Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1055

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Chapter 1055

Chen Dejun seems to have a feeling of the stars and the moon.
It's no wonder that his father is a well-known local entrepreneur, but also a small influential family.
However, when he was young, his family was not so good. His father was just a businessman who had just gone to the sea, so he had these friends who had grown up from childhood.
At that time, there were many bungalows in Dongchuan City. These were children who grew up in a bungalow district.
The young man in sportswear was named Wang Hao. He was strong and strong when he was a child, and he bullied Chen Dejun a lot
later, when Chen Dejun's family got rich, he was the first to flatter him, just like Chen Dejun's follower.
And the girl named An'an is obviously interested in Chen Dejun.
As for the other friends, they also said good words to Chen Dejun, hoping to please this young master Chen.
"Oh, Wu Xin, the girl, what time is it? Why haven't you arrived yet?"
Wang Hao took a look at his mobile phone, and then said, "it's about 12 o'clock. It's all over. It's really no sense of time."
"That girl has never had a head."
ANN in the side of the words with a thorn, "since childhood confused, this time even let Chen Shao wait for her so long, too much."
"Ann, don't say that. We are all friends. It's OK to wait a moment."
Chen Dejun's face hung a faint smile, "she may be a traffic jam or something, it doesn't matter."
"This girl is always so unreliable."
Wang Hao complained, "I don't know when to wait."
"I heard that grandma Wu Xin is ill."
"Indeed, I haven't seen this girl for more than a year. I don't know why she went."
"But she is more and more beautiful, hehe..."
"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, let Chen Shao hear that it's time to be jealous."
Several friends gathered around and began to discuss Wu Xin.
"I haven't seen her for more than a year, and I don't know how her grandmother's condition is."
Chen Dejun said, "Xinxin is very stubborn and unwilling to accept my help. I am quite worried."
"I heard that her grandmother was very ill and couldn't get down. Her parents died early, and it's pathetic. "
Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, she is the worst one in our group. I don't know which university she went to. I'm afraid the tuition is still a problem. "
"With me, how can Xinxin not go to university?"
Chen Dejun's mouth has been hanging a faint smile.
Wu Xin, Wu Xin, over the past few years, you have been refusing me.
I don't believe it. How long can you stay.
The woman I like Chen Shao can escape my palm!
Just thinking about it, Wang Hao's phone rang suddenly.
He looked and exclaimed.
"Hey, it's the girl Wu Xin who says Cao Cao is coming."
Chen Dejun raised his eyebrows.
Why didn't Wu Xin call herself?
"Hello, Wu Xin, where are you? Everyone will be waiting for you."
Wang Hao's typical limbs developed, simple mind, carelessly answered the phone, asked.
"Ah, it's almost there. Let's meet you at the door."
After all, it is a long time to see hair small, Wang Haoxing rushed to hang up the phone.
"I'll pick up Wu Xin. Who else will go with me?"
"Walk, go, go together."
"Look what Wu Xin looks like."
Several boys cheerfully stood up.
"I'll go too. I haven't seen her for a long time."
Chen Dejun also got up.
"I'll go, too. I'll go too."
Seeing Chen Dejun get up, an an quickly raises his butt and follows Chen Dejun around, like a little secretary of life.
Several people all the way out of the hotel, and the waiters they met all nodded to their young master.
These friends said that if you go out with Chen Shao, you will have face.
when you get out of the hotel, you will see a yellow taxi parked in front of the hotel.
Then, a beautiful woman with a gray top hat, a gray wool coat and sexy black stockings came out of the car.
As soon as she appeared, all the boys' eyes lit up.
This thigh, this chest!
In particular, she bent down to get up, and the turbulent waves on her body made people gape!
My God, how can there be such an evil woman in this world!
Too fierce, too fierce, too fierce!
Chen Dejun is also secretly swallowing water. He has played with so many women and little stars, but there is no chest like Wu Xin, so perfect.
There are two similar, but Chen Dejun play out, clear is the whole, hit silicone, feel too bad.After all, this chest is still the original one.
the imported and refitted one is still unacceptable.
Women are women, women are not cars.
Chen Dejun thinks that he is a man who knows how to play well with women. Therefore, he has been persistently chasing Wu Xin.
But when Wu Xin took two steps, Chen Dejun's face immediately changed.
He read numerous women, and at a glance he could see that Wu Xin was no longer a virgin.
That kind of charming after the rain and dew, is the chick does not have!
This makes him, some can not accept.
Wu Xin such a pure girl, who in the end, took her red pill!
If let oneself know, must his life!
My Chen Dejun's woman, who can move!
Ah ah ah!
This guy's gone wild inside.
But on the face, still have to be a light smile.
"Xinxin, you finally come. We have been waiting for you for a long time..."
"Sorry, there's a traffic jam."
Wu Xin spat out her tongue playfully, and a group of men suddenly breathed a little.
"It doesn't matter. We..."
Chen Dejun was about to speak when he was suddenly stunned again.
Because the figure of a man is coming out of the car door.
He was wearing a black windbreaker with a faint smile on his mouth.
Wu Xin turned around and the bird took the man's arm.
Sleeping trough!
All the boys, including Chen Dejun, were shouting in their hearts.
Who's that guy's face, Gore!
