Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 752

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Chapter 752

"Combination, combination?"
Qin Dynasty looked at Ali's beautiful face and couldn't help but have some evil ideas.
Block the body Is it the legendary combination of meat and meat?
"Master, what are you thinking?"
A Li looked at the Qin Dynasty some daze, can't help but asked.
"Oh, no, no!"
The Qin Dynasty said that you can't tell this little dragon girl what you think, otherwise the other party is a master in the period of thunder robbery and doesn't beat yourself up.
"hum, the master must be thinking of some evil things!"
A Li is not stupid at all. Although he is not tall, he stands on tiptoe and flicks the forehead of Qin Dynasty with his finger. Don't say it. It hurts.
"Since our sisters have followed the master again, we have seen a lot of things about the master! Hum, in the bath, you can do something like that with your elder martial sister! It's so evil! The master is more and more evil
"Well, this..."
There was cold sweat on the forehead of Qin Dynasty.
However, Ali smiles and says, "however, Ali likes such a master. He is much more lovely than before."
"I'll go there..."
The Qin Dynasty wanted to cry without tears.
This girl, too fierce. How come the girls he knows are all the same!
"Master, don't you want to ask how we fit together?"
Ali took Qin Dynasty's arm and asked with a smile.
"Cough, you, you say it."
The Qin Dynasty touched his nose and tried not to let his evil go down and asked.
"Our Jiulong ring is actually a magic weapon made by the master himself before he became immortal. We sisters, can all become masters of the power. I am the first one, the king of heaven dragon, can give the master the strength to enter the world. After me, call out new sisters, and they can continue to provide new power to the master. Even if it doesn't fit us, we are all masters of the thunder robbery period, and we are the master's greatest help. "
Ali said, pulling the wrist of the Qin Dynasty and saying, "because we have a great connection with the Jiulong ring, where we are, as long as the master calls us, we will pass through the Jiulong ring and pass us to the master immediately. If the master needs my strength, please call my name. My name is Liyin
The Qin Dynasty murmured.
"It's not allowed to do that at ordinary times!" Ali immediately said, "usually you should call Ali! You can only call me my full name when you are fit
"Tut, ok Let's try to fit it? "
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
A Li nodded, then stepped back two steps, stood aside, tilted his head and looked at his master.
"I started."
Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, touched his own Jiulong ring and murmured, "become my strength Ali Ah, no, off tone! "
"Master, I am coming!"
A Li's delicate body, suddenly turned into a huge black dragon, and then roared, suddenly rushed into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, a dragon shaped wrist armor appeared on the right hand of the Qin Dynasty.
His palms, too, are covered with this armor. A dragon mouth, put it on it.
Vaguely, the Qin Dynasty seems to hear the voice of the dragon.
He was shocked all over, and the huge power filled his body in an instant.
At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the strength has been broken through and striding forward to the golden age.
Gold body is one, two, three Five, six, seven!
This hasn't stopped! The power of Qin Dynasty is still evolving!
Eight! Jiuchong!
Finally, it stopped in the terrible state of Jinshen Jiuchong!
"Master, this is the strength of our sisters, which can fit with you! I am the wrist armor of my right hand. From now on, you should continue to practice chaotic vitality and wake up other sisters as soon as possible! When all the Nine Dragon Armor appeared, even the emperor of heaven was not your opponent. "
Without Ali's explanation, the Qin Dynasty felt something terrible about himself.
He opened his arms and let out a roar.
Around the air, crazy rampage.
The earth is shaking. A layer of cracks, as if by the invisible force of the Qin Dynasty, spread around.
"Boy, you've made a lot of money!"
Rod's voice, also with surprise, began to ring.
"With the power of the golden body, you can walk horizontally in the Xiuzhen world! Moreover, you can start to practice many high-level magic skills in Vajra Sutra and Jiuyou Dharma decision! Unfortunately, this power is only temporary. It is so terrible to enter the great realm. You said, if your boy has been in the golden period, this time, will not directly enter the thunder robbery period! If you're a thunder robber, this time Feixianqi, fuck it"Strictly speaking, when I enter the great realm, I will stop at the stage of flying immortal."
Ali was able to communicate with rod. She said, "you little doll, you don't know anything. At the stage of Feixian, Feixian has nine levels, each of which is a great realm. I barely managed to get to the next level. Because I'm the only one. My strength is still too weak. But if it is our sisters who have gathered together, all the Jiulong armor can let the master return to the position of immortal. "
"Too, too terrible..."
Rod's straight.
