Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1143

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Chapter 1143

"I don't have a hundred thousand dollars in the way All the houses I live in are rented by my daughter, and I have a little savings in my hand, which is for my granddaughter to go to kindergarten... "
The old man was kind of giving up.
If you want to have 100000 yuan, you can still be interested in 20 million yuan.
Recently, my granddaughter wants to go to kindergarten, and her daughter's conditions are even average in Shanghai.
Originally, when the son-in-law was in, it was still good. The conditions of the two were very good.
But now the son-in-law left early, his daughter alone, with a child.
Seeing the children getting older and older, it will be kindergarten in a few years.
But this big Shanghai, looking for a similar kindergarten, the cost is frightening.
It's a million two hundred thousand. It's terrible.
Daughter that little money, just milk powder money spent a lot.
How can I have so much money to let my granddaughter go to kindergarten?
well, it's better to live in a small city before. Although it's a bit remote, the traffic is not convenient, and there are not so many high-rise buildings.
However, the air is good, people are good, kindergarten is not expensive
The old man couldn't help shaking his head.
The middle-aged man saw that the old man gave up a little, and then he said.
"Old brother, Allah, you are a little difficult, and you are also a real man. You should not cheat Allah. Take fifty thousand and put it with Allah. What do you think? "
Said the middle-aged man.
The old man was a little moved.
Seeing the other party's heart a little loose, the middle-aged man quickly continued, "50000, really can't be less. Old brother, this is 20 million! Do you want to send Allah with twelve thousand? "
"This, this is not..."
The old man didn't know what to do.
"Brother, we are all real people." The middle-aged man put out his message and continued, "Allah looks at your age and doesn't want to pit you. Otherwise, Allah will take the lottery to cash the prize. People should have good faith and be worthy of conscience. If you're hesitant to cash your prize, then go. When the time comes, don't say that Allah doesn't give it to you. Don't say that Allah doesn't give it to you
With that, he took the lottery and turned to leave.
Seeing that he was leaving, the boss was in a hurry.
The 20 million yuan can't fly like this.
with this 20 million yuan, your granddaughter will go to university and her dowry money will be all in the future.
"you, wait I, I... "
"Old brother, what are you hesitating about. Allah has to go to work. Allah is a big business man. He spends millions of dollars a minute. I've wasted a long time here with you. Allah has lost a lot
"Don't worry. I didn't carry so much money when I went out. Brother, I'll go to the bank to get it. I have my passbook with me
"Old brother, you are not teasing Allah
The middle-aged man quickly said, "you take the lottery, said to get money, in case you run away, Allah where to find you."
"You go with me, big brother."
The old man said in a hurry, "I won't cheat you!"
"Well. Allah is so busy that he has to accompany you to line up to get money. It's really... "
The man was still impatient.
The old man said good words while leading the man to the bank.
The Qin Dynasty stood up and followed far behind.
One of his biggest faults is his meddling.
Especially the old man, it's not easy to make money. If he is cheated of his money, it would be very pitiful.
He knows that there are many swindlers in the world, and he may not be able to manage so many.
But if you can manage this one, it's OK.
This is the principle of his Qin Dynasty.
The two men went all the way to the bank. The old man and the middle-aged man were worried about each other. No one noticed them. There was a living man behind them.
The old man was afraid that the man would suddenly change his mind and walk very fast. The bird cage in his hand was shaking, and the beloved myna was jumping around in surprise,
the middle-aged man was laughing in his heart, but his face was always impatient.
If you show your pride, it's over if you're seen through.
It's 50000 yuan. It's a lot of money.
They did a little more.
Sometimes a day can't even earn a cent, sometimes a month can be a hundred eight.
But sometimes, a large sum of money can make their income overflowing.
Fifty thousand yuan, it's not a small list.
I didn't expect that the old man was dressed in decent clothes, but he didn't have much money. It was a miscalculation.
The middle-aged man followed the old man all the way into the Construction Bank.
The counters in CCB are very beautiful. If there are not too many people in line, they are very comfortable.However, such a long dragon team, people are not happy.
Because the ATM has a daily limit, the old man can only take the number and wait in line.
"How long does it take"
the middle-aged man is a little impatient, "why don't you pick it up at the ATM first?"
"You can only take 20000 yuan a day at most."
