Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 590

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Chapter 590

"Ah Shana first exclaimed, but she soon bit her silver teeth and rushed up.
"Knights of light
The cross lightsaber in her hand was suddenly enlarged and burst out with silvery luster.
In front of the ground, have been cut off a long gully.
The lightsaber fell on the dragon, but this big guy named Qiuqiu, who was not cute at all, was not shaken by the lightsaber.
Just raised a row of smoke, the body is not hurt at all.
But this action, is more infuriated this "lovely" big pet.
It has a big mouth in its blood and spurts out a long red flame to the two people.
"Be careful!"
Qin Dynasty just wanted to help, but Shana pushed him away.
"You won't hurt anyone if I'm here!" She said, the lightsaber in her hand turned into a shield, blocking herself and the Qin Dynasty.
The flame hit the shield, and was immediately divided into two strands and wiped away from them.
Shana's calf was ablaze, which she later scattered.
"God says it will save the world." After Shana blocked the fire, the shield in her hand changed again and turned into a sledgehammer and resisted on her shoulder. "God said that he would punish all evils."
Shana jumped up high and threw herself at the dragon. "I am the messenger of God! Paladin cross, Shana Serra
All of a sudden, she was like a god of war, and her whole body was shining with silver. The huge hammer in his hand seemed to smash everything into pieces.
"Roar!" The Dragon spewed a flame at Shana the size of a mosquito in the air. But by this time, Shana had swept down the hammer.
The hammer, with its silver light, shattered the flame in an instant.
Breaking through the interception of the flame, the huge hammer hit the dragon's head heavily.
It seems that the strength is really not light. The Dragon roared, stepped back two steps, and knocked a lot of gravel out of the wall behind him.
"Did you succeed?"
Shana fell to the ground, a little bit of a sense of detachment. The hammer just now poured all her power of light. Even a building will be destroyed by her hammer!
However, the Dragon just covered its larger head, shook it twice, and returned to normal.
At the same time, its red eyes, maliciously stare at Shana's body. It seems that the Knights of the temple cross, who caused it some pain, made it very angry.
"Hoo Hoo!"
With countless stones, the Dragon suddenly flapped its wings and floated in the air. Then it opened its mouth and jumped at Shana.
Shana squatted on the ground, looking at the dark shadow pressing in front of her, and despair appeared on her face.
It's over. It's over.
The antimagic skin of Tyrannosaurus mexicana has dissipated 80 percent of its lighthammer power. The rest of the strength, it seems, is not enough to hurt this guy.
Since it's OK, then it's its own death.
But at this time, an unruly voice sounded in her ear.
"God said," go to your master. "
At the same time, a dark shadow appeared in the air and stopped in front of the dragon.
He was wearing a black windbreaker with a cigarette in his mouth and a pair of white gloves in his hand.
"Roar!" Dragon found the mosquito blocking the road, more angry, a bite toward the Qin Dynasty in the past.
But Qin Dynasty body is in the air, actually flies a foot, a big swing leg, kicks in the dragon's head.
Shana's eyes widened.
I saw that just domineering Mexican Tyrannosaurus Rex, even a wail, an instant to be kicked by the Qin Dynasty. Its huge body, bounced out, with dust and gravel, hit the back of the wall heavily.
"God is in the way..." Shana pressed her chest and gasped for breath. "Well, how could this be possible?"
"You're a little too presumptuous, little one."
The Qin dynasty fell on the ground in front of the dragon, pointed to it and said, "I'm not happy today. I'll teach you a good lesson for your master."
The dragon's body pulled out of the wall and spewed out a big flame at the Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty did not hide, just stood there, just waved to the flame, and beat the flame to fly, hit the side of the wall.
"Just you, also called fire?" The Qin Dynasty raised the middle finger to the dragon.
It seems to feel this invincible provocation, the dragon is completely angry. In its red eyes, it seems to be able to drip blood.
In order to destroy this unsuspecting human being, the Mexican Tyrannosaurus furiously took two steps and bit the tiny ant on the ground.Such a small human, as long as their own bite, can bite him to pieces!
Its larger head, like a train, roared toward the Qin Dynasty and pressed over.
"Be careful! Get out of the way
Shana stood there, scared to death when she saw that the Qin Dynasty was about to be swallowed by the Mexican Tyrannosaurus.
"Stop it!"
And the Qin Dynasty still did not dodge, he stood there. When the Dragon opened its big mouth and bit it off, he held out a hand and held down the jaw of the dragon.
Even the air seemed to quiver.
The dragon's galloping body calmed down in an instant.
A man, almost invisible in front of the dragon, pressed down on the giant with one of his arms.
The jaw of the tyrannosaurus mexicana was held down by the Qin Dynasty, but it felt as if its head was being held by a giant, unable to move.
