Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 512

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Chapter 512

As the saying goes, an inch long, an inch strong. The guy who was carried by Qin Dynasty can be regarded as his mother's long. Height of two meters, at this time the full advantage. For a while, those little gangsters were beaten to cry and howl, and fled in confusion.
Just in the blink of an eye, the dark crowd that was still surrounded just now is 7788. Luo Yu Feng swallows saliva, and finds that there are only thirty or so thugs beside him, all lying on the ground.
After the Qin Dynasty broke up the crowd, he threw his weapon to the ground.
"Oh Today, the majestic Diliu lost his front teeth and fell directly to the lower part of Xiaowei. Qin Dynasty stepped on this Diliu's back and twisted it down.
"Ah Di Liu felt his back, as if there was a digging machine in the grinding, he cried out in pain.
"Big, uncle, I don't know Taishan. You, your adult have a lot of money. Just let me go as a fart!"
Di Liu lost a front tooth, but it was not as bad as Xiao Wei. He could barely hear his words clearly.
Today, he can see that the man who wears high-end suits as casual clothes is just a stubble, and he is a master he can't afford
The Qin Dynasty squatted down and laughed.
He took out a cigarette, lit it slowly, and took a puff. While smoking, while patting Diliu's face full of blood.
"What kind of person are you, Lord Qin? If you let me let you go, I'll let you go. Isn't it shameless for me?"
"Qin, Lord Qin, I was wrong. As long as you are willing to let me go, I can do anything! "
Diliu is going to cry.
The people of the Luo family nearby were stunned. They only thought that the procedure of the Qin Dynasty was played in a systematic way, as if they often did it.
"Well, since Diliu said that, I'll take a look at your attitude."
The Qin Dynasty said, picked up a kitchen knife that fell next to him, and then "when" a, chopped into the land in front of Di six. The body of the knife was so bright that di Liu was dizzy.
"I don't need you to do anything else, just ask you a few questions."
The Qin Dynasty continued to squat there smoking, and then said, "I'm satisfied with what you want to answer, and I'll let you go naturally. But if you cheat me, hum. It's hard to say with your ten fingers. "
"Lord Qin, ask, ask!"
"I'll never lie!" Di Liu repeatedly cried
"Well, then listen. What's your name? "
"My name is Diliu. People on the road respect me for my six brothers Ah, in front of Lord Qin, I dare not call it that way. You, you call me xiaoliuzi! "
"Little six? Oh, yes. Then I'll ask you, who do you mix with? "
"Han Shao, young master of Han family!" Di Liu answered without delay.
"Nonsense, of course I know it's the young master of the Han family!" The Qin Dynasty slapped him in the mouth, hit Di Liu, and then wiped the blood on his hands on his clothes.
"I ask you who the eldest young master of Han family is!"
Di Liu's grievance ah, in this area of gangsters, how many don't know who Han Shao is, but who let others now is the boss, answer honestly.
"Well, it's the son of Han Gaoguan, Han haoxuan!"
After a word, several people present immediately changed their faces.
"Han's child?" Wang Suhong's face changed again and again, "well, how could this be possible! How can the children of Han family run out of the underworld. Don't be so insincere, or I will sue you for libel
"I, I'm not in the way..." Di Liu's head was shaking like a rattle drum. "Lord Qin is here. How dare I cheat him? I'm really mixing with Han Shao. I don't believe you can ask about Han haoxuan. Who knows the name of Han haoxuan and Han Shao! The whole Taiping District of Zhongchuan city is Han Shao's territory! "
"Hum! This is a good husband for your daughter. " Luo Zhentian snorted coldly. Wang Su's face was bloodless.
"Well, you look honest, too." The Qin Dynasty took up the kitchen knife and repaired his fingernails in a funny way. But Diliu didn't dare to laugh. He was afraid that the kitchen knife would chop into his head in the next second.
"Well, can Lord Qin let me go?"
"Of course not!" Qin Dynasty glared at him one eye, "I haven't finished asking, are you anxious to go on the road?"
"No, no! I, I am not worried about Lord Qin. You ask, you ask... " Di Liu's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and it came into the blood on his face.
"I said Diliu, you should know how Sun Xueyuan's leg is lame?"
Qin Dynasty vomited a smoke ring and fell on the kitchen knife.
"Hey, Mr. Qin, you are joking. How can I know about it. I've heard that it was hit and twisted by a car. "
"Shit!" Qin Dynasty suddenly facial expression is fierce, the hand rises a knife to fall. See a blood light fly up, and then Di Liu's finger is broken, fall to one side, like a twisted ugly earthworm."Ah! In the meantime
Di Liu cried out in pain and wanted to reach out to cover his wound. However, he was trampled down by the Qin Dynasty and pressed his back to prevent him from moving.
Several members of the Luo family were frightened. Although they were military families, they had never seen such cruel means in this peaceful age.
