Novel Name : My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1100

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Chapter 1100

Li Enhao felt that he had a bloody mildew.
Inexplicably, he was said to be an agent and was taken to the National Security Bureau for interrogation.
Finally, it was made clear that this young master Li was indeed the successor of the four-star heavy industry. The second generation of rich people could not be a special agent of Shenma.
So, in the early morning, Li en Hao was released and the two FBI apologized to him all the way.
The FBI's eyes are wide open.
Li Enhao did not accept the two FBI apologies, he felt very angry.
These American devils are just a group of savages!
A man of his own status was taken to the Security Bureau as a guest!
It's ridiculous. It's an insult to him!
This sentiment was brought to the press conference the next day.
It was not until he saw Zheng Siqi, a researcher in a white coat, standing on the stage that he forgot all his troubles yesterday.
Beautiful woman!
This is the real beauty. Even the annoying Chinese woman I saw yesterday is not comparable to the beautiful woman!
"This, it must be a researcher from South Korea."
Li Enhao asked a consultant beside him.
"Mr. Li, she is not Korean. She is Ms. Zheng Siqi of China."
"Nonsense! She's Korean
Li Enhao glared at the consultant, "listen, she's still surnamed Zheng! Zheng is our Korean surname, she must be Korean, no doubt! Sure enough, only we in the Republic of Korea can have such beautiful women
"Mr. Li is right..."
The consultant nodded quickly.
"Very well. As soon as the press conference is over, I'll offer this woman dinner."
Li said.
The counselor is worried, this dandy.
He didn't pay attention to the products on the press conference. He only paid attention to a beautiful woman!
If the old chairman knows about it, he will not be angry about heart disease.
"Mr. Li, we will try our best to arrange it..."
But after all, they are the eldest childe, so the consultant can only give a clue.
But it's too difficult.
From the moment the beauty appeared, the consultant found out that she was accompanied by two FBI.
Is this woman a key protection figure? So, let the FBI protect her?
The consultants don't know that the two FBI are not protecting Zheng Siqi, but monitoring her!
Zheng Siqi is also very depressed. Can't he go back to his own country?
If it wasn't for the agent I saw a few days ago, she would be desperate if she told her country would send someone to pick her up.
She wants to go home.
after all, parents and friends are all in mainland China.
She devoted herself to the research of the satellite project. As a result, she couldn't even return home, which made her very depressed.
As for the terms offered by the United States, Zheng Siqi is not excited at all.
Her family is not short of money, although her father is not a rich man, but also a small rich man. Some of their own patents, also have a very rich income.
At the beginning, she really shouldn't have come to the United States. If she hadn't taken a fancy to the excellent hardware conditions of the American Research Laboratory, she would not have come here a long way.
Come, can't you go back?
While standing on the stage, Zheng Siqi was demonstrating a space satellite program, while sweeping around with the remaining light.
Several American soldiers stood at the door, just like the door god, blocking their own way home.
Her eyes, soon put on the corner of a cleaner's body.
It's him. He's coming!
Sure enough, the motherland did not give up on itself.
Whether it's because of satellite weapons or something else, at least the motherland has come to save itself
Alas, it is also a kind of sadness. If there is no satellite weapon, the country may not take such a big risk to take it away.
And if there were no satellite weapons, the United States would not be so tough to keep itself.
I invented such a thing, in the end, is it right or wrong
Zheng Siqi's head, in the study of those high-tech devices, 100 enough.
But when I think about it, I don't know what to do.
Formulas and so on, they look complicated, but they are dead, at your disposal. But you don't want to be human.
Zheng Siqi is confident to develop a weapon of terror, but she is not confident to understand a person.
"Do you have any questions about this new satellite communication signal product?"
Zheng Siqi righted her golden glasses and asked.
"Miss Zheng, I'm Li Enhao, the CEO of four star heavy industries. I have a question."South Korea's four-star heavy industry representative, Lee en Ho, suddenly raised his hand.
The mobile phone industry of the four-star heavy industry has made rapid progress in recent years. It seems that they want to enter the communication industry.
Zheng Siqi nodded. "Mr. Li Enhao, please go ahead."
"Miss Zheng, are there Korean people among your parents or elders?"
Li Enhao asked a word that stunned everyone present.
I thought I was going to ask about communication, but I didn't expect that Mr. Li would say such a sentence.
