Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1198

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Chapter 1198

All the practitioners can't help looking at the sky at this moment.
Even the Qin Dynasty also felt a strong threat from the sky.
The five tomb keepers released a golden dragon from their bodies and kept circling in the air.
In the distance, there are many golden dragons flying out and roaring towards this side.
"Nine turn golden dragon!"
In Qin Dynasty, Li Yin couldn't help but exclaimed, "they are descendants of empty elder sister!"
Looking at those golden dragons in the sky, Qin Dynasty and Liyin channel.
"Nine turn golden dragon?"
"Well, it's one of the ancient dragon people. I told my master about it."
Li Yin said, "it is also one of the strongest in our ancient dragon clan. However, these people should only be descendants, and the strength of the dragon clan is not complete. However, they are very strong now that they put this power together! "
"Well, let me see how powerful your descendants of empty sister are."
The Qin Dynasty continued to look at the sky.
Those circling golden dragons, one after another, rushed into the body of Anqi Yang.
And at this time, an Qi Yang body is the golden light big work.
His face was a little painful, and his mouth murmured in a low voice.
Powerful forces spread rapidly.
The practitioners around, who were shocked by the force, flew around.
"Good, what a strong force!"
"Is this the power of the tomb keeper..."
These practitioners exclaimed.
A little bit, too tough!
"Ah! The dragon clan is my heart
That an Qi Yang roared.
His body shape slightly changed, originally more than 1.7 meters long, grew to two meters high.
And on top of his head, also grow a pair of dragon horns.
The body is also covered with a golden dragon scale.
A pair of eyes, became dark green color.
"It's time for you to see the power of the grave keeper."
This Anqi Yang said.
His voice became thick and thick, as if with layers of echo, ringing in the ears of the Qin Dynasty.
Qin looked at the dragon like Anqi Yang, only surprised.
This is more like Longhua.
It's a lot like your own demonization.
Anqiyang seems to be venting his strength, he roared at the sky.
The huge roar, like a shell, scattered the dark clouds in the sky.
"The power of Sanxian period..."
The Qin Dynasty couldn't help saying.
This guy, unexpectedly with such a method, the strength of his thunder robbery period, hard pull to the scattered immortal period!
"Li Yin, it seems that we have to go all out..."
Said the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, master, please take our strength."
Liyin and several Longnu gave the Qin Dynasty a response.
The Qin Dynasty raised its head and looked at the air.
At this time, all the dragons in the sky have disappeared, and anqiyang's evolution has come to an end.
"Accept the punishment of the grave keeper."
Said, that an Qi Yang a shake hands, he has become the palm of the dragon claw, clap out a string of gold light, hit the Qin Dynasty.
"Jiulong armor, complete body!"
Qin Dynasty also roared, his armor began to grow.
The Qin Dynasty can now control all the forces well.
When breaking through the infinite devil, he also entered the whole power.
However, it was only after entering a small meeting that the power was disbanded.
There's very little use for continuity.
In this way, the continuous use of the whole can be ensured.
Now, it's time to take it out again.
The realm of the Qin Dynasty also rose from the early stage of the meat immortal to the state of the great success of the meat immortal.
Although it's not the time to scatter immortals, but also can compete with the level of scattered immortals!
After all, there are so many magic arts in the Qin Dynasty that no one else has!
And at this time, the other party's golden light just blew over.
The Vajra Sutra of the Qin Dynasty also automatically pops out, and the golden Arhats stand up, blocking the golden light.
The huge explosion sounds, and the Qin Dynasty felt a pang ran strong bang on the body. But he did not step back, just blocked the blow.
"Yes, there is power to block me."
With that heavy voice, an Qiyang said, "but, that's it. You can't imagine the power of a grave keeper. "
With that, an Qiyang's figure flashed, and then instantly appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty.At the same time, his dragon claws, clenched into fists, roared to the abdomen of the Qin Dynasty.
The golden body arhat, unexpectedly by his fist to blow open.
The dragon's claws hit the abdomen of the Qin Dynasty.
The body of the Qin Dynasty was immediately attacked.
But he reflected very quickly, in the severe pain, a grasp of the arms of an Qi Yang, in order to avoid being blown away.
But Rao was so. He was so upset in his stomach that he was beaten by this blow.
The power of nine turn golden dragon is really too strong!
I carry Vajra Sutra. I can't eat it!
"Let go
An Qiyang was furious, several fists in succession, one after another in the Qin Dynasty abdomen above.
Qin Dynasty's body constantly burst out of gas, and scared the Xuanyuan Yingji behind him.
"Oh, my God, you, go! Leave me alone
Xuanyuan Yingji, for the first time, felt so painful in her heart.
