Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 511

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Chapter 511

After a while, a very terrible scene appeared.
Wang Suhong could not help but panic and hid behind her husband.
Because in all directions, groups of people came quickly. Some of them had bricks in their hands, some with pickaxes, and others with kitchen knives.
It's dark, and they surrounded Luo Zhentian in the center. Looking around, there are more than 200 people.
"Who blew the whistle?"
A two meter tall man in a black leather jacket came out with a cigarette in his mouth and asked coldly.
"Six, six!" "He, they, rubbed (beat), rubbed (beat) me," he said vaguely, spurting blood
"Soldiers?" The man, who was called six brothers, raised his eyelids and glanced at Luo Yufeng. He said, "don't you take it in the barracks and run to our Han Shao's territory
"Well, he hit my friend. I'll be merciful if I don't kill that red hair."
Luo Yu Feng said without ceremony.
"In that case, you all stay. If you move our people, you leave a hand. " Six elder brother waved his hand, meaning to start.
"Who dares to move deputy commander Luo?"
The guard immediately pulled out his gun and pointed to the six brothers in front of him. "Anyone who dares to hurt deputy commander Luo will be killed!"
As soon as the guard drew his gun, those punks were all dumbfounded.
These people usually use a knife to chop people down. When have they seen a gun as a killing weapon.
"What's wrong with the deputy commander?" That six elder brother is also stupefied at the beginning, but quickly and again smile way, "our Han Shao also has the background person. Besides, you only have one gun and a few bullets. And we have hundreds of people here. They are all punks. If you can get a deputy commander before you die, it's worth dying. "
With that, he took a step forward.
"Stop!" The guard's reflexive. He's going to shoot. But as the six brothers went forward, more than 200 people around him seemed to be driven forward. They all took a step forward, which shocked the guards.
Indeed, he had only one gun, and it had only one bullet in it. This shot, who should be hit?
The gun in the guard's hand began to swing from side to side, and his eyes kept swimming on the thugs.
Six elder brother disdains to smile, is in the end has not been on the battlefield soldier, just this kind of momentum frightens him.
"Xiao Wang, be steady."
Luo Zhentian also saw the panic of his guard and made a sound to remind him.
"Yes, chief!" The young officer answered and began to take a deep breath.
"Leave it to me." At this time, the Qin Dynasty came over and patted the guard on the shoulder, and then stood in front of him, "I'm good at dealing with these thugs. You go and protect my father-in-law. "
My father-in-law made several people present look different.
Luo Qinglin of course is full of shyness, Luo Zhen Tian is a body shock. However, seeing sun Xueyuan and Sun Yan holding together, the old man can only sigh silently.
Wang Su Hong frowned and died, as if dissatisfied with the thick skin of the Qin Dynasty.
"Another one to die." See Qin Dynasty to come out, that six elder brothers vomited a smoke, disdain ground asks a way, "you kid is mix with who again?"
"Me? I work with Li Baishan. " The Qin Dynasty stood there, carelessly took out a cigarette and put it on his mouth to light it.
"Li Baishan? Who is that? "
A group of thugs looked at each other.
"Boy, do you think you can fool me by making up a name?" That six elder brother's face on the horizontal flesh jumps, "Lao Tzu comes out to mix, you still don't know where knead Baba to play!"
"Ha ha..." Qin Dynasty cold smile, do not care about the words of the six elder brothers.
Most of the 200 people can see the excitement. Although the number of people is large, it is far from the scene when she was chased by a group of real underworld when she was protecting Liao Shasha.
"Six brothers, right?" The Qin Dynasty suddenly raised his head and took a close look at the giant Han in front of him.
"Yes, but the name of six brothers is not what you can call. You boy, you have to call me sixth master. "
"Whatever you are. When you cry with your master, remember to put my name in the newspaper
Finish saying, Qin Dynasty throws cigarette end to the ground, twist with foot.
"What a fool!" The six brothers twisted his neck and made a clack. Then he raised his right leg and slapped his feet in the air, making a burst sound.
"Look, look, six brother's Tam legs!"
The gangsters were all excited.
"Boy, you have to die to understand today."
The six brothers kicked two legs, then bent his knees, a golden rooster standing on the ground, posing as cool as he thought."You sixth master, I'm a gangster, but I'm different from these ordinary punks. Sixth master, I have practiced Tam legs. I was a descendant of northern Shaolin. Boy, you are honored to die on my leg today. "
The Qin Dynasty looked at this giant Han who was a bit of a juggler. It was really hard to laugh or cry. He can only shrug his shoulders and give him three words, "nervous glass"
"Damn it, I think you are twisted That six elder brothers one hears this guy still dare to scold oneself, immediately angry. He did not want to fly a foot, a whip leg, toward the head of the Qin Dynasty.
