Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1042

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Chapter 1042

According to Liao Shasha's information, the Qin Dynasty and Suji started the ability of Jiuyou poisonous spider. After crossing the space, they went directly to the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Dongchuan City.
After arriving at the intensive care unit, the first thing they saw was a graceful girl lying beside the bed.
The girl, with two ponytails, was lying on the hospital bed, as if she were sleeping soundly, but there were still tears in the corner of her eyes.
It's a pity that her height is not so tall and her body is not very developed.
Ao Jiao, this is the most standard haughty figure
The Qin Dynasty can't help but sigh when he thinks of his past and Liao Shasha's.
In more than a year, Liao Shasha also changed and grew up a lot.
Suu Kyi saw the girl and raised her eyebrows slightly.
But soon, the brow loosened again.
First of all, she thought of the time when she met Liao Shasha in her hometown of the Qin Dynasty.
But also considering the Qin Dynasty this flower heart ghost's character, also had to let go.
If you see a girl on the jealous words, I'm afraid it will be a lifetime sour.
"Well Let me sleep again Sister Lulu The stink is coming He must have a way... "
Liao Shasha was sleeping soundly and seemed to be having some strange dream.
Qin Dynasty is a bit reluctant to disturb her dream, but Yu Lu's condition is more important, so she pushed it twice.
At this time, the sick beauty lying in bed also attracted the attention of Qin Dynasty.
Yu Lu still has long wavy hair as usual. When she works, her hair is always coiled. But now I'm sick, and I've become scattered. On the contrary, it adds a touch of different charm.
Her face was pale and poor, and the sick beauty was perfectly reflected in her.
Even Su Ji, to see such a beautiful woman, also had to sigh.
This is a beautiful woman with rich charm.
No wonder Qin Dynasty will be so nervous, it seems that she and the Qin Dynasty also have a good relationship.
I remember last time in my hometown, she just showed up in a hurry, brought things and left.
Among them, I'm afraid it's because of Liao Shasha's relationship.
Alas, I don't know how many women, because of the Qin Dynasty, are willing to quietly guard the grievances.
She is, her sister is, and even the female president of Dafa group is the same.
alas, in the Qin Dynasty, how many girls do you have to hurt to be satisfied? AI
Suji can only complain in her heart, but she still has a faint smile on her face.
As the official palace of the Qin Dynasty, she is to give the greatest support to the Qin Dynasty at this time.
"Sasha, wake up, I'm coming."
"Well? Who, who's here... "
Liao Shasha sat up from the side of the bed, rubbed her eyes, turned her sleeping face, and looked at the Qin Dynasty with a little confusion.
Soon, the confusion quickly dissipated and became a kind of excitement, surprise and shock.
But the eyes immediately swept to the beautiful woman behind the Qin Dynasty, and immediately faded down.
"Brother Qin, you're coming so fast. I'm going to hire someone to pick you up in Sunan."
Although Liao Shasha knew that the Qin Dynasty had some superhuman abilities, she did not know that he could move in space.
She stood up and nodded to the Qin dynasty like a gentle lady.
The Qin Dynasty was a little surprised.
I haven't seen you for a long time. I used to shout stinky guy. I like to fight with him and stick to him. Has the little princess grown up.
Even the mentality, have changed, began to call himself brother Qin.
Although calling big brother, but Qin Dynasty can feel invisible, a sense of distance between two people.
This sense of distance made Qin Dynasty feel sad and sad,
but Suji looked at Liao Shasha in surprise.
She is a little strange. During the Spring Festival, the girl still loves Qin Chao very much.
How come half a year later, she has changed completely?
I have to say, she was puzzled that this was a bit of an anomaly.
"I was worried about Yu Lu's illness, so I came here in a hurry."
Qin Dynasty slightly embarrassed smile.
Liao Shasha's attitude became so cold that he was at a loss.
Maybe, men are a little cheap, before Liao Shasha adhere to their own time, only let him feel bored.
Now that he was not valued, he was worried about his gains and losses.
"Oh, it's too fast. Not long after I put the phone on, you came. "
When Liao Shasha hung up the phone, because she was too tired, she fell asleep beside Yu Lu's bed.
Perhaps, in her heart, she felt that he would be able to solve the matter by telling it to the Qin Dynasty.You know, she didn't sleep for two days or two nights.
"When did she begin to do this?"
The Qin Dynasty was more concerned about Yu Lu's condition, so he asked.
"Two days."
Liao Shasha told the Qin Dynasty, "sister Lulu went to a party two days ago, but when she came back, she suddenly fell unconscious."
"Damn it."
The brow of Qin Dynasty frowned deeply, "how to tell me now."
"At first, I thought it was just a minor illness, and I didn't care about it."
Liao Shasha said with some shame, "after all, sister Yu Lu is usually so busy. I thought she was just too tired. She worked hard and became sick. Maybe it would be good to raise her. The doctor also said that she was in good health, but she had not woken up two days later. I asked famous brain experts in the world. They said that sister Yu Lu's brain seemed to stop moving, but they had no way to cure... "
Liao Shasha said, her eyes red again.
