Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 582

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Chapter 582

"Forbes Church..."
Qin Dynasty out of the airport, stopped a taxi, said to the driver.
"Sir, Asian?"
The taxi driver was a black man, particularly talkative, with a fluent Native American English in his mouth. If Liu Chang had not given an emergency training to the Qin Dynasty before his departure, it is estimated that most of the Qin Dynasty could not understand it.
"Well." Qin Dynasty nodded, because he came to do the task, so he didn't have the heart to talk to this black man more.
"Well, it seems that you came here to worship at Forbes church! You must be a devout Catholic
He was very talkative, and he kept saying, "it's a good time for you to go to Forbes church. If you're in time for worship, you won't get in."
"Why, is Forbes church famous locally?"
"Well! Although it's a small church, it has a lot of Catholics, and they often gather there. These pious fellows, tut
When the black man laughed, his teeth were very white.
Qin Dynasty is also accompanied by a smile, and then lean on the back, no longer speak.
In his mind, he was thinking about what Liu Chang had told him.
The first thing to do in this "Christmas snow project" is to go to the American branch of the Roman Church, Forbes church, and look for the local Templar Cross knight or priest for help.
Because the organization has been active here for many years, they have not found the legendary dark Holy See and skeleton, where they are.
The Pope once said that the dark Vatican is very crafty, and their churches are hidden behind the Catholic Church. So if you want to find them, you have to rely on real Catholics.
Therefore, Liu Changcai gave the Qin Dynasty this address.
Only by finding the people of the Roman Church can he find the dark Vatican.
"Here we are, sir."
It is estimated that the black taxi driver is quite real. He did not take the Qin Dynasty around Los Angeles, and soon arrived at the destination.
Qin Dynasty looked out of the car, outside is a not very big, but very solemn and solemn small church. He nodded, took out the dollar Liu Chang gave him and handed it to the driver.
"The rest is the tip."
"Thank you, sir."
The black driver was very happy and handed a business card to the Qin Dynasty, "Sir, this is my business card. You can call me if you need a car. In this generation, cars are hard to find. "
With that, he drove away happily.
Qin Dynasty took a look at the business card, which printed the name of the black driver, named SCARA. He picked up his business card and walked to the church.
The size of the church is small, and there are few people in this golden sunset.
Qin Dynasty pushed the door and entered. There were empty seats inside. Even the priest didn't see it.
He couldn't help but wonder that in such a place, there would really be a cross knight in the temple of the Roman Church? However, the guess is that since Liu Chang has an account, he still believes in the female agents in this organization.
Therefore, the Qin Dynasty found a front row seat and did it.
In my ears, I could hear the singing of the choir.
The voice is very beautiful and moving, as if even the soul has been sublimated. Qin Dynasty relies on here, imperceptibly, listens to this music, specially wants to sleep.
"Sir, this is not the time for mass."
I don't know when, a priest in a black robe stood in front of the Qin Dynasty and said gently to him.
Qin Dynasty was just in a daze. He really fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard someone talking. I was shocked. I raised my head and looked at the old priest in front of me.
Is oneself really a little tired recently, how to feel always so insensitive?
"I'm not here for mass." Qin Dynasty rubbed his eyes, then shook his head and said.
"Oh?" The old priest looked at the Qin Dynasty carefully, "is that to open your soul to my Lord and tell your sins?"
"Tell me my sins?" The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "I have too many sins. I'm afraid this church can't hold it."
"How can we know if we don't talk about it?" The priest put the Bible in his hand and put it into the hands of the Qin Dynasty. "My Lord has an infinite mind. He can hold countless confused souls like you."
"Well, then I'll tell you my sins."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and said.
"First of all, I'm very playful."
"Every man has a heart, son. It's not your fault."
"But I have more than a dozen women, and I've had sex with five or six of them."
“…… Children, if you love them, be responsible to them. "
"I want to be responsible to each of them.""But your energy is limited. Find the one you love the most, kid. These are not great sins. My Lord will accept you
"No, I'm not just a flower." Qin Chao sighed and said, "I also killed people."
The priest's body trembled, then asked cautiously.
"My child, everyone will commit some unforgivable crimes inadvertently. But if you pray sincerely, I think my Lord will help you wash away your sins. By the way, you, are you a policeman? Soldiers? Or a doctor? "
"The one or two souls you took away may be in heaven now, or in hell. No matter where, children, please pray for them, please pray for yourself. Because my Lord will look at you
"Not one or two." The Qin Dynasty sighed again, "one or two thousand of them have..."