This leg is majestic. Kicking in the air, all made the sound of breaking the air.
Liuge was originally named Diliu. When he was young, he really learned martial arts in northern Shaolin for a period of time. But because of his hatred and courage, he was often scolded by the abbot. Once, while the abbot was asleep, he gave the abbot a brick on his head. If the abbot hadn't practiced iron head skill, he would have had to open his head.
Then Di Liu was driven out of Shaolin and left for Zhongchuan city to become a gangster. Because he knows how to tame his legs and bully ordinary people, he is appreciated by Han Shao, the underground boss in this area, and then he is promoted to the shoulder of this area.
Di Liu's reputation has always been well known, in this urban-rural mixed zone, has never met an opponent.
But today, he met one of the most terrible enemies in his life.
"Pa!" Qin Dynasty just lightly a hand, from the head next to hold Di six kick over a foot, and then pinch.
"Ah Di Liu thought that he could kick the guy who pretended to be forced over with one foot, but in the end, he was restrained, and his ankle was like being clamped by a pair of tongs and could not move. And the other side a force, the bone is like to break the same.
"You, you, you Let go, let go
"How dare you come out with such skill?" Qin Dynasty ha ha a smile, the strength on the hand increased a bit.
"Ah, ah!" Di six felt that his head was like a drill in the heart, and he couldn't help crying. The little gangsters around were so scared that they looked at the man in front of them one by one.
"What are you doing in a daze? Help me That di six one see under these thugs, one by one was scared silly, can't help but burst out curse.
"Yes, quick, save six brothers!"
"You damn it, let go!"
"Cut him off!"
A gang of thugs and thugs suddenly came up, competing to cut down the Qin Dynasty, in front of six brothers to grab a credit.
"Everybody hide behind me." Luo Yufeng and the guards, as well as the position of the Qin Dynasty, placed a triangle to protect the people in the center. He is not afraid to pick more, because so many gangsters, even if the sea of people, in his eyes are garbage.
But because Linlin and they are all there, they are afraid that these people will be hurt unnecessarily, so protecting them is the first important thing.
Luo Zhentian, however, lost his military coat and took two steps outside.
"What are you doing, old man?"
Wang Shuhong was shocked by her terrible behavior.
"Old man? I'm not old yet! " Luo Zhentian laughed, clenched his fist and said, "if the murderer king of my independent regiment can't deal with several gangsters, how can I have the face to see those brothers when I go down!"
With that, the old man hit the thugs in front of him cleanly and cleanly.
The gangster's nose was bloody, lying on the ground humming.
Luo Zhentian shook his fist and said with a smile, "it's all a group of waste firewood hollowed out by wine and lust. If I'm 20 years younger, I can blow him in the face with this punch
How to talk to the public.
"My uncle is really young!"
Sun Xueyuan's eyes are also full of worship. People are more than 60 years old, and their skills are still like this. But if you look at yourself, he is young, but he becomes a waste.
Even Wang Suhong looks at her husband differently.
"Hehe, of course." Luo Zhentian's face hung arrogantly, "to deal with these small gangsters, it is basically a matter of hand.". Look at my flying legs
The old man said, flying a foot and kicking a gangster in the chest.
The gangster immediately sat down on the ground, and did not wait for people to admire, Luo Zhentian suddenly pressed his waist, a cold sweat on his face.
"Oh I, my waist The waist is twisted
The cold sweat of the Qin Dynasty, after all, is on the age of people, the body bone is not good.
He pulled the legs of didi six, and lifted him up, flying around like a stick.
"Bang bang bang!"
Heavy impact sound sounded, those gangsters, one by one by Di six's body to fly out.
This di six soon was hit silly, eyes are small stars.
The Qin Dynasty made full use of his body and beat him left and right. He was not happy. What's more, the most insidious thing of Qin Dynasty is that he pressed a layer of chaotic vitality on di Liu's body. In this way, although Di Liu bumped into himself, he would not be hurt. The others were not so lucky. One by one, they seemed to have been hit by iron bars. Their bones were broken, their blood was splashing and they were knocked down to the ground.What's it like to be hit by a metal baseball bat? The bone cracked and I couldn't get up for half a day.
After a while, the ground was full of thugs who were lying and humming. Although there are many of them, their weapons are too short. The kitchen knife or the pick handle are not as long as other people's Di six.
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