Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 756

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Chapter 756

If you love a person, you should be crazy for him, crazy for him, and bang against the wall for him.
Xuanyuan Yingji also wants to be like this. She is so in love with Yingtian.
She deeply knows how painful it is to love a person but not get one. An ordinary person, suffering for months or years, may have collapsed.
But Xuanyuan Yingji, has been suffering for thousands of years!
In her heart, the love, the love that can not be obtained, seems to have deteriorated in general, with bloody hatred.
Falling in love with someone who doesn't love you is so painful after all.
Even if she is the daughter of human respect and ghost respect, even if she is the fierce and domineering king of fierce beasts, she also has to bear, endure and swallow in her own stomach.
Now see the Qin Dynasty, that kind of hot feeling, again lingering in my mind.
Thousands of years of love, thousands of years of hate, all burst out of her heart.
But she is still eager to be with Yingtian, the man she loves.
"Yingtian, come with me. Shall we be together? We can continue to live carefree in the dreamland you opened up. Regardless of the affairs of the three realms, we don't hear the sound of the earth. Only you and me, we are together, always together. "
Looking at the Xuanyuan Yingji's expectant eyes, the Qin Dynasty admitted that at that moment, he was a little moved.
But he was also sober and knew what the price would be if he agreed.
Suji, Luo Qinglin, Liao Shasha
These girls will be abandoned by themselves.
And life, can only and Xuanyuan Yingji together.
The Qin Dynasty didn't know whether or how much he loved the girl in his previous life.
But in this life, he knew that his favorite girl was Suu Kyi.
"Come with me, my God."
Xuanyuan Yingji, facing the Qin Dynasty, held out her hand, "let's go together..."
But the Qin Dynasty, but with a most indifferent words, refused Xuanyuan Yingji.
"You'll find a better boy for you. In this life, I am not Yingtian, I am the Qin Dynasty. "
Xuanyuan Yingji suddenly hugs her head and wails.
Her hair, in that moment, became silver white and floated.
And a sense of terror spread all around.
"Bang bang bang!"
The earth is shaking, countless cracks, from Xuanyuan Yingji's feet, continue to spread out.
Red magma, in the crack in the faint flash.
In ancient times, the king of ferocious beasts was the cherry girl of Xuanyuan.
If she gets angry, the whole street will be lost.
"God! You are still so heartless
Xuanyuan Yingji covered half of her face and stared at the Qin Dynasty with a hatred filled eye, "but I will not kill you today, I will torture you slowly! Until let you know, what is the real pain, the real pain! Answer the day
"Have a rest, Wang."
At this time, Taotie came over, holding an umbrella, hit Xuanyuan Yingji's head.
"I'll teach those who hurt you."
"It's for you, Taotie."
Xuanyuan Yingji took a deep breath, and the silver on her hair was quietly fading away. But the hate, however, can not be released in any case.
"Don't kill him this time. Let him suffer. We have plenty of time to play. "
"Yes, Wang."
Taotie nodded and handed the umbrella to Xuanyuan Yingji.
The Xuanyuan Yingji took the umbrella and hid her beautiful face. Then she stepped back a few steps, as if to make way for a battlefield.
"I don't care if you are Yingtian or Qin Dynasty."
Taotie dropped the head of the beast and stopped absorbing the rain. Pouring rain, fell again in the alley, full of cool.
"But anyone who offends Wang will be punished."
He said, stretching out the animal's head and sucking in the body of the werewolf.
After that, his beast's head turned into an arm again, and then he broke through the rain curtain and ran to the Qin Dynasty.
"Repent! Answer the day
Taotie raised his fist to the face of Qin Dynasty.
"Be my strength! Off tone
The Qin Dynasty quickly exposed the Jiulong ring, releasing the power he had just learned.
"Master, I am coming!"
Ali was originally sitting in the luochamen, and suddenly heard the voice of the Qin Dynasty with the help of Jiulong ring, and immediately appeared beside the Qin Dynasty.
The huge black dragon suddenly flew out of the Jiulong ring of the Qin Dynasty, circled in the sky, smashed through countless raindrops, and then burst into the body of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, the dragon shaped wrist armor also appeared on the right arm of the Qin Dynasty.This is the armored power of gaitianwang dragon!
The power of the nine gold bodies also appeared in the Qin Dynasty.
But by this time, Taotie had already arrived in front of Qin Dynasty.
His thick fist fell on the wrist armor of Qin Dynasty.
Qin Dynasty suddenly felt as if he was hit by a train. His body flew out like a kite with a broken line. Then he fell out of the alley and finally hit the front of a train.
The front of the car fell down with blood mold, and was suddenly hit by the depression.
"Too, too terrible!"
"Is it film making?"
A group of onlookers, each with a mobile phone, are still recording the scene.
