Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 487

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Chapter 487

But to say a word in advance, it is Liu Chang who hugs the head of Qin Dynasty. The girl's chest is much better than shangguanyan's. The head of Qin Dynasty is on the girl's chest. This is not like a person to die, ah, look at the expression of the Qin Dynasty, but a look of enjoyment.
"This guy is too heavy!" After all, Liu Chang and shangguanyan are ordinary women who can't lift a man of more than 100 Jin.
"Come along Liu Ying, who was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, immediately stood by her sister. She turned over and jumped down from the waist of Qin Dynasty, and then with one arm, she helped two beauties lift up the body of Qin Dynasty.
"Damn it!" Liu Ying is a magic puppet and an angel gene. His strength is like a Warcraft in human skin.
Like riding on the clouds, the Qin Dynasty felt like it was in the air.
"Who dares to touch my longbell's man!"
Once a man of the underworld, how could long Beier, a woman of the underworld, look at her man so bullied. She immediately jumped up, grabbed the body of the Qin Dynasty, not to let those women throw out.
"Ah, don't do this. Brother Qin has not recovered yet! It's going to hurt! "
Li Na startled, quickly stood up, trying to drag Qin back to the hospital bed.
"Tug of war?" Hu Lili rolled up her sleeves and rushed up excitedly, "I'll come, I'll come too!"
"My God, who's in the way of this..." Shi Xin was stunned to see beside him, only felt like he was looking at a YY novel.
"Come on Too, too dangerous... " Fang Wen is like an ant on a hot pot. She stands beside her in a panic, but she can't help.
"Retribution! This is retribution
AI Xiaoxue's heart is very happy, can't help clapping her thighs.
"A bunch of crazy women..." Hu Ke looked through the newspaper and summed up a sentence.
Among them, the quietest two people are only Hu Ke and Xi. Hu Ke, as a female zombie who has lived for thousands of years, has long been indifferent to feelings.
And Xi, it seems, because there is no soul at all, just like a sexy doll, standing by the door.
However, it seems that in the corner of her mouth, there is also a faint smile.
"Su Dong, where are you going
At this time, in the president's office of Guangyuan University, Qin Ling looked at Su Fei, who picked up her coat, looked flustered and rushed out of the office.
"I'm going to the hospital!" Su Fei photographed a newspaper on Qin Ling's desk and then went outside.
Qin Ling looked down and saw that the headline of the newspaper was the news of the man who had disappeared from Guangyuan for a long time.
He was beaten into a vegetable?
"No, miss, my grandfather told me to let the bodyguard follow you when you go out." At this time, Jiang Dong, the fighting housekeeper who had been guarding the door all the time, heard the movement in the room and quickly pushed the door in front of his eldest daughter.
"Get out of the way! Otherwise, don't blame me for firing you! " Su Fei changed her usual pleasant appearance to her subordinates, and her blue eyes twinkled with cold light. Jiang Dong was cold all over, but when he thought of his duty, he stood firmly there.
"Even if the eldest lady fired me, I would not get out of my way!" Besides, Mr. Jiang's head is still on the list
"Now my father is not here, you must listen to me!" Su Fei stretched out her hand and pushed it on Jiang Dong's shoulder.
How dare Jiang Dong work hard with his eldest daughter? When Su Fei pushed him, he quickly gave way, for fear that his anger might hurt her.
With such a yield, Princess Su has already rushed out of the gate.
"Wait a minute, miss!" Jiang Dong rushed to catch up, at the same time took out his own walkie talkie, ordered all the bodyguards.
"Everyone, keep up, protect the lady!"
At the order of the housekeeper of the Su family, from every corner of the administrative office building, more than 20 bodyguards in black, well-trained, followed Jiang Dong behind her.
"It's a nice day today."
Wang wenkun, the school's security director, strolled around the campus carrying a baton as usual. When he saw the bullying freshman, he went up and reprimanded them. He didn't look like a student. What have you brought student ID card, this is the glory of Guangyuan students and so on.
This guy just saw a couple of lovers who were kissing me in the distance. Their adrenaline began to secrete too much. His yellow face, every day at home to his own call to and fro, which made his heart extremely unbalanced.
Seeing other people's sweetness, he has a kind of twisted discomfort in his heart.
"Very good. Let me give you a good lesson." He grinned grimly and walked slowly.
The tension on duty with him is also behind him.
