Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 583

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Chapter 583

The Vatican Cathedral, right there. In front of it, is a huge Guangchang square, above which stands a huge statue more than 10 meters high.
The whole church complex is very sacred and magnificent. Standing here, the Qin Dynasty also felt that he had some misty school
"follow me, don't get lost."
Father mallog said to the Qin Dynasty and then led the way ahead.
"Don't worry, father. I'll follow you closely."
The Qin Dynasty looked around at all kinds of believers around him and followed the old priest.
Two people walked slowly to the Vatican Cathedral, the priest suddenly reached out his hand, let the Qin Dynasty stand there.
In front of their politics is the main entrance of the cathedral.
On both sides of the door stood a statue.
On the left is a holy angel, with a sword in his hand, and a milky white wing behind his back.
On the right is an ugly demon with horns on his head and a pair of demon wings spreading behind him.
Behind the statue are four knights in silver armor standing there.
"Father mallog."
When the old priest walked in, a male Knight stretched out his hand and asked him to stand and wish, "long time no see, please have a routine examination first."
"Yes, my child."
Father mallog raised his feet and stood on a platform in front of the door. At this time, the statue of angel on the left suddenly shines.
"Sure enough, father mallog is still so devout."
The knight laughed.
"This is my Lord's light, my child."
Father mallog came down and waved to the Qin Dynasty.
"Come along, son."
All of a sudden, the four knights pulled out half of their swords and looked at the Qin Dynasty standing below.
"Father mallog, who is he?"
"This is a poor man whose soul is lost." The old priest hugged his Bible and said, "he has come to seek the help of my Lord."
The beginning Knight said, "he will defile the glory of the temple."
"Anyone is my Lord's child." The old priest said, "the embrace of my Lord is open to everyone. Including you, me, and him. "
The male Knight seemed to be unable to say anything about father mallog. He took a look at the Qin Dynasty, then waved his hand and said.
"Let him be examined first."
"Come up here, boy."
The old priest pointed to the cone in front of him.
Qin Dynasty was very upset by those knights, but he did not refuse father mallog, after all, the old man had been helping himself.
So he stepped on the steps and stood quietly on the platform.
At this time, the statue of the devil on the right suddenly gave out a huge black light.
He held the steel fork in his hand and held it high in the air. At the same time, originally closed eyes, opened, lit up the red luster.
"The devil's breath!"
The four knights were nervous at the same time. They took their swords out of the scabbard and pointed to the Qin Dynasty firmly. "He is a devil. You must kill him!"
The believers below, each of them, were a little frightened away from here. Many people began to point out the Qin Dynasty.
"Wait, wait..." The old priest was also shocked. Was it because the child had killed too many people that Satan began to wave to him?
But then, a more startling sight emerged.
I saw the angel statue on the left, also slowly spread its wings. His sword, also held high in the air, opened his eyes together.
Golden light, straight into the sky, and the black light into the light.
"Heaven, angel light!"
Several male knights were frightened at the same time, and the sword almost didn't fall off.
"Well, what's going on here?"
Angel light, and devil breath, how can appear in a person's body at the same time!
This, this is against all the Scriptures!
Apart from Lucifer, the fallen angel, who will gather angels and Demons together!
Only the Qin Dynasty understood that the reason for this was that he absorbed the power of light and flame as well as the fire of darkness.
"What happened?"
Just when the believers were in some turmoil, a young and beautiful female Knight suddenly came out of the hall and asked the Knights.
"Monsieur Shana!"
Several male Knights made a half kneeling ceremony, then pointed to the Qin Dynasty and said.
"This man, he made angels and Demons wake up at the same time!"
The woman Knight named Shana slowly took a look at the Qin Dynasty. Her body was unknown and she was shocked quietly.And Qin Dynasty saw Shana's beauty, but also surprised.
This woman, with red hair and blue eyes, reminds Qin Dynasty of Suji and Sufei's sisters. At the same time, her appearance, unlike pure Westerners. More importantly, it is a kind of delicate beauty. It's a little bit like Jessica Alba in "the magic four.".
"The child's name is Shana, one of the Knights of the temple cross."
The old priest whispered in the ear of the Qin Dynasty, "she also has one eighth of the Oriental lineage in her body. I've known her for a long time. Maybe she can help you
"Who are you and why are you here?"
She put her hand on her sword and asked the Qin Dynasty coldly.
"Boy, I brought him."
Without waiting for the Qin Dynasty to speak, the old priest stood up and explained to Shana, "this is a confused soul who wants to seek the help of my Lord."
