Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1067

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Chapter 1067

"The leader of tiandanzi can rest assured."
An elder of Huashan said, "since we can gather here, we naturally regard all our fellow members as firm allies. We have only one enemy, the evil alliance. "
"That's right."
Tiandanzi nodded, "and, as far as I know, in the hands of Hu Qing, the leader of the evil alliance and also the head of the demon beast sect, there is a big Linglong rejuvenation needle among the five elements. Is there something wrong with this kind of five element treasure falling into the hands of people in the devil's way
"Of course not!"
A group of well-known and decent sects quickly exclaimed, "this is related to the luck of the cultivation world. How can such a treasure be handed over to the devil's way! For the sake of all living beings in the world, we must take back the right way! "
"Yes, yes, we must uphold justice."
"Punish evil and punish evil!"
These respectable sects are getting a little emotional again.
Master Shitian, the host of Songshan Mountain, saw this scene and couldn't help but clasp his hands and chant the name of Buddha.
"Have you ever thought that even the people in the devil's way are the creatures in the world. If we besiege the evil alliance, we will also lose our lives. "
"Yes, please think about it carefully and try not to make any more killers."
Relief also advised.
"I think we should discuss it again."
Shushan leader Tan Hai said.
"Wudang decided not to participate in the siege."
The leader of a eyebrow way, the leader of Taiqing suddenly waved his hand and said.
"Leader Taiqing, do you really want to quit?"
As soon as the people of all sects heard about it, they immediately looked at each other.
Wudang is a great help. If they don't take part in it, they will have a strong fighting capacity.
"Yes, we are all from the outside world. We have nothing to do, such as refining pills, burning incense and reciting Tao Te Ching. As for the fighting and killing, we don't want to be involved. "
"Please think about it again."
Misty peak temporary leader, oriental cherry cold face said.
Oriental cherry now, to so-called evil way and so on hate to gnash teeth.
The misty peak was basically destroyed.
The immortal emissary was so angry that he almost turned himself into a 99 heaven and man pill.
If it was not for their use of the misty peaks, the great schools of thousands of years would have disappeared completely in the dust of history.
This time, I'm looking for the magic way. How much do you mean by the immortal envoy.
Those masters of the magic way can't be wasted. They have to be the materials of pills.
"This time, it is imperative for us to besiege the evil alliance. This is for the sake of the world's living creatures. Is it Wudang's duty to keep alive the living creatures of the world?"
Oriental cherry said.
"Ha ha, the eastern leader doesn't have to use this word to exchange this seat."
The leader of Taiqing, with a smile, said faintly, "the people who cultivate Taoism are originally self-cultivation. We are not willing to participate in the killing, so the eastern leader can only say sorry. "
Oriental cherry is not happy, very unhappy, quite unhappy!
It was not easy to regain the trust of the immortal envoy in this siege. I didn't expect that I had a bad start. I met my own people first and retreated.
"We Emei also quit."
This is not over. The leader of Emei Qingmei also said a word in his pleasant voice.
Full of surprise!
Even if Wudang people want to quit, then quit. It's just that there is a lack of combat effectiveness.
If Emei quits! That's definitely a big loss!
Yang Shen sword array!
The Yang Shen sword array made up of these female disciples of Emei is definitely a good thing to kill people and steal goods!
I didn't expect that they would quit with them!
What's the reason!
Is this still a noble and decent school!
"All the Taoist friends of Emei, have you been afraid of the war yet?"
Tiandanzi couldn't help asking. He was also very angry. The man of the Qin Dynasty, who was a devil, did not give him the face of the Kunlun leader at the Hongmeng Taoist meeting, which made him very frustrated.
The purpose of this siege is to let these people know that they are decent and not easy to provoke!
"Master tiandanzi's words are not good."
Unexpectedly, the leader of Qingmei whispered, "the Taoists of Wudang are the life of alchemy, and they don't want to be contaminated with blood. How can we weak women like to participate in such bloody things
"Does Emei also want to give up justice?"
"Is it necessary to kill people to uphold justice?"
Qing Mei said with a smile, "we Emei, we have Emei's way to uphold justice. I don't think leader tiandanzi will come to question our way of doing things in Emei. "
"Well, I don't ask for it!"Tiandanzi sneered, "even if there is no Emei or Wudang, we will attack the evil way as well!"
"Amitabha, I am..."
When master Shitian of Songshan was about to speak and said that he wanted to quit, he suddenly interrupted.
"Host, even if you don't take part in this event, I will take the monks in the temple with me!"
This release is the abbot of the commandment hall, and his words are very important.
Master Shitian still advised, "younger martial brother, do you have to participate in this fight? Don't you worry about disturbing the Buddhism
"Elder martial brother, I've decided on this matter!"
The Buddha is also angry. These evil people do many evil deeds. Naturally, the poor monk is going to cross them! As the saying goes, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell! If we can save the world and water and fire, let the poor monk go to hell alone, what's the matter? "
"Ah, Amitabha, good and good..."
Shi Tian knows that his younger brother has a hot temper, and he can't persuade him.
"We Shushan are the first to support and attack the evil way."
Shushan elders said.
