Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 822

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Chapter 822

Meng Po and Dawei ran out of the elevator and came to the hall. With cold sweat, they saw the empty hall on the first floor. They couldn't settle down.
It's terrible It's like a nightmare.
How did he do it? So many people reached out and killed them all!
How can human beings do such things!
When they were in doubt, the stairs behind them suddenly made a loud noise.
The steel object, the whole cut, and a figure fell from it and appeared in front of them.
"How, how!"
Meng Po screamed and was frightened by the strange appearance of Qin Dynasty.
What is the material of elevator, steel and aluminum alloy! He cut it with a dagger?
Is this guy still human?
"It's time for the game to end."
Qin Dynasty, like the devil terminator, stood up with murderous eyes and looked at the two people opposite.
"Hoo Hoo Hoo!"
At this time, the rest of the thugs in the city of never night arrived. These thugs filled the hall on the first floor and surrounded the Qin Dynasty.
"You will die today!"
When she saw so many people, she felt a little secure.
"Ha ha..."
Qin Dynasty just faint smile, he stretched out a finger, gently hit a ring finger.
"Bang bang bang!"
The scene in the previous iPad appeared again in front of Dawei and Meng Po.
Those big men, before they had time to start, one by one their heads burst, in the cross flow of blood and brain, fell to the ground.
After a while, more than 40 big men were all dead and lying on the ground.
"Don't come here!"
That Dawei suddenly took out a pistol from his arms and pointed to the Qin Dynasty, "monster, I'm going to kill you!"
Seeing the black muzzle, Qin Dynasty just a faint smile.
"Kill him, kill him!"
Meng Po urged Dawei.
"Do you think you can save both of you with toys like this?"
Qin Dynasty sneer repeatedly, "your sin, even if God, also can't save you two."
With that, the Qin Dynasty stood up and walked slowly towards the two people.
"Ah, ah!"
Dawei's body trembled and kept pulling the trigger.
Bullets poured out like crazy, screaming to shoot through the man opposite.
But a very terrible scene appeared, the Qin Dynasty was waving two daggers, Ding Ding Ding among them, unexpectedly shot in front of the bullets, to the light of the spring.
"You are not a man, you are not a man!"
Meng Po and Dawei fell to the ground in a panic. Both of them were pale.
"Meng Po, it's time for you to die."
The Qin Dynasty continued to move forward, but Meng Po, with a fear from her soul, screamed hysterically.
"What's wrong with me, what's wrong with me!" Meng Po exclaimed, "those people are just rubbish. With so many people in China, I will help them solve some of them. What's the problem! I use the organs of these people to save other people's lives. What I do is a good thing. Why should I be killed? Why? "
Hearing Meng Po's words, the eyebrows of Qin Dynasty couldn't help raising.
"Don't you feel guilty at all?"
"Why should I feel guilty?"
"You know how many people there are in China, 1.3 billion, 1.3 billion! How many of these people are rubbish and rubbish! You civilians are just food for the rich! What's wrong with me taking these people's lives! "
"You take advantage of human compassion, and in turn take their lives..."
"I am strong, I have such a right!"
Meng Po's thought has made Qin Dynasty speechless.
"If you think so, explain with them."
The Qin Dynasty stood there, took a deep breath, and the nine you Dharma decision began to launch.
Three thousand luochagui, ever-changing.
A stream of black smoke came out of his body, and then turned into the appearance of those broken corpses, one by one around Meng Po's side, all the haze and gloomy looking at him.
"Give me my heart back..."
"Give me back my eyes..."
"Give me my kidney back!"
These bodies, a little bit to Meng Po squeeze past. Meng Po screamed with fright. The sharp voice seemed to tear the ceiling and took away all her strength.
And in those corpses soon to bite Meng Po, Qin Dynasty suddenly eyebrow jump, wave hands scattered his three thousand luochagui.
"Bang!"The gate of the city that never sleeps is knocked open. AI Xiaoxue, a beautiful policewoman and a large number of policemen, burst in from the outside.
"All of you don't move. The police are on duty."
After AI Xiaoxue rushed in, she was stunned to see the bodies all over the ground.
All the police officers were very frightened. They had carried out many tasks and saw such a scene for the first time.
The corpses all over the ground have no heads, but the blood and brains are all over the ground. Some of the young police just started to vomit.
Qin Dynasty stood in the center of the corpse, holding two bloody daggers in his hand, looking at Meng Po and her thug Dawei, who were already paralyzed by fear.
"Police comrade, help
Meng Po saw the police appear, the tears came down, "this man is so terrible, he wants to kill me, he wants to kill me!"