An an was even more sarcastic, and could not help saying, "Yo, Wu Xin, long time no see, you all have a boyfriend"
"yes, I'd like to introduce to you, this is my boyfriend, Qin Dynasty."
"Hello, everyone."
Qin Dynasty cut in the face of Wu Xin, very polite to these people nodded, "often listen to my Xinxin chant you, today finally met, very honored."
Where have you heard about them before? It's all polite in the Qin Dynasty.
China is a place that pays attention to etiquette. Two polite words can shorten the distance between the two sides more quickly.
And the same few polite words can also increase the sense of distance between each other.
This is Chinese etiquette. It's amazing.
In the University, this Oriental etiquette, can also open a big class.
"Xinxin, I don't know when you have a boyfriend."
Chen Dejun pressed down his anger.
This is the damned man, take my first time of Wu Xin!
Rob a woman with me Chen Dejun, I won't let you have a good time!
"We've been dating for more than a year."
Wu Xin introduced her elder brother Qin to her childhood friend. She was very happy and said, "besides, he is still my old man..."
Originally, Wu Xin wanted to say that he was his own boss, but he was stopped by the Qin Dynasty.
"We are so happy that we don't know what to say. Indeed, I am her husband
The Qin Dynasty was not a high-profile person who suppressed Wu Xin's words.
Wu Xin blinked beside her, and seemed to understand the mind of the Qin Dynasty.
Well, I almost upset elder brother Qin.
I'm so stupid.
I hope elder brother Qin won't be angry with himself.
Thinking of this, she put her arms around the Qin Dynasty and tightened her hand. The sense of oppression on her body made Qin Dynasty more unforgettable.
Seeing Wu Xin's attachment to the Qin Dynasty, Chen Dejun's eyes were filled with anger.
"It's cold outside. Let's go in and talk."
He had planned to take Wu Xin away from this man.
So he continued to suppress his anger and said softly.
"Well, let's all go in. Go in."
Wang Hao and they can see that the atmosphere is a little bit wrong. So is Wu Xin. Don't they know Chen Shao's Thoughts on her all the time?
Ann is very happy. Wu Xin doesn't know what to do with her. She finds someone else to be her boyfriend.
This is my chance!
Ha ha, that's great. I have to seize the opportunity.
If I can catch Chen Shao's heart, I will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of my life!
Wu Xin threw himself into the Qin Dynasty and didn't find Chen Dejun's mind.
But Qin Dynasty is not stupid. Chen Dejun looks at Wu Xin with different eyes.
However, he did not put it in mind, even if the family conditions are good, but as an ordinary person, how can he compare with himself.
Chen Dejun was nodded and bowed again by his waiter all the way, and he was full of pride in his heart.
As a young man of the Chen family, I would be afraid of a wild boy who can only play taxi and can't even afford a car!Hum, Wu Xin, you will be my woman in the end!
Several people all the way to the hotel's imperial compartment, which is generally not external, are used to entertain large customers.
But today is the boss's son entertaining friends, naturally let Chen Dejun use.
The room is resplendent and resplendent. Several waiters in cheongsam stand on the left and right respectively, highlighting their figure and being generous and decent.
Chen Dejun naturally sat at the top of the table. After all the people were seated, he told the waiter to start to go.
Wu Xin first introduced several people present to the Qin Dynasty.
"Brother Qin, these are my childhood sweethearts. This is Chen Dejun, Wang Hao, An'an, li..."
After the introduction, the Qin Dynasty shook hands one by one.
The others are OK. When Chen Dejun shakes hands, his eyes are obviously a little contemptuous.
After the introduction, Chen Dejun's speech box opened at the same time.
"Xinxin, I don't know where your boyfriend is from?"
Here it is.
Qin Dynasty shrugged his shoulders, this man in front of a woman to compete for favor or humiliate another man, usually starting from work.
Especially the Chen family, if you have not guessed wrong, it should be the son of the owner of this hotel.
This condition is reasonable, but Wu Xin doesn't like such a man.
"I don't work in this city."
Qin Dynasty grinned, "I worked as a security guard in a university in southern Jiangsu."
"Oh, it's security. It's a good job."
Chen Dejun was happy.
Other people look at the Qin Dynasty, also become a little different.
What kind of character did you think he could take Wu Xin from Chen Shao's hand.
It turned out that it was just a small security guard. It was just a little security guard. The flowers were planted on the cow dung.
"Very promising, very promising."
Although Chen Dejun said so, it is self-evident that there is a strange tone of yin and Yang in his words.
"Well, it's OK. Just get by."
Qin Dynasty ha ha smile, don't agree.
"Oh, brother Qin, you are welcome."
Chen Dejun smile more thick, "such a promising job, every month must make a lot of money."
"It's OK. It's a little bit of a small salary. Compared with Chen Shao, it can't be compared."
The Qin Dynasty held Wu Xin's shoulder and his face remained unchanged.
"Of course, we are Chen Shao. Our family is very rich. This hotel is owned by their family. "
An Anxin said that how can you compare with Chen Shao of my family? She was afraid that other people would not know, and cried out in a sharp voice.
"Ha ha, it's just a little property. It's not worth mentioning."
Chen Dejun pretended to be modest.
"Hi, how can I compete with Chen Shao. But fortunately, my family Xinxin does not dislike me, even if I have poor urine, also willing to be with me
Provocation, red fruit challenge!
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