Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1262

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Chapter 1262

Su Fei was very nervous and trembled.
She hid in the arms of the Qin Dynasty. Although she was afraid, she felt unprecedented warmth.
If only he could hold himself like this all the time
"There are snipers..."
The Qin Dynasty lowered his voice and said, "here comes again Hold me tight... "
With that, he put one hand around Su Fei's waist, and the other hand clapped on the sofa.
The heavy leather sofa turned over like this, lifting the Qin Dynasty and the imperial concubine to the other side. At the same time, the bottom of the sofa was upward, blocking the two people's bodies.
A bullet came right in and got into the base of the sofa.
Fortunately, the base was thick and strong enough that it didn't get through.
"Oh, my God, what's the matter..."
Li Qiang was so scared that he wanted to cross from one floor to the next.
It's too dangerous here!
Although the man came to assassinate Su Fei, what if it affected him!
It's a sniper gun! If you don't, you'll hit yourself!
How terrible
I don't want to die!
Li Qiang especially wants to stand up and run away. But now, his legs are soft and his crotch is wet. It's good to be conscious. He wants to stand up That's really hard.
Or, just hide behind the sofa
Li Qiang Rao is so. His female secretary is even less competitive.
At this time, the Secretary collapsed on one side, eyes straight, do not dare to move.
She was so big that she saw the real gunfight for the first time
Although the TV is so fierce, but in the real world But so terrible
If you are not careful, you will be killed
Death is so close to myself
"The sniper is on the opposite floor..."
Qin Dynasty hugged Su Fei and said, "we must find a way to kill him Otherwise, his shooting will be endless. "
"How, how to kill him..."
"Let's take care of them so far They still have guns in their hands... "
"I have a gun, too."
Qin Dynasty said, raised another hand, the hand held a white sand eagle.
"Where did you get the gun..."
Sufei was surprised.
Qin Dynasty is also lazy to explain, casually said a, and then suddenly stood up from behind the sofa.
Seeing someone appear, the sniper pulls the trigger immediately.
The Qin Dynasty's action was very fast. He moved from the left side of the room to the right side at the moment when the other side pulled the trigger, and let the bullet hit the back wall.
The bullet power of the sniper gun is very strong, and a pit is suddenly made on the wall.
But the Qin Dynasty judged the position of the other side according to this bullet.
He raised his pistol and looked across the building.
The eyes of the Qin Dynasty, like falcons, quickly crossed a distance of more than 200 meters, and then locked in the roof of the other building.
Sure enough, there was a sniper with a Bartley in his hand, aiming at this direction.
"I'm sorry to take you home."
The Qin Dynasty locked the opponent and pulled the trigger of the pistol.
A golden bullet shot into the air, past the broken glass window and into the forehead of the killer on the opposite roof.
The killer's forehead burst with bleeding flowers, and the whole man fell into a pool of blood.
It's a little too easy.
The Qin Dynasty blew the muzzle of the gun and put the pistol away.
"Su Dong, it's settled. You can come out."
Hearing the words of the Qin Dynasty, Su Fei stood up from behind the sofa.
She looked at the Qin Dynasty, which was taking the gun back into her clothes. She couldn't help thinking.
If you can let him protect himself like this all the time It seems good
Unfortunately, he can only be his own bodyguard.
But my sister's lover.
There is a lot of unfairness in the world, and Princess Su can't complain about anything.
I can only blame that I knew the Qin Dynasty late.
"Mr. Li, it's time for you to clean up."
Su Fei calmed down for a moment. Looking at Li Qiang who was shivering, she said, "I'm disturbing Mr. Li today. Another day Forget it. I won't see you again another day. "
Finish saying, and Qin Dynasty walked out from the office.
Li Qiang is stupid.
Grandma, who dares to marry such a woman!Maybe one day, I'll be killed because of her carelessness!
Fortunately, it was sold out and made more than 100 million dollars!
Lucky, lucky!
This kind of woman, but dare not look for again.
It's suicide!
"It's been a hard day for you."
Su Fei walked out of the office in a variety of surprised eyes and said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Hi, you're welcome."
Qin Dynasty put his hands in his pocket and followed him, "who let this be an extraordinary period. Now everything else doesn't matter. Your safety is the most important thing. "
Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty, and her mood was very complicated. He is in his heart, really, so important
Can really like this, why, he is always not at his side.
In the end, who does his heart belong to?
Perhaps, this is the new unsolved mystery of the 21st century.
