Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 813

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Chapter 813

"Sorry, I haven't heard of it."
The Qin Dynasty stood there, thinking in his eyes, as if thinking about how to kill Mephisto.
It turned out that he was also a member of Astaroth. The last time there was a Demon Knight running to kill himself. This time, another tough guy was sent.
"Hehe, it doesn't matter if I haven't heard of it now."
There was a narcissistic smile on Mephisto's face. The laughter echoed in the silent and cold underground parking lot, "when you get to hell, you will listen to my name every day Oh, by the way, at that time, you would be too busy to go to bed. "
"Hell? I'm sorry, I don't plan to go to hell. "
On the wrist of Qin Dynasty, there is a black light. A Li's voice rang in his mind.
"Master, you are looking for Ali again! A Li is very boring in luochamen. Mo Ling and Xiao Bai are very busy. No one comes to play with me
Although the bridge between two people in Kowloon is far away from Lok Sha ring. Using the Jiulong ring, the Qin Dynasty could use Ali's power without any distance limitation.
"Ali, please..."
The Qin Dynasty touched his wrist and whispered, "become my strength, leave the tone!"
With a breath, the power in the body rises suddenly.
This is the ability of Jiulong ring, which makes the power of Qin Dynasty enter into the terrible state of Jinshen jiuzhong in an instant. At the same time, he untied his ghost will be attached to the state, for a more aggressive ability.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment."
A pair of white knuckles appeared on his palm.
"In fact, I came to you today for no other purpose."
Mephisto sat on the top of his Mercedes Benz and said with a smile, "I just want to come to you and ask for your last soul."
"Are you dreaming?"
The Qin Dynasty waved his fist, and the sound of explosion came out of the air. It can be seen how terrible the power is, "or am I very brain disabled?"
"You'll hand it in."
Said Mephisto, quite sure.
"Then ask my fist first!"
The Qin Dynasty hit the ground with a fist, and the ground of the parking lot suddenly left a huge gully, directly sinking the Mercedes Benz. But Mephisto jumps up and floats into the air.
But just then, his pupils suddenly dilated. Because of the figure of Qin Dynasty, his whole sight is blocked. Zhu
The fist, wrapped in a white fist, hit him.
Mephisto's back suddenly protruded, and a strong force flew out of the wall, which was more than 10 meters behind him, and blew out a pit directly from the air.
At that moment, the power of the nine you giant elephant in Qin Dynasty spread all over Mephisto's body.
The hell devil's body, immediately turned into pieces of meat, flying around, with the red blood, splashed on the ground.
Qin Dynasty's face almost splashed with blood, fortunately, he was shot out by his mental power.
"Well, if you dare to offend the master, you are looking for death."
A Li that with a little mischievous and proud voice, in the mind of the Qin Dynasty ring up.
"Actually, this guy is very strong."
The Qin Dynasty looked at the ground meat and said, "it's just that some are too arrogant. If I didn't have ALI, it would be a hard fight with him
"Hee hee, Ali is a part of the master!"
Qin Chao Li was very happy to hear his voice.
But when the Qin Dynasty wanted to leave the underground parking lot, I suddenly felt a chill.
That originally good light, began to flash, very strange.
The ground meat began to wriggle, like a group of worms, began to gather together desperately.
Qin Dynasty stands there, the corners of his mouth twitch slightly. In his mind, a scene once appeared.
When Mephisto's body stood in front of him again, the Qin Dynasty spat out a few words.
"Meat weight group..."
"Yes, that's the power of the devil."
Mephisto stretched out, as if he had not been broken by the Qin Dynasty just now, but had made a horse to kill a chicken. He said with a very comfortable smile, "as long as my soul does not die, even if my body becomes dregs, it can still be revived."
"Then let me crush your soul!"
A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty.
"Tut, it seems that this is a little unlikely."
Mephistor, however, chuckled indifferently. "My soul has been kept by Lord Astaroth. As long as Lord Astaroth does not die, I will be raised infinitely. So, you can't kill me. It's just a waste of your strength. "
"Die!"Qin Dynasty didn't believe meifeist's words at all. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed a car directly with his mind, then carried it in his hand and threw it out to Mephisto.
The speed of smashing Qin's body into the wall directly, and the speed of smashing into the air of Meister's body is so fast that it breaks into the air behind him.