Chen Xin only did not record, she stood there, watching the Qin Dynasty smashed into the truck, covering her mouth, do not know what kind of feeling it is now.
Sure enough, the gluttonous without animalization has the power of thunder robbery period.
The Qin Dynasty pulled his body out of the truck and saw the workers who were shooting next to him and immediately stretched out his left hand.
"Click! Click
"Oh, my cell phone!"
"Damn it!"
Those staff's mobile phones, whether it is Shenma apple N-generation ah, or HTC, or Shanzhai machine, are all broken into several pieces, completely scrapped.
This is the power of the mind.
"Heaven, death!"
At this time, Taotie also ran out of the alley, facing the Qin Dynasty is another Feiquan.
"Three thousand luochagui!"
Qin Dynasty's body, whirring out countless black smoke, blink of an eye into a skeleton head shape, twinkling around the body in the mid air Taotie body.
That Taotie was originally an indomitable punch, which was a stagnation in an instant.
And the Qin Dynasty took advantage of this opportunity, also flew up, left hand pasted up.
"Nine you magic palm!"
This time, it was Taotie's turn to fall off.
The big man, head into the lane, splashed a large amount of stone chips and water droplets.
The three thousand luochagui flew back and circled around the Qin Dynasty, surrounded by black smoke and skeletons.
"Hehe, it seems to be the power of the Kowloon ring."
Taotie got up from the ground at will. It seemed that he didn't get hurt at all. "However, you are still far away from being a Jinshen Jiuchong."
"Even so, I won't give up."
The Qin Dynasty took a deep breath, and the whole person entered the summoning state of Jiuyou Devil Dog.
Although under the influence of Jiulong ring, Jiuyou summoning has no effect on itself. However, he now needs an auxiliary attribute power to help him fight.
"Then die!"
With a roar of Taotie, one hand turned into a beast's head, and his arm instantly turned into a neck. His infinite length drove the ferocious beast's head and bit it towards the head of Qin Dynasty.
"Three thousand luochagui!"
The Qin Dynasty controlled its own black smoke and skeletons, which turned into black curtains in the air, blocking the path of the animal head.
But it's a pity that the three thousand luochagui have not been refined, and their power is too poor.
In the blink of an eye, as if thin paper, it was bitten by the head of the beast, and rushed to the Qin Dynasty.
"Thunder and lightning!"
Qin looked at the head of the beast and snapped his fingers.
A round bomb suddenly appeared and hit the top of the animal's head with a bang.
And now the transmission of rain, so that the lightning power stronger.
The head of the beast even gave out a faint burning smell, and was slightly knocked to one side. However, the head of the beast was controlled by Taotie. As long as it was not destroyed, it could still be bitten by the Qin Dynasty.
"Ice hammer."
Qin Dynasty stretched out his hand, and in an instant, a huge ice hammer appeared in his hand.
He held the huge ice hammer, which was two meters long and one meter wide, and hit the head of the flying beast heavily.
The head of the beast bounced out with blood from his mouth.
And the body of Qin Dynasty, also be bumped backward glide, finally stopped at the entrance of the alley.
In ancient times, the power of the fierce beast Taotie was really fierce.
This time, I almost couldn't resist Zhu
"Yingtian, would you rather be the enemy of me than live together with me?"
Xuanyuan Yingji, holding a small black umbrella, stood in the rain, looking at the appearance of the Qin Dynasty, could not help but asked.
In the Qin Dynasty, these two words are still used.
Xuanyuan Yingji sighed slightly, that trace of desolation, hide also not wish"God, you must die!"
As a fierce beast, Taotie felt his own king's sadness. He was angry in an instant, his eyes were red, and suddenly two more big hammers with animal heads appeared in his hands, and ran towards the Qin Dynasty.
This beast head sledgehammer is very familiar to Qin Dynasty. It was this thing last time. With a pair of landscape paintings, he saved his life.
The hammers fell down with unparalleled prestige.
"King Kong is bound!"
The Qin Dynasty hastily urged Vajra to be bound and appeared in front of himself.
Who knows, this King Kong border, but can not withstand the attack of gluttonous anger. In the clear crack sound, it turned into gold fragments and fell around the Qin Dynasty.
The body of Qin Dynasty was smashed into the ground.
The black air, lifted from the hammer and the ground, broke through the rain curtain around.
This time, almost let Qin Dynasty suffer internal injury.
Thanks to Vajra jiejie to help resist for a while, plus their own King Kong is not bad body, this just narrowly escaped a disaster.
Taotie is really powerful!
"Master, please use all my strength
In the Qin Dynasty some do not know how to do, a Li's voice, suddenly in the Qin Dynasty's mind ring up.
"The power of the perfect body?"
Ali said, "but after all the strength, the time will be very short. This force is only a temporary simulation of the Jiulong armor. But it will be strong. "
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