original sin of human beings?
"Eat you!"
Now the fat man, a mouth, can bite to the edge of the building.
He held out two huge hands full of maggots and pressed them on the top of the building. He opened his mouth. A strange long worm came out of his mouth and flew towards several people.
"I block!"
John quickly set up his shield and stood in front of the crowd and stood there.
And the worm struck his shield, and its mouth was so long that it bit the corner of the shield, and dragged it into the mouth.
I don't know where the worm got such great strength!
John argued with it twice and was almost dragged in himself. Finally, reluctantly let go of the hand, just with the strength of condensation into the shield, so was dragged into the mouth.
At the same time, there were dozens of insects flying out.
"Falling star!"
ESTEE reluctantly joined the fight. She pulled out her long bow and shot an arrow into the sky this time.
Then hundreds of arrows fell down and hit the ground like raindrops.
A lot of long insects were smashed to the ground.
Winnie and j, just in front of Suu Kyi, keep chopping away the insects that come.
More people to protect Suji gave the Qin Dynasty an opportunity to attack.
With a wave of his hand, hundreds of platinum lotus flowers fell from the sky and fell on the fat man's head.
After a while, his head was full of swords, which made him howl with pain.
"Damn it!"
"Damn you, my Lord. Go to hell!"
Qin Dynasty increased the rhythm, the sky, suddenly dense, all swords, constantly falling toward the fat man.
But this time, the fat man raised his head and opened his mouth.
"It's all mine, eat you!"
He opened his mouth as if he had opened a black hole. He even cut the white lotus flowers and swallowed them.
At the same time, the body is constantly expanding.
And his body, also began to open mouth one by one.
"Stop it!"
Seeing this, Pooh cried, "he can eat as much as you give him! This is Taotie Knight! There is nothing in the world that he can't eat
"Is it?"
In the eyes of Qin Dynasty, there was a cold flash.
If you launch the big Yin and Yang evil king to kill, this guy must be cut into scum.
However, such a close distance, Suu Kyi will certainly be affected.
Let's put it together!
"I'll see how much he can swallow!"
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, those white lotus flowers in the air suddenly whirled and stopped flying towards the fat man's mouth.
He held up a white lotus chop and held it in the air.
Thousands of swords, immediately circling, constantly integrated into his sword.
Then look at the white lotus chop in his hand, which gives out a golden light.
"I've even seen real Taotie, but would I be afraid of you, a gluttonous knight?"
Qin Dynasty sneer, the body suddenly moved, a direct foot, the floor under the body collapsed a piece, exposed the gluttonous knight on the belly of the ugly fly head.
"Go to hell!"
The Qin Dynasty rushed past, and the white lotus flower with golden light in his hand stabbed into the eagle's head.
The gluttonous Knight first screamed, then laughed strangely.
He has long insects flying out and biting on the body of Qin Dynasty.But the Qin Dynasty is a King Kong not bad body, no matter how sharp the teeth of those long insects, also can not bite through the skin of Qin Dynasty.
"It's no use, your power will only be my food!"
However, the Taotie Knight laughed. He didn't want to kill Qin Dynasty with insects, but dragged Qin Dynasty to his mouth with them.
But the Qin Dynasty held the sword in his hand and tried to explode his own power into the head of the Goshawk.
The fat man's body, expanding, expanding again.
After a while, it was more than 20 meters high. The seven virtue Knights almost sat on the ground.
"Stop it!"
Seeing that the Qin Dynasty had grown to the top of the building with the fat man's swollen body, vini cried, "if you go on like this, you will only make him stronger! You are feeding your enemies! "
Qin Dynasty sneered, "I want to see how much he can eat!"
"I can swallow the sky!"
The gluttonous Knight laughs strangely.
"Then you can swallow it for me!"
Vajra Sutra, Heavenly Sword, Demon power, angel power, Jiuyou Dharma
At this moment, all the power in Qin Dynasty was launched.
Even rod, can't help shouting.
Crazy. Crazy. This kid's crazy.
"I've lived for more than a thousand years, and I've met such a madman for the first time!"
"Blow it up for me!"
The Qin Dynasty sent out all its strength.
However, those forces, as if into a bottomless pit, the fat man is still laughing.
"Ha ha ha, it's useless. It's not enough to have such a little strength!"
And his body, has expanded to more than 100 meters high.
"Does this guy have such a huge power..."
Pooh looked at the swelling gluttonous knight and was shocked.
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