This makes it very painful, want to roar, but can't roar.
"Be quiet for a while."
The Qin Dynasty grasped the dragon, and his arm trembled. He even took the larger body of the dragon and spared a circle on his body, and then fell heavily behind him.
The earth is shaking. The dragon's body is ten meters long!
Qin Dynasty this record demerit shoulder fall, as if thrown out is not a ten meter long dragon, but a one meter long dog!
Besides, he used only one hand!
The Mexican Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground and felt the bones all over the body were broken.
It finally regained the right to scream, lying on the ground constantly murmuring.
"It's not over, baby."
The Qin Dynasty didn't intend to let this guy go. He held out his hand again, grabbed the tail of the dragon, twisted his waist, and threw it on the wall.
The Mexican dragon is going to cry.
It is so huge that a human being the size of an ant is thrown around like a sandbag.
"Roar! Roar! Roar
The dignity of the dragon people has been lost today!
For dignity, we must kill this human being!
It pulled out of the wall, roared three times with all its strength, then flapped its wings, and then flew again toward the Qin Dynasty.
The acceleration of flight, plus the original strength of the dragon. This dragon is really going to fight with the Qin Dynasty.
The wind began to roar.
The basement is not so big. In the blink of an eye, the dragon is in front of the Qin Dynasty.
"Is it still so presumptuous?"
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring, in the moment when the Dragon rushed to his body, he swept out a slap.
This slap, crisp and clapped on the dragon's face.
Flapping its wings, the dragon was just like a fly that was flapped by the hand. It flew out at one end and crashed into the wall at the other end.
"That's it, power?" The Qin Dynasty said and took a step forward.
The tyrannosaurus mexicana, who was just arrogant and domineering, suddenly fell down from the wall and hit the ground with gravel.
It continued to chant, step by step back, to avoid the eyes of the Qin Dynasty.
"Go away!"
In a demonstration, the Qin Dynasty raised its fist.
The Dragon screamed with fright, flapped its wings, carried a head of blood, flew to the wall, and lay down tightly.
Its larger body was still trembling in fear, as if afraid of the Qin Dynasty to give him another.
It's my first time to see such a monster!
His body is human.
But his power is of the giants!
"That's what I'm told."
Qin Dynasty also happened to smoke a cigarette, throw the cigarette end to the ground to put out. Then, she went to Shana's side and held out her hand to the knight, who was squatting on the ground.
"It's done. It's time for us to go to the next room."
"You, are you really human?" Shana is also about to be shocked. She looked at the hand with white gloves in the Qin Dynasty. There are many complicated things in her blue eyes. "I, how do I feel that you are more like a devil."
"What do you say?" Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "I'm a good man, or a beautiful lady, a gentleman with no worries!"
"God is my witness!" Shana finally took the hand of Qin Dynasty and was pulled up by him. "If you are a good person, the skeleton is a charity organization to help people out."
"Well, it seems that I'm so bad at it." The Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, "great nun, how should we go next?"
"I said, I'm not a nun!" Shana glared at the Qin Dynasty, then said, "it seems that the Dragon knows where the exit is.""Oh?" Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, "that's good I didn't kill it."
With that, he raised his head and yelled at the Mexican Tyrannosaurus Rex lying on the wall in the air.
"Lizard, how to get to the next room!"
When hearing the voice of the Qin Dynasty, the body of the Mexican Tyrannosaurus Rex trembled.
Then it opened its mouth and let out a flame.
The flame collided with a stone wall on the opposite side. Suddenly, on the stone wall which was originally covered with green moss, the burning flame marked out the shape of a door more than three meters high.
But it's just a shape. The door is still attached to the wall, and I don't know how to open it.
"It should take a magic." Shanna looked at the flame door and said, "there should be a black magic called Shadow corrosion. Through this magic, you can get through here. "
"It seems that I was forced to pass through Egypt by violence"
the Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and said, "I can't be corrupted by dark shadow, can you?"
"That's black magic!" "You are defiling a clergyman! Heretics
"Well, when I didn't ask." Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, walked to the front of the flame door, touched the cold wall, "then I have to break this wall by force."
"No way!" Shana also went over and knocked on the wall, "the stone wall is estimated to be seven or eight meters thick! Without the black magic, it can't be broken at all! "
"What is black magic?" Qin Dynasty disdains ground ground to skim a mouth, "today let you see see see, what is called a force to drop ten wisdom!"
With that, Qin Dynasty clenched his fist, put it on the wall and squeezed it hard.
"No kidding!" Shana said, "even if it's a Mexican Tyrannosaurus, it can't break this wall! Who do you think you are, Titan
"Titan?" The Qin Dynasty laughed, then stood back two steps, put his fist in the waist, "I'm not. Because I am an oriental cultivator
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