Xianzun, that's the terrible existence in the legend. What kind of monster is he attached to! Grandma, I've made a lot of money this time!
The Qin Dynasty looked at the street in front of him like a natural disaster, touched his nose and knew that he could no longer stay. It's supposed to be on the news tomorrow.
As soon as he waved, the motorcycle, which had been lying on one side, suddenly flew up and was included in his ring.
Qin Dynasty did not know, when he left soon, a black smoke, suddenly flew out of the corner, landed in front of the immortal's body.
"I'm sorry. Just be my food."
The black smoke turned into a woman's figure, holding a black knife in his hand, and beheaded the corpse.
This knife immediately divided the immortal into two parts.
A crystal, flashing white light, suddenly lit up.
The woman's eyes flashed with joy. She held out her hand and picked up the crystal. The black smoke on her body wrapped it. Soon, it became one with myself.
The woman's body suddenly and violently trembled, and her eyes, nostrils, mouth, and ears began to bleed.
This is the so-called seven orifices bleeding.
"Good, strong power..."
After another mouthful of blood, she suddenly opened her arms and growled.
A huge ghost, with two double knives in her hand, appeared behind her.
Huge power, spread out in all directions.
"I, I finally broke through..."
The woman wiped the blood off her face and revealed her beautiful face.
Smile, on the corner of her mouth.
"Thank you for being my nourishment..."
The woman looked at the body of the immortal again, "however, keep you, there will be some trouble."
Then she reached out her hand. The black smoke on her body began to roll. Then it turned into a black knife and stirred the corpse to pieces.
The poor immortal on the yaochi lake was originally wanted by the lower world to execute the Queen Mother's wanted order. But I didn't expect to die, and was poached away immortal spirit, finally, even a whole body is not left.
After thoroughly smashing the immortals on the yaochi pool, several magic weapons were revealed.
The woman quietly took these magic weapons into her arms.
"With the spirit of immortals, I can cultivate the power of immortals."
The woman murmured to herself, "with the power of the immortal, you can practice these magic weapons. I will take revenge. "
She said, the figure again turned into black smoke, in a flash, disappeared clean.
But the woman also did not know, after she left, another figure came out of the dark.
"This is really lively."
Cao Yu carried a small book in his hand and kept remembering what he said, "this guy, now even Jiulong ring can be used. Wang, if you don't have any action, I'm afraid this guy will grow up quickly And the woman, ha ha, it's really interesting. Maybe, she can become a key chess piece, maybe
Cao Yu finished, the figure gradually dim, do not know where to go again.
And Qin Dynasty in fly back on the way, rod that old man is still talking to him.
"Boy, now, you can finally cultivate 3000 luochagui."
"That magic, what is there to practice?"
Qin Dynasty disdained to skim his mouth. Three thousand luochagui, is his broken heart sword array powerful! It's a high-level magic skill of Jiuyou Dharma. It's not strong at all.
"Bah! You little boy, what do you know? "
Rodden was furious when he said, "three thousand luochagui is a high-level magic created by us. You are still too weak to practice chaos, but Ali wakes up. You can practice the power of God under her guidance. With the power of God to urge the three thousand luochagui, will be how powerful! What's more, before you, the three thousand luochagui were nothing but transformation! The real three thousand luochagui, you haven't practiced at all. "
"The real three thousand luochagui?"
The Qin Dynasty was puzzled.
"That's right."
Rhode said, "the real three thousand luochagui need human flesh and soul to feed. Only by absorbing the essence of blood and flesh, can the ghost of luochagui become stronger and stronger. The three thousand Luocha ghosts before you are just a little power I gave you. In those years, when we swept the gate of Yama, we used these three thousand luochagui! Remember, 3000 luochagui is an evolvable spell. The stronger it absorbs, the more powerful it grows! ""In that case, I'm interested in it."
The Qin Dynasty also felt that the low-level magic like Jiuyou magic palm could not keep up with the situation. At present, most of what he relies on is the broken heart sword array.
"Come on. Maybe one day, we will call you immortal. "
"Ha ha, let's talk about it then."
The Qin Dynasty laughed and accelerated the speed of flight. He has to go home and have a good rest. To tomorrow, we still have to deal with Yang Li
Oh, no, I forgot to ask Suu Kyi off.
But now, Suu Kyi has gone to bed.
I'd better ask for leave tomorrow.
However, what reasons should be made up Let's just say that the sect has something to do I hope she doesn't find out
And rod, in the heart of a burst of disdain.
Xianzun in the future is afraid of his wife
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