Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 569

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Chapter 569

"What's fair?"
Princess Su tried to calm herself down and accept the fact that her father was actually a practitioner.
What is a true practitioner?
In her mind, a group of Taoist priests in gray robes were sitting around the huge stove, fanning the fire and taking pills.
God, the book said that those pills are cinnabar what to do, father ate, will not affect health? However, father's health has always been very good, healthy people of the same age are particularly jealous.
Xiuzhen, what is the hindrance of Xiuzhen
"The last time I made an appointment with Mr. Su." The Qin Dynasty saw that Su Fei was absent-minded and reminded her.
"My father did something wrong about the appointment."
Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty and her father, who was a little dispirited and old, sighed and stood up and said. "Five million yuan agreement, Qin Dynasty you really reached. Today, I'm sorry for my father, and you can pick her up, Suu Kyi. She's a graduate student at MIT in the United States. "
"Princess su..."
Su Xianqin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.
"Father, you have lost." Princess Su looked at her father and said, "from the beginning, you should not regard Qin Dynasty as an ordinary person. That's why you lost. I've been telling you to believe Suu Kyi's vision, but you just insist on your own opinion. Father, I just want to say that the girls have grown up. "
Su Xianqin was silent for a long time, and finally said a word with the Qin Dynasty.
"Boy Be nice to Suu Kyi in the future Otherwise, even if I fight this old life, I will never die with you
"Don't worry." Qin Dynasty put his hand on his chest, "Suji is here with me, and will never be wronged at all. Because she's everything to me
"Father, you have found a good son-in-law."
Su Fei bent down and held her father in her arms. She said, "he is young and promising, and he can be nice to Suji. What's wrong with him. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to be able to support all these industries. You are old and tired. It's time to have a good rest... "
"Good daughter..."
At this moment, Su Xianqin really wanted to cry.
Qin Dynasty saw here, gave Xiaobai a look.
Xiaobai understood, immediately took out the mobile phone, began to dial the number.
"Hello, Zhang Dong. Well, what I told you just now is invalid. We, Dafa group, want to cooperate deeply with Sujia Oh, what you said just now, ha ha, Mr. Su is the father-in-law of our Qin Dong. Just now it was just two people who quarreled with each other. Now they have made up, so the previous statements can't be counted. "
"Hello, Secretary General Liu..."
Xiaobai made a series of phone calls, and the boss and director at the other end of the phone were angry and scolding. But there is no way, who let this be the famous Qin Dong plus Qin Ye! Who dares to provoke!
Well, I'll make fun of it!
Therefore, after a while, these people's telephone calls also went to Su Xianqin.
Listening to the flattering tone of these people, Su Xianqin couldn't help feeling that they were just indifferent and resolute.
As a son-in-law, his strength is really extraordinary.
he can make these businessmen change their faces if they want to change their faces. This energy can't be underestimated.
"Master su Oh, no, father-in-law. "
Qin chaoshunzi climbed up, and he didn't want to embarrass the relationship between the two sides. So, or opened his mouth to call a more similar appellation.
"The Qin Dynasty." At this time, Su Xianqin also said, "I can feel that you really like our Suji. I have a son and two daughters. Among them, the one that worries me most is Suu Kyi. If you love her, don't let her suffer. "
At this time, master Shitian, who was no longer bound, opened his mouth.
"Benefactor Qin, you are a devil mender, aren't you?"
The Qin Dynasty looked at the old monk, then nodded his head and said, "yes, I'm the only descendant of luochamen today, Qin Dynasty."
"The Qin Dynasty The Qin Dynasty... "
The old monk said two words, his face suddenly changed, "no wonder, no wonder the name is so familiar to me! It turns out that you are the famous immortal Qin in the Xiuzhen world recently! Even master Shiran of my temple is not your opponent, let alone the poor monk. Alas Amitabha... "
"Yes, it was me. Relieved that old guy, he had to get along with me, so I had to teach him a lesson. Let him know, golden age doesn't matter. There are people outside, there are days out of the sky. "
"Amitabha..." The arrogant tone of the Qin Dynasty completely made master Shitian's face a little unsatisfied. But after all, he was a Buddhist practitioner, and he was not the opponent of the Qin Dynasty. So master Shitian read a Buddhist name, suppressed his anger and continued to say."But have you ever thought about it, benefactor Qin? You are a demon cultivator, but Su xiaobenefactor is a cultivator. As the saying goes, good and evil do not coexist. Do you want to be the enemy of the whole Xiuzhen realm? "
"How can we be enemies of the whole Xiuzhen realm?"
The Qin Dynasty looked up and pointed to the sky and said, "I'm standing here in Qin Dynasty. If anyone doesn't convince me, you can come to me! But, SUJ, I'm married! If even the sky wants to obstruct me, I will poke a hole in the sky
The appearance of the Qin Dynasty now is majestic, just like a demon. Su Fei on one side was stunned.
Xiaobai also sighs in his heart. It is really Mr. Qin, not the thing in the pool. His name will surely be admired by all in the future.
