Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 584

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Chapter 584

"Argus!" The old priest murmured in pain, "you, how dare you take away my holy cross!"
"I'm running for the Pope." Argus laughed and put the golden cross in his pocket. "You don't have the right to have it anymore. Knights of the temple cross, prepare for the punishment of the sinners
With that, he stepped back. And two Templar Cross Knights came, each carrying a long sword, ready to give the old priest a cold.
"Well, is that what his majesty means?" The old priest had an old look.
"Of course." Judge Argus nodded, holding marlog's Bible and smiling innocently, nodded.
"I, I want to meet with his Majesty the Pope, I want to know..." Father mallog struggled. But the chair bound him so tightly that he couldn't move.
"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't realize your last wish."
Argus shook his head. "Your Majesty said he didn't want to see you."
"Yes, it is..." Mallogue closed his eyes and sighed, "it seems that he is real, forgetting us old guys..."
"Well, leave the nonsense to hell and Satan." Argus seemed impatient. "Marlog, you're part of the Roman Church, but you're bringing pagans into the holy and inviolable Vatican cathedral. Such major crimes are regarded as treason. Because you have done good to the Roman Church, you are not executed by the public. We'll give you a decent way to die in the cathedral. "
"The Lord will forgive me..." Murmured mallog.
"Well, do it."
Argus waved. The two knights raised their swords high and were about to stab at Qin Dynasty and mallog.
"Wait a minute."
At this time, the Qin Dynasty suddenly stood up with a bench bound in his body.
He stood together so fiercely that the knight behind him was scared. The sword almost didn't stick on his feet.
"Pagan, you are not qualified to speak to me." Angus snorted coldly.
"You are a * * and if you say no, there will be no more?"
The Qin Dynasty disdained to bah, "Laozi will ask, fuck, I executed the death penalty on me, did you ask me the fuckin opinion?"
"Pagan!" Angus frowned and said, "this is God's Cathedral, and I am the voice of God. Here, I have the right to put you to death! "
"I'm sorry." Qin Dynasty curled his lips, "I don't believe in your God."
"Then go to hell with Satan."
Argus waved his hand down heavily, and the two knights raised their swords again. At this moment, old father mallog closed his eyes, as if waiting for liberation. And the Knight Commander of Shana nearby, however, has bright eyes and seems to be paying attention to something.
At this time, the Qin Dynasty arms a force, bound his body on the wing bench, to support a few petals, fell to the ground.
At the same time, he turned back and held out his hands. He put his hands around the necks of the two knights and knocked their heads together.
"Dong" a sound, two people all fainted in the past.
"I'm sorry, I don't like Satan either. I still like beautiful women."
He turned back, clapped his hands, and squeezed his eyes at Argus.
"How, how possible!"
Angus's eyes were full of wonder. "This is a bench with angel's bondage magic. How could it be destroyed?"
"It seems that you'll have to change for two stronger benches next time."
The Qin Dynasty said, stretched out his hand, and directly broke the bench on father mallog's body beside him.
Seeing the broken magic bench, Angus's mouth twitched.
"Pagan, what are you going to do?"
But after all, it's the chief referee. He stares round and questions the Qin Dynasty.
"Ha ha..." The Qin Dynasty clenched his fist and made a crack in his joints. "Since you don't accept the request for peace, I can only change it."
He took a deep breath.
"Jiuyou summoning skill · attachment..."
At present, the most powerful summoning skill of Qin Dynasty is Jiuyou giant elephant. Because there is no trace of the Phoenix, there is no way to provide sacrifices for the sixth layer of flame.
However, even the nine you giant elephant, in terms of destructive power, is also very terrible.
A pair of white gloves appeared on his hands.
At the same time, he hit hard at the marble floor under his feet.
The earth began to shake, countless cracks, along the Qin Dynasty fist hit the place, continue to spread.
The huge and majestic Vatican Cathedral trembled for this. There are constantly debris, falling from above. It was as if the cathedral was crying, tears falling."This, what power is this!"
Argus panicked.
But the Qin Dynasty is secretly sneering. If it wasn't for the old priest marlog's face, his blow would have destroyed the whole cathedral.
Now, it's just a little warning.
"Come on! Take this heretic! Don't let him destroy the cathedral
Argus is in command.
The Knights of the temple cross, one by one, drew out their swords and cried out.
"Sword of glory!"
From their big swords, immediately lit up the silver brilliance, very dazzling.
"Be careful!" Father mallog hastily reminded, "this is the sword of glory! Blessed with the power of holy light, it's very sharp. Don't be cut by the blade
At this time, a knight rushed forward and swept his sword fiercely.