Even if she was abandoned, she didn't hurt so much.
Maybe, before, she was hurt for herself.
Now, she's in pain for another man.
Sure enough, her heart is not in her own place.
"again, I don't call Yingtian
Qin Dynasty was beaten continuously, but said at the same time.
"My name is Qin Dynasty!"
At the same time, he suddenly flew a foot and directly kicked on the shoulder of Naan Qiyang.
The Qin Dynasty finally let go of the hand, and an Qi Yang's body also flew out, in the air continuously turned several circles.
Anqiyang's body smashed into the ground, directly smashing the ground into a deep gully.
At last, he ran into the thick forest behind him.
A large row of trees, uprooted by the roots, was broken by him from the roots.
That's what happened in the battle of rouxianqi.
"Good strength."
Anqiyang safely from the ruins to climb up, looking at the Qin Dynasty, mouth with a sneer.
"Still, it's not enough for me."
Indeed, the other side is a master at the level of scattered immortals.
The power of the Qin Dynasty was only the great success of the meat immortal period.
If we rely on strength alone, we can't fight against the grave keeper.
"I'd like to compete with you..."
Qin said, taking a deep breath, "Jiuyou summoning skill Attached
He said, his hands, wrapped in a pair of white boxing.
"Jiuyou giant elephant, please beat this guy with me!"
A huge magic image appeared behind the Qin Dynasty.
"To try to compete with me in strength is to be ignorant of life and death!"
Anqiyang's body appeared in front of the Qin Dynasty again and punched him in the chin.
"Get out of here!"
Qin Dynasty also flew a fist, from top to bottom, hammered on anqiyang's shoulder.
This guy is too tall to hit his head.
The power of two people at the same time.
Then, the body of the Qin Dynasty flew high into the air. And Anqi Yang's body was smashed into the ground.
The earth split in two, ANQI Yang's body did not know how deep into the ground.
The Qin Dynasty also felt a sharp pain in the chin, and the whole person was hit and flew to a height of 100 meters in an instant.
"I pull a grass, this an Qi Yang with ate stimulant like."
Although the strength of the other side is powerful, he believes in his own nine you giant elephant.
Sure enough, from the broken hole in the ground, came Anqi Yang's stuffy drink.
"What a powerful force You have surpassed me in strength It's incredible... "
Finish saying, from the ground, fly out a somewhat embarrassed figure.
Anqiyang's left shoulder arm is missing. It should have been blasted by Qin Dynasty gang.
And Qin Dynasty, relying on their own is King Kong does not damage the body, the body is not a big obstacle.
"This seat has already disabled you."
Qin Dynasty flies down, looking at the ground's Anqi Yang, "do you want to continue?"
"Disabled? Ha ha... "
An Qiyang just sneered.
Then, at his broken arm, the meat began to creep.
Soon, a brand-new arm grew out in front of the public.
Qin Dynasty is surprised, did not expect this fellow to drop the arm to be able to grow again.
"This is the magic power of the grave keeper."
An Qiyang said, with a wave of his hand, the Golden Dragon flew out.
He jumped on the Golden Dragon and rushed towards the Qin Dynasty.
"You are more powerful, then I will kill you with magicSaid, that golden dragon mouth, spurted out the golden thunder.
"Diamond hand!"
The Qin Dynasty quickly hit the right palm. With the power of the Great Bodhi Vajra hand, the right palm glittered and turned into a giant hand more than three meters in size, blocking the golden thunder.
The thunder exploded and the golden light was flying everywhere.
The Qin Dynasty was struck by the golden light several times.
Fortunately, he is King Kong and does not damage his limbs. Otherwise, he will surely suffer.
Xuanyuan Yingji has been blocked by the body of the Qin Dynasty, looking at himself, this man who has loved for thousands of years, is shocked by the golden light and can't help shouting.
"I said, my name is Qin Dynasty."
"The Qin Dynasty You don't have to... "
Xuanyuan Yingji said, "I'm a drunkard, a zombie Zombies don't die... "
"That's for ordinary people."
The Qin Dynasty is not stupid, "the cultivator, there are too many ways to kill zombies Besides, you are so weak now, what can you do? A broken lamp can kill you
"If I die, it's fate."
Xuanyuan Yingji said faintly, "sometimes, I even feel that I should not wake up After waking up, everything changed You, too, have changed... "
"I haven't changed. I'm myself from the beginning to the end."
The Qin Dynasty emphasized once again.
"Please remember my name, my name is Qin Dynasty! Like a roar
The Qin Dynasty finished, waving a fist, heavy bang in that is still falling on the top of the thunder.
The thunder trembled, and the huge air wave hit the Golden Dragon.
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