Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1112

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Chapter 1112

The Qin Dynasty did not know that he was followed by a horrible guy.
At this time, Zheng Siqi is gambling with Princess Zheng.
This casino is much bigger than what the Qin Dynasty saw on the Corinth.
The facilities are more comprehensive and the service is more considerate.
Flush, 21 points, dice, Russian turntable
Even Pai Gow, there's everything.
"Send ten million chips to the householder."
The captain gave an order to a beautiful rabbit girl, dressed in black and with rabbits.
The rabbit girl immediately twisted her buttocks and waved a short fluffy rabbit tail on it to bring them a large set of chips for the Qin Dynasty.
"Ten million..."
Cheng Ying is very surprised, although she has seen the world, but casually take 10 million to play, she is the first time to see.
No wonder the Qin Dynasty is not willing to do this kind of dangerous task, people do not need money at all!
"Let's play by ourselves. Go and do your work."
The Qin Dynasty was embarrassed to let the captain accompany him all the time.
For such a big ship, there must be a lot of work to do.
"It's my pleasure to be with my Lord!"
Said the captain in a hurry, in great fear.
"Well, I don't like to have men with me. Go to work."
The Qin Dynasty waved.
"Well, Fangzi, you should accompany the master of the house to have a good time. If the master is not satisfied with anything, you can go away with the salary of this month."
The rabbit said quickly.
She also knew that as long as the master of the house was served well, the captain would certainly not treat himself badly.
The housekeeper has two beauties beside him. He must be a lecher.
As long as you sell some color, you can't please me.
It's a great opportunity.
"I don't need her, and I don't like to be around."
Cheng Ying doesn't know why. When she looks at the rabbit with a bewitching smile, she feels a little upset when she smiles at the Qin Dynasty.
She snatched the plate from the rabbit and said.
"Well, this..."
Fang Zi was a little reluctant. What a rare opportunity it was. Cheng Ying was right. We don't need to be accompanied by people
The Qin Dynasty also waved.
Fangzi can't help it.
"Well, if the Lord of the house has anything to do, just tell them these subordinates."
The captain saw that the Qin Dynasty had made up his mind and was not easy to disturb, so he took Fangzi back.
This rabbit girl, looking back three times at a time, is not willing to accept what a good opportunity, so there is No.
That Chinese woman, is really too hateful, how can eat alone!
Cheng Ying is tired of carrying a plate, let a few people give the chips, put into their own pocket.
"That woman is not serious at first sight."
Cheng Ying side carrying chips, while watching them go, this can not help but mutter, "all over the body revealed Sao Qi."
"Cough, this is what people do."
Qin Dynasty dry cough two, do not know how Cheng Ying so big resentment, "anyway, they left, let's play by ourselves."
"Well, I want a flush!"
Zheng Siqi took the Qin Dynasty's arm and went to the same flower Shun Chang
now there are several people playing cards. Other people have no enough funds, so they can only buy them by the side, who can win.
"My Lord, come and play with me."
There are several people in the casinos. Seeing them in the Qin Dynasty, they quickly put down their cards and stood up.
"That would be great!"
Zheng Siqi sat down and told the Dutch officer to prepare for a new deal.
Qin Dynasty shook his head and sat down with Cheng Ying.
"Who are these people?"
A businessman can't help but frown.
There was also a foreign businessman, who was also playing cards, but he did not speak. In his opinion, it was the same for anyone who came to play.
"Why, they can play, we can't play?"
Zheng Siqi rolled her eyes.
"Lady, we are playing with guests"
the Indian businessman sarcastically said, "you can bet at least 10000 US dollars for a handful. Do you have so much money?"
"Despise people"
ZHENG Siqi took out a large number of chips from her pocket and patted them on the table, "enough for hundreds of them!"
The Indian businessman looked at the one million dollar chip and swallowed his mouth. "That's enough..."He said in his heart that it turned out to be several upstarts.
The Chinese take advantage of the nouveau riche to spend money.
Well, since you've come to be a loose money boy, I'll win all your money!
He sneered in his heart.
Dutch officials see that there is no opinion, began to shuffle.
The Qin Dynasty found that Zheng Siqi's eyes were fixed on the deck of cards when he was dealing cards.
After three shuffles, the Dutch officer began to deal cards.
Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying two people, is to accompany Zheng Siqi to play, also did not care too much, the big card small does not matter.
But Zheng Siqi enjoyed it.
After the Indian businessman got the card, he threw two chips.
"Twenty thousand."
"Twenty thousand is too little. Add two million."