"I don't know why Mr. Li Enhao asked this question, but I can answer: No, my parents and all my relatives are Chinese. I am also a thorough Chinese."
Zheng Siqi replied coldly.
"No way, you must have Korean blood! Only the people of the Republic of Korea can have such beautiful women, and only the people of the Republic of Korea can invent such advanced communication satellites
"If Mr. Li doesn't have any other questions, please ask others."
Zheng Siqi is too lazy to pay attention to this idiot and cast her eyes to other people.
Li Enhao wanted to say a few more words, but he sat down indignantly after being pulled by his advisers.
"What are you pulling me for? I haven't finished yet!"
"Mr. Li, yes, let's wait until we have a date with Miss Zheng."
The Counselor's face was in a cold sweat. "Miss Zheng will be embarrassed at such a big occasion now."
"Yes, yes, you are right."
Li en Hao nodded, "I'm the successor of four-star heavy industry. Miss Zheng will certainly favor me."
Counselor heart said, you also his mother know that he is the successor of four-star heavy industry, the face of the four-star heavy industry let you lose all!
However, this communication plan is of great significance to four star heavy industries. The consultant is not in charge of Mr. Li, and several professional colleagues begin to ask questions in turn.
In this professional field, Zheng Siqi is the absolute queen.
In the face of all the professional questions, she answered them one by one, which made the questioners very satisfied and expected more and more about the communication satellite.
At the end of this round of questions, suddenly, a representative from China stood up.
"Miss Zheng, I have a question for you, too."
"Are you?"
Seeing that the other side spoke standard Chinese, Zheng Siqi's face hung up with a slight smile.
"I'm Qin Dynasty, chairman of Huarong Technology Co., Ltd., and I have a question to ask Miss Zheng."
"Excuse me."
Zheng Siqi nodded.
"Well, Miss Zheng, since you said that you are Chinese, why don't you take your own patent back to the motherland and serve your own country?"
The sharp question of the Qin Dynasty shocked all the people
all of a sudden, the reporters beside them, one by one, flashlights flashed on and quickly gave the Qin Dynasty lens.
"Damn it!"
Ralph, the head of the national security agency responsible for the security, muttered angrily.
"Who let this guy in? He's not here to make trouble."
"Sir, he is indeed the chairman of a Chinese technology company..."
A nearby FBI quickly said, "I guess he asked out of a kind of Chinese pride..."
"What's the pride of these damned Chinese monkeys! If he asks again, get rid of him! "
"Sir Those reporters are watching... "
The FBI is a little nervous.
"Do you care about the dissatisfaction of several journalists or the anger of the president?"
Ralph asked. The FBI stopped talking.
The expulsion of the Chinese representative will at most lead to speculation in the public opinion and protests from the Chinese government. But they are just protesting at most. It is the most important thing for them to have satellite weapons in their hands!
"Sorry, I don't want to answer that question."
Zheng Siqi's face is not good-looking.
Where does this bore come from? Ask yourself this question!
Of course, I want to go home! But you have to have this chance! How can he say that, my mother has become the kind of person who worships foreign countries!
Damn it!
Cheng Ying beside, gently pushed the Qin Dynasty.
The Qin Dynasty understood that she was reminding herself.
And a few men in black suits are slowly approaching themselves from all around.
"Well, actually, Miss Zheng, I just made a joke."
The Qin Dynasty touched the moustache and said with a smile, "the following is a serious problem."
"Excuse me."
Zheng Siqi has lost the previous cordiality to this annoying ghost.
It's another guy who doesn't know anything but thinks he's right.Hurry to ask, and then get out of here!
In Zheng Siqi's heart, there is a little bit of violence.
"Qiqi, don't you forget that I'm your fiance!"
A sudden sentence from the Qin Dynasty surprised the audience again.
Is this a product launch? What a mess!
"You, you are joking
Zheng Siqi is a little angry. Where the hell is this? Come here to make fun of my mother!
He's over thirty years old. He's still with his wife. He says he's his fiancee! No mistake!
The scene is a bit chaotic, but the reporters and the media are very excited, a strong shot.
Is the product launch the scene of courtship! Big news!
"Dear Kiki, I know you are still angry with me, but I really love you Please come back... "
Qin Dynasty one face affectionate ground, to that stands in the press conference speech stage Zheng Siqi said.
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