The Qin Dynasty saw that priest's calf stomach shivered.
"Boy, you're right This little church can't hold your sins It seems that there is only one place for you. "
"Hey, father, so to speak, is the main one abandoning me?" Qin Dynasty touches nose to say with smile.
"You abandoned my Lord."
"You're right. I'm not Catholic."
The Qin Dynasty admitted that it was not a religious man.
"My child, why are you here?"
"I have come to seek the help of the Roman Church." The Qin Dynasty opened the door and said, "I want to look for the dark holy see."
"God bless you." The priest made a cross in front of him. "Boy, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Father, let's not hide them." The Qin Dynasty stood up and said, "I am a member of the mainland organization. The dark Holy See has captured our organization's agent. I must rescue her. Isn't the Lord supposed to save the world, so I asked him to help me
The priest looked at him and said, "the dark holy see is a dirty, but terrible place. Over the years, our Roman Church has been fighting against them, but we have not been able to crush them completely. On the surface, they preach doctrines that benefit the world, but behind their backs they do disgusting things. "
"Disgusting business?"
"Boy, do you know skeletons?" Suddenly the priest threw a question.
"Of course, there are more than one or two werewolves and vampires who died in my hands."
Hearing this, the priest was silent for a moment.
"Well, child, please follow me."
The priest said and took his Bible back from Qin Dynasty's arms.
"Maybe I shouldn't help you, but I don't know how to refuse you." The priest led the Qin Dynasty to a small door next to him. "My name is marlog. Everyone calls me father mallog."
"Well, father mallog, my name is Qin Dynasty. By the way, can I ask you a question? "
The Qin Dynasty followed, looking at the old priest, who was a little hobbled and had silver silk in his hair, asked.
"Of course, my child."
"Are you the Knights of the temple cross?"
Father mallog looked back at the Qin Dynasty and said with a smile.
"Boy, I'm just an ordinary old man."
Finish saying, take Qin Dynasty, came to a small room in.
This room should be a atonement room with a cross in the center and a cushion on the ground.
The old priest drew a cross on his body and then held the cross in the middle of the house.
"Don't be surprised, boy."
With that, he dragged the cross along some track.
Then there was the sound of gears in the room.
Click, click, the wall in front of them, slowly opened.
A beautiful painting of the cathedral, almost as big as the whole wall, appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"What a beautiful painting..."
Qin Dynasty looked at the oil painting, the church on it was lifelike, which made him very strange.
"Of course, it's priceless."
The old priest said with a smile, "it's the Vatican cathedral. Come and take my hand, child
The old priest said, stretching out his thin palm to the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty hesitated for a moment, or handed over the past, caught the old priest.
"God bless..."
The old priest said something and suddenly stepped forward towards the painting.
All of a sudden, the Qin Dynasty felt a force on his body, and then dragged him to move rapidly. Suddenly, they disappeared in the picture.
A dizzy sense of flying, when this feeling disappeared, Qin Dynasty eyes a bright, fell from the air.
It's more than 100 meters above the ground! The Qin Dynasty was startled. As soon as his body was stable, the whole man, like a missile, went down and landed steadily on the ground.In the sky, the old priest also fell down and made a cry of surprise.
"Lord, what is this! Help, help... "
"Father mallog!"
The Qin Dynasty immediately rushed over, his arms sank, and took the old priest's body in his arms.
The old man's body is very clear, even if there is acceleration, fell in the hands of the Qin Dynasty, but also almost no weight.
"Scared to death..." The old priest patted his chest, terrified, "it's good to have you, my child."
"Father Where are we? "
The Qin Dynasty put the old priest down and looked around the bright sunshine.
In front of this, is a magnificent cathedral, magnificent. The music of the choir floated out of the church and spread to the ears of the Qin Dynasty.
"You know, boy."
The old priest laughed at the Qin Dynasty, "this is the Vatican St. Peter's Cathedral, the holy land of our Roman Church."
I wipe! The Qin Dynasty was shocked. Instant transfer! It's an instant shift! But it seems that it is not the same as the transfer of his nine you poisonous spider.
Jiuyou poisonous spider is an array of vitality and cobweb knot where it appears.
But he just walked into the picture, this feeling is obviously different.
Looking at the startled expression of Qin Dynasty, the old priest was smiling again.
"Boy, if you've ever been in contact with werewolves and vampires, you should know what black magic is."
With that, he reached out and pointed to St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican opposite.
"But black magic is just a partial branch of magic. The real magic is here. "
He was facing the Vatican Cathedral, and his face was pious, "in the Vatican."
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