"He's a fallen pagan."
Shana's words, to the definition of the Qin Dynasty, "he came here, will only give us the holy Cathedral smear."
"Anyway, let's see his majesty first."
The old priest said with a kind smile, "I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know how well he is."
"His holiness is in good health." Shana replied, "but he won't see this fallen pagan."
"I'll take my life for it, son." The old priest still smiles kindly, "he's not the kind of person you think he is."
The Qin Dynasty was suddenly moved.
He had known the old priest for less than an hour.
But this priest can believe in himself.
And nashana, too, has been staring at the old priest. It was a long time before she said.
"Well, come to the reception room."
With that, he turned around, left a beautiful and proud figure, and walked into the cathedral.
Several knights, too, drew up their swords and made way for the road.
The old priest said to the Qin Dynasty.
"Come up, my child, and we will see his majesty."
"Father mallog." Qin followed him and couldn't help asking, "why do you believe me so much?"
"I just don't believe it." Old priest to Qin Dynasty smile, "a person who can't bear to throw me to death, how bad will it be."
Qin Dynasty Leng for a moment, then the corner of the mouth also hung up a smile.
The two men, one before the other, followed the female Knights of nasana into the magnificent cathedral.
The cathedral is full of hand-painted oil paintings. Above, it seems to be the story of angels and Jesus.
But the Qin Dynasty did not want to appreciate these valuable oil paintings outside, just followed marlog and Shana into a side hall.
There are several benches in it. There is a pair of wings on the back of each bench, which seems to be specially used for guests to rest.
"Wait here for a while."
Shanna said, "I'm going to ask the referee first."
With that, he turned and left from the side hall.
There was no guardian in the huge side hall. Only father mallog and the Qin Dynasty sat there.
"Chief judge? What is that? " Qin asked.
"Chief magistrate of the inquisition." The old priest explained, "there are three men leading the whole jury. Their rights can even determine the decision of the Pope. "
"So it is."
The Qin Dynasty vaguely remembers that there were also three magistrates in the dark Vatican. There's another one, the dark Pope, who never showed up.
"Child, I can only help you here. The rest, you need to work on your own. " Father mallog said, "I hope you can destroy the whole dark Church If you have that power. "
"Why, do priests hate the dark church so much?"
"Even my Lord will not forgive them." At this moment, the old priest suddenly looked a little old, "when little Maria was nailed to death on the cross of Forbes church with black magic and cruelty. Their sins have been rejected by heaven. "
"Little Maria? Who is that? " The Qin Dynasty couldn't help asking.
"That's my daughter." The old priest laughed. "At that time, she was only six years old."
"Sorry I didn't mean to... "
The Qin Dynasty was surprised that father mallog had such a story.
"Never mind. It's been a long time. And I'm not alone. " Father mallog said, "because I've always been with my Lord."
The choir music is more and more beautiful.
The Qin Dynasty thought that until now, he really knew the old priest.
After about a quarter of an hour, the door of the side room was finally opened again.
A group of Templar Cross knights, with the click of their armor, rushed in and surrounded the two men in the center.Qin Dynasty is surprised, he just wants to stand up. At this time, the angel's wings, which had been leaning against his back, suddenly moved, and even wrapped his body and fixed it on the chair.
Looking at the old priest beside him, his face of panic is also the same treatment.
The Bible in his hand fell to the ground.
Shanna picked up the Bible, dusted it off and gave it to a knight nearby.
"Shana, what are you doing?"
The old priest finally looked angry.
"Sorry, father, it wasn't my idea."
She gave way to her side.
A man in a red robe with small lenses on his nose came slowly.
"Argus! Do you know what you're doing? "
When the old priest saw the man, he immediately said, "you are trying to hurt a devout Catholic!"
"My father mallog, don't be angry."
Then Argus took the old priest's Bible from the knight's hand, held it in his arms and said, "I know you are an old priest and a good friend of his holiness. This Bible of light is a gift from him. But, father mallog, you're old, you're a bit old, you're a little bit old, you're bringing a pagan to the Vatican, tut... "
"I, Argus, as one of the chief judges, can't allow such a crime! So now, I'm going to announce the trial to you, father mallog
"You don't have the qualification!" The old priest glared at the magistrate. "I have the Holy Cross. Only the Pope and my Lord can judge me."
"Holy Cross?" Angus laughed, reached out his hand and pulled a small golden cross from the old priest. "Now you don't have it."
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