"It's true, of course."
Qin Dynasty nodded seriously, "you are the unique boss of Su."
"Just the boss?"
Su Fei couldn't help asking again.
"Oh, by the way, my sister-in-law."
Qin Chaoxin said that he almost forgot this important identity.
Su Fei's heart slightly cooled.
It seems that it's just my sister-in-law
Princess Su, why are you still dreaming.
This is the reality. It has never been sympathetic.
Su Fei calmed herself down, walked to the elevator and pressed the down button.
The elevator stops on the first floor and slowly rises.
"Boss Su, why are you in a bad mood all of a sudden?"
The Qin Dynasty noticed the change of Su Fei's mood. "I just photographed the land. Shouldn't I be very happy? Why don't I go and have a drink with you and celebrate? "
"I'm so happy!"
Su feibai glanced at the Qin Dynasty and said, "200 million you should be a small number! I'll have to pay for two years to get my money back! "
"I thought you were very generous just now. How can you become a cheapskate in a twinkling of an eye?"
The Qin Dynasty laughs.
"Two hundred million! Can you be generous? "
Sufei now think about it, and write about the pain.
"If you want to succeed, you have to pay a price Bear with it. "
"That's easy for you to say!"
Su Fei glared at the Qin Dynasty again and said, "200 million yuan, it's not you who come to pay for it!"
"Well, I'll give it to you, so that you won't be sad."
"No! Who wants your money! "
Su Fei refused without face.
Qin Dynasty shakes his head, his sister-in-law's temper, is really stubborn.
At this time, the elevator door suddenly opened.
Inside stood a man in a long black suit with a cigarette in his mouth.
When he saw Princess Su, he had a demonic smile on his lips.
Qin Dynasty suddenly feel bad, shout out, "not good!"
He moved faster, and in a flash he held Sufei and jumped to one side.
At the same time, the man's two hands, just out of his arms two MP5 to open fire in front of him.
"Jerk, jerk!"
The continuous sound echoes in the fire snake.
The bullets poured out and landed on the desk across the office, on the wall.
People in the office were scared, screamed, and subconsciously hid under the table.
God, where did this man come from, terrorist?
Seeing that he didn't hit the target, the man in black stepped out of the elevator with the two MP5 in his hand. Like a terminator, he began to look for Princess su.
At this time, Su Fei is being held in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, hiding behind the table and constantly swimming.
The assassin chased the figure of Qin Dynasty and kept firing guns.
The bullet chased the Qin Dynasty and hit it on the table, but the speed of the Qin Dynasty was like a ghost, and it was always able to avoid the killer's bullet.
"Damn it."
The killer lost two MP5, backhand from the back of the clothes pulled out a shotgun, in the direction of the Qin Dynasty, a bang shot.
A large number of shrapnel impact, the Qin Dynasty just passed a table, smashed.
That's the power of the shotgun.
Even Su Fei, who was in the arms of Qin Dynasty, felt a strong impact and spread around her.
If it is not hiding in the arms of the Qin Dynasty, I am afraid that he will be hit by this impact.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty holding her, as if ignoring the impact, continue to go toward the other side of the table.
With the help of the desks and chairs in the office, the Qin Dynasty avoided the attacks of the killer again and again.There was a constant gunfire, and there were splinters everywhere.
But the killer can't attack for a long time, and seems to be in a bit of a hurry.
"Asshole, die!"
He took out a grenade from his arms and threw it at the Qin Dynasty.
The grenade was powerful enough to blow up half an office.
More than enough to kill two people!
Qin Dynasty looked at the grenade flying over, and there was a sharp look in his eyes.
He slapped him on the grenade.
"Get out of my way!"
The grenade broke the window and flew straight into the air.
A huge flame exploded in the air.
The glass of this office, because of the explosion, was blown apart.
The glass debris was all over the place, and people in the office were shocked and fell down.
The killer is also surprised, did not expect his own grenade attack so failed.
When he recovered, the Qin Dynasty was carrying Princess Su in one hand and picking up a pen from his desk with the other.
"Damn it, I can't kill you if I don't believe it!"
The killer was angry and raised his gun again.
But the Qin Dynasty's movement is faster, his palm swings, a silver light instantaneous penetrates the killer's wrist.
"Ah, ah!"
The silver light went through the killer's wrist and nailed to the wall behind.
It's just an ordinary morning light neutral pen.
And the killer, with his wrist in his arms, kneels on the ground and wails.
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