Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 662

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Chapter 662

Bai Jiaojiao's words, but also let the people in the room, all look at each other.
In particular, Yan Yu and Qin Juan, the mother and daughter, were the two people who looked down on the Qin Dynasty most. I didn't expect that their humble relatives would eventually be able to do two things at the same time?
Although the Qin Dynasty was very cute when he was young. But as he grew older, his figure began to lose shape. Qin Juan always said that Qin Dynasty should be renamed Qin pig.
Liao Shasha is not ugly. To tell you the truth, although Yan Yu is unconvinced, this girl is much more beautiful than Qin Juan. Even the girlfriend brought by the so-called uncle of Qin Dynasty is much better than his own daughter.
All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred
"well, what's the matter
The mother of the Qin Dynasty was also startled. She quickly came to pull FA Xiang and said, "relatives and relatives (in Northeast dialect, the word is pronounced as Qie, Sansheng), what do you think this is? Speak well if you have something to say."
"Mom, it's OK. Don't worry about it."
The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, then pushed away the FA Xiang and said.
"Zhang Xiang, calm down first."
"How can I calm down?"
FA Xiang gasped for breath. "I'm just a teacher Ah, sister! Qin Dynasty, you do so, do you deserve her? "
"I'll explain it to you later, won't you?"
The Qin Dynasty didn't want to argue with the law in front of so many family members.
However, from today, Liao Shasha came here, it was destined that he would not have any good fruit to eat.
"The Qin Dynasty Sorry... "
Liao Shasha, with a gloomy face, stood beside her. She was at a loss and pulled at the corner of her clothes, "it's me who is not good I shouldn't have come But after Dad died, I didn't know where to go I just want to spend the new year with the people I like... "
"Sasha, I don't blame you..."
The Qin Dynasty touched Liao Shasha's hair, pulled her into his arms, and soothed her softly.
Several families of the Qin Dynasty had their own reactions.
"Well, my relatives, don't stand up, come and sit down, come and sit down!"
The aunt warmly greets.
"If there is anything wrong with this boy in Qin Dynasty, you can tell me directly!"
The aunt also took Bai Jiaojiao and sat on the sofa beside them, "the child of Qin Dynasty has had a good idea since childhood. If there is something wrong with it, you should bear with your family. "
"My aunts and uncles, as well as my grandmother, are really sorry."
FA Xiang also knew that he was a little impulsive just now. He stood up and bowed to everyone, "I have disturbed you today."
"Son, what's wrong with my grandson?"
This grandmother, on the age, the reaction is slow. Now just understand the strength, this relative, said his grandson a foot in two boats? Well, then this Liao Shasha
"That's right."
"I'm not a real girlfriend of the Qin Dynasty. However, the Qin Dynasty also told me about his genuine girlfriend. I feel that as long as I am not married, I have the right to fight for it! Even if I get married, I'll have the same chance! "
Liao Shasha was a character who did not admit defeat, which made Qin Dynasty a headache.
"Anyway, Suu Kyi should be here later. We'll talk about it then."
When the mother listened, blinked and looked at her son, who was more and more difficult to understand, "Xiaoshou, you say, for a while, another daughter-in-law, also want to enter the house?"
"What's another daughter-in-law..." The Qin Dynasty touched his nose, "listen It's weird. "
"Stinky boy, tell me about that girl..."
The mother of Qin Dynasty just wanted to ask two questions, this gate was knocked again.
"I'll open the door!"
Xiaomin and a gust of wind like, ran to the door, opened the door.
"Hee hee, two sisters, which is my aunt?"
Outside the door, two clear water Hibiscus like girls, one side of the head, looking at Qin min. The other one pushed his glasses and pulled out a red envelope from his pocket.
"You are Xiaomin, the little niece of Qin Dynasty. You are really a very clever child."
She put the red bag into Xiaomin's hand and raised her head.
The two sisters don't know why, looking at a large group of people in the room, they are all a little confused.
"Uncle, come and pick up your other aunt Why are you beating me, uncle
"Another aunt?"
Suji raised her eyebrows and looked at the Qin Dynasty.
"Well, cough, let's talk about it in the first room."
The Qin Dynasty coughed twice.
Several people in the room were surprised at the beauty of the twins. Hearing this, his mother was the first to wake up."Oh, look, what are you doing outside this winter. Come in, come in
She came forward and let the two sisters in. At the same time, I couldn't help but stare at the two sisters and asked.
"You Well, which one is my child's girlfriend... "
"Good new year, Auntie!"
Suji bowed to her mother in the Qin Dynasty, "my name is Suji. I'm Qin Dynasty's girlfriend. This is my sister. Her name is Sufei
"Oh, how are you, how are you?" As a mother, she quickly gave Suji a red envelope, "first time I come to the door, I'll put it away quickly..."