Zheng Siqi is also a good example, throwing two chips.
The Indian businessman was stunned. His grandmother didn't play cards like this.
"What am I? I'm good at cards and rich in money, can't I?"
Zheng Siqi rolled her eyes.
She knows that this guy has a small hand, and he's going to scare people here.
Indian businessmen had no choice but to abandon their cards.
Another gambler didn't dare to deal with the two million and gave up his cards.
The Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying also followed pass. Anyway, they played with them.
Second, the Indian businessman finally got a good card, three sixes, two eights and a pair of gourds.
"Twenty thousand."
He quietly put out two chips.
He said in his heart, if you have the ability, you can't win!
"Two million more!"
Who knows, Zheng Siqi really hit another two million.
The Indian businessman is glad, the heart says this one still does not play dead you!
"Me and me!"
Indian businessmen are very excited. Now, two million have come!
"Oh, you're happy."
Zheng Siqi looked at him with a smile, "is three six two eight big? I have four 2's
She said, untiing her cards, four 2's make Indian businessmen dizzy.
"You, how do you know my cards?"
He cried out reluctantly, "you, you cheat!"
"There is no brand at all."
Zheng Siqi quipped, "I win your money is cheating? And then the two J's, the two J's, the two J's, the two J's, the two J's, the two's, the seven's, the two's, the seven's, the two's
Zheng Siqi said the cards of all the people, so that the people present were amazed.
This woman has such a powerful memory!
The Qin Dynasty had to lament that it was indeed a man with an IQ of 150.
the Indian businessman stopped talking and became grey. He often stopped playing with the memory Superman. How could he play with him? How could he lose money.
Some gamblers outside the venue were also looking at each other. Who dares to play with this woman?
"it's boring. Can't anyone play with me?"
Zheng Siqi curled her lips.
"Let's play with you."
At this time, a pair of blondes came out of the crowd and sat down in front of three people.
A muscle man, a beautiful woman, but also eye-catching.
"Alfred, I'm introducing myself. How dare you play with two beauties
"Well, come on!"
Zheng Siqi is naturally very happy to have someone to play with.
Dutch officers continue to deal.
Zheng Siqi laughs when she sees two people on the opposite side holding good cards.
"You can't do it. If you don't have good cards, you'd better pass them all."
She was kind enough to persuade.
"No, let's go on."
Qin Dynasty and Cheng Ying pass, they do not want to give Zheng Siqi money.
The woman in the opposite side is smiling and shaking her head.
"I'll go on, too."
Said Ford in a muffled voice.
"All right."
Zheng Siqi is an a, so she bet, "two million."
"No, two million."
Al laughed.
"Me too."
Ford was laughing, too.
Zheng Siqi is a little strange. I don't know what kind of wind two people are playing. How dare you play with yourself?
In his own hands, however, he held two aces. Although they were not big enough, they were big enough.
"I'm three K's and a pair of J's
Ford opened his own card."No way!"
Zheng Siqi exclaimed, the card in his hand is clearly 7, 8, 9, J, q! How can it become a pair of gourds!
She can't remember the wrong card!
"I'm a pair of two, but I should be bigger than your card."
Al opened the card with a smile.
"I'm not the youngest!"
Zheng Siqi reluctantly opened the card, but one of the cards was surprisingly turned black, as if burned by fire.
"Why, how could this happen..."
Zheng Siqi was stunned.
She unexpectedly, so inexplicably lost!
"It seems that both players are good at playing cards."
Qin Dynasty laughs a way, "that changes me to accompany two to have a good time."
"Everyone is the same, as long as you have a good time."
Al and Ford looked at each other.
This man, should be the super power soldier on the record.
However, how does he look different from the data?
Now, he is much younger and more handsome than the information!
Is it true that he has the ability to change his appearance!
However, this is a small capability and does not affect combat evaluation.
A Class-A power warrior, if you don't get rid of you today, they'll call a SWAT man.
"The Qin Dynasty Be careful. They're weird... "
Zheng Siqi lost two million, a little unwilling.
"Don't worry. It's a piece of cake to take care of them."
The Qin Dynasty laughed.
Zheng Siqi nods. She and Cheng Ying sit on one side and choose to watch the war.
He officials began to deal cards. The Qin Dynasty seized them and found that the cards were pretty good. Although they were 9, 10, J, Q and a, they were all hearts, which were the same suit.
And the opposite two people, after getting the card, have the action.
Ford's mind began to fluctuate, and the Qin Dynasty understood that this guy began to change his cards.
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