"Elder brother Qin, you must rescue sister Yu Lu I, I am such a relative now... "
She begged bitterly.
"Don't worry, I will save her. Stop crying. You're not cute when you cry. "
"Let's make brother Qin laugh."
Liao Shasha took out a paper towel and wiped her tears.
The heart of Qin Dynasty was empty.
Her attitude towards herself has changed completely.
This girl is no longer the proud little Lori in his memory.
Maybe, she will have her own life.
"I want to see her condition first."
Suu Kyi broke the scene slightly embarrassed, said.
She nodded to Qin Dynasty and Liao Shasha, then went to Yu Lu's bed, stretched out two fingers and gently pressed them on Yu Lu's forehead.
The pure Buddha power turns into dazzling golden light and spreads all over the body of Yu Lu in an instant.
Although I know that the Qin Dynasty is unusual, I didn't expect that his palace women were so powerful.
Liao Shasha looked at her and opened her eyes.
"Head down."
She said.
"Sure enough!"
Qin Dynasty is very angry, the left hand became a forest of white.
It was a precursor to his anger.
If there is an enemy in front of him, it must be without hesitation to take a nine you magic palm and burn the enemy to ashes.
"Is it the child God who makes trouble? Let me expel that thing with Buddhism!"
He said coldly.
"It's not a child God, it's a more bizarre Jiangtou tea."
Suu Kyi explored, took back her finger, and said, "the head lowering tea is to put the head lowering medicine into the tea, which can make people fall down unconsciously. And this kind of head dropping, once hit, can be solved by no one except the one who gives it. "
Su Ji's words made Qin Dynasty's eyebrows frown deeper.
"Who killed her! Sasha, what kind of party was that day and who gave her tea? "
"I, I don't know."
Liao Shasha shook her head. "For a long time, the business and social affairs are all made by sister lulu. However, I remember that sister Lulu mentioned that the sponsor of the party was Si Jia. "
"Si Jia! It's them
In the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, there was a faint green light.
"I have been conniving at them. They dare to bully me again and again. Now they even bully me in the Qin Dynasty Friends. "
Think of Liao Shasha and Suji are here, the Qin Dynasty put the word "woman" firmly put in, swallow back into the stomach.
"You are here with Yu Lu. I'll go to the Secretary's house to do something."
Qin Dynasty said, turning around to leave the hospital.
"Wait a minute, don't be impulsive!"
Su Ji quickly pulled him, "now Yu Lu is still in the other side's head, don't act rashly. In case of provoking them, it would be bad to let the head down and take Yu Lu's life directly. "
"What about that?"
The Qin Dynasty was a little tricky and asked anxiously.
It's really depressing. As the master of luochamen, I can't even make a small head down.
"Old man, do you have any way?"
The Qin Dynasty asked rod in his body.
"No, it's OK to kill people, but not good at saving people."
Rod said simply, "even if you make her a puppet, it doesn't work. Head down is too evil. It's not something we deal with professionally. It's better to give it to your little wife. "
He meant Suu Kyi.
"No, I'll go to Rosie."
The Qin Dynasty thought of his contract devil.
"Not even!"
Rod quickly stopped, "you do not have a few wishes to use, now the hell is also covetous for you, let me worry a little bit.""Don't think about it."
Suji also saw the anxiety of the Qin Dynasty. She advised, "well, I'll give Yu Lu an in-depth inspection to see if there is any way to directly expel this head drop..."
"Well, you come."
The Qin Dynasty can only trust Suji.
"You go out first."
SUJ pointed out the door.
The Qin Dynasty blinked.
"In depth research, there must be no trace. You color embryo, go out and take shelter. "
Suu Kyi said mercilessly.
The Qin Dynasty wanted to say that he and Yu Lu had conducted a thorough and in-depth study for a long time, but there was nothing about taking off clothes.
However, just think about this, you can't really tell Suji.
I'll never die.
"Brother Qin, I'll go out with you."
Liao Shasha knew the repression of the Qin Dynasty, and took the initiative to say, "when we're finished, sister Suji should have finished."
"All right."
There were always 10000 people who would not like to, and the Qin Dynasty could only nod their heads.
"Well, sister Suki, I'll borrow your husband first."
Liao Shasha said hello to Suji.
"You can use it at will. You don't have to write the IOU."
Suu Kyi waved her hand. There was a flash of light in her eyes, but she didn't make it clear.
"Let's go, brother Qin."
Liao Shasha took Qin Dynasty's arm and dragged him to the outside of the ward.
"The girl of Liao family is getting more and more mature."
Su Ji shakes his head and laughs bitterly, then begins to undress Yu Lu on the hospital bed.
The Qin Dynasty was led by Liao Shasha all the way to a garden under the hospital.
They found a quiet Pavilion and sat down in front of each other.
At this time, the sky is a red sunset, bright red reflected in the whole garden, it is very romantic and elegant.
However, the heart of the Qin Dynasty was very heavy.
Yu Lu had an accident because of himself. He couldn't get rid of this knot. I hope, Suu Kyi, you can get something.
"Brother Qin..."
At this time, Liao Shasha, sitting opposite, blinked at Qin Dynasty and asked, "do you think I've grown up a little?"
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