Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1270

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Chapter 1270

"Who are you?"
The Qin Dynasty felt that his breath was very familiar, but there was a big difference. I really can't remember who it was.
"Already, don't you remember me?"
The man hiding under his cloak had a low voice, "ha ha ha, it's true. How can you remember such a small role as me However, I am such a small role, but today, I will let you pay a painful price
With that, he reached out his left hand from his cloak.
The bandage wrapped left hand, the top of the white bandage suddenly began to break layer by layer.
Then, a red arm came out.
"Turn to ashes!"
He let out a low roar, at the same time, the red palm, immediately released a red flame.
The flame came fiercely and rushed to the front of Qin Dynasty in an instant.
"What kind of fire is this..."
The Qin Dynasty frowned and stepped back two steps to avoid the fire.
The flame burned on the concrete platform, burning the roof out of the black hole.
Fortunately, there is no one in the building at this time, otherwise it may affect other people.
"This is Corpse fire... "
The Qin Dynasty quickly determined the source of the fire.
"Jie Jie, yes..."
The man said with a strange smile.
When he waved his left hand, the cloak on his face was blown down by the wind.
Seeing his face, the Qin Dynasty was shocked.
"So it's you..."
"Yes, I am Qin Dynasty, you destroyed me, I want you to pay the price
Then he showed his right arm again.
The blue bandage was broken.
"Freeze it!"
With a wave of his right arm, the blue crystal awn instantly spread under the feet of the Qin Dynasty.
Soon, the ice was frozen to the thigh position of the Qin Dynasty.
Su Fei, who was held in her arms by the Qin Dynasty, screamed at this scene.
"Well, what the hell is going on here?"
Qin Dynasty looks nervous. It seems that she can't hide from Princess su.
"Don't worry, it will be ok..."
The Qin Dynasty gently said to Su Fei in her arms.
Su Fei was slightly stunned. For a moment, she looked at the eyes of the Qin Dynasty and was enchanted.
"Han haoxuan, I didn't expect that you would be like this."
Although the legs of the Qin Dynasty were frozen into ice, but still very calm, looking at the opposite Han haoxuan said.
"I became this way because of you."
Han haoxuan stood there, hands bare outside, two arms, two colors.
"After being destroyed by you, I was in agony But fortunately, I met the military master... "
There was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes.
"The great military master has given me such magical power! Since then, I am no longer the one who was bullied by others! My strength can conquer everything
When he said this, he threw the red ball out of his left hand.
"You will be my first booty. Ha ha ha, go to hell!"
The fireball exploded in front of the Qin Dynasty.
Su Fei exclaimed. She thought she was going to be burned, but she didn't feel any pain.
She opened her eyes in surprise and saw Qin Dynasty holding himself in one hand and holding his right hand in front of her.
His right palm blocked the fireball!
Red flame, flying around, rolling along the hands of the Qin Dynasty to the left and right. The ice on him melted away because of the fire.
Looking at the red flames all over the sky, Su Fei just felt more incredible.
Such a flame, burning through the cement, how can it be blocked by a hand of the Qin Dynasty?
Qin Dynasty What's the trouble with him
The Qin Dynasty closed the right palm and instantly put out the flame.
"Do you think you can do anything with me now?"
"I know, you are very strong..."
Han haoxuan Jie Jie said with a smile, "but with the help of the military master, I have already been a master of the golden nine! I can still kill you
Gold body nine heavy master?
How can the military master be so powerful! Casually, an ordinary person was tempered into such a master?
"He's dead inside."
Rod reminded the Qin Dynasty, "it can be said that he is a corpse king who has been infused with a lot of soul power. Although his realm has improved rapidly, it can be said that he is actually dead... "
"What..."The Qin Dynasty was shocked.
"And the human soul is powerful."
Rod continued, "that's why the angels, the demons, are fighting for souls. And we, the practitioners, practice our soul, from the ghost to the Yang God At this time, the soul power of this guy is so terrible that I don't know how many souls are condensed out... "
"Let you taste my horror!"
Han haoxuan said, suddenly removed the bandage on his right foot, revealing his purple leg.
His cloak turned over and his figure disappeared in an instant.
The power of the shadow corpse king!
Han haoxuan body, how to condense so many corpse King's strength?
From the fire corpse king, to the ice corpse king, and then to the shadow corpse King
How can his human body hold the power of so many corpse kings?
The military master, really so weird?
Who the hell is he?