"Qin Dynasty, what are you doing? It's too much!" Luo Zhentian, as a senior member of the military area command, naturally can't see this kind of means, so he cheered.
But the Qin Dynasty did not build stubble, but continued to ask the di Liu coldly.
"Well, Diliu, I just finished praising you. You don't have a long memory, do you. This finger is a lesson. If you dare to lie again, I will cut off your hand next time
Di six whole body a shake, endure the pain of broken finger, the mouth says intermittently.
"Qin, I was wrong. I, I don't dare to lie any more. "
"Hum!" Qin Dynasty this just squatted down again, stretched out a hand to point on di six's wrist. The chaotic vitality gushed in and sealed the blood of this place directly.
The place where the finger was broken stopped bleeding instantly. Even the pain, it's much less painful.
Di Liu's secret way is magical. He was born in northern Shaolin. He has seen some master martial artists use it. Can not help, for the Qin Dynasty's ability, more deeply believe.
"Let me ask you again, how did sun Xueyuan limp?"
"Yes, Han Shao sent someone to drive the car to hit it..." Di six then a word, again as if detonated a bomb, so that everyone was surprised and angry.
"It was also a little dark that night. Dayong didn't drive well, and accidentally hit sun's mother. He didn't dare to bear the life. He took Han Shao's money and ran away. He heard that he had gone back to his hometown in the countryside. "
"You, you say it again!"
This time it was Sun Xueyuan's turn to be excited. He directly shook his lame leg and rushed over. He grabbed Di Liu's collar and roared, "Han haoxuan! You say it's Han haoxuan, the son of a bitch, who ordered people to kill my mother! "
Looking at Sun Xueyuan that green eyes, ferocious twisted face, as if as long as a wolf eating man.
"I, I..." Di Liu's collar was tightly held by sun Xueyuan, suffocating and speechless.
"Brother sun, don't worry. Let me finish my question." The Qin Dynasty patted sun Xueyuan on the shoulder, and suddenly, a force poured in. In this power, there is the Buddhist Vajra Sutra. With a clear mind and few desires, sun Xueyuan was furious and angry, and instantly resolved.
He let go of Di six, the whole person is a little dispirited, sitting on the ground.
"Cough, bad, almost suffocate me." Di Liu took a deep breath, and then looked at Sun Xueyuan sitting on one side in horror.
"Come on, tell me what I have to tell you."
The Qin Dynasty lit a cigarette and then stuffed it into the innermost part of Diliu.
This Diliu is like a drug addict. This cigarette gave him great courage.
"Well, I'll go all out, I'll say it! In a big way, I'll hide in the countryside like da Yong! "
Di Liu slowly said a thing that made everyone gape.
"Han Shao, as I said before, is the underground boss of our Taiping District. Because he was the son of a senior official, he had to face both black and white in Zhongchuan. Han Shao's biggest hobby is to rob other people's girlfriends. Once, when he drove by this side, he saw Sun Yan busy at the door of sun lame hotel. "
Sun Yan, who was comforting sun Xueyuan, was suddenly stunned. The blind girl was a little surprised. In such a big thing, she would have her own.
"So, in order to snatch Sun Yan away, Han Shao made a plan. It is to break sun Xueyuan's leg, and finally force them to have no way to live. Naturally, Sun Yan will go from Han Shao
"Damn it, this beast!" Luo Zhentian couldn't help cursing, "how can Han Gaoguan have such a son?"
"I will kill him! I'm going to kill him! " Sun Xueyuan could not help but clench his fist and stood up. Finally, because of the pain of the broken leg, he sat down again. Fortunately, Sun Yan was beside him, listening to the movement and holding him.
"All right." Qin Dynasty turned to look at this already lame leg, but one heart revenge man, "your leg is broken, still take what revenge?"
Sun Xueyuan clenched his fist, and his lips were full of blood. "Even if I fight this life, I will drag Han haoxuan into hell!"
"Good!" The Qin Dynasty nodded, "I'll give you a chance to avenge yourself. But you must promise me one thing before I can avenge you. "
"Say it Sun Xueyuan also saw that the Qin Dynasty was a cruel man. He immediately patted his chest and said, "my sun Xueyuan is cheap. I can give you anything you want. Even if you want my life, you can do it!"
"Tut Tut, I'm not the God of death. What do I want your life for?"
The Qin Dynasty laughed. He stretched out his hand and gently put it on Sun Yan's shoulder. "I only ask you to treat this girl well in the future. It's OK."With that, the heart of the Qin Dynasty's hands poured into chaos.
The power of God combines the power of Tao, magic and Buddhism. Among them, the power of Buddhism is like spring rain, which moistens Sun Yan's body continuously.
This vitality slipped to Sun Yan's eyes, and found that the nerves in her eyes were quite necrotic.
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