The old man said, "more than 20000, you can only caries tomorrow"
"what's the matter, there are such troublesome regulations!"
If the middle-aged man didn't get the money, he would be upset, "I'm so tired that Allah has to go to a meeting..."
"If it's hard for you, just wait a little longer. I'll treat you to dinner when you are free in the evening
The old man said quickly.
Twenty million. My daughter and granddaughter will never have to worry about it.
For the sake of both of them, you old bones, it's OK to throw your face out.
Qin Dynasty also followed the queue, to see what the swindler had.
At the last moment the swindler gets the money, he will do it.
Shi Ying has been transferred to CCB for some time. In the former Credit Union, her immediate superior did not know what went crazy and began to be respectful to her.
Later, I didn't know why, and arranged her here.
At that time, all the staff members of the Credit Union had dreams of going to this bank.
Although the credit union is also very good, it is still a small place.
Only here can CCB have a greater development prospect. Egypt has higher wages and better welfare.
Therefore, all kinds of people are jealous of Shi Ying, but they can't say anything.
A leader's secret lover is still very dissatisfied, blowing pillow side wind on the leader's pillow side, and wants to get this opportunity.
However, the leader, who always dotes on her lover, even gave her a mouth and warned her that Shi Ying's background was too good to be touched by anyone. This quota is definitely hers!
Later, no one dared to say that Shi Ying was wrong. At most, she was a junior of a certain leader.
But after Shi Ying arrived at CCB, the leaders of this side felt that she was quite capable of working and was good to her.
This time, she had just finished her lunch break and returned to CCB.
Far away, she saw a familiar figure, especially the birdcage in her hand, or sent by herself.
Yingshi called.
"Ah? Xiaoying
The old man looked back and saw his daughter, "ha ha, I also said, why are you not there?"
The middle-aged man was surprised and said that the old man's daughter was a bank clerk?
Those who work in the bank, estimate their own deception, can see through it at a glance.
"Old brother, call Allah. Allah has an important meeting, so we have to get going. "
The middle-aged man took the money the boss had just taken out, then turned around and left the bank.
"Big brother, wait for me to call!"
The old man held the lottery ticket tightly in his hand, very excited.
Twenty million, that's it.
My daughter and granddaughter have hope for the rest of their lives.
Looking at the man's hand received a stack of money, Shi Ying is very confused.
Money from my father?
No, my father is a famous niggard. How can he give money to others?
"Dad, what are you doing here?"
Shi Ying quickly came forward and asked.
"Oh, girl, Dad's here to make a fortune."
The old man laughed.
"Get rich? What do you make when you go to the bank "
Shi Ying doesn't understand it very much. At this time, she stands in the middle of the bank, wearing a black and blue uniform. Her pretty appearance and attractive figure frequently attract the attention of other guests.
These male customers who are in a hurry to handle business are not in a hurry now.
If there is a beautiful woman to see, other things can be put on first.
It would be better if I could get to know a beautiful woman.
Shi Ying is different from ordinary beauties. She has a charm of a young woman. For men, she is more lethal.
Therefore, for a moment, all the male eyes in the room were on Shi Ying.
Women in the heart can not help but curse, female goblin.
Shi Ying is also used to these eyes for a long time, and continues to say to her father, "Dad, you are not robbing the bank..."
"Go, what is the girl saying! Your father and I have been working hard for half of my life. Where have I done anything illegal. This time, I was lucky to hit my head. Hey, girl, you and Xiaoai need not worry for the rest of their lives
"Dad What's wrong with you It won't be a magic disease... "
Shi Ying was worried.
Ever since she took her father from home, the old man has been talking about it.At first, I thought it might be that after my father came to Shanghai, all the old friends around him were gone. I felt a little lonely. Therefore, he signed up for the elderly activity station, and took him to the bird market to buy birds, in order to let his father pass the loneliness.
Mother died early, father alone in his hometown, is naturally a little uneasy.
It is also in order to have a person to take care of Li Xiaoai, so I took it over a long way.
I didn't expect that my father was talking about it today. I don't know what to do.
She couldn't help but reach out and touch her father's forehead.
"You girl, no one is old or young."
The father glared at his daughter, and then he laughed. He picked up the lottery ticket in his hand and dragged his daughter to a corner. Then he said secretly.
"Dear daughter, your father, I'm rich See, won the lottery, 20 million
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