"He, where has he gone..."
Su Fei found that the other side had lost her figure and asked in a hurry.
"Hold me tight..."
Qin Dynasty clasped her hands around Su Fei, then bent her knees and squatted on the ground.
At this time, Han haoxuan's figure also appeared.
He was flying up his right leg. A sweeping sweep just passed over the head of the Qin Dynasty.
"You're far from it."
The Qin Dynasty looked at Han haoxuan's astonished eyes, and at the same time, he wanted to move.
But Han haoxuan's reaction was not slow, and disappeared in an instant.
"The shadow corpse King's speed is not slow."
The Qin Dynasty stood up again and said, "however, for me, it's still slow and terrible..."
"Brag, no draft!"
Han haoxuan's voice came from all directions, "who can match the speed of Shangying corpse king?"
"Do you really think so?"
Qin Dynasty hair, slightly began to mix up a little white inside.
The power of Jiuyou evil tiger is attached to the body.
He was holding Princess Su, and his figure suddenly disappeared.
When he reappeared, one foot fell and was kicking on Han haoxuan's back.
Han haoxuan widened his eyes, full of consternation.
He may not want to understand, why, the Qin Dynasty can catch up with his speed!
The figure of Han haoxuan was kicked off in an instant. In a blink of an eye, he flew out of the distance of tens of meters. Finally, he directly hit a teaching building on the opposite side and dented the walls of the building.
"The Qin Dynasty What's going on here... "
Princess Su felt that her head was not enough
"You'll soon find out."
Qin Chao sighed.
Sometimes, some things, should come, will come.
"Damn it! Why is this so? "
Han haoxuan, who was squeezed in the middle by the crushed stones, suddenly gave out an unwilling roar.
There was a faint black light around him, and he wandered around.
The surrounding stones were suddenly lifted.
He flew out of the teaching building, floating in the air, glaring at the Qin Dynasty.
"I will make you pay for it!"
He pulled the bandage off his left leg.
Suddenly, the left leg appeared in front of Qin Dynasty and Su Fei.
At that moment, Su Fei had a very disgusting feeling.
Because on the man's left leg, there are eyes.
Those eyes are connected with the flesh, turning left and right, and finally staring at this side of the Qin Dynasty.
More disgusting
Princess Su was very upset.
"Qin Dynasty, I want you to die! Jie Jie Jie... "
Han haoxuan laughs strangely, the eyeballs on his left foot, one by one, begin to burst.
At this time, a lot of black gas also came out.
These black dead gas, Han haoxuan's clothes all torn.
Suddenly, his body was exposed.
The Qin Dynasty frowned.
Because his limbs are completely sewn on.
Yan Luo Men's needle for sewing corpses
No wonder this guy has three kinds of power of corpse King
His left foot is the last strength
The black stillness continued to swim, and soon wrapped up Han haoxuan's body.
"Coming, coming!"
The military instructor sitting in the distance watching the battle suddenly got excited.
"Late autumn, this is my research achievement! Isn't it great, it's beautiful! "
One side of Mu wanqiu, a little pale.What's the problem
And at this time, Qin Dynasty and Su Fei's face is not very good-looking.
Because Han haoxuan, at this time, completely turned into a monster.
He is more than three meters tall and has four arms, two red and two blue.
At the same time, his power also ascended to the extreme in an instant and became the realm of the thunder robbery period.
It's terrible
The military division has mastered the method of climbing strength.
Besides, it's disgusting
"Well, my body, isn't it beautiful..."
Han haoxuan spits out his tongue and says with strange laughter.
"Your aesthetic needs to be reinvented."
The Qin Dynasty held Su Fei in her arms and said, "completely out of the category of human beings."
"Jie Jie Jie, people like you will not understand the beauty of this power..."
Suddenly he opened his arms and let out a howl.
A green light, straight into the sky.
For a moment, the sky darkened.
Black clouds, everywhere.
"What's the matter?"
Xie Jun, who has entered the campus, can't help but look up.
Just now, it's still sunny. Why is it cloudy now?
Is it going to snow?
However, this kind of cloud, does not seem to hinder
And all the police present had a very uncomfortable feeling.
They couldn't help pressing their foreheads.
"It's hard..."
"My God, what's going on? I'm so sad..."
"Thank you, there's something strange here..."
Listening to the voices of his men, Xie Jun was also very depressed.
How can you feel like this?
What is it that can affect the whole campus environment?
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