Blood flowed down the gap between the car and the wall.
Qin Dynasty instantly opened the eyes of the devil, looking for the soul of Mephisto.
But he searched every place with the magic eye, and found no trace of soul.
By this time, Mephisto had begun to reorganize, and the disgusting body appeared in front of Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it..."
It's really a soulless guy. It's a bit tricky. Although he has no harm to himself, there is always a bug in front of you, harassing you, and you will be very unhappy.
Fortunately, I still have a way. Qin Dynasty body shock, body black light. The underground parking lot, the wind gusts, people very creepy.
A flash of black door, from the top of their heads, slowly appeared.
Jiuyou luochamen, Qin Dynasty used this method to send Mephisto to Jiuyou hell.
Mephisto suddenly reached out his hand and made a stop sign. "You don't want to give me your soul. I didn't force you. Why are you so excited! Let's have something to say. "
Seeing Mephisto's smiling face, the Qin Dynasty frowned and temporarily stopped the magic, leaving the Jiuyou luochamen quietly suspended on their heads.
As long as this guy has a bad idea, the Qin Dynasty will let him roll into the nine hell at the first time.
"In fact, today, though I come to ask for your soul. But if you don't want to give it, I have no way. You're powerful. Hell has been around for a long time. "
As soon as Mephisto reached out, the Mercedes flew out of the ground again, turned into a prototype, and fell back to its original place. And a gap in the earth's surface is also slowly closing. Around those damaged places, like the reverse flow of time, began to change back to the original.
"How dare you provoke me?"
Qin Dynasty took a look around, and in the underground parking lot slowly restored to its original state, he asked namifest.
"Ha ha, you know, the stronger you are, the more attractive your soul will be. The reason why you become so strong is in the calculation of the king of hell. "
The Qin Dynasty raised eyebrows, a little distrustful.
"Your soul is so powerful that it is a feast for the king of hell. With your soul, he has the power to break free from the shackles of hell and come to your human world. "
Mephisto sat on the top of the Mercedes Benz and said something that stunned the Qin Dynasty. "But at the same time, your soul has a strong resistance to the devil contract. In this way, a small contract can not get your whole soul. Therefore, the king of hell, with his power, directly crossed over the Lord Beelzebub and made a new contract. This contract is divided into ten stages. Every stage will weaken the power of a part of your soul. When all the ten stages are completed, your soul will be in his pocket. "
"Yes, ten wishes?"
The eyebrows of Qin Dynasty wrinkled deeper.
"Of course. Otherwise, why do you think that Rosie's special care for you has given you ten chances to wish. It's not about weakening your soul and getting your soul. "
"I know it in my mind."
Roxie's later performance, let the Qin Dynasty very clear, "but the last two wishes, I will not in any case."
"It's just your wishful thinking."
Mephisto shrugged. "The contract has begun. It's like tying you to a crazy chariot that can't stop. Now, all the seven kings of hell are ready to take all your souls before the king of hell. "
"So you come to the earth and take my soul for your family, Lord Astaroth?"
"So to speak."
"But my Lord Astaroth is a little different. The orders she gave me were really weird. Alas, adults must have not been back for a long time, contaminated with those annoying habits. But it's fun to come and play with you. "
Qin Dynasty clenched his fist, "are you playing with me today?"
"Of course."
Mephisto seems very happy, in the Mercedes Benz gently around, as if dancing, "don't you think, today's game, very interesting! Qin Dynasty, you are really a very interesting person
"Those who dare to play with me have not been born yet."
Qin Dynasty jumped directly into the Mercedes Benz and looked at the opposite Mephisto.At the same time, he held his left hand high, grabbed Mephisto by the neck and lifted him into the air.
"You will pay the price of your life for your courage."
"Oh, don't be so stingy."
Mephisto gave a strange smile to the Qin Dynasty. "I think there is one thing that you care about more than me."
"My biggest interest now is to kill you."
The Jiuyou Luocha gate on the top of the Qin Dynasty opens a gap slightly. The cars on the ground were pulled for a while, and slowly converged towards each other.
"Well, what about Rosie? Don't you want to know about her? "
The Qin Dynasty was nervous for a moment and asked in a hurry. At the moment when he was distracted, when his hands were empty, Mephisto turned into air and disappeared.
In my ears, only the voice of the devil.
"Ha ha ha, you can never guess, ha ha ha ha!"
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