"Calm down."
AI Xiaoxue frowned at the woman who kept shouting at her side.
She looked at the Qin Dynasty again and couldn't help asking.
"What's going on?"
"You'll find out in a minute."
With a wave of the Qin Dynasty, two daggers were thrown to the ground and nailed in the ground.
At the same time, he slowly came to Meng Po. Although there was no sound of footsteps, she felt as if her heart had been trampled on several feet. She was so scared that she could not change her color.
A policeman suddenly yelled, pulled out his pistol and pointed at the Qin Dynasty, "no more going! Or I'll shoot! "
Those policemen are also scared, dare not let Qin Dynasty approach here.
And, in front of them, how can you watch one person kill others.
Even the police have no such right!
The Qin Dynasty gave him a cold look, and then went two steps forward.
"Brush, brush, brush!"
All the police, all subconsciously pulled out the gun, pointed at the opposite Qin Dynasty.
"Qin Dynasty, you calm down first, I'll deal with it here!"
AI Xiaoxue saw the scene a little out of control, said quickly. At this time, even if the Qin Dynasty revealed his identity as the seventh subject, no one would believe it.
How could such a killer be a government man.
"I can't calm down."
The voice of the Qin Dynasty trembled slightly, "thinking of what the whole person has done, I can't control my killing thought."
The Qin Dynasty thought of those little Lori on the third floor and the fragmented corpses on the fourth floor, and her eyes turned red, "if I don't kill her, God will cry."
"Qin Dynasty, calm down. I promise that she will be given a proper trial! "
AI Xiaoxue said.
Qin looked at her slowly.
"Ai Xiaoxue, do you remember when we first met?"
"Meet for the first time?"
AI Xiaoxue doesn't know what Qin Dynasty wants to say, but remembers back to that night.
"When I was going to kill the fourth master, you made me stop."
In the Qin Dynasty, AI Xiaoxue's memories were all brought out.
"Why, are you going to protect this man?"
"I'm not protecting him. But no matter what crime he committed, there is a law to punish him. You have no right to kill! "
"You did it in front of me
"Otherwise? Watching him run away
That's how the two people quarreled.
"Qin Dynasty, this time is different."
AI Xiaoxue said, "in full view of the public, you can't do that."
"Ai Xiaoxue..." Qin Dynasty actually laughed, he opened his arms and took a deep breath, "do you smell this bloody smell. Do you feel the anger in my body
As a magic puppet, AI Xiaoxue had a great spiritual connection with the Qin Dynasty.
She was aware of the uncontrollable anger of the Qin Dynasty.
The anger was like a drum beating in her heart.
She knew that the Qin Dynasty could not help it. He's the devil's way, his own way.
"Qin Dynasty..."
AI Xiaoxue doesn't know how to persuade.
And the Qin Dynasty did not answer her any more. As a demon puppet of his own, he must understand his own ideas.
The Qin Dynasty took another step towards Meng Po.
"Help! He's going to kill me!"
Meng Po screamed.
Finally, a policeman couldn't help but shoot.
The bullet tore the air and flew past. Qin Dynasty's leg when a sound, issued the sound of metal collision.
"What?"The policeman shot at the leg of Qin Dynasty, but the bullet bounced off.
"Is he wearing a bulletproof vest?"
AI Xiaoxue saw that some of his men dare to shoot, and immediately scolded angrily.
"Who shot it! Who told you to do it! "
"Ai team, it will be too late if you don't shoot!"
A vice captain saw that AI Xiaoxue had some friendship with the killer maniac, and knew that it was impossible to rely on her, so he simply waved his hand and said, "shoot that man on the spot, and I will be responsible for the accident!"
He said, Meng Po's face suddenly had a smile.
And all the police, they all pulled the trigger.
"Bang bang bang bang bang!"
For a moment, the hall was like a firecracker.
Qin Dynasty grabbed two corpses from the ground and blocked them in front of themselves.
The bullet banged on the body, and it was bloody.
In fact, as long as the Qin Dynasty had one idea, he could kill the Meng Po.
But he didn't want to let go of each other easily, because he still needed to do a very important thing, a crucial thing.
The bullets in the pistol were shot out quickly. When the Deputy captain was considering whether to invite the armed police forces, AI Xiaoxue was furious.
"Stop it! He's a special agent of section seven! You have immunity from murder! "
"Well, what?"
The Deputy captain was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he also knew the mysterious department.
However, let him see others kill in front of him, he is really some can not do.
"Captain, we are police, we should defend the law to the death!"
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