Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 873

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Chapter 873

In order not to appear too high-profile, the Qin Dynasty and Shi Xin met for the second time, and did not wear his black windbreaker, but chose a set of gray sportswear.
"My hero!"
When Shi Xin saw the Qin Dynasty, he was very surprised. His face was full of incredible words, "last time you pushed that boy out of the window, where did you run? I ran out to look for you, but you are all gone! "
"You're too slow, old woman."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand and said, "we have been taken away by the police who came here. As the client, I was called to record the confession."
The Qin Dynasty can't say that I sent the kid's space to the desert.
"Really?" Shi Xin was a little unconvinced, "when did the police move so fast?"? Qin Dynasty, you must be hiding something from me. What's more, if you fall from the second floor, why don't you get hurt at all? Let me feel it! "
She said, really stretched out her hand, in the body of the Qin Dynasty to touch, make Qin Dynasty want to laugh.
"All right, all right, sexy girl, what are you touching about?"
Qin Dynasty was touched by the itch of the city.
"Cut, I just want to see if you're hurt. On the second floor, you still broke the glass. Why didn't you even get a scratch
"You forget, do I know how to work?"
Qin Dynasty said, stretched out his fists and slapped at the air twice.
"See, sir, I'm very strong."
"I know you are strong!"
Shi Xin was particularly helpless, "can you run to be a security guard. However, you are here to be my boyfriend, not my bodyguard! Don't make it fake. "
"Hey, hey."
Qin Dynasty suddenly evil ground smile, "since is the man and woman friend, that we kiss a mouth."
With that, he made a gesture.
"You're going to die!"
Shi Xin Qi pushed the Qin Dynasty, "I will never let you take advantage of me, asshole!"
Shi Xin couldn't help blushing and heart beating when he thought of those ambiguous things in the past and Qin Dynasty.
This guy is so annoying.
This time, what I mean, I can't let him succeed!
Hum, people who clearly have girlfriends come to annoy me.
If there was no girlfriend in the Qin Dynasty, everything would be OK to discuss
Oh, I really am. What do you think? It's a mess!
Shi Xin blushed for his ideas.
"What color do you want, girl? You look red."
Qin Dynasty and Shi Xin walk on the street, see this girl red face, can't help but tease way.
"Go to you. What color do you want?"
Shi Xin was a little guilty, forced to calm and said, "I'm thinking, you can't show the stuffing for a while."
"Well, don't worry. What a big deal. I thought it was an egg snatcher."
Qin Dynasty patted Shi Xin on the shoulder, "I'm almost a professional boyfriend, I don't know how many times I've played. Don't worry, I'll give you a good performance, so that you can fully enjoy your boyfriend's meticulous care, so that you can have face in front of your classmates, OK? "
Although the Qin Dynasty said so, Shi Xin was still a little flustered.
Although the plan was very good before, when it came to implementation, I was still afraid.
"Professional boyfriend?"
Shi Xin doesn't understand why there is such an interesting term.
"Anyway, you can rest assured."
The Qin Dynasty is also embarrassed to say that he has played a professional boyfriend for whom. But he is already familiar with it. It's a trifle to pull Shi Xin.
"Then I'll count on you."
Shi Xin also continued to comfort himself, "anyway, coffee has been offered to you. If you don't make it bright for me, you will be a dog. I'll call you puppy Qin!"
"I'll go. Your cappuccino is too valuable!"
The Qin Dynasty clapped his forehead, "with me, the name of Qin Dynasty is also a coffee money."
"Or you think!"
Shi Xin hums twice, two people all the way to fight, soon came to the Imperial Hotel in front of.
Downstairs, there is a tall boy, smoking, while looking around.
Seeing Shi Xin, he immediately waved his hand.
"Hey, Sanjin, this way, this way!"
"Yo, chief monitor!"
Shi Xin is also very happy, pulling the Qin Dynasty to go forward, "chief monitor, long time no see, you grow so tall."
"Hey, Sanjin, you said that."
The tall man laughed. "It's like I was short in high school. Long time no see, you are more and more beautiful. Who is this behind you, so sweet. "
"Let me introduce you."Shi Xin pulled the Qin Dynasty to his side and said, "this is my boyfriend, Qin Dynasty."
Then he pointed to the big high monitor, "this is our high school monitor, Wang Tianyu. We gave him a nickname, big Wang! "
"Hey, what else do you mention about this name?"
Wang Tianyu touched the back of his head.
"What can't be said, don't you call me Sanjin?"
Shi Xin skimmed his mouth.
"Hello, hello. I've heard a lot about Daming. I've heard so much about Daiming."
Although the Qin Dynasty has never heard of Wang Tianyu, Chinese people have to play this kind of polite. So he held out his hand and shook Wang Tianyu for a few times.