With that fat man's expression, he knew what his director was going to do. This Wang electric stick is simply a psychopath. He has to run to break up the family because of his sexual relations with his husband and wife. Haven't you heard a word? It's better to demolish a bridge than to destroy a marriage. Especially hateful thing, oneself follow him side, with an accomplice like, too his mother's depressed.Just when Wang's electric stick was about to succeed, a figure came flying in the withered forest, which was covered with snow.
"That student, who let you through the woods! Stop The Wang electric stick was immediately excited as if it were electrified, and his expression was like that the excrement shell beetle met with delicious food, and immediately he yelled and came forward.
There are a lot of woods in Guangyuan school, because some students are lazy and want to cut across the woods.
Such uncivilized behavior is naturally prohibited in schools.
But because it is not a big mistake, even if caught, the punishment will not be too heavy, at most is a verbal warning. But Guangyuan's students all know that this is met with other security or school staff.
If you meet Wang electric stick, you will die.
This guy will directly put you in the security office, squat for a day and a night, and then have to inform your director, your department head, in short, a large number of leaders above you will sign and take you away.
Because this guy claims to have something to do with Su Dong, no one dares to offend him. If he wants these, others will have to do as they are told.
Tension is also secretly sorry for the man who ran over. This guy is so bad that he bumps into Wang's hand. This guy who takes chicken feather as an arrow has to peel off the skin for you.
"Get out of here Who knows, that person heard Wang electric stick warning, not only did not fear, but opened his mouth to scold a, listen to the voice to see the figure, was a girl.
"Oh, it's against you!" Wang is not only not angry, but more happy. Now, there is no excuse to clean up your little girl.
"What age, which major, who are your tutors Ah... "
Before he could see who was running over, a man came out from behind the figure.
The man is big and three thick. He runs fast and is very skillful.
As soon as he split his hands, he directly laid the Wang electric stick on the ground.
Then, several big men rushed out, each black suit and black sunglasses. One of them also put his foot on Wang's bigger stomach.
"Mr. Jiang, we found a man who wanted to attack the eldest lady!"
"Where, where, let me see?" Jiang Dong's figure also rushed out from the withered trees, looked at the fat man on the ground casually, and then waved his hand and said.
"It's just a fool. There's no need to waste time for him. Just throw it away."
With that, he turned to chase the eldest lady.
The tension can be seen clearly. Where are the students running out? It's their chairman Su!
Wang's baton is very good. It's forced and loaded. It hit the muzzle of the gun.
However, he was very curious. What did chairman Su do in such a big battle? Is it a declaration of war with other universities? This kind of thing, then how can drop his tension!
This guy is in a hurry, and Qin Ling comes out at last. The Secretary, with her silk stockings hanging on her feet and high-heeled shoes in her hand, chased after Princess Su in a panic.
"Well, Secretary Qin, where are you going
"Qin Dynasty was beaten into a vegetable, lying in the hospital! Su Dong is not at ease. He has to go and have a look! " While running, Qin Ling left a word for tension.
"Damn it, brother Qin has been beaten?" Tension suddenly surprised, who so big this matter, Qin brother to beat into a vegetable? He immediately took out his walkie talkie and told the security guards in the security office.
"Come on, keep up with Su Dong!" Those security guards immediately followed and exclaimed, "let's go and see brother Qin together!"
"This enemy Chen Yingyang also said through the walkie talkie with his voice in his voice, "this is just a few days since he left home, and such a big thing has happened, which makes people very confused."
"Yes, I follow Secretary Qin, Dahai. I remember you bought a second-hand pickup truck. Come on, let's go together!"
"What a coincidence The security guard called Hai Hai patted his thigh and yelled, "it's just that I'm going to transport some Chinese cabbage for my family tonight. The car is parked in the garage. I'll get the car. Ali, follow Secretary Qin!"
With that, the walkie talkie over there began to say in a mess what kind of consolation products to buy.
And that Wang electric stick, at this time grinning from the ground, holding the electric stick in his hand, said to the tension like a threat, "don't go! What's the matter with the school! Whoever dares to leave today will be expelled by me! Hum, I see who dares to go. "
"Fire you, malgobi!" Tensive heart angry, he bear fat not for a day or two days, see him this pair of King Lao Tzu's appearance, don't fight out of a moment, a pull out his rubber stick, to that Wang electric stick fat stomach.
"Poof!" This can be true, tension is not a bit lazy, hit Wang electric stick like cooked shrimp, bent down on the ground, half a day out of breath.
"Damn it, I'll quit. It's better to be a stevedore with brother Qin than to be your grandson. Damn it! You're the mother! Fool Tension took off the armed belt, fell on the face of Wang electric stick, gave him a middle finger, and then ran away after Qin Ling.
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