The Qin Dynasty subconsciously stepped back two steps to avoid the sword.
The sword swept over the stone pillar nearby and cut the half meter thick stone pillar into two sections.
The sword of glory is really sharp.
Looking at the Qin Dynasty, the old priest was relieved.
And soon, his heart was torn up again.
Because, there are two more knights, from behind close to the Qin Dynasty, at the same time the hand of the sword swept past.
It's like knocking on a big metal clock.
The swords of the two knights fell on the back of the Qin Dynasty and on his arms.
But in addition to wiping out a large area of Mars, the Qin Dynasty did not hurt at all. Even their clothes could not be cut.
"Hey, I thought it was really sharp."
Qin Dynasty looked at these two surprised knights and gave them a smile, "it seems that it is just so."
With that, he reached out and pushed his palm forward.
The idea starts.
The bodies of the two knights immediately flew out and slammed into the wall behind them, causing a dent in the shape of a human.
The idea technique of Qin Dynasty is very powerful. As long as the cultivation is not higher than him, can not get rid of his control.
"Kill him! Kill the heretic
The power of Qin Dynasty made Argus a little flustered.
The Knights of the Templar Cross changed their tactics. They stood two by two, with their swords on their hands crossed.
"Cross of light!"
When the strength of both sides reached the peak, they waved their swords to the Qin Dynasty.
A total of more than a dozen flashing silver cross cut, cut through the air, toward the Qin Dynasty rushed over.
"BAM Bang Bang..."
A series of blasts, as if someone were bombarding with rockets.
Those Cross Silver awns, fluttering in the Qin Dynasty there, exploded a large area of smoke and gravel, soon, annihilated his body.
"Ha ha! See if you will die this time
The Argus held the Bible and sneered, "this light cross chop, but it gathers the powerful power of two knights. Even diamond can be cut, not to mention your little human body!"
Shana is also looking at the center of the smoke billowing side hall, she thought.
This arrogant heretic, are you so killed?
And at this time, an arm suddenly stretched out from the smoke and dust, so swept.
The rolling smoke and dust were immediately dispersed. A undamaged windbreaker man stood there with a sneer on his face.
"Is that your limit?"
Qin asked coldly.
"No, it can't be!"
Argus couldn't help but step back. "Go on, go on!"
"Cross of light!"
More cross Knights joined the siege. The side hall is now full of Knights of the cross. Every two people stand together and launch the combination technique.
It's a cross, this time. Angus's face again put on the self-confidence smile, so many cross cutting power, let alone a person, even an army, can be destroyed!
It's a pity that Qin Dynasty can't be described with the word "human".
When those cross choppers were about to impact on him, Qin Dynasty just raised his hand lazily and snapped his fingers.
"Pa!" A crisp sound of.
As if time stopped, those cross cut, quietly stopped around the Qin Dynasty, motionless.
By means of ideation, the Qin Dynasty controlled the cross cutting.
"It's so boring."
The Qin Dynasty put down his hands, and those cross cutting immediately fell all over him, smashing on the surrounding ground, tearing the ground into large pieces of rubble and fragments.
"If you have only this power, I am afraid that your Roman Church will die today.""You, your tone is too big!"
AGUS glared and said, "Shana, let him know the power of the Roman Church!"
"Yes, chief judge."
Shana took a step forward.
She put her foot on the ground and her boots made a dent in the ground.
"The glory of angels!"
At the same time, she raised the big sword of her right hand and called out to the sky.
A golden light, through the clouds, shining through the window, directly hit Shana.
In Shana's body, a golden armor, looming.
And in her back, also opened a pair of milk white wings, symbolizing the power of angels.
Angel, I have seen it in Qin Dynasty.
That's Xiao Liu Ying. In Liu Ying's body, there is an angel gene.
It is obvious that the Knight Commander SANA now relies on the powerful power of angels.
A golden shield, also in Shana's left hand, is an angel's shield.
"Hoo Hoo!"
She waved two big swords with golden flames on them.
The flame of light.
"Heretics, take punishment
Shana chided and then spread her wings behind her. The whole person rushed over with a strong wind.
Shana's sword fell down heavily. The Qin Dynasty subconsciously raised her right arm and blocked her in front of her.
As soon as the foot sank, the ground was directly stepped out of the pit.
The arm is also numb, it seems that the strength is not light.
And to Qin Dynasty arm's hard, Shana also expresses very surprised.
But she did not stop the attack, a move failed, the foot changed a step, the sword changed direction, toward the neck of the Qin Dynasty stabbed.
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