"Hello, just call me my name. Don't call me big, silly."
The monitor was a real man, and he laughed twice.
At this time, from the Imperial Hotel inside, came out a dressed up girl.
The girl looked around and found Shi Xin. Her eyes lit up.
"Well, this is not Sanjin."
The girl's face was covered with heavy makeup, which gave the Qin Dynasty a very seductive feeling.
She was very happy to welcome over, but the Qin Dynasty saw that Shi Xin had a trace of disgust in his face.
"Li Jingwen, long time no see. You're all right, or It's just a lot of fun... "
Shi Xin's words almost let Qin Dynasty spray.
I'll go. This chick can still say that awesome.
That girl, it's really a little coquettish.
"Hum, I didn't expect Sanjin, you still have such a hard mouth."
Li Jingwen didn't get angry. Instead, she gave a scornful smile, "why, I heard you broke up with Mr. Jiang Leijiang? Hee hee, it seems that you don't know. His father was helped up again. Now he is the director of the Bureau of culture. He has also set up a company, which can be called a diamond king. What about Lao Wu? Is he very sorry? "
"What do I regret?"
Shi Xin laughed, "no matter how good his condition is, it's his own business. I have my own happiness, I also have my own small world. "
Then, Shi Xin held the hand of Qin Dynasty tightly, "moreover, I also have my own boyfriend."
"Ouch, you are typical. You can't eat grapes. It's sour."
Li Jingwen is a coquettish smile, "forget it, I don't care about you. Who is this handsome boy
When the woman with heavy makeup saw the Qin Dynasty, her eyes were bright.
She said in her heart that this little brother is pretty and handsome. How could she follow Shi Xin.
"He's my boyfriend, Qin Dynasty."
"It turns out to be handsome Qin. Let's meet. My name is Li Jingwen."
Li Jingwen held out her hand to the Qin Dynasty and gave him a watery look.
The Qin Dynasty only thought that the girl came out with two black circles under her eyes, which was too exaggerated.
"Ha ha, this is our class flower at that time."
Monitor Wang Tianyu said with a smile and added a sentence.
Who knows, Qin Dynasty didn't pay attention to Li Jingwen at all, but put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked at Shi Xin coolly.
"Shi Xin, don't introduce anyone to me casually. I'm not interested and I don't have that time."
As soon as the words came out, Li Jingwen stood on the spot, holding out a hand. She was very embarrassed.
Shi Xin could not help but hold a kiss from Qin Dynasty, dear, this is too awesome.
Qin Dynasty on the face of silence, but in the heart of the secret way.
Mother, it's easy for me to pretend to be forced. After all, I've seen too many pretending to be forced.
In this way, Li Jingwen began to guess.
This bearing, is it the childe of whose family?
After Shi Xin and Jiang Lei broke up, they didn't miss at all. Is it because she found a better one?
Yes, it must be.
If it was a childe, she would not dare to say anything, so she had to smile awkwardly.
"Come on, let's go upstairs. Everyone is here. I'll wait for you here."
Wang Tianyu also saw that the scene was a little awkward. In order to resolve the situation, he said enthusiastically, "go upstairs and get together."
"Well, let's go, honey."
Shi Xin also seemed to be ingratiating, reaching into the pocket of the Qin Dynasty, pulling his hand out and leading him forward.
As soon as the four entered the hotel, all the waiters around were startled.
Why did the chairman patronize me again?
However, when they saw Qin Dong with a cool face, they followed a little beauty and did not speak.
The chairman's temper, these people are very familiar with, most hate high-profile. If he doesn't speak, the others dare not go up to say hello."Let's go to the third floor. This time, thanks to Jiang Lei, I have reserved the best private room. Eh... "
Wang Tianyu suddenly patted his forehead, forgetting that Shi Xin and Jiang Lei broke up.
"That's good. We haven't seen each other for a long time. It's nearly two years since we graduated from university."
Shi Xin did not think so much, but said with emotion, "I don't know, what kind of people have become, I can recognize a few people."
"Well, not all that."
Wang Tianyu said, "but some people have a better life, and some people have a mediocre life. But we are all classmates, classmate friendship is the most precious, do not pay attention to the social that set! No matter how good or bad, they are classmates. You say no
Wang Tianyu's words made Qin Dynasty very comfortable.
This is supposed to be an emotional person.
Li Jingwen, who followed her, wanted to talk, but she thought for a while and didn't say a word.
In front of a rich man, what he said seems to be asking for nothing.
No, I can't. I have to find a way to cover this handsome guy.
"Here we are. Here we are."
Wang Tianyu pointed to the private room with the words "fresh and fresh buildings" in front of him and said to several people behind him.
"Come on in, everyone must be in a hurry."
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