The mother of the Qin Dynasty also thought, fortunately, she had prepared all the red envelopes for her family to visit tomorrow Otherwise, I will not be embarrassed today
When the grandmother can not help but say, "little girl, where do you work?"
"This is my grandmother."
The Qin Dynasty.
"Good new year, grandma!" Suji bowed again, "I haven't worked yet. I'm busy taking the postgraduate entrance examination."
"Good for postgraduate entrance examination!"
The grandmother sighed, "don't be like my grandson, who doesn't do his work every day and doesn't study hard."
"Well, grandma, I see."
Aunt secretly pulled the Qin Dynasty, but it was a thumbs up.
"Good boy, I didn't expect that your girlfriends are so beautiful..."
"Hey, auntie, this..."
"Hum Who knows how Maybe it was paid for. "
Qin is still playing with her, but she has not forgotten.
The Qin Dynasty shrugged her shoulders and ignored her.
"Suu Kyi, you're just in time."
The law is equal to Suji one by one after saying hello, this just stood up from the side of the sofa and walked towards Suji.
"Elder martial brother? You, why are you here? "
Suu Kyi was surprised. Her face was full of surprise.
"My God, you've got your hair. I almost didn't recognize it!"
"Hehe, Jiaojiao said that my hairstyle is very beautiful."
FA Xiang touched his own board inch head, then his face was straight, and then he said, "master Sister, we'll talk about it later. Today, I'm going to talk about your boyfriend
"He? What's the matter with him? "
"Your boyfriend is in the way of Ah
FA Xiang faced Liao Shasha, who was hiding on the side, waved, "don't you come out yet?"
At this time, the people of Qin family are silent, they want to see, this Qin Dynasty, how to solve this matter.
"Liao Shasha?"
This time it was su fei's turn to be surprised. How could the customers introduced to the Qin Dynasty appear in the Qin Dynasty's home?
Liao Shasha saw that the eyes of the Su sisters were all looking at her. She lost her timidity and stood up and went to the loud voice.
"Hello, Sue. I, I am another girlfriend of Qin Dynasty
Suji covered her mouth, and Sufei's glasses almost didn't fall off.
"Qin Dynasty, you..."
Suji stretched out her hands toward the Qin Dynasty, gnashing her teeth, as if to break the neck of the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty was also nervous, but did not dodge. If Suu Kyi wants to punish him, it should be.
But when Suu Kyi reached out, her face suddenly softened.
She made a collar for the Qin Dynasty, "you see, the collar is dirty, how to make it."
"Teacher Sister You are... "
FA Xiang was also a little surprised.
"I'll settle with you later..."
Leaving this sentence in the ear of the Qin Dynasty, Suji turned and said to her elder martial brother.
"It doesn't matter. I've known for a long time that there were other girlfriends in the Qin Dynasty. So, I'm prepared. But the appearance of Miss Liao surprised my sister
Su Fei nodded, looked at Liao Shasha, and said, "I can't believe that Liao dongkai's baby daughter actually fell in love with the Qin Dynasty."
"Nothing is impossible." Liao Shasha stood there, unwilling to be outdone, "don't you like him as much as the second miss of the Su family?"
"Liao dongkai's daughter? Miss Su? "
Others may not know, but Yan Yu and her husband are surprised.
People in business don't know Liao dongkai and Su family!
The children of the third family Well, it's not acting, is it!
The second uncle of the Qin Dynasty stood up timidly at this time, sorted out his suit and asked carefully.
"You, are you really Mr. Liao dongkai's daughter?"
"Second uncle." Liao Shasha said with a sweet smile, "would you like to see your ID card?""Well, are you really Mr. Su Xianqin's daughters?"
"Is there any fake?"
Su Fei also laughed, "well, if I remember correctly, it should be Mr. Qin Liang. Last winter, you came to Sunan city and wanted to cooperate with Su family to build a supermarket chain in southern Jiangsu. We met once. "
"So It turned out to be Su Dong... "
The second uncle immediately beamed with joy, went up and gently shook hands with Princess su. "Oh, I didn't expect that we could meet here again."
"Yes." Su Fei said politely, "after that, my sister will ask you to take care. As for our two families, naturally, we need more cooperation. "
In fact, Sufei said that the two are Dafa group and Sujia.
But Qin Liang naturally thought of the small company he owned.
This time, I was flattered.
"Where and where, my third younger brother's boy, also let Su Dong worry more."
This series of dramatic changes, let everyone gape.
Qin Dynasty was taken in by the rich lady? This is amazing!
No wonder, Qin Dynasty can open so much salary a month now Maybe it's a white face for others
Qin Juan began to guess in her heart.
"Big head..."
Just then, outside, there was a strange noise.
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