"Benefactor Qin, you have great courage." Even master Shitian had to be convinced, "then I can only send a blessing to benefactor Qin. Our Baotai temple in Songshan is OK. In fact, all of us are people who cultivate themselves and chant Buddhism, so they are indifferent to these things. A few days ago, FA Xiang betrayed the temple and returned to the secular world. Although the host was sad, he just silently blessed them
"Ah?" The Qin Dynasty was surprised, "what do you say? Is the FA Xiang still popular? How could it be, that smelly monk... "
"Amitabha..." Master Shitian put his hands together and said, "monks don't play wandering language. Dharma has returned to the secular world for a small snake demon. The snake demon, whose name is Bai Jiaojiao, has ever heard of it, benefactor Qin? "
The mouth of Qin Dynasty can be stuffed with an egg.
FA Xiang and Bai Jiaojiao get together?
"Oh, MAIGA, the world is crazy!"
"I don't know, benefactor Qin." Master Shitian continued, "you and Su xiaobenefactor are just magic practitioners and practitioners, but they are all human beings after all. FA Xiang and benefactor Bai, however, are one person and one demon, which is even more difficult for nature. I heard that they had just escaped from the misty peak two days ago, and now their whereabouts are unknown. "
"They escaped from the misty peak?" Qin Dynasty eyebrows a pick, chase to ask, "master, that Hua Niang, how is Hua Niang?"
"Huazhenren has been put under house arrest on the misty peak, waiting for the candlelong master to go out and get married."
"Fuck..." The Qin Dynasty suddenly pinched and exploded a water cup in his hand, which scared several people present.
"The master candle dragon, who has lived thousands of years, is shameless to marry a young girl. Hum, master candle dragon, OK. When he goes out of the pass, I will go to the door and beat him into a pig cage man! "
Master Shitian was shocked by the words of the Qin Dynasty.
The master of candle dragon has been practising for thousands of years. This is the time of thunder robbery!
You Qin Dynasty, in how fierce, into the cultivation of Zhen only a year. To the golden age, there are nine heaven, even if you are the God of heaven to help, but also can not exceed the thunder robbery period!
"Benefactor Qin, please think again..."
But after all, the other side is a arrogant and used to mending the devil. Master Shitian can only gently persuade him.
"I'll talk about that later." The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "what I want to do now is to bring Suji back. Xiaobai, you can help me find the way, go to America first, and see how Suu Ji is. Don't say you haven't been to the United States before. I don't believe it. "
"Of course I have. Mr. Qin can rest assured."
Xiaobai gave Qin Dynasty a smile, then the body Bo got a sound, disappeared without a trace.
Su Fei beside was surprised. How did the Secretary suddenly disappear? This, is this the magic art of cultivating truth?
"And, Princess Su, you have to be careful these two days. You'd better not go out."
The Qin Dynasty asked Su Fei to say, "you can accompany master Shitian. The people on the other side of the skeleton have already fixed their eyes on you."
"Amitabha..." Master Shitian suddenly felt confident again and said, "benefactor Qin, don't worry. Those dark creatures from the West are not the opponents of the poor monk. If they dare to come, I will surpass them. "
An old monk who bullies the soft and fears the hard.
The heart of Qin Dynasty is funny, but still hold back.
"In that case, I'll go home first. I haven't been back for a long time. I miss that place very much. "
Qin Dynasty is also embarrassed to stay here all the time. He always gives Su Xianqin a time to cry, right.
"Well, I'll see you off."
Su Fei picked up her bag and went to the stairs with the Qin Dynasty.
When they left, Su Xianqin sighed.
"Well It seems that the world really belongs to young people. "
"Su Ju Shi didn't know about it," explained master Shi Tian. "In the Qin Dynasty, this son was extraordinary. He was only twenty years old, and less than a year after he entered the world of practice. However, he was said to be a master at the end of Yuan Dynasty. If you have such a son-in-law, it's a blessing, maybe it's also a disaster. "
" if he's good to my daughter, it's just fine. " Su Xianqin said, "but if it's not good for my daughter, I'll fight with him!"
"Su Ju Shi felt excited." Master Shitian said, "I should not be mistaken. Benefactor Qin is a demon cultivator, but his heart to Su xiaobenefactor is true.""I hope so..."
The words are divided into two parts. If you don't talk about these two old guys, let's first talk about Qin Dynasty and Su Fei.
"You are satisfied today."
At the gate of the Su family's house, Su Fei looked at the Qin Dynasty with some dissatisfaction. "Today, Mr. Qin is so powerful that he frightens my father into speechless."
"This Where is this... "
When the Qin Dynasty faced Su Xianqin, he could be all powerful. But to Su Fei, he had no temper at all.
"Hum! Where to speak, northeast dialect! " Dad, I don't even roll my eyes. If you want to marry Suji, you will not bully my su family to death! "
The tone of this speech made Qin Dynasty feel that it was not Sufei, but Suji's damned girl.
"Well, how could this be possible..." The Qin Dynasty touched his nose.
"If not, prove it!"
"Ah? What proof? "
"Tell me, what is Xiuzhen?"
"There's a taxi coming. I'll go first!"
"Stop! You stop! Damn it, you son of a bitch, don't try to marry my sister
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