Tan Hai sat there without speaking. Although he is the leader of Shushan, the elder of Shushan has the same great power. If these elders unite, they can also avoid the position of leader.
He can't stop these people in Shushan.
Not to mention anything else, that big and exquisite rejuvenation needle is enough for these elders to covet.
Well, what's the name of Xiu It's a good way. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous.
"Is there any opposition from other sects?"
Tiandanzi's face is not very good-looking. He hasn't started the war yet. Two sects have already disagreed.
"Huashan agreed."
"Qinghong has no problem!"
"Misty peak absolutely supports it."
The remaining three sects expressed their opinions in succession.
"Well, in that case, this seat..."
"I don't agree!"
At this time, from the next door, suddenly flew a very discordant voice.
They were very surprised and turned their heads.
At the door of the hall, a man in the uniform of mortal world security came slowly.
Just a security guard?
A little security guard?
Are you kidding? How could a small security guard come in when we go and open the encirclement and suppression meeting!
When this is a small company interview!
This group of well-known and decent sects were just about to scold this guy. Suddenly, they saw his face with upright facial features. One by one, they swallowed their words and almost choked.
Lying trough, where is this ordinary little security guard? It's clearly a famous big devil in the Xiuzhen world, the leader of luochamen. How about the Qin Dynasty!
How can this guy still wear such a suit!
What a joke!
"Lord Qin, how did you get into Kunlun mountain?"
Tiandanzi's eyes were sharp and he yelled.
"Why, leader tiandanzi doesn't welcome this seat?"
As soon as the Qin Dynasty reached out, the sandalwood chair under a Shushan elder's buttocks immediately broke away from the old man's buttocks and flew to the body of the Qin Dynasty.
The elder did not pay attention to one, because it was too sudden, suddenly a butt pier sat on the ground.
"Qin Dynasty, you!"
The elder ate the heart of Qin Dynasty.
But he didn't dare.
Because he knew that with the strength of Qin Dynasty, he killed himself easily.
He's just a gold body triple master.
To deal with such a guy as Qin Dynasty, unless it is the group of abnormal people in the sword pavilion to come out.
"Hehe, Kunlun naturally welcomes guests from afar."
Tiandanzi sneered, "but for those uninvited guests, it's not so good to talk about..."
His voice dropped, and all the Kunlun disciples on both sides of the hall jumped out.
One by one, the five element magic all began to twinkle, as if waiting for a word from the leader, he was ready to start.
"Master tiandanzi, you should do everything according to your ability..."
Qin Dynasty is still sitting there, looking around many disciples covetously, but like a spring breeze, no sense of crisis.
He also lit a cigarette, took a slow puff, and then said, "you don't want to destroy the foundation of Kunlun for thousands of years."
"Lord Qin, you're a little too big a boast."
The fierce light flashed in tiandanzi's eyes, "you know how many masters of thunder robbery period, and how many strong people of scattered immortals level exist in Kunlun mountain?"
"Of course, Kunlun is a blessed place for many masters."Qin Dynasty spurt a smoke, and then suddenly on the body of the murderous air, "do you think, my luochamen no one?"
The momentum of the Qin Dynasty, so that all present are one of the Lin.
They can't help but think of that day in the misty peak, this brother a person to withstand the ninety-nine heavenly power!
And his perverted women!
It doesn't hurt
"Lord Qin, it's not that we don't welcome you, but this party has nothing to do with you luochamen."
Oriental cherry to see the Qin Dynasty, not to hit a gas.
But this is not the time for revenge, she said coldly, biting her silver teeth and holding back her anger.
"It doesn't matter?"
Qin Dynasty played the ash, "are you not to besiege the evil alliance, just set up the challenge arena here to sing big drama?"
The crowd looked at each other.
How does this guy know about this? It's very secret.
Is it from which sect did it leak out?
Wudang and Emei are the first people to suspect.
These two sects may have colluded with the Qin Dynasty and exposed the matter to the public, which led to the evil star.
"Yes, we are going to besiege the evil alliance. But what does this have to do with you
Tiandanzi said haughtily, "Lord Qin, please don't mind your own business."
Luochamen has been declining for nearly a thousand years, and has not been a member of the evil alliance.
"Ha ha, should I laugh at your ignorance of tiandanzi?"
Qin Dynasty's eyes narrowed slightly, "it is known to all that I, luochamen, as a member of the six evil ways, are naturally members of the evil alliance. When you besiege the evil alliance, you will naturally deal with me, luochamen and Qin Dynasty! "
The Qin Dynasty sneered, "hey hey, I'm a man of Qin. Although I'm timid, I'm a person who can't get lost! Since you have come to provoke me, I will not be polite to you! "
Tiandanzi was short of breath.
He didn't expect that the luochamen would also insert this lever.
Originally, the siege of the evil alliance had nothing to do with luochamen. At most, it was a mouthful of luochamen, who was in the same position.
But now that he's out there, it's a bit difficult.
"Lord Qin, this matter has nothing to do with you. Our goal is mainly monster gate. Please don't interfere in this matter."
Oriental cherry also endure anger, said.
"Fart! Who says Hu Qing has nothing to do with Laozi! "
The Qin Dynasty suddenly scolded.
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