Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1199

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Chapter 1199

Jinlong's body was exploded instantly, and the Anqi Yang above was also washed down.
"What a powerful force..."
Anqiyang body floating in the air, looking at the body was scratched clothes, can not help but have lingering fear.
If he doesn't have dragon scale protection, he will be seriously injured.
It is a pity that the rising star will die here today.
An Qi Yang shakes his head, the disciple's revenge, today is must revenge.
There are also rules for grave watchers, which cannot be broken.
"If you want to blame, you have helped the wrong person!"
Anqi Yang body in the air, his hands continue to play a gold long dragon, roaring to the Qin Dynasty.
"I don't know right or wrong."
Qin looked at the falling golden dragons and said, "I only know that if she died, I would suffer."
He said, behind the Xuanyuan Yingji body for a tremor.
"Three thousand luochazhang!"
In the Qin Dynasty, countless black handprints suddenly flew out of the body, and they were quickly patted out, constantly smashing the Golden Dragon falling in the air.
At the same time, the hands of the Qin Dynasty, holding a black sickle.
"Send you to death!"
His figure flash, turn into black smoke, the moment came to anqiyang behind.
At the same time, the sickle in his hand was cut into an Qi Yang's waist.
The ghost general's ability to chop everything stops in front of the dragon scale of Anqi Yang.
Looking at Anqi Yang asshole, Qin Dynasty can't help but be shocked.
This anqiyang's defense is comparable to his Vajra Sutra!
Is this the power of the nine turn golden dragon?
"You're really good at it."
Anqiyang turned and looked at the Qin Dynasty, "it's a pity that you chose the wrong opponent!"
Say, he is facing Qin Dynasty, spout out a golden thunder in his mouth.
This is the nine turn golden dragon's nine turn golden thunder, which is extremely powerful.
The Qin Dynasty suddenly turned to the power of nine you Xuanniu, and a stone shield appeared in front of him.
But the stone shield was split into stone by the golden thunder in an instant.
"This nine turn golden thunder is a metallic lightning, very sharp. I, little by little, will destroy your defense. "
An Qiyang said, is a nine turn Jin Lei spit out, straight to the Qin Dynasty.
"Thunder chain!"
When the Qin Dynasty entered the power of the nine hell Devil Dog, a thunder and lightning came from the palm.
But the blue and purple lightning and the golden nine turn golden thunder are obviously not the same level.
In a flash, the thunder and lightning of the Qin Dynasty was disintegrated.
The nine turn gold thunder, continue to split to the Qin Dynasty.
In the crisis, Qin Dynasty spits out a white lotus chop, and the white sword hits the lightning.
The huge explosion was lifted up, and the golden lightning rolled around and swam around.
Above the ground, there was another huge pit five meters deep.
The practitioners of all walks of life are stunned. Their fighting methods have exceeded their thinking scope.
When the gods fight, the fish in the pond will be affected.
they all hide far away, for fear that if they are not careful, they will become innocent victims.
"Don't struggle any more."
An Qi Yang voice cold, "death is your only end, look at your deep cultivation, I will bury you in the tomb of gods and demons, let you enjoy the treatment of gods and demons."
"He's dead, and he'll be treated like a Mao."
Qin Dynasty sneers.
Placed in the tomb of gods and demons, isn't that to seal him for life?
This an Qi Yang, think is very good.
"Magic, wish me a hand."
The Qin Dynasty calls for the strength of the ancient dragon people.
"Master, illusion is always by your side..."
The Dragon girl replied softly.
Qin Dynasty nodded, and then suddenly called out to that an Qi Yang.
"An Qi Yang!"
An Qiyang took a look at the Qin Dynasty.
In this one eye, the magic power quickly reflected in the heart of Qi Yang.
An Qiyang suddenly saw his little apprentice, he was a lot of chains locked together, constantly struggling.
An Qi Yang was surprised, the heart said his disciple is not dead, how can here?
"Master I, I'm so miserable... "
The little Taoist looked very sad, "master The infinite Lord oppresses my consciousness I, I want to go back I think master... "
"Don't be afraid, apprentice. Master is here."
Anqiyang quickly said, "let master help you solve these chains!"He said, his mouth constantly spurt gold nine turn gold thunder.
The nine turn golden thunder is extremely sharp. The chain simply can't bear the power and breaks instantly.
But one broke, and another came out.
"Master These are the chains of the infinite devil. You can't help me... "
The little Taoist said in despair, "you'd better kill the disciple and give him a good time..."
"Don't say that. Master will save you!"
Anqi Yang continued to spray lightning, constantly to cut those chains.
But one of the chains broke, and two came out, and the little Taoist was more and more entangled.
All the practitioners were very surprised.
They watched Anqi Yang himself there constantly spurting thunder and lightning everywhere, as if the power was too strong.
