Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 894

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Chapter 894

He wasn't the only one. All the ninth team members, except Larry, were so fierce.
Including fado, they are like killing machines, carrying two steel knives, into the red demon tide, like cutting melons and vegetables, killing seven in seven out, no one can stop.
In fact, the Qin Dynasty could create an army of 3000 people to kill this paila castle into a river of blood.
But he didn't, because he didn't want to expose his ability before pulling in.
As long as you are still in the Mamen army, you have a chance to create such an immortal army.
Rod is really right. Three thousand luochagui are really good things.
"How can it be, why is it so?"
All the living and dead red armor demons will flash such an idea in their minds. It is clearly a group of civilian demons, plus two low-level demons, how can they have such strong power.
Where are they ordinary demons? They are just a group of big demons who break into the army!
All the attacks are useless to them. They can't be hurt by cutting or shooting.
Even if their arms are cut off, their legs are broken, and even their heads are cut off. In a short time, another one will come out.
Except fado and Larry, of course.
Faduo is still alive, Qin Dynasty let two luochagui protect beside her.
As for Larry, it depends on his nature. Fortunately, nallari was not stupid, and firmly followed faduo. He seemed to see that the new people suddenly became so brave and had a close relationship with the Qin Dynasty. And the Qin Dynasty was protecting his little lover fake.
So, as long as you follow faker, you won't be in danger.
"Let the sacrifice send out giants and demons!"
Monroe looked at the ninth group of the wolf who entered the sheep. He was gnashing his teeth and said, "even if Pera's castle is destroyed, I will kill these people!"
The herald immediately handed down the order, and the priests took up the skeleton in their hands and began to recite the incantation.
Qin Dynasty with a few luochagui, in red armor demon soldiers killed happily.
All of a sudden, those Red Devils all changed their faces, dropped their weapons and ran away.
The Qin Dynasty felt that something was wrong. He looked back and saw a huge object with a body close to 20 meters high, carrying his strong right leg, and stepping towards himself in a dark way.
If this foot is really stepped on, the Qin Dynasty and several luochagui around him will turn into flesh mud.
The soldiers of the besieged Empire really think so.
But sometimes things come out of the blue.
The mountain like feet fell down, but in any case, they could not step on the ground.
Because the Qin Dynasty stood below, holding an arm high, with the power of only one hand, it supported the foot of the giant devil.
All the devil's eyes almost didn't fly out.
I'll mow the grass. What's this!
Is he the incarnation of a giant dragon? This is a giant's foot. How can he support him with one arm?
This, this is not a joke!
Larry, standing on the side, has a big mouth.
Lying trough, it seems that it is not enough to describe this guy with his natural power! It's not natural power. It's just Hercules in the world!
"Go away!"
When the Qin Dynasty pushed his arm, he pushed the foot of the giant devil away.
The giant devil, who was about 20 meters tall, nearly fell to the ground when his body was tilted.
And the Qin Dynasty took advantage of this gap, a jump, flapping wings to fly up.
He dodged the hands of the giant devil and flew to his eye in a blink of an eye.
This giant devil, has an eye, big and terrible, like a wall.
Qin Dynasty first threw out the steel knife in his hand and stabbed the giant devil's eyes in an instant.
The giant devil roared, covering his eyes with pain, and retreated away from Larry and them.
And the Qin Dynasty continued to fly up and fly to the head of the giant devil, facing the head as big as the mountain, he waved his fists down heavily.
The giant devil, suddenly howled, his whole body roared and fell to the ground. His head also fell several meters deep into the ground.
A large amount of dust rose up, covering everyone's eyes full of fear.
At this time, a giant demon next to him waved a huge ax in his hand to the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty, on the other hand, dodged the opponent's fist, and then seized the axe which was 10 meters long and more than 6 meters wide, and cut off the head of the giant devil who was just about to get up on the ground.This is the real flow of blood
The black blood was like a fountain, which soon turned into a small lake in the castle of Pera.
"Go to hell!"
The Qin Dynasty killed a giant demon and absorbed the soul of the other side.
This colossal thing was of great help to the vitality of the Qin Dynasty, which made him feel that the shackles were loosened a little.
Excited, he waved a huge axe, the whole person into a whirlwind, cut into the giants and demons.