What happened to the old Taoist?
"Hoo Fortunately, the magic power is working. "
The Qin Dynasty breathed a long sigh of relief. This descendant of the Dragon nationality is really a little difficult to handle.
"Master, the magic power can only entangle him for a moment. With his power of scattering immortals, after a while, we can break through the magic power."
Magic quickly reminded, "master, you must think of other ways to completely solve this problem."
"The way What can I do... "
Qin Dynasty took a breath, "it seems, can only kill this old man."
With that, he held out his hand and pointed to the air.
Broken heart sword array, launch!
The sky was full of dark clouds, and the sun could not be seen. But after being roared by Anqi Yang, the black clouds were dispersed.
After sunset, the devastated starry sky also appeared above the heads of the people.
But now, the Milky way is blocked again, and the dense white swords are joined together.
"Broken heart sword array! Kill
As soon as the Qin Dynasty waved, the sword fell to Qi Yang in Na'an.
And Anqi Yang several times waste nine turn gold thunder, finally found some wrong.
He hastily let the vitality fill the Lingtai, the moment in front of his eyes.
The figure of the little apprentice disappeared.
The old man was very angry and said that he dared to cheat me with my little apprentice!
You, damn it!
But when he recovered Qingming, the sword rain in the sky had already arrived in front of him.
"Boom, boom!"
Anqi Yang can't dodge and is stabbed by the white lotus.
The surrounding land was also affected, and the dust was more than 10 meters high.
After all, this broken heart sword array is a kind of magic art, which is much more powerful than the ten one swords of Dingjun in Shushan.
It seems to be the upgraded version of shadow sword and Wanzong sword in Dingjun's eleven swords.
See an Qiyang eat his own move, and then the body is covered by smoke, Qin Dynasty also sent a breath.
In this way, it should be over
But at this time, out of the smoke and dust, suddenly burst out of a tall golden figure.
"Boy, I'm not dead yet!"
An Qiyang body with a few white gold lotus chop, from the sword rain rushed out.
He had some changes in his figure and became more like a golden dragon.
Now his feet are constantly stepping out of the ground, with a golden tail behind him beating back and forth.
The speed of the whole person, like lightning, blinked in front of the Qin Dynasty.
At the same time, he mouth a nine turn gold thunder, suddenly burst out, directly split in the measures of the Qin Dynasty chest.
It's like a chest tear!
The power of the nine turn golden thunder directly penetrated the body of the Qin Dynasty and penetrated into his internal organs.
Qin Dynasty spewed out a large mouthful of blood. His body was like a kite with broken string. It flew upside down and directly hit the dense forest behind him.
Fallen trees, smoke and dust.
Many practitioners are so surprised.
Good guy, the sect leader of luochamen, who has always been arrogant and arrogant in the cultivation world, was finally knocked down!
It's not easy!
I used to watch him bring down others, but now it's time to be knocked down by others.
"Think a sword array can kill our grave keeper?"
Anqiyang stood there, patting off those white lotus flowers stuck in the scales.
"The hatred of the grave keeper is unstoppable."
With that, he turned and continued to walk towards the Xuanyuan Yingji.
At this time, Xuanyuan Sakura Ji's face with a little pain.
"You killed him I will never let you go. "
Xuanyuan Yingji has a little red in her eyes and is full of murderous spirit.
Her black hair turned silver.
The atmosphere of desolation sent out, and the surrounding ground began to become dry and cracked."The spirit of drought? It's no use. "
Anqiyang but disdain to smile, "your strength now, is not worth mentioning."
With that, he stamped his foot and immediately spread out a golden circle.
The Golden Circle diffused out and dissolved the desolate breath of Xuanyuan Yingji.
"Now, I'll take revenge on you."
With that, anqiyang's body appeared in front of Xuanyuan Yingji. He stretched out his hand and lifted Xuanyuan Yingji up in the air with one hand.
"If you want to kill me, can you give me a request?"
Xuanyuan Yingji did not have a look of fear, but said quietly.
"Say it."
How to say that the other party is also a well-known master of the mountain and sea tomb, an Qi Yang is not bad for her such a word of Kung Fu.
"After killing me, please bury me with him..."
Xuanyuan Yingji reached out and pointed to the direction of the dense forest.
Anqi Yangxin said, I will bury all of you in the tomb of gods and demons, and will never be immortal.
"Let my nine turn golden thunder pierce your throat, and let your blood sacrifice my disciple!"
He opened his mouth.
Xuanyuan Yingji closed her eyes.
I can't be with you when I'm alive.
Then, to die with you is to fulfill my wish.
But just then, from the dense forest, there was a thunderous explosion.
The sound of the Buddha's name made the eardrums of all the practitioners on the scene almost burst!
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