The giant demons, who were supposed to attack, were suddenly ripped and fell on the ground in a howl.
"This man can serve as ten legions of stone demons..."
Looking at the Qin Dynasty in the sky, Larry couldn't help but sigh.
"Damned Mamen army dog!"
Monroe looked at the giant demons created by besieb himself. He was killed one by one, and instantly he was angry.
"I'll kill you myself!"
Say, he a body, toward Qin Dynasty to fly over.
Qin looked at the devil, who had no difference from human appearance, and threw the axe.
"Go away!"
As soon as Monroe shook his hand, his mind was aroused, and he threw the huge axe which was rotating and chopped at him, and cut it into the wall with a sound.
"Go to hell!"
Mind power solved the axe, Monroe ready to strike while the iron is hot, together to put the power of the boy to solve.
Who knows, that will do no harm to the other side of the body, there is no effect at all.
He was still floating in the air with a sneer, looking at himself.
"No He's not a low-level demon... "
Monlong suddenly thought of something, "he should be a big devil in the transformation state! you 're right! What's more, Solomon sent a demon to attack the army
The devil, this is the absolute Superman in hell.
In hell, although there are not a few high-level demons, there are very few of them that can reach the level of great demons. They are rare items.
In a country, there are only two or three of them, just like babies, are the most powerful military weapons in this country.
It is said that the country with the largest number of great demons is the astorus empire. The former goddess of the moon, in addition to the left and right hand bar and Mephisto, is said to have two or three ordinary demons.
The ordinary demons have been very abnormal. Bar and Mephisto are the most important demons. Even the seven demons of hell dare not underestimate them.
And the guy in front of him, his degree of metamorphosis, is definitely a big devil level!
Mamen Empire, when did such a man come out!
The two great demons under Mamen have clearly seen them.
Damn, that's a surprise!
"Dark shock!"
When you get to the high level demons, you will start to have dark magic.
Monroe, the great devil, is no exception. He held a ball of black light in both hands and threw it towards the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty dodged a black light ball, which exploded on the wall behind him, and suddenly collapsed a large part of the wall.
The other one is faster, hitting the Qin Dynasty.
The ball of light turned into a strong shock wave and rushed on the body of the Qin Dynasty. It immediately lifted his body out and then hit the wall. The whole body was carved into it.
"Die! Dark Dragon gun
Monlong summoned a three meter long black spear and threw it out towards the Qin Dynasty whose body was printed in the wall.
The black spear cut through the air, with a roar, an instant in front of the Qin Dynasty.
Faduo, who was under the city, couldn't help but cry out.
Who knows, that dragon spear has not yet stabbed to the body of Qin Dynasty, but has been stretched out in the body of Qin Dynasty black palm, to firmly hold.
"Yes, it seems that this is the power of the great devil."
Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, the body is very easy, pulled out from the wall.
The black arm returned to his body. He took the black dragon gun, waved his hand, and chipped a large section of the city wall.
"How could it be!"
Menlong, the great devil, looked at the safe and sound Qin Dynasty with fear.
He didn't believe that he could still stand here peacefully under the impact of his own darkness.
What is the origin of this man!
"When fighting, how can you be distracted?"
While Monroe was in doubt, a cold voice suddenly appeared behind him.
Monlong quickly turned his head, just to see the figure, his shoulder came to a sharp pain.
"AhHe screamed, his right shoulder was waved by the dark dragon gun in the hands of Qin Dynasty, and immediately cut off the whole right arm.
Monroe, with his arm, fell from mid air and fell to the ground.
And did not wait for him to stand up, the figure of Qin Dynasty also fell instantly. At the same time, the dark dragon gun, piercing into his abdomen, penetrated his body, nailed to the ground.
Monroe screamed again, his eyes full of blood.
A mouthful of blood, directly out.
"Lying trough..."
Larry felt his body slightly chilly, which made Mamen Empire headache. Was Monroe, the commander-in-chief of besieb Empire, just been killed by a recruit who had just joined the army for less than a day?
This, this spread out, who the hell can believe ah!
"Good manners return to each other..."
Qin looked at menlong, who was nailed to the ground by the dark dragon gun, and said with a smile, "and I don't like being ungrateful. I'll give you back what you gave me. Well But your soul, I will take it
With that, he reached out and grabbed Monroe's head.
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